Steampunk Harlots – Chapter 47

"Hannah makes her way into the Harem of her home city."

Inky came onto the forward deck looking for Ving and found her staring off into the distance. She knew Ving was worried for Hannah.“This is her home turf. She will be fine.” Inky put her hand on Ving's shoulder as...

Steampunk Harlots – Chapter 45

"Someone is found guilty in court."

Nobody was paying attention as some foppish putz was droning on about the minutes of the last meeting. Hannah flitted about the crowd putting flyers in pockets without anyone noticing. Liddy had postulated that simply finding the flyers would be...

Steampunk Harlots – Chapter 44

"The things people do for those they love."

Hope wasn't sure what to make of Liddy and Emma as they walked out of the print shop. Each carried a bundle, Liddy the flyers and Emma the materials from the magic shop, but they both looked like something strange...

Steampunk Harlots – Chapter 43

"Finally arrived at a new city but things happen before work."

Easy let her wings flutter in the breeze as she looked over the railing at the city their ship was flying over. Mari held her by the hips to keep her from falling over again and shivered at the chill...

Steampunk Harlots – Chapter 41

"Some pirates run afoul of the girls."

Sarasha, for the first time in a long time, felt like she was the normal person in the room.“We needed to keep those golems! They were so much fun!” Harriott exclaimed.“They were all bound to that guy's brother, who was...