Before Angela left the shop with Grace, she said to Stephanie, “I am now going to get the spanking and caning I was going to get before coming here. I will be crying buckets but I deserve it and know I am lucky to have a daughter who is so much more responsible than me, and strict, which is what I need.”
Stephanie replied, “I’m going to get a spanking as well and now I will also get the cane. I am also lucky my mum is so strict with me because that is what I need and wouldn’t want it any other way. So we are both lucky.”
Angela smiled and said, “Yes, we both are, just as we will both be crying buckets very soon but know we deserve to so often.”
Stephanie asked, “If we exchange phone numbers we could tell each other when we get spanked.”
Angela blushed as she replied, “We can, but, just so you know, Grace has full access to my phone, tablet, and computer, knows my passwords, and checks my calls, messages, and sites I visit. The same goes for her older sister and auntie. It reinforces her control over all of us, but she is in charge so it is right.” After a few moments, Angela added, “She has caught out each of us a few times and has thrashed us each time, but we did things she said we mustn’t, so we earned each thrashing.”
Stephanie thought a moment, and then said, “I can see how it is right that mum checks my phone and other electronics as I can do so much on them. I will give mum my passwords and full access to my electronics straight away. Still, I would like to exchange numbers so we can tell each other when we are spanked.”
The phone numbers were exchanged, and both Angela and Stephanie felt they had a new friend to discuss discipline with.
Moments later and Janet and Stephanie again thanked Angela for her pointers and in particular about being shaved by her daughter including her pussy lips, and being spanked and caned by her. Whilst for them it would be the mum in charge of the daughter, they understood why Angela remained subject to her daughter’s authority over her, as it worked well for them.
Stephanie mouthed to Angela, “Speak soon,” and Angela blushed, smiled, and mouthed, “Later, with our stinging bottoms.”
Once Dan, Grace, and Angela left the shop, Janet and Stephanie made their way to the sex shop near the entrance to the mall and, going in, asked one of the assistants where the sex toys were.
The assistant smiled as she pointed and said, “They are right through there and to the back of the shop.”
Janet and Stephanie were both slightly tense but felt more at ease when they saw the assistant’s smile and walked through to where she directed them.
Once in the correct area, another assistant came up to them and asked, “Can I help you?”
Janet swallowed hard as she looked at the assistant who had on a name tag, and asked, “Yes please, Margot, we are looking for the canes.”
Margot looked towards Stephanie and then back to Janet and asked, “Are they for sexual enjoyment or discipline?”
Janet replied, “For discipline.”
Margot saw Stephanie blush as she then said, “Understood. Come this way. If the canes are for discipline then I would recommend a senior cane. If you had one that was hook-ended, it could be placed on a hook in whichever room is used to carry out the discipline, and could then be a constant reminder.” She then picked up a senior hook-ended cane and swished it, before handing it to Janet.
Margot could see that Janet hadn’t used a cane before, and suggested, “We have a room further back with cushions, so you could practice using the cane, and I can give you some pointers.”
Janet was very happy with that and said, “Yes please, Margot.”
Moments later, Stephanie was watching as her mum practised using the cane on a cushion and listened to Margot who told her each time to make the stroke harder and harder. She couldn’t understand why, but as she watched each stroke landing that her knickers were getting damp knowing that the cane was going to be used on her bare bottom before the end of the day.
Satisfied with the way she was now landing each stroke, Janet said, “I’ll take it, please.”
Margot then explained, “I would suggest that you buy three canes. They do split after a while, and you certainly don’t want to find you have purchased just the one and it cracks partway through a punishment. If you do buy three, then the third is given at a discount.”
That all made sense to Janet who immediately replied, “Yes please, Margot, we’ll take the three.”
Margot then asked, “If you are worried the neighbours will hear any shrieks from the cane, then maybe purchase a mouth gag as well?”
Stephanie looked at her mum thinking that would be a good idea and it had been suggested earlier.
Janet could see the benefit and so replied, “Good idea. We’ll take one, please.”
Having completed the purchases, Stephanie carried the well-wrapped canes and mouth gag back to the shop. As they walked, Janet said, making sure that no one around them heard, “When we get home, Stephanie, I will be bathing you, shaving you, spanking you, and caning you. You had already earned the spanking, but the rest will be carried out because of what we have seen and heard today. Is that understood?”
Stephanie had already built up in her mind that that was what her mum was going to do, and she knew that she needed much firmer discipline than just a spanking to make sure that she did her college work properly to enable her to get to university. She had even decided that she would go to the local University which would enable her to live at home and so continue to be subject to the disciplinary control of her mum.
It wasn’t much longer before the shop closed, but, before leaving, Janet looked at her daughter and asked, “That time I caught you on a porn site on your computer and you said you didn’t know why it was on the screen, do I now assume that you went onto the site intentionally?”
Stephanie blushed as she replied, ” Yes, mum, sorry I lied, and it was a spanking site.”
Janet thought a moment and replied, “Well, I hope that now I will be upping your punishment that you won’t need to go onto those sites again.”
Stephanie hadn’t thought about it that way but was pleased her mum was going to take punishing her so seriously, and hoped the pain would be enough for her to finger herself to huge orgasms when in bed. She wasn’t sure if the orgasms would be better or worse on the days she was punished, and looked forward to finding out. However, to answer her mum’s question, she replied, “I think you are right there, mum.”
Happy it was right to make the punishment she gave her daughter more severe, Janet drove them both home.
On the way, Stephanie said to her mum, “Angela said Grace has full access to her phone and other electronics and checks regularly to make sure she isn’t doing anything on them she shouldn’t. If she does then she gets a thrashing. I see the benefit of that for me, mum, and can give you my access codes so you can do the same.”
Janet responded immediately, “I can also see the benefit, Stephanie. I am always concerned about what you might be doing on your electronics, so that will make me less stressed about it. I’ll give you a list of things you can do on them and then you must ask my permission to do anything else. I also agree a good hard thrashing is the right penalty if you look at anything at all that you
Stephanie knew this would no doubt lead to many extra thrashings, but wanted her mum to have this added control over her.
Once home and indoors, Janet instructed, “Right, Stephanie, go upstairs and get undressed. Run the bath but do not get in it until I get there. I will be washing you before shaving you.”
Stephanie had no intention whatsoever of objecting and went upstairs and ran the bath. She quickly went to her bedroom and removed her top, skirt, bra, and knickers, and then went back into the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, particularly at her bottom cheeks, knowing that they would very soon be turned bright red, and, this time, have multiple raised welts judging from the way that Dan’s bottom ended up when he was caned. Once the bath was filled, Stephanie turned off the taps and then waited for her mum to come upstairs.
Janet had been listening out and heard the taps being switched off. She left it just a few moments before making her way upstairs, carrying one of the hook-ended canes and the mouth gag. She liked the way that Angela had described how she had to lie on the bed with two thick pillows under her tummy so her bottom was raised, and that was how she was caned. She was going to have Stephanie do the same.
Janet put the cane and gag on her bed before going into the bathroom and saw Stephanie obediently standing there, undressed as instructed. Without any delay, she ordered, “Okay, Stephanie, get into the bath. I will be washing you and getting you ready to be shaved.”
Stephanie wasn’t overly embarrassed by her mum seeing her totally naked. It happened enough times already when she had to go across her mum’s lap to be spanked. So, she immediately stepped into the bath and sat down.
Janet knelt on the floor by the bath, picked up the shower gel, tipped some onto her hand, and washed her daughter’s face and neck, and then her arms and her armpits. After that, she washed Stephanie’s back and then washed each of her daughter’s breasts. All the time, she saw that Stephanie didn’t resist and actually seemed to enjoy her mum washing her.
Janet knew that she had to wash the most private parts of her daughter’s body, and said, “Okay, Stephanie, now kneel so I can wash between your legs.”
As Stephanie did as she was told, kneeling and with her legs apart, she stayed obediently still as her mum soaked her hands again and then washed between her legs, running her hand along her pussy lips, and she gasped at the sensation. However, that was only for a moment as she knew that her mum would feel the hair growth there. Stephanie had asked her mum’s permission to shave herself there, and her mum had agreed. However, she knew that she should have shaved there before now, but was ready for her mum to do so.
Janet then asked, “Let me see your armpits,” and Stephanie immediately lifted up the arm closest to her mum, knowing there was some hair growth there, and then twisted around so that her mum could see her other armpit and the hair growth. It wasn’t a lot, but she knew that she should have shaved them before now as well.
Janet then instructed, “Lift your leg up,” and when Stephanie did so, she carefully washed her leg, noticing the hair growth, and then did the same to the other leg noticing the hair growth on that leg.
Next, Janet instructed, “Lift your left leg so I can shave you.”
Stephanie balanced as she raised her leg and placed it on the side of the bath just as she would do if she was shaving her leg herself. Her mum then applied the normal foaming gel before shaving her leg. She noticed that her mum did feel her leg to make sure that all of the hair had been removed, and, once she nodded to show that she was happy with that, Stephanie put her leg back in the bath and lifted her other leg, balancing that on the side of the bath, and kept it there as her mum shaved her.
Satisfied that she had shaved both legs properly, Janet then ordered, “Lift up your right arm so I can shave your armpit.”
As soon as Stephanie had raised her arm right up, Janet applied more foaming gel and carefully shaved her daughter’s armpit. After running her fingers along the armpit and being happy she had shaved all of the hair growth, she then proceeded to shave Stephanie’s other armpit.
Stephanie knew that once her legs and armpits had been shaved, it was just her pussy lips left. She was used to shaving them herself, but not having her mum do it.
After finishing shaving her daughter’s armpits, Janet again ran her fingers along them both to check for any missed hairs and then washed the remaining gel away. She knew what was left was the most embarrassing part of her shaving task, but both she and Stephanie understood the benefit of having the disciplinarian do the shaving when it was explained to them by Angela.
Accordingly, Janet then instructed, “Okay, Stephanie, you can get out of the bath now. Pull the plug as you do so, and then I will dry you. That will still leave me shaving your pussy lips which we will do on the bed.”
Stephanie got out of the bath and let her mum drape the towel around her and then proceeded to dry her. She did find that she didn’t mind being washed and now dried by her mum, even when having her breasts dried and between her legs. Neither did she mind having her armpits and legs shaved for her. She just wasn’t sure how she would react when her mum shaved her pussy lips, or, rather, during the part of that task when she would be running her fingers along her pussy lips both before and after the shaving. She knew she got excited when knowing she was going to be spanked, as amazing as that might be, but having her pussy lips shaved was different.
Once she had dried her daughter, Janet told her, “Now go into the bedroom. Sit on the edge of the bed then lie back, and place your legs apart. I will now be shaving your pussy lips.”
Stephanie realised her mum held the towel so preventing her from taking it with her. She wasn’t surprised that her punishment would continue with her fully naked, and she understood how that did put her in her place with her mum in control. She readily accepted that, walked into the bedroom and did as she was told, and lay on the bed with her legs apart and ready for her mum to shave her.
Janet followed her daughter into the bedroom and watched as she sat on the edge, lay back, and made sure that her legs were apart. Janet had brought with her the foam which she first sprayed and then gently rubbed the foam up and down her daughter’s pussy lips covering all of the hair. She knew that her daughter would be uncomfortable about this, but then she was also uncomfortable when she was across her lap being spanked, and she would no doubt be even more comfortable when lying on top of the pillows being caned.
Janet took the razor and carefully shaved the hair growth on her daughter’s pussy lips, and noticed that her daughter’s eyes were closed and she winced but kept her legs apart and her hands away, leaving her to do what was needed to get her clean shaven again, including running her fingers along her pussy lips to check she had shaved all of the hairs.
After finishing with the razor, satisfied that she had cleared every hair growth, Janet squeezed moisturising cream onto her hand and then proceeded to rub that in all of the areas she had shaved including her daughter’s pussy lips. Once again, her daughter looked uncomfortable when that was done, but Janet savoured the control that she now knew she would repeat every single time her daughter earned another spanking.
When she was finished, Janet did make a point of running her fingers up and down her daughter’s shaved pussy lips as that final exertion of control, before instructing, “Okay, Stephanie, you can stand up now. Come with me to the dressing table chair and I will put you across my lap and give your very naughty bottom and legs another spanking.”
Stephanie was almost happy that it was time for her spanking because she was worried that her mum rubbing her pussy lips was getting her too excited, as though she were fingering herself but without the control. As much as she enjoyed fingering herself to an orgasm, she saw her mum doing it for her as a means to her control over her. It still got her aroused, but it seemed strange it did, given that it was the forerunner to a bare bottom thrashing.
Janet wasn’t a control freak but expected her daughter to accept her maternal control over her. She saw disciplinary control as the driving force and the rest as a means to that end. So, when it came to giving her daughter a spanking it was always with the need to ensure she was reduced to tears so it was a long-lasting punishment leaving her bottom stinging for a long time and so memorable. That was the incentive for her daughter to behave and obey her. She and Stephanie both knew that was the whole purpose of using spanking as the primary punishment.
Janet sat on the dressing table chair, glared sternly at Stephanie, and ordered, “Get across my lap.”
Stephanie immediately did as she was told, as she always did when she knew she had a spanking coming. In fact, it was being told that she had earned a spanking which immediately made her behave and obey her mum, and certainly desist from any talking…