I was ready to leave, when I heard somebody else

"He came out of the shadows and proceded to have his way with me"

I'm in a dark back room with boxes and things, getting my coat after a dance with the music still ringing in my ears loudly. Somebody spoke from behind me, saying " its kind of dark back here, there's no light, something bad could happen...

Oh to Sister Mary Rose

"Nuns have good hidden talents"

Oh to Sister Mary Rose               This all started when Tommy “my buddy” throws some clay during art class and it stuck to the caulk board. Being the best buddy a guy could have, he points right at me,...

Sex Under the Steps

"Turned on by my boss finally leads to sex in a Storage Room"

I have worked in the hospital lab for about a year during which time, I have started to flirt with my supervisor, Kevin. We would talk sexy on the phone, and he would turn me on so much I would...

just US

"I am hot for you even though you are my teacher and I am not supposed to."

I walk into you office, but you are busy and tell me to sit down and wait. You don’t even notice that I am wearing a miniskirt and a tight little white blouse that lets you see my pink bra....


"Bambi wanted nothing more than an A in Biology...see how you got one....."

Ever since Bambi could remember her tits were always bigger than anyone else in her class all through life she was living with these enormous tits that made her self conscious, and ashamed of whom she was. Big tit’s ran...

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Attorney Cum Laude

"Kinky Futuristic Sci-Fi"

Larissa laughed boisterously, egging me on to "show my stuff." But I have never been an exhibitionist and always considered my body sanctified. Larissa however was clad only in her matching white bra and panties. Her plump, pink, puffy areolas...

Master, Mistress and Me

"The pain of holding back; the thrill of what was yet to come and cum."

           I had just arrived home after walking home from the bus station in the hot and humid day. I had barely stepped in the door before the phone rang. It was Master on the line. “It is time. Be...