Celebration Of A Life That Touched Them

"A sad event reunites them and presents an opportunity to continue a journey"

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Fiona’s passing had come as no surprise, and her strict instructions that her send-off should be a joyful occasion hadn’t either. Many of those in attendance had only previously met in the virtual world, although some knew each other far more intimately.

As soon as Jake spotted Tasha, he ran over to her and immediately greeted her with a warm hug. The night their mutual acquaintance, Fiona, had manufactured an opportunity for them to be alone together had been one they would treasure, although the circumstances of it coming to mind made it seem strange.

“She was very choosy about who she told, Jake, so we should feel honoured that someone so special confided in us and said her goodbyes in the way only she could,” Tasha said, prompting a nod of understanding and agreement from Jake.

Jake and Tasha had agreed to speak to the attendees at the celebration of her life, and their tale of how they had shared an intimate experience in her flat when Fiona had been called away for work struck exactly the right tone.

“She stuck by her story that her need to leave us alone together was genuine, but she would have made it happen one way or another, I know,” Tasha said with a smile of nostalgia.

Once all those who wanted to speak had done so, the remainder of the event was dedicated to people from different parts of Fiona’s life mingling and getting to know each other. Neither Jake nor Tasha would have done this normally, but it was in Fiona’s memory, so they made a special effort to fit in with everything.

“I’m all mingled out,” Tasha whispered to Jake as they sat down at a table that had been vacated.

Jake and Tasha had seen each other many times since they had shared their unexpected liaison. It had been a wonderful night without a moment of regret attached to it and had allowed Tasha to experience feelings she had feared lost forever. Jake’s open invitation to look him up, should Tasha feel it was right, hadn’t been taken up, although Tasha knew that this might change when she felt ready to reclaim another part of what she had lost.

Despite the nature of their friendship, Jake and Tasha had no difficulty enjoying the laughter more traditional ones shared. They also both realised they didn’t meet nearly as often as they should. Within minutes, they were filling the air with laughter in just the way everyone knew Fiona would have wanted.

Although Fiona mentioned her ex-neighbour, Jake, to Tasha occasionally, Tasha realised that since Jake had moved to another flat, their paths wouldn’t cross as often, even though he was still living close to her.

“I’m still single. How about you, Jake?” Tasha asked.

Jake tried to act casually to the news that Tasha remained unattached, although he felt sure he’d done a poor job of it.

“There’s a global shortage of desperate lunatics, so I’m in the same boat,” Jake said, reminding Tasha of his own unique way of expressing himself.

Tasha and Jake filled the air with their laughter in exactly the way Fiona would have wanted them to, and in a way that reminded those nearby, she would have wished for too.

Though neither of them made a virtue of it, Jake and Tasha rarely drank alcohol, although they felt raising a toast to their friend was special enough to do so. The toast signalled that the free bar was open, which was not important to them, but Jake and Tasha felt it was Fiona in a nutshell.

“I’m not sure this is us, really, but Fiona wouldn’t be offended as long as you offered to walk me home. I can’t think of anything more appropriate, can you?” Tasha said, smiling broadly.

After she finished speaking, Tasha kissed Jake on the lips. It felt wonderful, and Tasha’s eagerness to prevent any worry about misunderstanding reminded Jake of how well she knew him.

“And in answer to the question you want to ask me, but you never would, yes. I’ll never forget Fiona or today, but if we didn’t mark the occasion in a way she’d be thrilled by, she’d feel an opportunity had been missed, I’m sure,” Tasha said confidently.

Jake didn’t doubt that Tasha meant what she had said and knew it wasn’t simply the emotion of the occasion that had caused her to say it. Tasha felt sure her announcement would have come as a shock to Jake, but she found it natural and right to put her trust in someone who had already shown himself to be worthy of it.

“You being you will be wonderful, Jake. Don’t feel the need to try to match or better anyone else,” Tasha said as she and Jake rose to their feet and slipped away from the celebration of Fiona’s life.

Jake and Tasha remembered the previous occasion they had walked a similar route. They did so by holding hands, pausing to share kisses, and smiling, just as they had done before. They also swapped stories in the same way they had in the build-up to their previous encounter.

“When I was getting ready, I saw the bra and knickers I wore when we made the most of Fiona’s emergency callout after she’d tried to pair us up at her dinner party. When I decided to wear them in her memory today, I had no idea how perfect my choice would be. I do now,” Tasha whispered, squeezing Jake’s hand tightly and looking into his eyes.

Jake sensed Tasha’s readiness to take on what he knew could be an emotional challenge for her, recalling how she had put safeguards in place that had contributed to her success. When he asked Tasha if she’d be letting him know exactly what she wanted by telling him or writing it down, Jake was left in no doubt about Tasha’s vision of how everything might unfold.

“If you do everything in your way, that’s how I picture it in my head and what I want most of all. There’s nothing that will get me where I want to be better, despite what else might be true for others. Remember, Jake, I’m me.” Tasha explained in a passionate tone.

Jake knew he would always have his hang-ups, but he realised that few had embraced them more readily than Tasha or the much-loved Fiona.

Tasha believed Jake was the right company for her mission, even if based on factors she knew many would find puzzling, irrelevant, and perhaps even annoying. Such people didn’t know him as well as she did, however., and wherever she ended up, Tasha knew the journey there would be filled with fun.

“Laugh me out of my knickers and tickle my funny bone, Jake,” Tasha told him as their walk to her flat neared its completion.

“If I find a bone when I’m tickling, I’m calling the police,” Jake replied, ensuring the last few steps home Tasha took with him were taken in just the fun-filled atmosphere she had hoped for.


Once they had stepped inside her flat, Tasha decided to make coffee. Chatting with Jake felt important in ensuring the proposed plan went well, and it found Jake stirring the giggles Tasha craved almost instantly. Tasha’s relaxed mood put Jake equally at ease and shifted the focus from what Tasha wanted, but that was the source of her nervousness, too.

“Did you fantasise about what else you’d like us to get up to after our last fun?” Tasha asked as she passed Jake his coffee and sat on the sofa next to him with her own.

Tasha’s question wasn’t one Jake had expected, but it made him laugh, which was precisely the motivation behind it. Jake responded once his giggles subsided enough to make his words intelligible.

“I thought of little else, to be honest, and you know my memory would catch me out if I was ever stupid enough to attempt anything but the truth,” Jake replied, deciding the moment had come to share a kiss with Tasha that was perfectly timed.

Tasha enjoyed Jake’s spontaneous decision immensely and waited until she had done so for some time before responding to what she had heard before it had taken centre stage.

“I had some fun with my fingers but decided a vibrator would be more suited to any further steps I made on my journey. It certainly helped with those fantasies, and I think it might be useful to have on standby, just in case my body’s not playing ball or I decide I want something to get me fired up before the real thing,” Tasha explained.

Although Jake understood Tasha’s explanation, he felt sure it was her way of finding a path to where she hoped to be should his own efforts fall short. Jake felt this was an excellent plan and thought it wise rather than any comment on her expectations of him.

“A thoughtful and wise plan, Tasha,” Jake said with a smile, although Tasha’s mind had decided the time for talking was over.

Tasha decided to tell Jake straight that she needed to press on with her plan. She did so by taking him by the hand and leading him into her bedroom.

“Our backup,” Tasha said, pointing to the toy she had spoken about, which was on the table next to her bed.

Without speaking, Tasha pulled Jake close as they stood beside her bed. Her lips eased onto his, and she undressed until she was wearing just the bra and knickers she had on when they had shared their previous erotic experience. As she watched Jake undressing, she saw the outline of his erection inside his briefs and smiled at seeing him as aroused as she felt.

“Perfect!” Tasha said as she pointed at Jake’s briefs, Jake telling her she was forgiven for stealing his line as he looked at her dressed in the underwear he had pictured her in so often in his thoughts.

Between the kisses he placed on Tasha’s lips, Jake asked if Tasha wanted him to give her a start with the vibrator. Tasha had already considered this an option but explained her heart was set on seeing just how far the reality her body was screaming for could take her.

“Your moment will bring mine; I can sense it,” Tasha said, her hopes held genuinely as she felt her body already hot and weeping in erotic excitement inside her knickers.

After they had resumed their sensuous kiss, Tasha took hold of Jake’s hand and eased it onto her gorged wetness so he could feel for himself what his presence was doing to her.

“You get your kit off. I’ll do my bra, and you can slip my knickers off. I can’t wait to feel your hands doing that,” Tasha said, as she released her breasts and looked at Jake’s cock, as it fell from his briefs, and he turned his attention to Tasha’s remaining underwear, as directed.

Tasha felt her excitement building as Jake’s touch slid her briefs over her hips, thighs, and lower legs to a point where she could kick them away. Hearing Jake’s pleasure as he undressed her was an exciting moment for Tasha, and she felt her entire body wrapped in a heavenly bubble and a fire of arousal heating her between her legs.

“Get yourself in here,” Tasha said as she threw herself and Jake onto her bed.

“It doesn’t look like I have much choice!” Jake replied with laughter as he heard Tasha voice the sweetest giggles he’d ever heard in response to his comment.

Tasha held her breath as she prepared to make her move, wanting to speak before resuming an eagerly awaited kiss.

“Would it be too much to ask if I said I wanted to be in charge of movements and you just let me, well, fuck you?” Tasha asked, almost unable to believe her careful planning had just been ditched and that she realised she would prefer to steer the ship.

“Have your wicked way with me, Tasha. I would be honoured to be used in such a delightful fashion,” Jake replied as he and Tasha burst into laughter, and a squeal of delight followed as she felt Jake’s cock pulsating between her fingers.

As Tasha pushed against Jake’s cock, she felt it slide into her body, sending a cry of delight from her lips from inside the kiss that had returned to them. Tasha squeezed herself around Jake and began to thrust her hips, her entire body gripped by the intensity of her arousal.

Tasha wanted Jake to enjoy a spectacular orgasm, regardless of when it arrived. She was intent on bringing herself to climax, and this was the case, regardless of how long she needed to ride his cock until she did. Tasha not only knew this was how Jake felt, but she also knew he’d be disappointed if she didn’t.

Jake groaned and gasped each time Tasha thrust against him, Tasha’s own excitement intensifying as she listened and watched Jake’s. When Tasha felt Jake’s body twitching and heard his loud cry, she was in joyful anticipation, too, and as she felt a wild surge from Jake’s cock send a jet of hot cum inside her body, it was this sensation that triggered her own climax that sent a wail of astonished joy from her mouth and a blaze of erotic charge around her body.

“Wowser, Captain, we’ve struck gold,” Tasha yelled as she rose and fell on Jake’s cock in a wild, noisy, and comic announcement of the onset of climax.

Having Tasha throttle and bounce on his cock, whilst she cracked one-liners was an experience Jake had no intention of putting into words, and he had been stunned into silence apart from moans and groans anyway. Even though this was true, Jake’s noises alone sent Tasha into a fit of giggles as she enjoyed every second of her fabulous climax.

“All hands on deck!” Tasha cried as the next burst of energy rocked her body. Jake’s reply was limited to another groan and a shout of ‘ding dong,’ which just ensured that Tasha’s laughter continued with renewed energy.

Tasha’s relentless erotic attention had reduced Jake’s mind into a pot of blissful confusion. He had told her to get all she could out of any opportunity that arose, and had he been in a position to understand anything beyond who he and Tasha were, he would have celebrated this, but he wasn’t, so he couldn’t.

When Tasha felt another explosive crash around her body, it almost sent her skyward, but her determination saw her cling on to enjoy a further reason to keep up her movements on Jake. It was another intense barrage of pleasure, and one, like so many, saw her expressing delight as only she could.

“Get a new suit; they’ve made him an Admiral,” Tasha said.

Jake told Tasha she was ‘just too funny’ in reply, as he started to feel weightless and feared he might float through the roof and into the sky.

Once Tasha felt her climax begin its climbdown, her only thought was to ease herself off Jake and share the tightest, longest, and sweetest embrace with him. This was exactly what happened, together with joyful kisses that expressed just how the experience they had shared had delivered for them both,

“Nap time for you and I, sweet dreams, lovely man,” Tasha whispered as she and Jake fell asleep almost immediately.


After a sweet and dream-filled sleep, Jake and Tasha woke to smiles they were happy to linger over. When Jake got up to make coffee, he sat on the side of the bed with Tasha as she spoke about the events of the previous day.

“I’d say I felt Fiona was there with us throughout everything yesterday. It might sound creepy to imagine that about parts of what happened, but it’s true. It was an unusual way to feel you would have made someone proud in their absence, but that’s how it struck me.” Tasha began.

Jake was delighted to hear Tasha speak so positively. He felt sure a very emotional day would have left her needing to reflect on it, and the fact that she appeared to have done so happily left Jake smiling as he listened.

Tasha had woken with sweet memories and was determined to use the positivity she felt constructively. She had taken another step but found herself already considering how she might advance further in her quest to reach the vision of fulfillment she pictured.

“I never want to think of you as the one I only turned to when I was needy or used you to sort out my phobias and fears. You’ll never be just the bloke who gave me orgasms, but for my sake as well as yours, I have to find the right way to make sure that never happens. As usual, I’m full of questions rather than answers, but if I’m going to ask them, I might as well choose the most likely person in the world to have the solution.” Tasha said with passion in her voice.

Although Jake wanted Tasha to realise that he had gained as much as she had from their time together, he knew that saying this would sound like he was trying to say what he thought Tasha wanted to hear. He felt he needed to do better than that and hoped his honest response would at least put Tasha’s mind a little more at ease.

“At times, it could have been me in the position you found yourself in. By chance, it wasn’t. Had it been the case, I know for certain you would have steered me on the right path. You wouldn’t have felt disappointed, used, or sold short. If my worst failing is trying to be my version of you, I plead guilty, but without an ounce of guilt. I’ve never been dishonest with you, and I don’t intend to start now. I just hope you believe me and let me be here for you if that’s what you want. There will be bumps along the road, we know that, but I’m up for the ride and feel excited to think it might even be a possibility.” Jake whispered.

Tasha heard the passion in Jake’s voice as he spoke. His words left her shocked, but she felt joy and hope in her heart, and she wanted to share it. Such deep words would have made most people search for sentiments that matched their gravity, but these people weren’t Tasha or Jake, so Tasha responded in the way she felt right.

“Wait until you see the full list of stops I still need to make on my journey. Don’t worry. I’ll let you keep the list in your wallet so you have it handy when you need it,” Tasha said with a smile as she began writing on a piece of paper.

Jake knew Tasha wouldn’t want him to see what she was writing and felt sure she would seal her plan inside an envelope, which is exactly what she did. When the contents of the envelope were relevant, Tasha would let Jake know, but she felt sure she wouldn’t have to, as he would sense it anyway.

Once Jake had put the envelope inside his wallet, he eased a kiss onto Tasha’s lips, just as she hoped he would. It came to an abrupt halt, however, and in a way that Jake felt summed up Tasha perfectly.

Jake and Tasha decided to take a walk to celebrate both the present and the possibilities that were contained in the future. It was the end of a chapter, but it felt more like the start of a new story, too.

Tasha was soon making Jake roar with laughter as they made their way towards a street lined with cafes. Tasha’s mind was elsewhere as she and Jake prepared to have a drink, but she returned to reality instantly as she heard someone calling out her name. It was her ex, Perry, who she had hoped never to set eyes on again.

“So this is where you hang out these days, is it?” Perry asked Tasha, his tone unmistakably confrontational.

Tasha was in no mood to deal with Perry and told him they had nothing to discuss.

“I’m happy now,” Tasha said, hoping she and Jake could get away, but Perry’s large frame stood before them to prevent this,

“Happy by lowering your standards doesn’t sound likely, but if an old whimp’s the best you can manage, I suppose you’ll kid yourself you’re not scraping the barrel, whether that’s true or not,” Perry said, laughing and appearing desperate to provoke a reaction.

Tasha wasn’t concerned by Perry’s words. She was well acquainted with his arrogant, macho manner. However, she worried that Jake would give Perry the reaction his childishness sought.

“When I’m with this lovely ‘old wimp,’ I get the benefit of him not being pumped full of steroids. He also knows I’ve moved on from wanting to take a walk with a man whose tits are bigger than mine.” Tasha said confidently and in a manner that let Perry know the exchange was over.

Although Tasha knew she shouldn’t have been drawn in by Perry’s attempts to goad her, she felt they at least gave Jake a taste of the past he had helped her put behind her.

As Tasha marched Jake away, she was happy. No blood had been spilled and Perry had discovered she was no longer influenced by him.

“A part of me wanted you to tear him to pieces with a slice of your wit, Jake. But that’s too special to waste, and I prefer it when you use it with me,” Tasha said, deciding it was exactly the right time to enjoy one of the sexy kisses she and Jake had shared often and that she never tired of.

Once Jake had escorted Tasha home. it was time for him to return to his own. As he took off his coat, he looked at the sealed envelope in his wallet that Tasha had given to him. He hoped he would be opening it soon.

Published 1 month ago

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