Goth Night Getdown
"Getting down and dirty, that is."
“90’s goth, I like it. Too many of these people are borderline emo looking,” she complimented, sitting next to me at the bar.“Ah yeah, thanks. I just prefer the look I grew up with.” I looked at my pair of...
Second Chance, Part Two
This is fucking insane. I ran my sweaty hands over the steering wheel. Cold air blasted from the little vents in the dashboard, drying out my eyes. Refusing to rub them, to blink, to miss her, I felt around the...
Pitching A Tent Overnight
"When we decided to hike for the weekend, I thought we would be alone. That is, until another couple showed up."
“Almost—there—” I whispered. I could feel myself trembling with anticipation. “Don’t stop—a little more.”Then my grip faltered, and I fell. The rope secured around my waist pulled taught as I swung harmlessly from the cliff wall. I leaned back, waiting...
A New Partner
"Amateur bodybuilder aquires a new workout partner and lover."
It always seemed that right after New Year's Day, the Chrome Anvil gym enjoyed an influx of new members comprised of people trying to get in shape for the beach season that was on the horizon. Of all that signed...
The Pizza Boy Gives a Generous Tip
"I ordered a pizza working late and realized I had no way to pay. Or, at least, almost no way."
I sighed, sitting in my chair with my knees against my chest, twirling a stray hair.Bored out of my mind.Working as a massage therapist definitely had its perks—unless you got stuck doing the monthly clerical work because you’re the new...
Duel With The Devil, chapter 20 of the Greatest Liar
"A most unwelcome specter of Alexandra's past intrudes to haunt her present"
One Step Forward, Two Steps BackSales of my novel, The Greatest Liar, Trans Erotica With A Purpose (TGL), had been tepid, despite the generally positive reader comments on the publishing website of an e-commerce firm named for a large South...
Enjoying The Local Nightlife
"While on vacation, an open-minded couple loves to adventure out and enjoy the local nightlife. They meet a Trans at a local club who shows them new and wild experiences."
My wife (Debbie) and I have been married for twelve years. Our marriage started like any other. We were committed to each other, and we fucked like rabbits. We both shared the same interest in sex and loved to try...
The Pleasurable And Thrilling First Time With A Trannie
"The trans-gender named Wilma bounced me up and down on her cock in her four-wheel drive"
My name is Cassandra Jenner, thirty years old and from London. I have always been open-minded to try and experience new things and people, especially when it came to sex. I'm very experienced in the bedroom. Bondage, lesbian sex, straight...
Down The Rabbit Hole – Part Five
"Follow Alex as he finally lives out his feminisation fantasy"
My heart was pounding as I stepped out of the hotel and walked hand in hand with Sophie back towards Camden Town. The early evening was still warm, and Camden was vibrant. People were out and about, partying, drinking, eating,...