Saying the words you think should be heard
Pleasing every one and no one, your heart rots
That’s fine, of course, whatever, how absurd
Taking on hues and tones of those around you
Blending, never calling attention your way
Losing yourself or never knowing who
Nothing changed until that autumn colored day
Who are you? Whomever you want, I can be her and I do
Responding, not now, no one ever searched I’m sure
No, not nearly good enough, I have a plan for you
Muted shades and fading simply won’t do anymore
Unique, beautiful, an original I know that is you by my side
No stopping, you search, prod getting answers I don’t know how
Finding a girl I remember, my eyes open so wide
You push, I’ve found my voice, I have new colors now
Mine, splendid, shiny, glossy, they don’t scare you away
You opened my heart and let them escape and be free
Scary sometimes, I often retreat. No, we’ll take it day by day
Chameleons are fine, but that is not you. Show the colors meant for me.
No hiding from life or what I can share with you
I discover so many colors hidden away in my soul
Pastel shades gone, vibrancy embraces me, no baby blue
The wall flower no color girl is gone, you’ve made me true