Cat’s Paw

"Kevin may be harboring the secret of a lifetime. Will Katherine be able to gain his trust in time to learn it?"

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Kevin strolled the exhibition floor, glancing at each booth he passed. The booths were advertising various services and hardware for pharmaceutical development. This conference would likely be the biggest sales day of the year for many of these companies, and the exhibition floor buzzed with the excitement.  

A few vendors recognized him. “Mr. Canidae!” exclaimed a young man seated behind a table of swag, the booth behind him clearly the product of an overzealous marketing department. “So glad to see you here!” 

Kevin smiled at him kindly and waved, but continued walking. “No time to chat, I’m afraid. Good to see you, Alfred,” he responded. 

Eventually, Kevin’s eyes lit upon a slender woman of perhaps forty standing in front of a booth. She was dressed in a black knee-length skirt and white blouse. Over the blouse she wore a vest emblazoned with her company’s logo. His face lit up as he recognized Katherine, his new friend that he had met just last night. His new lover. 

“You look very… professional today,” Kevin said, stopping close to her – too close for a professional interaction. She made no effort to back away, instead looking up at him with beautiful blue eyes. 

“Thank you. I got some fashion advice last night, and decided to take it,” she replied.  

Kevin slipped his hand between the vest and her blouse. He felt her nipple through the thin material, and felt the softness of her full breast. No bra, just as he’d instructed. He felt confident there would be nothing under that black skirt either. “Good girl,” he whispered. 

“Careful, my boss is right over there,” she smiled. She glanced to the side at a man nearby, wearing a matching vest and deep in conversation with a potential customer. She turned. “Would you care for a Forcentix pen or T-shirt?” 

Before Kevin could respond, Katherine turned and picked up a plastic display box filled with nice-looking branded pens. It slipped out of her grasp and hit the floor, scattering pens everywhere. Kevin looked on in surprise as Katherine bent at the waist, facing away from him to pick up the pens. As her right hand gathered pens, her left hand briefly lifted her skirt. Kevin caught a glimpse of her labia. He felt his cock begin to swell in appreciation, then knelt to help her pick up the pens. 

The pens recovered, they both straightened. “Don’t mind if I do,” said Kevin as he plucked a pen from the display box and pocketed it.  

She restored the box to the table, eyes still wide with the thrill of what she had just done. Then she turned back to him, too close again, and trailed a finger down the collar of his shirt. “When can I see you again?” she purred. 

Kevin said nothing. Instead, he pinched the fabric of her blouse in his left hand, twisting it a bit. Before Katherine could react, he swiftly withdrew scissors from his pocket and snipped. A bit of fabric came away in his hand. 

Katherine gasped. There was now a two-inch hole in her blouse, and her nipple poked out of it. “WHAT the FUCK?” she raged, in the loudest whisper she could manage. “You almost cut my nipple off!” 

“But I didn’t,” replied Kevin, coolly pocketing the scrap of fabric. “To answer your question, 10 pm. At the hotel bar.” 

“I can’t run a trade show booth like this!” 

“Your vest will cover it, as long as you don’t move your arms too much. And you’ll have a reason to remember me while I take care of some business meetings this afternoon. See you at 10.” He grinned and resumed his stroll through the exhibition hall. Soon enough, he was greeting another acquaintance. Then he was lost in the crowd. 


Katherine stood alone and shivered for a minute in front of her booth. Her boss, Josh, finished his conversation with a handshake and walked the 10 feet back towards her. He was slightly overweight, balding, the cheerful smile on his features masking the seriousness of his gaze. “Well?” he asked. 

“I think he trusts me,” she replied hesitantly. “Men like him are always a bit aloof, but there’s a certain… warmth, I guess, behind the hard exterior.” 

“Good. The closer you can get to him, the better.” He noticed that Katherine was holding her right arm in a slightly unnatural way. Curious, he lifted her vest with one finger. He caught a glimpse of her erect nipple through the jagged hole in her blouse, as well as the curve of her plump breast. “At least you’re having fun,” he chuckled. 

“Ha,” she laughed mirthlessly. “I don’t get paid nearly enough for this.” 

“If he’s working on what we think he is…” 

“I know, I know. An ME-0w inhibitor.  The fountain of youth,” she added softly. 

“If he’s working on what we think he is, and if we can beat him to market – we’ll make BILLIONS,” Josh emphasized quietly. “Steal information from him, and I’ll make sure the board knows your name very well.” 

The two stood in silence for a moment, until another conference-goer walked up to the booth. Katherine greeted him with a smile. 


Kevin entered his hotel room, tired after an afternoon of meetings. He set down his laptop bag by the bed, opened his phone, and scrolled to the contact labelled “Julie.” His girlfriend of just over a year should be home from her veterinary job by now. He touched the FaceTime button. 

A young woman’s face appeared on the screen, fair and cheerful, framed by straight dark hair and bare shoulders. “Hi Kevin!” she chirped. “You caught me just as I was about to shower!” The camera moved and he caught a glimpse of her naked form, lithe and fit with plump breasts and luscious hips.  

She’s so gorgeous, he thought. “Fancy that,” he mused. “Too bad I’m not around to help. I could give you a scrub down you’d never forget.” 

“Oh yeah?” she pouted. She sat down on her bed and held her phone a little farther away so that he could see her naked breasts. Her other hand reached down out of his view, perhaps touching her pussy. “Tell me exactly what you’d do to me.” 

Just then, Kevin saw the bathroom door open behind her and a man walked out. Kevin’s eyes widened in shock. “Ju-lie,” Kevin said, his voice suddenly lilted. “Why is there a naked man in your bedroom?” 

Julie’s jaw dropped. “Oh, um…” She paused, realizing she was caught. “Listen, he means nothing. It’s just a fling. What we have is real.” 

“Not as real as I thought, apparently. We’re through, Julie. Have a nice life.” He ended the call. 

Kevin dropped his phone and walked over to the sink. He splashed water on his face. The man in the mirror stared at him, his handsome face beginning to show lines of age. And pain that always comes with the years, he supposed. His own hypocrisy weighed on him – hadn’t he just fucked Katherine senseless the night before? And yet, wasn’t he entitled to some pleasure after a lifetime of grueling work and high achievement? 

Forty-nine years of life, and he had yet to find the right woman, he thought. The one. He sighed and returned to the hotel room chair. He thought of his evening date with Katherine. Perhaps she was the one? Or just another in the string of pleasurable disappointments? He withdrew his notebook from his laptop bag, and his new Forcentix swag pen from his pocket. He began to write. 


Kevin sat in a booth at the back corner of the hotel bar, sipping his whiskey. He had no doubt that Katherine would show up, so he simply relaxed and watched the bustle of professionals drinking after a long day. Eventually, he spotted her. She wore the same white blouse and black skirt that she had earlier. An ochre scarf replaced the vest, one end of it draped over her right breast.  

She strode towards Kevin’s booth, high heels making her gait sway lasciviously, and sat next to him. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” she remarked. 

“My life can be a bit… stressful at times,” he replied. He gestured at a glass of wine on the table, resting on the scrap of her blouse as if it were a coaster. “I ordered you a drink.” 

She took a sip of the wine. She looked at the scrap of fabric as if unsure where it came from, then lifted her scarf as if piecing it together. He caught a glimpse of her breast before the scarf settled back into place. “A gentleman as well as a scoundrel. My kind of man.” 

“Let’s play a game,” he said. She raised an eyebrow. “I’ll ask a question and you answer. Then I guess if the answer is the truth or a lie. If I’m right, you undo one button on your blouse.” There were four buttons, and one was already undone. 

“Sounds like fun,” she replied. “But you only get three questions.” 

“Deal. Have you ever been in love?” 

She thought a moment and took a sip of wine. “No. The closest I came was a two-year relationship in college. He was kind, fairly handsome, and studying to be a lawyer. After he graduated, he took a job in New York and asked me to come with him. I had two years left in my degree, so I broke it off with him. I often wonder what life would have been like if I’d followed him. Would I be his wife? A mother? But the reality was, I didn’t love him.” 

“Lie,” Kevin said without hesitation. “You loved him.” She gave a faint smile and unbuttoned the second button of her blouse. He could see the bottom curve of her full breasts now, the nipples just out of view. 

“When’s the last time you had sex in public?” 

“Gosh, you think a girl like me would do something like that?” 

“Oh please. That doesn’t even count. Answer the question.” 

“Heh. All right.” She paused another moment to collect her thoughts. “About five years ago, I had a boyfriend who was into that sort of thing. We took a walk through park at dusk, leaves crunching under our feet, romance, yada yada. Nobody was around. We got to a picnic table and he started kissing me. Next thing I knew, my panties were on the floor and I was sitting on the edge of the picnic table, skirt hiked up to reveal my pussy. He entered me slowly, sensually, and we made love there until the sun had set and it was completely dark. Then we walked home. I still remember the feeling of the breeze cooling the sex on my pussy after that. It was glorious.” 

Kevin saw the faint glimmer of a tear in Katherine’s eye. “True.” She unbuttoned the third button, revealing her navel. Her areolas were just barely visible behind the cut of the blouse. Katherine noticed Kevin looking and playfully adjusted her scarf to conceal herself a bit more. 

“Last question. What’s your darkest fantasy?”  

“Oh, I’m not sure I know you well enough to share something like that,” she purred. 

“After what happened last night, I’d say we know each other pretty well.” 

She rolled her eyes. “Ok, ok. My fantasy is that I come home from work to find a new St. Andrew’s cross installed in my living room. My boyfriend orders me to strip, and after I do he binds my hands and feet to the cross. I have no idea what’s coming next. He spends a few minutes pleasuring me orally, and I’m nicely aroused. Then I hear the doorbell ring. His friend enters and sees me bound to the cross. His jaw drops in shock; neither of us knew this would happen. My boyfriend and his friend take turns pleasuring me with their fingers or a vibrator, but never intensely enough to make me cum. Then the doorbell rings again. More friends – altogether five men take turns teasing me and watching me squirm in bondage for hours with no release. When the guests finally leave, my boyfriend releases me, whispers praise in my ear, and carries me to the bed. Exhausted, I fall asleep, still naked and dripping from arousal.” 

Kevin was quiet for a long moment. He swirled the remainder of the whiskey in his glass. “Lie,” he finally said. “It’s not a fantasy. It’s a true story.” 

Katherine grinned sheepishly. “You’re good at this.” She unfastened the final button, and the blouse opened to reveal her glorious breasts. Kevin caressed them with one hand. “What now, my captain of industry?” 

“Now I’m going to finish my drink, and then we’re going back to my hotel room to continue this party.”  

She looked at him mischievously, then grabbed his drink and downed it in one gulp. 


The hotel room door opened and the two lovers entered, already a whirlwind of urgent kisses, exploring hands, and discarded clothing. Once naked, he pinned her against the wall, one arm lifting her knee to chest level, the other supporting her at the shoulder. His cock entered her easily, just the head. He paused for a moment, then gazed into her lustful eyes as he slowly buried himself balls deep into her. She moaned in ecstasy. Another thrust, then another, faster. “Ooh Kevin,” she moaned. “I’m all yours, I’m your little slut, use me… Oh… However you want.” 

“Of course you are, sweet girl,” he replied. He lifted her up and laid her on the bed, just forcefully enough to show her his strength. Show her his power. He flipped her around to her hands and knees and entered her doggy style. Her moans grew louder as the intensity of his thrusts reached a crescendo.  

After Kevin felt his arousal pass the point of no return, he withdrew his cock and spurted cum across Katherine’s back. She collapsed into the bed, her moans of pleasure fading into moans of satisfaction. Smiling, Kevin traced the drops of semen on her back with his finger as if playing connect the dots.  

Eventually, Kevin lay next to Katherine and drew her into a warm embrace. They spent the remainder of the evening on pleasant small talk, cuddled in the hotel room bed, until sleep overtook them.  


Katherine’s eyes snapped open. Kevin lay next to her, his breathing slow and rhythmic. Slowly, silently, she arose from the bed, taking the utmost care not to wake him.  

She moved through the darkness of the hotel room, still nude, the cool air leaving goosebumps on her skin. She stopped at his laptop bag and paused, listening. He was still asleep.  

Carefully, she opened the bag. The laptop she didn’t bother with, since it would have security that she had no time to bypass. Then her fingers found a small bound notebook. She opened it, using the flashlight on her phone to illuminate the pages. She flipped through page after page, personal notes, drawings, etc., etc., until near the end she found it. “Project Prometheus,” the heading on the page read. Jackpot. 

Katherine began taking photos of each page with her phone. Notes, formulas, diagrams, all precious intel. It hurt to betray Kevin like this – her affection for him was real and she was starting to wonder if this was more than a fling. The amount of money on the line drew her on though. Finally, on the last page, she spied a chemical formula circled with the caption “THIS IS IT.”  

Her work complete, she returned Kevin’s notebook to his bag and sent the photos to Josh immediately. Then she crawled back into the bed, careful not to wake Kevin. She fondly recalled images of their evening together until she again drifted off to sleep. 

Published 3 months ago

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