After Church

"All sins can be forgiven"

After the Sunday morning church service, Julia and her boyfriend, Mark, decided to escape the prying eyes of their small town and venture into the nearby woods for some much-needed alone time. Julia, with her golden hair cascading down her...

Dogging At Dusk

"A quick blowjob from a complete stranger"

The sun had already dropped below the horizon, leaving the available light for photography poor. I packed up my gear and headed back down the trail to my truck. As I rounded the bend, I saw a car not far...

The Center Of The Universe, Chapter 204: A Roof Below Their Heads

"After their first sex on the roof of a vacant hotel, Quyen is eager to do it again"

Three weeks ago, I had met Quyen, a young woman who was working at the HR department at the large International School in our small, nondescript town here, in the center of Vietnam. Hesitatingly, I had applied there last September,...

A Beautiful Vista

"Exerting ourselves on a hike"

Breathing heavily from the recent exertion of climbing the steep path, we stop to admire the vista that spreads before us. The tree-covered slopes from high bluffs descend abruptly to meet the deep blue, calm waters of the bay. I...

Score 110 110
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An Evening Out For Doctor Marguerite

"She's had a hard day at the hospital. It's time to relax and have fun, but how?"

Marguerite unclipped her ID badge and dropped it on the desk as she strode out of her department. Her white coat flapping, she ignored the farewells of the receptionists and stomped out towards her car. It had been a hard...

Score 110 110
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3.0k words 3.0k words

The Fourth of July Cum Slut

"In which an eager slut goes off with a bang…in public…"

As she switched off the car, the voice in her ear said, “The locals call this Hump Hill. You’re going to cum in public up there where everyone can watch you.”“Ohhh…” she moaned.“What?”“I, I…gushed when you said that, and honey...