They were becoming known as the ‘Hansen sisters’, Doris and Joan, who lived in a sprawling country place on the edge of Des Moines and where Doris, the younger of the two had set up home and in the belief that her marriage was rock solid. She had lived in this part of the state for many years, with Joan working and living in Minneapolis where she managed her own furniture restoration and makeover business. They were arty, self-reliant, and spoke often; their bond evolved and stood them in good stead as the years passed ever more quickly.
“You make your luck,” Tom Hansen had told his two daughters, thinking that the words would resonate with them and through their lives, just as they had done through the many years of his marriage to their mother, Ruth.
The Hansen’s of Iowa could trace their family’s origins back to Scandinavia but little of that now resonated with the two women who had tried and failed in their marriages, their men abandoning them, and the decision son reached that, perhaps, there was some sense in the two of them living together, but in separate parts of the house and with the outbuildings put to good use in their business endeavors.
If one, or both of them, fell into a relationship with a man then the present arrangements would have to be revisited, amended, or put aside. The prospect of that happening, at their age of sixty and fifty-eight, seemed unlikely, even if Doris and the younger of the two had dated and failed at that a few times since her marriage had broken up. Carl Hansen was the product of her marriage and he had inherited the self-reliant gene from his Mom. He worked in IT and was so darned good at making and mending things that he had been unfazed when Doris had suggested that he fitted out a part of the house for Joan to think of as her own, the two women gathering for meals in the spacious kitchen and relaxing in the living room, the space cluttered with their shares of the furniture that had been in the now fractured marital homes.
Life was settling down again, the waters closing over all that had gone before, but Joan knew, as she heard the now familiar sound of Carl’s Jeep Cherokee, that a successful business and repeat work from customers, and from those to whom she had been recommended, did not fill every corner of her life…her emotional life, that is.
Some of the ‘luck’ that Tom Hansen had spoken of so long ago would have to be found. She had come to look on Carl as a surrogate for the company and attention that she still craved, an emotional bond that was taking an ever-stronger hold in her and that Doris knew nothing of.
Carl revved the engine as if to announce his arrival, the shimmering white vehicle serving his every need for work and getting about the State on its gridwork of arrow-straight roads. Time had been set aside to attend to simple building work and fitting out the rooms that Joan had been offered, the clap-boarded house with all of its iconic external features set in grassland that resembled a prairie and not a well-tended garden. The Hansen sisters were ‘Doris’ and ‘Joan’ to him, the word Mom rarely crossing his lips whenever he spoke to Doris.
He found the two women only too alike when it came to their appearance, Joan’s mane of wispy greying hair a wild delight that Doris did not concede to. Instead, her sandy-blonde hair was tied back in a rebellious ponytail at the nape of her neck but it too was unruly, rebellious even. Sisters they undoubtedly were, their smile almost identical and the intensity of their gaze upon you, when they were speaking, impossible to ignore. They each provoked a response from him on what had been said, Doris more matter of fact, Joan’s often teasing and even flirtatious, behavior that would distract him from the task at hand.
He enjoyed being in Joan’s company, her lively chatter about the work that she did for a client often making him laugh. He had again become engrossed in her, just as he had been when just a kid, and the conversion and fitting out work often occupied so much of his free time that it kept him away from his live-in girlfriend, Evelyn. Whereas Joan and Doris were broad-hipped, full-breasted, and voluptuously mature, Evelyn was all but a slender waif and in whose body beat an only too passionate heart.
The Hansen sisters, as even he often referred to them, were very much in his life and he did not want it any other way, but he also felt that he could so easily get caught in the middle with Joan seeking out his advice on some piece of furniture that she was restoring and ‘making over’. Doing that would bring him into her company and she would find some reason to have him stay a while longer, to talk and reassert a bond between them.
He sure wasn’t imagining it and he wondered how long it would be, and how much work he would get done before she sought him out. Doris was away from the house, for work or on an errand. Her estate wagon was not to be seen, so he was alone in the place with Joan and it was a situation, once more, that set him wondering about her and that a brief touch or kiss in greeting to his cheek, might be the beginning of.
The house was eerily quiet as he entered the hallway. He had his work plan and would follow that for as long as it took to get things done. The noisy work was over and finishings were now to be undertaken, so he could talk to her whenever Joan sought him out.
It had been the plan on other occasions…
He wasn’t alone for long, Joan’s soft, sultry, call alerting him to her presence before he turned to see her standing in the doorway that led from her bedroom onto the brightly lit landing. The afternoon’s sunlight caught the silvery tints in Joan’s hair, gleamed off her bangled bracelets and baubles of a favored necklace that rested on the swell of her breasts.
He quelled an instinctive gasp, on seeing her, as his mind spooled back to his formative years. Memories of how he had fantasized about the woman came rushing in again, recollections of pubescent longings that the sight of her, and the felt hat she had again put on so rakishly, aroused in him. He’d paid particular attention to the work he was doing because of her, for her, knowing from her oft-expressed compliments that it pleased her and that it was as she wanted them to be. He was being paid to be here but thoughts of her, and now the sight of Joan, were recompense enough. Just where was he to go with this, now?
“Are you still okay living and working out here?” he chose to ask, stopping in the work he had set out to do and looking her way.
“I’d be wasting my time and money if I wasn’t.”
“That’s so true,” he laughed in response to her straight talking.
Joan carried her weight so well, stood just to his shoulder and he was an inch or so short of six foot tall. She sure filled that blouse so well and those slacks, along with wedge shoes, showed off firm legs and broad hips. Isolated the place, an old farmstead with its out-buildings might be but she still paid attention to her looks and only the dirtiest of jobs, when she spray-painted furniture before it was decorated to a client’s tastes, making her wear some overalls, her hair tied up in a ragged tangle that gave her a wilder and arty appearance. Now, it seemed, she was through with work for the day, was attending to admin chores, and had dressed accordingly, perhaps even for him.
She gracefully brushed a hand through her riotous hair as she met his look upon her. “The workshop’s fine but my apartment, in this part of the house, sure needs finishing…and I’m so pleased with what you’re doing. You keep and leave the place so tidy it’s as if you’ve not been here.”
“I’m doing it for you, first of all…then for Doris.” He didn’t take her comment as a criticism of the time it was taking him to get through it all. “That’s down to me and I’ve got a couple of lean days to be here and get on with it. The lighting system in here is as you asked.” Their shoulders brushed as he moved past her, met a fleeting smile his way, and demonstrated the various changes that the switches on the wall allowed.
“I’m not getting at you,” she smiled touching his arm and making Carl look at her. “I came over from my office just to see that you’re okay.”
“Curiosity is getting the better of you, I guess?”
She shrugged. “Yeah, but I also wanted someone to talk to…and I like doing that with you. The workshop you fitted out for me is so good I wonder how I got my work done before I moved out here, but then,” she shrugged as if to make the point, “but then I wasn’t alone like I am now.”
The point she was making registered.
“So not everything is okay living and working out here,” he provoked, “is it?”
“I’m not saying that! What your Mom and I have been through gets to us sometimes, that’s all I’m saying. And now,” she hesitated and did so for effect, “me interrupting your work and wanting to talk to you, and have some company, may be intruding on what you’ve got…with Evelyn I mean.”
What she had said and done, in touching his arm, was not lost on him. Impetuously, he reached out to brush his fingers to Joan’s lips, felt her response, and saw her pout.
“I can spare some of that, you know? It’s been that way for me for quite a while now, Joan.”
“Crazy, isn’t it?”
“No, it’s never that, or not to me it isn’t. Just don’t go telling Doris, will you?”
“No, it’s our secret,” she blurted out in reply and loved the chance to get closer to him. Carl had spared her the embarrassment of seeking that from him. “Wait, Carl…”
His breaths were on her parted lips and Joan held his gaze, as he hesitated before leaning in to kiss her, his tongue slicking over her parted lips before he kissed her deeply and without restraint. She clung to him as Carl embraced her tightly, putting his hands on her hips to draw her closer than close, his intentions now clear.
“It’s wrong, I know, but I can’t help it or hold back my feelings!” Joan shuddered as if the dam of restraint and denial of a man’s touch had burst in her. She gripped his shirt and pushed against him, feeling the swell in his jeans as his prick pressed into her belly. She heard his gasp, and sharp intake of breath, as she brazenly sought him. She was wet and her lustful instincts were now set ablaze. “You sure are strong!”
“And I’m not going to keep a secret from you any longer,” he kissed, tugging at the hem of her wrap-around blouse that shaped her so provocatively to his ways of seeing her. Joan felt warm and soft, fleshy, and she beguiled him now. He ached to grip the swell of those breasts and share the heat that her actions suggested she wanted to do so with him. “Knowing you’re living here and that I can see you, so often, makes me hornier than ever before…whenever I met you when I was younger, no more than a kid.”
She was hearing it for the first time. “You…you had a crush on me?”
“Believe it!” Carl spoke on brushing past her and closing the door, her restraining touches no hindrance. He turned to face her and Joan saw him tug loosen his shirt and pull it up over his head, his stomach muscles tightening. He was lean and strong, not overly muscled and vain, his breastbone showing a hint of blonde chest hair. “I’m here, and can be with you…as we both want it to be, now. I hope that I’m right?”
“You read me too well,” she gasped through his kisses and clung to him as she kicked off her shoes, languished in his embrace, and breathed in his heat. She ached to share the heat and skin on skin, young and horny that he was.
“Touch me…and love me everywhere!” she exclaimed, soon leaning back against him and pulling on his hands as he caressed her tummy. His hands would soon discover the warm clammy skin of her pussy’s lips, her untrimmed bush now brushed by his fingers as she tugged loose her slack’s fastening. His fingers were rough, those of a working man.
“Touch you like this?!” he asked and she gasped in approval, bit her lips to stifle sharper cries as she felt his hands begin to roam, to cup her heavy breasts under her blouse then sweep down to her heat. She lifted her face and twisted to meet his kisses as his touches on her continued, her hips beginning to push forward to meet his claims upon her. “I want to find you, touch you in there, and then be so deep in you.”
“You say it how it is for you now!”
“And for you, Joan…and for you.”
He wrestled free of Joan’s restraining hands and laid one palm over her exposed midriff, pressed into her rhythmically in mimicking the act of loving. He caressed it, circling her belly button.
“Go on!” she yelped, lifting her face and closing her eyes in response to the surge of pleasure that he aroused in her.
Their kiss didn’t stop, the clamp of hands to their bodies persisted as Carl’s kisses deepened and his tongue swirled into her mouth, brazenly dancing with hers as a vibrant act of foreplay was pursued. She shivered as one hand slipped under the elasticated rim of her panties and fingers parted her pussy’s lips, caressed over their slicked heat before he cupped her mound, had her know of his presence there.
“I…I want you, Joan,” he kissed as she was coaxed to spread her thighs and allow him deeper entry, his fingers dancing over her labia and probing into her, pressing deeper and applying pressure. His confident touch aroused rushes of raging pleasure from her pussy and up through her belly, making her nipples tingle. She seemed to be burning up with painful anticipation, as he rubbed again, pulling her back into a kiss. He began to rub her, to torture her body as he suckled on her lips – coaxing from her gentle whimpers of desperation.
“I’m sure learning of that now!” Joan felt her pussy’s soft plips swell and her muscles clamp on his invading fingers deep within her.
“Good, we’re closer than ever….”
“I’m going to be your lover, no longer your aunt!” she shrieked, shuddering in response to the rushes of her orgasm and lifting one arm to reach out and keep his lips to her throat. Carl slid his fingers down over her pussy’s lips, then cupped her mound once more in one rough hand as he lifted her back and against him.
“I’ve wondered, how I’ve wondered about this and being with you,” he kissed, his hands shoving the rim of her slacks down over her hips, then her panties. He knelt and undressed her, soon buried his face between her legs and she gripped his head as his tongue slicked over her belly and into her.
“It’s real…it’s so real now!” she whimpered as a lustful young man, her nephew, having reduced the older woman to a shivering and desiring wreck. Had she wanted him so many years ago, the pubescent boy with the look of his hungering eyes upon her? His rough hands slid between her legs as his thumb played with her center, torturing pleasure from her body. Her guttural words of approval and encouragement slipped over her lips without a second thought.
Carl’s touches invigorated her, and from the depths of her body slid her desire, her love for him for wanting to bring pleasure and solace to her. Every stroke built something within her, but she fought it – the release of pent-up frustration and lust for him was both wonderful and scary. Incestuous thoughts were now being made real. To lose all control at the hands of her nephew, and in her sister’s house, was an intimacy that would soon plumb the deepest points of their relationship to each other.
“Get undressed! I want to see you naked just as I am!” she demanded and moved away, watching him as he tugged loose his belt, then the button fastening to the fly of his jeans before in a single sweep he pushed them and his briefs to the floor.
Unashamed, he stood naked before her and she rushed to touch him, to caress his toned chest, the swell of his stomach muscles, the tangled mat of hair on his groin. From that there arced a long, thick penis, so at odds with the build of the lustful man before her.
They couldn’t keep from kissing and groping each other’s skins, to hold and squeeze; Carl was dismayed to see Joan gloriously naked, natural, busty, and statuesque, her skin impossibly pale, a glacial white like porcelain and the color of her areolas and nipples such an enslaving contrast and that he now wished to claim.
“They’re yours to love…I’m here for you to love,” she crooned, delighting in the touch of him and offering herself, her hands cupping their weighty shape as Joan realised what was at work in him. She could see it in his eyes and now felt it in the slow caress of his fingers over her skin.
They kissed as…