Caught Watching Porn

"Emma is caught watching porn on her computer and is disciplined by her landlady"

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As Emma stood with her nose pressed against the wall, her hands on her head and her bottom was stinging after yet another particularly painful but well-earned spanking, she thought about how, at twenty-three years of age, she continued to be subject to a whole series of stringent rules which were strictly enforced, just like today.

Emma rented a room from Victoria Holmes who was forty-six-years-old. Although just by chance, when Emma was looking for a room to rent she wasn’t expecting to see Miss Holmes, who had over previous years, been her next-door neighbour, sixth form college teacher, and private tutor. Because of all of those different connections Emma was used to obeying Miss Holmes and even now, living as her tenant, she still preferred to address her as Miss Holmes rather than Victoria.

Emma and Victoria often reflected over their past connections to each other, finding it quite funny how Victoria had been in charge of Emma on so many different occasions.

Emma had only been living with Miss Holmes for about three weeks before she had mistakenly entered Emma’s room, but, once inside, saw that Emma was seated at her desk with feet on the desk and her legs wide apart, with her fingers inside her knickers between her legs, and she was watching a film on her computer. 

Emma was wearing a light pink vest top with her lush light brown hair flowing over her shoulders, a short skirt, and had bare legs. Victoria was in a white sleeveless blouse and light red skirt with a hem halfway down her thighs and also with bare legs.

Victoria was shocked as she knew what Emma was doing to herself but immediately apologised. “I’m so sorry, Emma. I came in without thinking.”

Emma was clearly embarrassed and was blushing a deep red, although had been thinking, not just this time but several times already, how cool it would be if Victoria were to come into her room just as she was watching one of her naughty girl films as she fingered herself. She wasn’t so certain now that it had actually happened, but she also hadn’t thought through what she should do if caught like this.

Victoria saw that Emma was embarrassed but couldn’t stop looking at the computer screen as she did was quite shocked when she saw it was a film of a girl being spanked. When she looked more closely, she realised it was a woman her own age spanking a younger woman, Emma’s age, and clearly someone who was already an adult, and the spanking was with a hairbrush. Victoria also noticed a similar hairbrush on the table next to the computer screen. Although Victoria was really surprised at what she was seeing, when a teacher she got used to dealing with unexpected surprises from the naughtier students, and asked, in her teacher’s voice, “Does this mean you want to be spanked, Emma?”

It never crossed either of their minds that it might have been Emma wanting to spank another woman because of the ages of the two actresses on the screen.

Emma was more flummoxed than she had expected to be or had pictured herself when fantasising about Victoria, or rather Miss Holmes, coming into her bedroom and catching her watching spanking porn and, instead of denying it, she said while still blushing a tentative, “Maybe.“ Then panicking she quickly added, “I mean, erm, err, no, erm,” but then realising there was no reason to hide the fact, she admitted, still looking embarrassed, blushing, and taking short breaths, saying in a reflective tone, “I guess so.”

Even with her teacher’s experience Victoria was still surprised by the admission, but, used to being potentially wrong-footed as a teacher, she asked with an expressionless face, “So is that you being spanked by your mum?”

Emma immediately responded firmly with, “No, definitely not. My fantasy is being spanked by my teacher or tutor,” and realised that she had given the answer very quickly indeed, yet, also, it was the truth.

Victoria was adept at stopping herself smiling when faced with some of the more ridiculous comments from her students, and managed it again as she replied, “Well, I fit both those roles, don’t I, Emma?”

Although a question, Emma realised it was more of a statement. However, above all, it was absolutely the truth that not only had she pictured herself being spanked by those two authoritative ladies, but, by that, she meant being spanked by Miss Holmes, and so, now that she had been caught, she simply admitted her guilt with, “Yes, Miss.“

Victoria thought quickly and remembered that, when a teacher, if a student discussed with her something that they wanted to do that was new, she would encourage the student. Why should it be any different now, she asked herself, and keeping the straight expressionless look she replied, “Well, Emma, as I do fit both roles, why don’t we work out how it could work.”

Emma was still blushing deeply as she realised that she was talking herself into a spanking, even though she was twenty-three-years-old. However, she just couldn’t stop herself and replied, “Yes please, Miss,” knowing as she replied that she didn’t just sound enthusiastic but really was enthusiastic.

Victoria kept her teachers’ tone of voice as she explained, “The problem could be, Emma, that once I do spank you, if one of us likes the idea and the other one doesn’t. It seems to me, now your wish is out in the open, we need to say to each other that as long as one of us wants to continue, then it must continue, with full compliance by the other one of us who might not want it to continue. Of course, if both of us want it to continue then all to the good and problem solved.”

Quickly getting into the swing of the idea Emma bit her lip as she asked, “So, Miss, is it a spanking when I ask for one, or when you decide I have earned one.”

Victoria still kept her face expressionless as she replied, “The right way is that I set rules for you which you have to obey, and if you break one then you earn a spanking. After all, setting your age to one side, spanking would be a discipline regime that replaces discussions or warnings or the like.”

Emma thought that sounded as though it made sense because she was pretty sure she would want it to happen again, and asked, “So are you saying, Miss, that if I want it to continue and you don’t, you will still impose a whole set of rules and spank me whenever I break one rather than spank me when I ask to be spanked?”

Victoria was still in teacher mode in her approach and attitude, when she replied, “Yes, Emma, that is correct. So long as one of us wants to continue then the other one will be obliged to comply with their new position in the household. That is me in charge and spanking you, and you having to obey what I say or else you get spanked, each and every time and not just when one of us feels like it. Of course, in a way that puts you in control as you would need to break a rule to earn a spanking.”

Emma was now very excited about that regime, albeit what would have been better was that she would be able to ask Miss Holmes for a spanking whenever she wanted, rather than having to obey her rules. However, as she had obeyed her rules for years already in her various guises, maybe that was no real hardship, and, judging from the way that her vagina was quivering, maybe that was even better than what she had imagined. 

Victoria smiled to herself as she saw Emma thinking through what she had been told, just as her students did when they weren’t sure about the answer she had given them. The naughtier students always looked for the hidden meaning, and she supposed Emma was doing that right now.

Emma couldn’t immediately see anything wrong with what Miss Holmes was suggesting. After all, it sounded like even more fun living under a strict discipline regime than it would be if she were just able to ask for a spanking when she wanted it. However, she couldn’t quite get to grips with why Miss Holmes made the suggestion, but then it struck her that maybe Miss Holmes was a control freak. After all, being a teacher and a private tutor were both positions of authority.

Then Emma suddenly wondered whether it was all too good to be true. Could Miss Holmes just be joking with her? That was possible, after all. Could it be that she’ll say yes to being spanked and then Miss Holmes will just laugh at her? Emma reflected on that for a few moments but then told herself that Miss Holmes never seemed that kind of person so why should she start now? On the other hand, when she made her decision to be spanked, if Miss Holmes kept to what she said then Emma realised that she couldn’t ever pull out. Was that a risk worth taking, she wondered? Mind you, was it likely she would want to pull out because she had fantasised so often about being spanked?

Emma knew that normally she was so decisive. However, the indecision was because, if she agreed, she would be handing over control to Miss Holmes. Then Emma remembered how Miss Holmes pointed out it was Emma who had control because it was always up to the student to keep to the rules and the teacher could only hand out punishments when rules were broken. That was quite a clever way of looking at it, Emma realised, and, it had to be said, was true, because teachers had to keep to the rules as well. On the other hand, if this was supposed to be maternal style discipline did mum’s have to keep to the rules like teachers did? On balance, Emma told herself, she reckoned Miss Holmes would keep to the rules because that was the only way it would work. 

So, happy she was making the right choice, Emma looked at Miss Holmes and said, “Please will you spank me, Miss Holmes, and apply the rules and the consequences of me breaking them.”

Emma then held her breath to see whether Miss Holmes would agree, or just laugh at her stupidity. 

Victoria was used to assessing what students were thinking and wasn’t surprised when Emma agreed to her plan and jumped straight into the strict teacher role by ordering, “I know when I was your teacher I used naughty spot time and so I want your nose pressed against the wall with your hands on your head for ten minutes, with your skirt above your waist and knickers below your knees.” She added after a moment’s hesitation by Emma, “Now girl,” in her authoritative teacher’s voice. 

Emma was taken by surprise with the speed of Miss Holmes’ response and found herself jumping into action and immediately stood up and went to the wall and pushed her knickers down to her knees and secured her skirt at the back inside the waistband and pressed her nose against the wall and put her hands on her head, remembering she had had to do exactly this, just the once, when Miss Holmes was her teacher. It brought back those memories and made her feel like the naughty student she was then and now remembered as well how it started her wish to be disciplined by Miss Holmes as she looked at the classroom wall. Now, with those memories, she was getting aroused again as she thought about the spanking she had imagined herself getting from the very strict Miss Holmes, and now she was about to get exactly that.

Victoria knew she was feeling differently now compared to the way she felt when a teacher and sent a misbehaving student to face the wall. She knew that was proper discipline and something the student was unlikely to want. Of course, she also knew that some students misbehaved on purpose to intentionally miss the lesson, or even because they enjoyed being called out in front of the class and thought themselves something of a hero. All this couldn’t be the case with Emma today because there was no one there to watch and, in any case, the scenario was more like a strict mum and her naughty daughter involving naughty spot time rather than a classroom scenario. Victoria had never been married and had no children of her own, but always had it in mind that she would actually have more experience than most mums in dealing with misbehaving sons and daughters because of her experience as a teacher. Well, maybe that would happen now.

Victoria monitored the time and watched Emma carefully to make sure that she didn’t move, and, specifically, didn’t take her nose away from the wall. She was happy when she saw exactly how submissive and obedient Emma was being but she still wouldn’t be surprised if Emma had second thoughts, and that was the reason for the naughty spot time, to give her the opportunity to reconsider her agreement. 

Victoria also had to admit that she enjoyed looking at Emma’s bare bottom and was already thinking about spanking those gorgeous looking cheeks.

As the ten minutes arrived, so Victoria knew this was going to be the testing time. “Okay, Emma, you can come away from the wall and go and stand by the dining chair that I have turned into the room.” Victoria decided to act as though Emma was simply going to obey her, rather than ask the question.

Emma heard the instruction and took a deep breath as she lowered her hands from her head and turned away from the wall. She saw the chair that Miss Holmes told her about and immediately walked over and stood by it. She had, after all, told herself that this was a long-held fantasy that she wanted to live out, and was really turned on by having to obey all of Miss Holmes’ instructions. She just hoped that she would still have that same feeling after what she was sure would be a very hard spanking. She did gasp when she saw her own wooden-backed paddle hairbrush on the seat of the chair, which was what she had often imagined being spanked with, but that also told her it really was going to be a hard spanking.

As Emma walked towards the chair Victoria decided that she would not keep her face expressionless, but make it the stern looking face she used when telling off one of the students. As she saw that Emma spotted her own hairbrush deliberately put there to see her reaction, and then saw Emma glance towards her, wide-eyed and tense but also obedient, she nodded to make sure that Emma realised that she was going to get a really hard spanking. Well, as she had looked at Emma’s bare bottom as she had her nose pressed against the wall that was exactly the decision that she had reached. After all, Emma was making it clearer and clearer that she wanted to submit to her authority, and Victoria had to admit that she was rather liking that idea as well because this was so different to dealing with the students, as Emma was an adult who was making her own choice, albeit that that choice was to hand over full authority to someone else, whilst the students had no choice in that matter.

Victoria gasped at the nod Miss Holmes gave her, which emphasised who was in charge, but never for a moment wavered and still wanted to experience the spanking she had dreamed about.

As Victoria watched Emma stand by the chair so she went and sat down, flattening out her skirt, and glared up at Emma and ordered more like a strict mum than a teacher, “Right, young lady, get yourself down across my lap.”

Emma nodded her head but couldn’t actually speak as she lowered herself, balancing on the far side of the chair and lowering herself further, catching her fall with her hands on the floor before resting her full weight onto Miss Holmes’ thighs. She had to admit the feeling was even better than how she had fantasised it to be as the feeling of submission was electric, and seeing everything upside-down including Miss Holmes’ bare legs was definitely the true feeling of submission that she wanted to feel. Even better, was when Miss Holmes placed her hand on her bare bottom and rubbed in circles, making sure there was no doubt whatsoever who was in charge and who had to obey.

It did seem strange to Emma that one feeling didn’t happen. She had expected to feel like a naughty teenager, but she didn’t. Instead, she still felt like the twenty-three-year-old she actually was, but very happy to have given disciplinary authority to the woman she had obeyed in so many different guises. That made her happier, in fact, and more willing to submit.

Victoria she was getting aroused as she looked down at Emma’s bare bottom. It was a gorgeously spankable adult bottom and she knew a bottom that not just wanted to be spanked but wanted to be spanked really hard. After all, she had caught Emma fingering herself as she was watching spanking porn and she admitted she imagined herself being spanked, and now agreed to the full transfer of disciplinary control to her. Well, whilst Emma might change her mind once experiencing a real spanking, Victoria told herself that wouldn’t stop her giving a really hard spanking so Emma would properly live out her fantasy, one time at least.

Once Victoria had rubbed Emma’s bottom in circles several times she knew that full control was with her, so she raised her hand and brought her palm down firmly on Emma’s far bottom cheek and loved how it surrendered to her hand, flattening, then bouncing back and swirling around just as she spanked the other bottom cheek. She repeated that time and again, spanking down on alternate bottom cheeks, turning both cheeks darker and darker shades of red as she listened to Emma’s louder and louder gasps. As she focused on spanking Emma harder and harder, so she also realised that she was getting turned on by the power that she had. This really was so different to when she was a teacher because, here, she had a willing adult who wanted to be subjected to a disciplinary regime that specifically included spanking. As she continued to spank Emma so she even wondered if this would have happened in front of any of their friends, but that was for another day.

Emma knew she was struggling with the spanking, more so when Miss Holmes changed to spanking the same bottom cheek time after time rather than spanking alternate bottom cheeks. She knew this was the right way to give a spanking because she had read up on it so many times on the spanking internet sites that she visited. What she didn’t know was that the experience was so much better than the fantasy, even though it was so painful. What she loved was the feeling of submission because as well as her bottom stinging more and more, so she could feel her vagina vibrating, much as it did when she fingered herself. Well, this was so different to fingering yourself, and a whole lot better even with the increasing pain, because as much as anything else the loss of any control was so erotically exciting.

Emma found herself struggling even more as Victoria spanked the backs of her legs, and knew what was written on those spanking internet sites was true in that the backs of the legs were far tenderer than the bottom cheeks, and so spanking them hurt rather more. Even so, Emma simply told herself that once she was reduced to uncontrolled crying it hardly mattered there and then. All it would mean was that it would take longer for the stinging to subside, but then that meant the lesson lasted longer and she hoped her vagina would be begging to be fingered for longer as well. It was an interesting quandary for those being spanked, because the more the pain the better the lesson and the longer the memory, and the greater the arousal.

As she watched Emma being reduced to crying and blubbering and apologising, Victoria still saw no reason to go lightly. After all, this was now established as being the first of the new spanking regime, and one thing that everybody knew was that if it was for discipline then there was no benefit in spanking anything other than really hard. Victoria also reckoned that Emma was thinking the same, at least she would be except for the pain, because she was staying obediently across her lap, albeit squirming around and tensing her arms and legs and hissing in and out through clenched teeth, but otherwise was accepting however hard a spanking she was going to be given. Of course, as much as she was crying now, Victoria knew she would be crying much more once she used the hairbrush on her very willing bottom.

So, when Victoria was happy with the gorgeous glowing red colour she had turned both bottom cheeks and the backs of both legs, she stopped for a moment and picked up the paddle hairbrush. As Emma had had it on her desk as she watched the spanking movie she assumed that she fantasised as much about being spanked with this as by a hand spanking. It didn’t matter, because Victoria knew that in order to sufficiently bruise Emma’s bottom to be the lasting lesson this was intended to be she would need to use the hairbrush. At least, the hairbrush or something similar like a leather slipper or a belt. However, somehow a hairbrush, probably used by Emma to brush her hair with, was more meaningful right now.

Emma felt the hairbrush tapped a couple of times on each bottom cheek. She grimaced as she knew it was going to hurt much more than when spanked by Victoria’s hand. However, it was all part of her fantasy and had even spanked herself with the hairbrush a few times and found it stung enough to hurt. It even turned her on as she used that same hairbrush to brush her hair day after day because she could think about being spanked as she did that. Now that the hairbrush was really going to be used to spank her bottom she was surprised but loved the fact that she was still feeling aroused by that prospect.

When the first spank landed with the hairbrush Emma‘s thoughts changed. She knew she was already crying from the hand spanking, and now with the first spank from her own hairbrush she yelped and threw her head back knowing that her long lush light brown hair was flying all around her head, and when the second spank landed and then the third and the fourth and then the spanking continued she knew the spanking was much harder than she had ever imagined.

However, she also trusted Miss Holmes, probably like no one else, because, after all, she had been her teacher and private tutor, and told her off for not doing her homework properly when she was a teacher, and for not concentrating when she was a private tutor. Emma had always joked to herself that had Miss Holmes spanked her just once on any of those occasions then maybe the lesson would’ve been learned. In fact, that desire of being spanked once had increased to wanting to be spanked regularly, although that was before she realised just how painful being spanked with a thick wooden-backed paddle hairbrush was.

Victoria made sure that the hairbrush landed squarely on each bottom cheek and enjoyed watching how the spankable bottom cheeks surrendered to it, whilst at the same time Emma yelped with the pain. Of course, Victoria knew that after a few spanks the stinging pain would increase and reduce Emma to almost total uncontrolled crying. That was good, because then it wouldn’t matter how many times she spanked her bottom with the hairbrush because the important thing would be that her bottom would end up beautifully bruised, and, as a consequence, very difficult to sit down on for many hours, and even would continue to be sensitive for two or three days. After all, that was the real purpose of spanking with the hairbrush rather than just the pain of the spanking itself.

Victoria reckoned that, had she used the cane on Emma, then six of the best would naturally be twelve strokes for an adult and each stroke would hit both bottom cheeks. If she reckoned on six spanks with a hairbrush equalling one stroke with the cane, that meant thirty-six spanks with the hairbrush. She settled on thirty-six spanks on each bottom cheek, making sure that, just like the cane, each spank was given hard enough to be meaningful. That meant she had to ignore Emma’s uncontrolled crying, knowing it was the right thing to do and part of Emma’s fantasy.

Once Victoria had completed the tariff of spanks with the hairbrush she stopped and listened to Emma’s continuing crying. It was then she felt that real maternal love for Emma, and hoped it would be returned.

Emma knew that the spanks had stopped raining down on her bottom but she couldn’t stop herself crying. She also knew that her sight was blurred, even when looking at Miss Holmes’ upside-down legs which were just inches from her face. What she found pleasantly surprising, though, was that she didn’t hold anything against Miss Holmes. Not just that, but she had now experienced the fantasy that she had wanted to do for all those years, and, yes it hurt, in fact hurt such a lot, but there was no question that it was so much better than just watching a spanking and fingering herself as she watched. Better, was that she was spanked by the woman she had fantasised being spanked by for so long. It must’ve been fate that led her to answer the ad in the newspaper of a room to let, and certainly hoped that Miss Holmes was going to be much more than her landlady, and much more than the third time she was put in charge of her. After all, having a room in her house made Miss Holmes more like a mum so far as discipline was concerned. Yes, she could add strict maternal landlady to teacher and tutor.

Victoria reckoned that Emma had now calmed down a bit, at least sufficiently to be told, “Okay, Emma, you can now get up.”

Emma had calmed down and did hear the instruction but found that she was slightly reluctant to get up from Miss Holmes‘s lap. After all, it felt so right to be across her lap, and so satisfying, and then she smiled to herself as she thought, so educational as well. Not bad for a teacher and tutor, she reckoned.

As Emma eased herself up so her hands rubbed her bottom as she stepped from foot to foot, and she was doing the spanking dance that she had imagined she would do. Even that felt good as her bottom stung and she knew that the soreness would last certainly for two days and maybe more. As she calmed down, she needed to know whether Miss Holmes would keep her side of the bargain and retain this spanking regime. So, through her blurred vision and sobs, she asked, “I would like this to continue please, Miss Holmes.”

Victoria was so pleased that Emma wanted to continue with the regime because she could tell from her own wet knickers that it was what she wanted as well. However, using her experience as a teacher, she needed to make sure but Emma fully understood what it meant. So, she ordered, “No, Emma. You will stay here in your room for one hour and then you will come down and tell me what your decision is. I will wait downstairs and also think what should happen.” 

Emma was quite thrown by the instruction. She was clutching her bottom and stepping from foot to foot in front of Miss Holmes and saying that she wanted to be spanked again so why didn’t she just accept that? However, she heard the instruction and thought if she argued she would be thinking more like a sulking stroppy teenager than an adult of twenty-three-years of age. So, she watched as Miss Holmes walked out of her bedroom, closing the door, and heard her make her way downstairs.

It was an hour later that Victoria went up the stairs again to speak with Emma. She did go to her bedroom first as she needed to change her knickers which were now soaked with her cum, having fingered herself to three most glorious orgasms as she played over in her mind disciplining Emma. She then went and stood outside Emma’s bedroom and, this time, knocked on the door and waited to be asked in.

In fact, Emma didn’t call out but instead came to the door and opened it, and was smiling broadly as she said, “Hi Miss Holmes, please do come in.”

Emma was very relaxed now, and so happy after fingering herself several times. She sat in her chair at her desk with her feet on the desk and her legs well apart as she did so, this time not needing the spanking porn movie to cum as she pictured herself really being spanked by the authoritatively sexy Miss Holmes.

Victoria walked into the bedroom and saw that Emma must’ve been on her computer because it was switched on but had wording on the screen rather than porn and gave Emma an inquisitive look. 

Emma saw the look and was smiling as she went to the table and picked up some paper and returned. Emma held out two sheets of paper and said, “I’ve searched the internet for rules that young adults should keep to within the home and family. I found loads of rules and picked out thirty although I know that I will find it difficult to keep to them all, but I think these are the rules that could be used initially for you to control me.” Emma then looked hopefully at Miss Holmes. 

Victoria took the two pages and smiled as she looked lovingly at Emma and said, “Well I’ve done the same downstairs and also picked out thirty rules. I’ll compare them and pick out the thirty that are most relevant and then you will abide by them, with no second chances, and get a spanking every time you break one. Like I said before, that means you are in control as it is you who just has to keep to the rules to avoid a spanking.”

Victoria didn’t add that Emma had control, but she was the one in charge as she had sole decision rights about everything to do with discipline. That was rule one on her sheet anyway, and would be on the final set.

Emma was on the verge of tears again but tears of happiness because she saw this as the life she wanted.

Victoria saw the happiness on Emma’s face and held her arms out and happily pulled her closely in and hugged her, feeling Emma hug her back. 

Both knew now that this was what they wanted, and whilst Victoria hadn’t thought about it before catching Emma watch the spanking movie on her computer, she realised that she had thought about it over the years each time she took on a position of authority and responsibility over Emma. Well, there was nothing wrong with having a spanking regime within a relationship and both were thankful, with Emma in control and Victoria definitely in charge.

Published 3 years ago

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