Sixty-Nine to Infinity!

"My 69th publication is an ode to the universe’s most transcendent number and sexual act, in Limerick form."

Which numerical figure to treasure?Is Seven - or Ten? - the best measure?Some call Eight a great number,But nothing is dumberThan ignoring the one that gives pleasure.Still others compete for this vict'ry:Twenty-Three’s the number of myst’ry.Sturdy Three’s never lied,But these...

The Orange Rose

"A poem with a story of a woman who loves her husband even as she lets another man have her."

Familiar red rose with its thorns long since dulled, lulled, safe and secure,In its vase, in its comfortable place, sure.The good man of her vows who stood fast by her side, abides, dependably tied to the love of his life.Unsullied...

Women Are Of The Ocean Men Are Of The Land

"Two sides of the same coin."

 Of the oceanThere is a hidden pearl Buried deep insideA dark and lovely pair of lipsAnd sometimesIf I coax and probe and push and pressAnd trace and lick and beg and butter and brag and try my every trickSometimesSometimes The lovely hidden...

The Pomegranate Bite

"Always a First Time"

We both lay down; mud stuck to my t-shirt like black tar.He whispered in my ear, ‘I want you, treacle.’I looked at the stones, the green mossCreeping over them like furry caterpillars.The mill my mother worked in stoodIn the distance...

Love arrived like sunstroke. Though when we met, at water’s edge,amidst a crowd of suncreamed kidswho kicked the surf,it was too early then, by far.I thought your eyesthe only handsome thing about you:generous and blue; expressiveas your hands, which, gesturing, did...

Score 110 110
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321 words 321 words


"Those initial moments in your presence..."

Your face comes up close to mine,Let me drink you with my dreamy eyes,Your quivering lips sending me a sign,It's time to let the temperature rise.Our lips meet and tongues intertwine,My bulge starts to increase in size,On your body tonight...

A Lone Stray Hair

"Clinging on to Something"

It’s all I’ve left,A lone stray hair,A fading scent,An empty chair.T’was on our bed,Just lying there,Her natural curl,A lone stray hair.It wasn’t dark,It wasn’t fair,The colour of gold,A lone stray hair.A perfect picture,A pigeon pair,While in my hand.A lone stray...

Score 110 110
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131 words 131 words

Like ice cream

"I melt, I drip, slide down your chin, leave trails upon your helpless skin."

Tonight, I’ll be your ice cream sweet –the one you crave, your secret treat.With hungry eyes you take your pick,impatient, hands undress me quick.Right on the street, no time to wait,your burning hands dictate my fate.I melt, I drip, slide...