Diary Of An English Tart – Ch 1

"How Wearing Stockings To Work Helps When The Boss Is Annoyed."

I checked my watch. I was late but what else was new. Work started at nine and I intended to arrive about ten minutes after that. But it wasn’t my fault; the public transportation in this city is terrible. The...

Gym Crush Smoothie

"Her filthiest dream came true."

Lucie had a regular routine at the gym. She went after the early morning rush during the week when it really quietened down. She would do her weights, workout and running. She wasn't exactly slim, more busty, but she liked...

My Sister Jean

"There's one born every minute"

My brother-in-law, Bob called me to inform me that my big sister Jean had breast cancer. She had found a lump in her right breast and it was confirmed to be malignant.“Why didn’t she tell me herself?” I asked him.“She...

Wrapping Presents

"Donald and Kay sneak off for a quickie!"

Ding Dong.  The doorbell signaled that Grandma had arrived for Christmas Eve dinner. Donald opened the door and let her in out of the snow.“Merry Christmas Mom! Glad you made it here safely!”“Merry Christmas Donald, where are my grandkids?” she asked...

The Other Ball

"Flashing is usually a solitary group activity."

I blend in. Think about those librarians who glide down a staircase and remove their glasses in slow motion. They become supermodels. I turn into another librarian. That suits me fine. That way, I don’t need to slink to indulge...

The Reading

"A Writer asks a friend if he'll listen to a story that he's recently written and give him feedback."

Imagine that I'm at your house, and we're in your living room. It's a warm day, and you have the windows open for a nice breeze. I've stopped by to read you my latest story to get your thoughts. I...