After-work Surprise

"Long time friends pay us a visit"

I came home from work one afternoon and there were two cars in my driveway. One I knew, and it belonged to a lady (who I’ll call Dixie) we have known for almost twenty years. The other car I hadn’t...

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Something New (Part 2 of 2)

"While fucking Ember, Hayes offers his anal cherry to Callen."

I rested my hand on Callen's head, not even trying to suppress my moans. When he finally allowed my cock to escape his lips, his smile was knowing. "You're close, aren't you, Hayes?"I rasped out a sound like yes while my dick...

Something New (Part 1 of 2)

"Hayes is invited to celebrate Valentine's Day with his sexy coworker and her husband."

I never could have guessed what Ember had in store for me when she slipped into my tiny office that Friday just before noon. My coworker was as radiant as ever, with long blonde hair framing her heart-shaped face. There was...

At The Fairgrounds: The Caring Angel

"A first kiss took place somewhere on the fairgrounds."

In my youth, my family became apiarist or honey farmers. Within that time we found out about a local bee association. And that's when my siblings and I realized our summers were not our summers anymore.For Many summers after, the...

Strange Desires

"Clint meets up with an internet friend while Megan is away and has amazing first time Bi sex with John."

“Oh shit! This feels so fucking good! Your ass feels so fucking hot! I love fucking it!” Clint hissed as his cock went in and out of his new lover’s asshole.“Fuck it! It feels so good to me, too. I...

Insta Challenge

"A sexual challenge posted on instagram becomes reality"

Eric and I are in Dubai at a luxury resort. He looks fantastic with his great built and his full boxers. We have sex three times a day, and then there are the nights...On my insta page I post sexy...