Tom blew a kiss at the wall across from the bed. Next to him, Claire and Brenna were snuggled against his sides. It was the sexiest human sandwich he had ever been involved in. Hell. it was the only one he had ever been in. The previous threesome with Roxanne and Claire did not end up with this grouping after sex.
“So, you enjoyed the show?” Tom held the phone while Brenna rubbed her hand across his chest.
“Yes, three beautiful bodies fucking…what is not to enjoy?” Roxanne smirked. she knew Tom was not expecting her to be viewing the action. She loved keeping him off balance. The warm body next to her stirred. Roxanne reached over with her free hand and stroked her cheek.
“This must be your place. Makes sense. I was wondering how the two of them could afford rent on a place like this so close to the beach.”
“Smart boy. Yes, it is mine. Kudos for the ass fucking you gave Claire. She really did ‘take it like a big girl’…” Roxanne’s partner reached over and toyed with her nipple, twisting and tweaking the stiff nub. In response, Roxanne found her nether region. Dipping a finger inside, she began tracing her lips, ever so slowly. Her partner moaned in response to the lazy assault on her pussy.
“Thanks. God, she is so tight. So do you video all of their sexual activity?” Tom’s free hand found Brenna’s nipple. Her firm, perfect mounds begged for his touch. He could not resist, even though he had just shot massive loads of cum into Brenna’s virgin cunt and Claire’s equally virgin ass. He should be satiated, but the sight of a Playboy quality breast, just inches from him, was too much to resist.
“Not all. I have it running at all times. I delete much of it, but the interesting footage is saved. This one will go into my favorites folder.”
“I would love to see what is in that folder, dear. I imagine some very provocative film.” Tom tweaked and tugged on the rapidly responding nipple. Brenna, her eyes still closed, pursed her pouty lips and gave a little sound. Not a moan, not a groan, but a sexy little sound that was both and neither at the same time.
“You may get to see excerpts if you are a good boy. I will take my leave now. I have company that requires my attention. We will talk soon, lover.” Roxanne hung up and turned to the warm and sexy body sharing her bed. A tousle of brown hair moved down her body. It stopped right above her hips. A tongue lapped at Roxanne’s womanhood. Roxanne reached out and pulled her in closer, in an attempt to get more of that tongue into her dripping wet snatch.
“Are you free to stay the night, my pet?”
Roxanne’s partner looked up, face covered in her juices and dripping all over the sheets. “Mhm. I texted him earlier. Said I would be back tomorrow, in the afternoon. Said work went longer than expected.” She resumed her assault on Roxanne’s gaping pussy.
“Good girl. I have plans for you that will take the rest of the evening, and will continue first thing in the morning. He can have you back after I am done with you.”
“I am yours. He is my best friend and my partner, but not a lover anymore. I have found the wonders of female love and it has captivated me.” She nipped at Roxanne’s clit, eliciting a squeal.
Tom set his phone back on the nightstand. While his two companions slept, snuggled into his chest on each side, Tom mused about the revelation. Roxanne was the master of her own little universe. It was not a bad thing, but Tom needed to tread lightly if he wanted to be a part of it. And he definitely did. He did a mental checklist. In the past few days, he had bedded Roxanne. She was in her absolute sexual prime. Tall, athletic, smart and experienced. If she was inclined, she could have been an escort at the very top, the kind only the uber-rich could afford. Or be a madam. He shook his head. He was only thinking about her skill and her charms. But Charlie Sheen would have had her number on speed dial. Tom laughed at the thought.
He checked his phone again. There was a message from Monica. It said her client meeting had run long with no end in sight. So she was going to stay and finish in the morning. She would be home in the afternoon. Tom relaxed. He could stay the night and beat Monica home. And fuck these two beauties again before he left. His cock stirred at the thought. It was good to be him. Sexually, that was something he couldn’t have said for over a decade.
Tom sat in the bar at a little table. It was in a little boutique hotel located a couple of blocks from the beach and within walking distance to the main streets with shopping and restaurants. He sipped on a glass of scotch, neat. The drive up the coast had been relaxing, which was unusual for Southern California. Gridlock was a way of life. Yet he had encountered no traffic to speak of and the weather was perfect. As the golden liquid slid down his throat, he closed his eyes and savored the complex notes.
“Um, excuse me. Would you happen to be Tom?”
Opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was a pair of blue eyes. They were big, sparkling and hopeful. Auburn hair fell in soft curls to her shoulders. Her skin was pale, but with a healthy glow. She was cute. Girl next door, but with a sexy overtone.
“I would be him. That must mean that you are Kianna.” Tom stood up and reached out his hand. Kianna took it and moved in close. She reached up and put her hand behind Tom’s neck and pulled him down from his 6’1″ height. Standing on her toes, she kissed his lips.
They were so soft, thought Tom. They tasted like strawberry lip balm and summer. Electricity shot through him like he hadn’t felt in years. Like a first kiss. Then he felt her tongue press open his lips and begin to explore his mouth. Tongues danced for several minutes and Tom caressed her back, letting his hands roam and finally settling on her firm ass cheeks. Squeezing and massaging, Tom was carried away until he remembered where he was. He broke their fever-pitched kiss and looked around. An older couple were staring in at them. She looked irritated; he looked envious.
“Well, that was a great start, don’t you think? Check one from my list,” Kianna said with a smirk. “You are a pretty good kisser, for an older guy…” She winked and poked him in the ribs.
“Hey, just because I am old enough to, wait, never mind. Hey, what list?” Tom’s hand continued to stroke her back as she looked up at him.
“I have a list of all the sexual things I want to do during this trip.”
“Shhh, keep it down. That lady over there is already giving me the stink eye. She must think I am a dirty old man.” The older woman glared at them, but mostly in Tom’s direction. Truth be told, she was probably only ten years older than Tom, but she seemed much older than he felt. Tom was a young fifty-four. Most people guessed he was in his forties. He was still fit and had only a touch of gray in his full head of light brown hair. He listened to some of the same music as his kids and had always been able to talk to his daughter’s friends. They called him the cool dad. He loved talking to younger women, especially on Lush. He had recently discovered that he especially enjoyed pleasing them sexually.
“Okay, but even if she could hear me, so what. He looks like he could use some attention, so maybe she could pick up some pointers to make his life a bit better. I could always give her a copy of my list…” Kianna laughed out loud and the older woman shook her head.
Tom grasped Kianna’s arm gently but firmly and said, “Let’s go get something to eat. I’m famished.”
“But I wanted to start on my list…” Kianna gave him a pouty look.
“We will have plenty of time for your list, sweetie, but this ‘old guy’ needs nourishment before he performs.”
“How about some Gatorade and an energy bar?” Kianna winked at him and gave Tom her best puppy dog face. It didn’t seem to be working, as Tom continued to guide her out of the door and onto the sidewalk.
“I know a little place not far from here. It’s quiet and the food is good.”
The waitress seated them in a quiet corner and smiled at Tom. He could see her sizing up Kianna and doing the math in her head. She took their order, all the while giving Tom a look. She was about twenty-five and pretty. Tom could hardly keep from grinning at the way Kianna glared at her. She was like a little dog marking her territory. She moved close to Tom and had a hand on his body at all times. The waitress winked at Tom and left.
Tom laughed after she had walked back towards the kitchen.
“What is so funny?”
“You. Like a dog protecting her bone. You should have seen how you glared at that poor waitress. Jealous much?”
Kianna crossed her arms. “I do not know of what you speak, sir.” She tried to look aloof, but her countenance broke after only a few seconds. “Was I that bad?” Her face now wore a sheepish grin.
“Yes, you were. But I thought it was kinda cute.”
Kianna reached over and touched Tom’s thigh. He was wearing a thin pair of black jeans, the kind with a bit of stretch in the fabric so she could feel his powerful quads as her hand moved up towards his torso. She stopped when she encountered flesh that was not his quad muscle. It was semi-hard, and getting harder under her fingers. She gasped and looked into Tom’s eyes with surprise.
“What is that?”
“If I have to tell you, then you are not ready for what I have planned later…”
“I mean, what the fuck, Tom? You never told me that you were that fucking big? All the times we played and chatted, not one word?” She continued to stroke and squeeze Tom’s cock under the table.
“You never asked. Mmm, that feels really good, baby…” Tom shifted slightly to allow Kianna better access to his thickening cock.
Kianna continued her assault on Tom’s member. The waitress returned with their food and Kianna smiled at her as she rubbed the head through the thin fabric. She looked over at Tom as he struggled to maintain a nonchalant demeanor. Kianna could swear that the waitress knew what was going on under the table even though she gave no outward sign of any such knowledge.
Kianna finally let go of Tom’s cock. They both ate quickly. Tom paid the check and they headed back to the hotel.
Upon entering, Tom asked, “Okay, so what about this list?” He leaned against the wall and folded his arms.
Kianna sat on the couch in the front room of the suite. “This is nice.” She looked around, admiring the decor. “Very classy, I’m impressed.” She held up a finger and curling it, motioned for Tom to come over. He obliged and looked into her eyes.
“All kidding aside, are you sure about this? If at any time you change your mind, just say so. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do… or anything at all.”
Kianna saw the earnestness in his eyes. She had been a bit nervous still. Here she was, nineteen and in a hotel room with a man old enough to be her father. She had only texted and voice chatted with him. Part of her kept saying she was foolish for being here at all. But the look in his eyes made her fears melt away. At that moment she knew she had made the right choice. Tom was the right person to take her virginity.
“Thank you for saying that. But I am sure. I want you to show me how to have sex. I have seen videos and talked and thought about it for so long. I want to experience all of it.” She reached up and touched his cheek.
It was so gentle, unlike the attack on his cock in the restaurant, thought Tom.
Their lips met. Kianna needed no lessons in making out. She had told Tom about the boys at school. She had no shortage of suitors, as she was outgoing and beautiful. A slight runner’s body, toned and firm. Pert breasts, a small B-cup, but it was her ass that turned heads. Just perfect.
Tom unbuttoned her blouse, maintaining eye contact the entire time. He nuzzled her neck, eliciting a cooing sound as he unhooked her bra. Her breasts were revealed to him. Dark pink areola topped by stiff nipples. He sucked one into his mouth.
“Oh fuck, that feels good,” Kianna moaned. She had guys paw at her tits before. The young guys were rough and tried to get into her pants but she had refused every one of them. Tom’s ministrations were of a much higher quality.
After working both sides, Tom moved down her stomach, licking and nibbling as he headed south. He only stopped to remove her shorts. Hooking his thumbs in the band of her thong, he pulled the thin fabric down and off her legs. He looked up and, in her eyes, saw smoldering lust. Any last thoughts that she might regret this vanished.
Kianna bit her lip as Tom spread her thighs. Oh god, he is going down on me, she thought. She had waited so long for someone to pleasure her orally. She had offers. Most of the guys had tried to get into her pants, and some of them would have licked her pussy in return for a blowjob. Some even said it in those exact words. But none of them had come close to being worthy. Tom ran his tongue along her inner thigh, causing her to shiver.
Kianna’s scent hit Tom as he worked his way up her thighs. Pheremones are a wonderful thing, he thought, as her aroma aroused him. So clean and yet with a hint of musk. He had to taste her. His tongue traced her outer lips.
“Unh…” Kianna whimpered. “Lick it, Tom, please lick me.”
Tom continued to tease her. Closer, then farther away. Kianna bucked her hips, desperately trying to get Tom’s lips to touch her clit. Finally, he ran his tongue from her puckered asshole to her clit.
“Oh fuck yes, do that again, PLEASE!”
Again and again, Tom ran his tongue over her dripping wet pussy. He slid two fingers into her sopping channel and found her G-spot.
“Shit, oh fuck, what did you just do? God, please do it again.”
Kianna was on the edge. He had heard her in voice chat and knew she was ready to cum. He sucked her swollen clit into his mouth and thrust his fingers deeper. She fell off the edge, screaming in agony and ecstasy.
“I’m fucking cumming…Oh GOD, I”M CUMMING!” Kianna’s orgasm ripped through her body like a shockwave. She had great climaxes, but this was otherworldly. No vibrating buzz toy had ever made her feel like this. Her vision dimmed and her thigh muscles locked.
When her orgasm subsided, she found Tom grinning at her from between her legs. His face was shiny from her juices. He licked his lips and said, “Another item checked?”
“Hell, yes. That was amazing! I could get used to that on a regular basis.” She stretched and her breasts flattened on her chest while her nipples pointed straight up, still hard from her arousal.
Tom sat up and removed the rest of his clothes. His cock was hard and throbbing. “Come here.” He reached out and took Kianna’s hand, pulling her towards him.
Kianna knew what Tom wanted. She could see his hard cock and the need in his eyes. She wanted it to. She hoped she would be good. She had seen videos but never had actually touched a penis. let alone put one in her mouth. She kneeled in front of him, between his thighs, and looked at Tom.
“Take it in your hand, gently.”
Her small hands could not wrap around his girth completely, but she took his shaft and felt it throb. It was hard yet the skin was so soft.
“Slide your hands up and down the shaft. Don’t squeeze, just light pressure. That’s it.”
Warm, throbbing flesh in her hands, slick with her saliva. Kianna had imagined this moment for so long. It was now reality and she savored it.
“Mmm, now lick the tip.”
Kianna tentatively touched his purple head with her tongue. Tom nodded, so she began to lick the head. A lollipop was the tired analogy, but it was apt. She lapped at it and Tom groaned in response to her tongue’s activity.
“Yes, baby. That’s really good. Now open wide and take my cock into your mouth.” Tom’s head slipped into her open mouth, stretching her lips as it slid in deep.
Warm, hard flesh was suddenly in her mouth. Again, she had seen and thought about this for so long. Now Tom’s cock invaded her oral cavity and she felt it pulse. Her teeth raked along the surface.
“Ouch. Watch your teeth. Use your tongue and lips to keep your teeth from touching. Mmm, that’s much better.”
Saliva dripped from Kianna’s lips as the thick shaft slid in and out. Tom began slowly fucking her mouth and gently held her head as his hips thrust forward.
Kianna relaxed and began to enjoy the hard shaft as it slid in and out. She sucked in and pressed her tongue on the firm flesh.
“I’m going to fuck your face now. Just hold still and relax. The tip will hit the back of your throat, but don’t worry, just relax and see if you can let it pass.”
Kianna felt her gag reflex activate, but managed to keep from spitting his cock out. Breathing through her nose, she tried to remain calm.
“Cup my balls. Gently, just stroke them. That’s it.” She was doing so well for her first time, thought Tom. He felt his balls tighten as his orgasm neared.
Kianna was getting into the rhythm of Tom’s cock pumping in and out of her mouth. Her hands massaged his balls. She reveled in the feel of his massive shaft filling her. She noticed his cock swell and felt his balls rise. Was he going to cum? This crossed her mind as his tempo increased.
“Uhhh, okay, I’m going to cum, sweetie. Get ready. Uhhh, uhhh, fuck I’m gonna cum real soon.” Tom held the back of her head and pumped his swollen cock deep into Kianna’s mouth. Grunting, he roared, “Here it is, Aww fuck, I’m cumming!”
Hot blasts of cum shot into Kianna’s mouth and down her throat. Instinctively she swallowed as her mouth filled with Tom’s sperm. Tom’s thighs tightened and his ass clenched as he continued to pump his seed into Kianna.
When his orgasm subsided, Tom opened his eyes and saw Kianna wiping the excess cum from her cheeks and licking her fingers.
“I love to see you lick up my cum, sweetie. How does it taste? You must like it, right?”
“Mhm. Kinda salty and just a little sweet. Another box checked.” Kianna smiled at Tom. “I need a break, though.”
“Me too. Why don’t you take a quick nap? When you wake up, we can order toom service and continue, if that is what you want.”
“Mmm, that sounds pretty good.” Kianna squeezed his hand and walked to the bedroom.
He marveled at her lithe form as she moved across the room. The last image in his mind was her tight ass cheeks disappearing from his view as she entered the bedroom. A robe hit him in the head and he heard a giggle. He put it on and reclined on the couch. He opened up his laptop and went to his home page on Lush. The inbox showed several items.
Several authors that he followed had posted new stories. And there was a message from Paisley. He stared at the screen. He had not heard from her in a while. So much had happened since they had last texted. He opened the message, wondering what she had to say and how she was doing.
Hey there, stud. I am so sorry that I disappeared like that. A lot of things went down all at once and I just needed some time to sort everything out. I think I have everything taken care of now. So…I am making good on our deal. Open the video and let me know what you think.
The video icon was there, daring him to open it. Had she really made a video of herself? He had hoped she would, but it seemed so long ago. He had met Roxanne, Kianna, Claire, and Brenna. His fantasies had become reality. In the next room, slept a sexy young woman who wanted him to take her virginity. What would she think if he watched a video of a sexy woman rubbing her pussy to orgasm while she was in the next room? He paused before opening the video.
He had made no promises to anyone. For god sakes, he was not in high school and exclusively dating anyone. Kianna had played with many men on Lush before they met. He imagined that she still did. He clicked on the video and the player opened on his screen.
Paisley appeared on the screen, lying on her bed. She addressed Tom with a smile. “So, stud, here is your video like I promised. Hope you like it.” She opened her robe and revealed her breasts. Tom couldn’t take his eyes off her. Every curve, the tone of her skin, each movement captivated him. Her hands roamed her body and tweaked and stroked her flesh. Eyes closed, Paisley moaned with desire and mounting lust.
She opened her eyes and looked straight into the camera. “Tom, I’m thinking of your cock, hard and throbbing. I want it. I need it.” Her lips were dark and swollen. She stroked them and thrust her fingers into her depths, never breaking eye contact with the camera. Tom felt like she was looking into his soul.
Paisley took a deep breath and her breasts rose and fell. Hard nipples pointed at the screen, begging Tom to give them attention. He knew exactly what she liked. He had played with her exquisite breasts in his mind and on his keyboard many times. His descriptions had gotten Paisley off over and over. Seeing her now was causing his cock to awaken from its post-orgasm slumber.
Tom leaned forward, wanting to get a better look at Paisley’s body and what she was doing to it. She played her body like an instrument, fingering herself with the skill of a concert violinist. She was nearing her climax, based on the sounds she made. Tom had seen beautiful women in the throes of orgasm recently, but none of those gorgeous creatures were more intoxicating than the vision of eros personified on his screen.
“Oh fuck, Tom, I’m gonna cum!” Paisley’s fingers were a blur on her clit. Her skin was slick with perspiration. Raising her hips off the bed, she came. Hard.
“Uh, UHHHHH! I’m CUMMING!” Paisley’s orgasm hit like a tsunami. Waves of pleasure crashed over her body. Her head lolled from side to side. Tom was mesmerized. “Mmm, Tom, I wish you were here with me, stud,” Paisley said as she recovered from her massive climax.
The sound of a throat clearing brought Tom back to reality and out of the room in the video. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Kianna. Arms crossed, with a frown on her pretty face. “Uh, hey there, how was your nap?” Tom closed his laptop.
“Well, I couldn’t sleep. I wanted to get you to come and lay next to me. But I didn’t want to interrupt.”
Tom looked into her eyes, trying to read what was going on behind them. “So you saw the video, I assume.”
“Yeah. She is gorgeous. And she seems to want your cock. You seem to be very popular of late.” With that, she turned and went back into the bedroom, closing the door behind her.
After a few minutes, Kianna emerged, dressed in jeans and a top. “I need to think. I’ll be back.” She grabbed a room key, her purse and closed the door behind her.
Tom sat back, trying to process what had just happened. Twenty minutes ago Kianna’s lips were wrapped around his cock. Now, she was out, thinking. And Paisley had returned and based on her video, wanted him. Possibly in the flesh. He was both concerned about Kianna and excited about Paisley. Tom ran his fingers through his hair. “I need a drink,” he said to himself. He poured a scotch from the bottle he had brought and sipped it. He hoped the alcohol would give him some insight.
The door opened, snapping Tom’s attention away from SportsCenter. Kianna walked in and stood in front of the couch.
“Sit down, please. We need to talk.”
Kianna moved to the end of the couch and sat down. She did not make eye contact.
“Look, I’m sorry you saw the video. It wasn’t cool of me to open it here. Honestly, I thought you were asleep. I apologize for my lack of self-control.”
“Thank you…”
“I’m not done. That part was inconsiderate of me. But your reaction was out of line. You asked me to meet. You wanted me to bring you here and fuck your virgin pussy.”
Kianna glared at Tom.
“Yes, I know that we tease each other. You like to rattle my cage. I like you, a lot actually. But we have no commitments. I don’t owe you anything. You have no claims on me, no reason to be jealous.”
The glare turned into a sad look and a tear ran down her cheek.
Tom saw the change and paused. “Look, I think I get it. You told me all about the dick-heads back at school. And here I come along, a guy who treats you well and gets your sense of humor. So, you developed feelings for me.”
“God, do you hear yourself right now? Think a lot of yourself, do you?” Kianna sobbed.
Tom moved closer and touched her cheek. “Am I wrong?”
“Uh, well, fuck! No.” She met his gaze. “I know you are married. I know you are way too old for me. I know all of those things, but part of me saw us as a couple. We made out. You made me cum and I made you cum too. When I saw her on that video, it burst my bubble. I knew it was fantasy, but it still hurt.”
Tom squeezed her hand. “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. I’ll sleep on the couch tonight and we can leave in the morning.”
“No, that won’t be necessary. I thought about what I wanted during my walk. At first, I was mad, then sad, then I laughed. Stages of grief I guess. But I still want you to fuck me. With that big cock of yours. I know we are not a couple and never will be. Fuck buddies, right?” She winked at him, despite another tear. She sniffed.
Tom smiled. That was the Kianna he had known from the start. A pistol. No wonder the guys at school couldn’t keep up. He barely could and he had decades of practice.
“Okay, I can handle that.” He reached out and grasped her hand. She squeezed his in return.
They ordered room service. Tom took a shower and Kianna did as well. She dabbed some perfume on and Tom had another glass of scotch. In their robes, they met on the bed.
Conflicting emotions crashed and mingled in Kianna’s mind. Excitement, as she was going to feel Tom’s big cock in her at last. Apprehension. Would it hurt? It was big and thick. Could she take it all? Would it feel good, as good as she imagined and wanted? Or would she be disappointed? She would know in a matter of moments.
Kianna slipped the robe off and moved in for a kiss. Their lips met. Tongues slid into each other’s mouths and began to dance. She slid a hand down his shoulder, moving inside his robe and causing it to fall back.
I know that we can’t be together, but damn it, why can’t he be thirty years younger? Kianna thought, as her hand found Tom’s hard cock. She began stroking. The flesh swelled at her touch, going from soft to rigid in a matter of moments. Blood coursing manifested in a pulse that she could feel. It thrilled her, as she had never before today held a cock on her hands. Wetness seeped from her opening and ran down her thigh.
“I want you inside me, now. Tom, I have waited for so long, thought about this from the moment you first told me to stick three fingers into my pussy…god, that was so hot!”
Tom saw the lust in Kianna’s eyes. Hunger, like he had not seen before filled her and virtually emanated from her pores. She reeked of desire. Only one thing could quench it.
Tom lay back, his cock jutting up like a totem pole. “I want you to lower yourself down on me. Slowly, take your time. It might feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but you will adjust.”
Taking aim, Kianna aligned her dripping lips with the purple head. It looked too big to fit. Squatting, her hips lowered and the bulbous head spread her lips. She paused. God, this is it, she thought. She continued her downward motion.
“Unh, fuck that is big.” Kianna moaned as Tom’s cock entered her. She felt like a piece of meat on a kabob, as his thick shaft split her tight cunt. “Fuck me…”
Tight, so incredibly tight. Tom had never felt anything so tight on his cock. Neither of the two virgins he had deflowered recently was this tight. Kianna’s face showed concentration and desire. Her hips descended, forcing another inch of hard shaft into her.
“Go slowly, sweetie. How are you doing?”
“Uhm, okay. Fuck, your cock is big and damn thick.” Kianna inhaled sharply and blew it out in a long exhale. “Okay, let’s do this.” Grunting, she thrust down, taking another two inches. “Ahh, fuck me…”
It took two more minutes of grunting and moaning for Kianna’s ass cheeks to make contact with Tom’s thighs. At that moment, eight-plus inches of thick man-meat was all the way inside of Kianna’s virgin pussy. Wait, at that moment her pussy was no longer virgin. Kianna looked up and into Tom’s eyes. Smiling, she said, “I got it all in. Fuck me…”
“Well, now that you have all of my cock in you, I think that can be arranged.”
“Wise-ass.” Kianna shifted her hips.
“Ahh, shit.” Tom felt like his dick was in a vise. But velvet lined. It was so tight, but it felt so good. Every movement Kianna made sent jolts of pure pleasure down his shaft and though his entire body.
Kianna rose up and then slid back down. She grunted and then moaned. Opening her eyes fully, she giggled and then rocked up and down. Holy fuck, she thought. His cock felt so damn good. It was better than she had imagined. You can’t explain it to someone who was a virgin, she mused. It just has to be experienced.
Tom was mesmerized. His thick cock barely fit into her tight cunt. Her lips were stretched wide, gripping the shaft. In, out, in, out, his cock disappeared and then reappeared as Kianna rode him.
“Oh my god. This feels so fucking good…Ahh…ahh…mmm.” Her hips rose and fell in a steady rhythm.
The slapping sound of flesh on flesh and the squish of Kianna’s dripping pussy permeated the room. Tom grunted. Kianna moaned. Tom moaned. Kianna grunted. Kianna’s now stretched slick walls stroked Tom’s shaft.
Drops of perspiration fell on Tom’s chest as Kianna rocked up and down, oblivious to anything other than the feeling of his cock pummeling her pussy. Kianna felt pleasure flooding her lower half. She increased her tempo. I am gonna cum soon, she thought.
Tom’s cock stiffened. Kianna’s vagina gripped and stroked his shaft and massaged his head to the point of impending climax. He concentrated on not cumming.
Kianna slammed her ass hard on Tom’s thighs as her orgasm neared. “Fuck, Tom…I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum for me, baby!” Tom grabbed her hips and thrust deeper.
Oh shit, Kianna thought. Oh, fuck this is gonna be big. A wave, like a tsunami built in her body, starting in her loins and rising up to the hairs on her head. As Tom grabbed her, she fell off the cliff in a free-fall of sensations. Her body wracked. “Ohh…FUCK!” She fell into her climax and didn’t know if she would surface. She wasn’t sure she wanted to.
The lithe body impaled on his cock spasmed. Her eyes shut tight, moans and sounds he had not heard her ever make escaped her lips. A vise of flesh gripped him in a whirlwind of pain and pleasure.
For a moment, time stopped for both of them. Flesh that had never touched hours before now throbbed and mingled in the most intimate way possible.
When Kianna regained her senses, she found herself on top of Tom’s chest. Her breath came hard and fast, like she had just run a set of intervals on the track.
“How are you doing, sweetie?” Tom’s hands were stroking her back.
His touch was just the right amount for her sensitive nerves. Any more and it would have been too much. No touch would have left her craving post-coital contact. “Mmm, I’ll let you know when I come back to reality.” She felt his hard cock still deep inside her. Hey, did you cum?”
“No,” Tom grinned sheepishly.
“How is that possible?” Kianna pushed up slightly and looked into his eyes, incredulous at this revelation.
“I tried hard. I did math.”
“Why? Wasn’t it good for you?” Kianna wondered. She had enjoyed herself so much, she assumed that Tom had cum.
“Amazing, baby. But I wanted to do one more thing if you are up to it, so I didn’t want to cum and have to wait till I recovered.” He looked into her eyes.
“Hmm, what could you have in mind? I am so relaxed and in such a good mood, I would agree to just about anything.” Kianna smiled and brushed his cheek with her delicate fingers.
“I want to fuck your ass.” Tom waited for her reaction.
Kianna was surprised. They had talked about it during voice sessions. It was on her list. But that was before she had seen Tom’s cock. She had to admit to herself, she was scared that monster of man-meat would hurt like hell.
“Uhh, well…”
“If you don’t want to, I understand.”
Kianna could see the disappointment in his eyes. She knew at that moment how much he wanted it. She decided right then that she would. “Okay, let’s try anal…” She winked, as he had said he masturbated to porn videos with that title. A series, he had said. Hot, he had said.
“Nice, I got that. Really, though?” Tom so wanted to take her anal virginity.
“Yeah.” She pushed up and slowly raised her hips, letting his turgid member slide slowly out of her. She crawled to the foot of the bed and turned her ass to face him. Head down, resting on her elbows, she looked back. “Is this how you want me?”
Her tight ass cheeks were spread and her brown button captured his attention. Juices dripped onto the bedspread.
Grabbing a tube of lube, he squirted a large dollop onto his cock and covered every inch. On his knees, he moved forward toward her ripe cheeks. Another large dollop on his fingers, he worked it into her tight sphincter.
Kianna tensed as Tom’s fingers penetrated her hole. She knew she had to relax. She was scared. Was she ready for this? His digits probed and prodded. What was uncomfortable at first gradually became pleasant. After a few more minutes, she groaned.
Tom took this to mean she was ready. He rose up and lined up the head of his throbbing cock to her now slightly gaping hole. Pausing, he savored the view. Perfect heart-shaped cheeks, a puckered opening and a dripping pair of lips, puffy and red from the recent fucking he had given her.
What is he waiting for? Kianna thought as she waited, elbows on the bed and ass pointed up. The air conditioning made the moisture on her cunt and lube on her ass feel just a bit cool. The anticipation was palpable. “Fuck me, please. Please…”
The need in her voice, slightly husky and incredibly sexy, drove Tom to action.
“Oh, Oh, Oh,” Kianna responded to Tom’s cockhead penetrating her ass. She tensed.
“Relax, baby. It will hurt, but less if you don’t fight it. Your instinct will be to tighten up, but you need to concentrate on relaxing and letting my cock slide in. Breathe…” Tom’s voice was soothing.
“Okay. I trust you, Tom. You know that, right?”
“Yes, sweetie. You will enjoy this, I promise.” Another inch of his massive shaft slid into her rectum, slick with lube. God, it felt so tight, he thought.
“Unh, unh, shit it hurts.” Kianna’s ass felt on fire as this foreign piece of man-meat forced its way into her ass. Her body kept telling her that it didn’t belong and to get it out ASAP! She had to argue with her lower half and convince it to allow Tom’s cock in. She wasn’t sure who would win at this moment.
“It’s okay, you are doing great.” Tom pushed another two inches farther in. A loud grunt was the result.
Fuck, is it all in yet? Kianna wondered. The fire in her ass intensified. She was not sure how much more she could take.
With a final thrust, Tom’s thighs met Kianna’s ass cheeks. He stopped moving, his member throbbing. Her velvety walls massaged him and the feeling was magical. He knew Kianna was in pain, but the selfish part of his brain only cared that this was one of the best feelings he had ever experienced. He wanted to savor it for as long as possible.
In, out, in, out. Kianna concentrated on breathing. After what seemed like forever but was only a few minutes, the fire diminished. Waves of pleasure started to mingle with the pain. Kianna grew bold. “Okay, move, but just a little and go slow.”
Tom pulled back slowly, just a few inches. Then paused and pressed back all the way.
“Uh, uh, uh…that feels kinda good now. Okay, go a bit faster.” The pleasure was now outpacing the fading pain.
Felling bolder, Tom pulled almost all the way out, then pushed back in. It felt like heaven. Her slick anal walls caressed his cock, sending waves of ultimate pleasure coursing from the tip of his member to his pelvis.
“Mmm, fuck you’re tight. God, it feels so fucking good!” Tom grunted and beads of sweat formed on his upper lip and forehead.
“Yeah, it’s starting to feel really good. Uh, uh, fuck me…” Kianna pressed her hips back to meet Tom’s thrusts.
Tom paused and got his feet under him. He crouched, and now his cock was coming from a higher angle. Grabbing her hips, he began to pound her tender ass.
“Oh, what the fuck? Ahh, shit that feels good. God, you’re so damn big…Uh, uh, UH!” Kianna reacted to the onslaught.
Fuck, that feels really good now, Kianna thought as Tom’s cock piston rammed her anal canal. What was unbearable at first had become deliciously painful/wonderful. It literally hurt so good. She craved these new sensations.
I know I should be gentle, thought Tom, but I just can’t help it. He was fucking her ass with all his might. He had never ass-fucked anyone like he was pounding this tight little body. His cock was a blur, in and out, in and out.
Kianna lurched forward, reacting to the force of each thrust. The slapping of skin on skin rang in her ears and the smell of sweat and sex permeated the room. Oh. My. God…she thought, I’m going to cum. I am going to cum from this fleshy piston in my ass.
“Oh, Oh, Ohhhh! Fuck, Tom, I am going to cum. God, whatever you do, don’t stop, PLEASE!”
“UNG, UNG, UNG,” Tom grunted. Sweat poured from his forehead. In a fucking frenzy, he continued ramming his throbbing cock deep in her ass. There, his orgasm loomed on the horizon and rushed towards him. Unlike earlier, there would be no stopping this one. He had no desire to thwart this. He wanted to cum. He needed to cum. And it hit him with full force.
In a final volley of thrusts, like a battering ram breaching the castle gate, he came. Hard.
“Fuck, I’m cumming!”
“Uhhhh, cumming!”
In unison, their orgasms hit as waves and rebounded, like at the Wedge in Newport beach. (Waves come in at an angle, hit a jetty and rebound, doubling in size.) Bodies spasmed. Grunts and groans reverberated. A tangle of bodies lay on the bed. It was hard to tell where Tom ended and Kianna began.
“How are you, babe?” Tom said, still catching his breath.
Kianna rolled over on her back, head at the foot of the bed and replied, “Holy fuck! God, that was amazing, but I don’t know if I can walk…”
Tom chuckled. “Yeah, I have that effect on young girls’ asses lately…”
“Really? I think I need details.”
“Over dinner, if you can walk to the restaurant. Or room service?”
“Room service. I want food and sleep.” Kianna yawned to emphasize her point.