Cassie saw a space on the side of the road, thanked the heavens, and pulled over and parked. After driving all the way from Boston, her VW Beetle was threatening to overheat, and she did not want to get stuck blocking this traffic. She got out of the car, shook out her mane of wavy red hair, and shielded her green eyes from the setting sun. The line of cars stretched out of sight in both directions. Route 17B was jammed.
“Well, I’m here, or as close to ‘here’ as I’m likely to get,” she sighed philosophically. Her time spent in a cabin with no electricity or running water had taught her how to prepare for an undertaking such as this: a three-day outdoor music festival planned for fifty thousand people, which four hundred thousand people had decided to attend. Cassie had packed extra food—four boxes of crackers, three loaves of bread, two jars of peanut butter, two jars of jelly, a huge bag of apples—because she had a feeling that her fellow concertgoers might not be as well prepared. She had also brought a stack of towels and blankets because the forecast called for heavy rain. But Cassie was most excited about her new pair of Cubitainers, cardboard boxes with a spout and an inner liner that held five gallons of water each.
It was 8 o’clock when the sun disappeared beyond the horizon. Cassie made herself a sandwich and wrapped it in a napkin, put it in her shoulder bag with two apples and a flashlight, grabbed a blanket, and started walking north alongside the line of cars towards the music she heard drifting over the hills.
There had been frequent downpours over the past couple of days, and the ground was slick and muddy. After walking for two or three miles, Cassie arrived at the venue and worked her way through the crowd. Some band she didn’t recognize was playing heavy blues rock. “Who is this?” she shouted at the guy standing next to her.
“I think they’re called Mountain,” he yelled in her ear. “I’m Dave. Want to smoke some grass?”
“Hi Dave, I’m Cassie. Sure!”
Dave lit up and took a hit, then passed Cassie the joint. She sucked down a lungful of smoke and held it, then blew it out her nose. “Mmm,” she sighed with satisfaction. They passed the joint back and forth wordlessly.
As Mountain finished their set, Cassie laid out her blanket on the wet ground and offered Dave half of her sandwich. “I also have two apples for later.”
“Gee, thanks!” Dave enthused as he sat down next to her. “The food situation here is a drag. Last night a food stand started charging a dollar apiece for hot dogs!”
“Jiminy Crickets!” Cassie exclaimed. “I’ve never paid more than a quarter for a hot dog. Did people pay the price?”
“The vendor paid the price, is what happened,” Dave laughed. “Somebody burned the stand down.”
“Huh,” Cassie replied.
They ate their sandwiches as they watched the next band set up. After they finished eating, Dave’s buddies returned from a pilgrimage to find food.
“Any luck?” Dave asked.
“Nah, the friggin’ lines are so long, you don’t even know what you’re in line for.”
“Hey, I’m Cassie. I have two apples you guys can share.”
“Thanks, Cassie! I’m Rob.”
“I’m Jack.”
“I’m Sam.”
“This reminds me of an old joke,” Cassie giggled. “How do you split two apples among three people?”
No one ventured a guess.
“You make applesauce,” Cassie answered triumphantly, waiting in vain for someone to laugh. “Ah, forget it,” she grumbled while fishing around in her bag. Tossing an apple each to Jack and Sam, she instructed them “Eat two-thirds of it, then give the rest to Rob.”
“Why do I get sloppy thirds?” Rob teased.
“I’ll make it up to you later,” Cassie said mysteriously.
A voice over the loudspeaker interrupted them. “One of the best fuckin’ rock groups in the world, the Grateful Dead!” Their set was plagued by electrical problems, but they finished gamely around midnight with a 30-minute jam. Creedence Clearwater Revival took the stage next, followed by Janis Joplin, then Sly Stone, and finally The Who wrapped up their set just as the sun was rising around 6:00 AM. All in all, a murderer’s row of musicianship. It had rained heavily off and on throughout the night, and all five of them were wet and shivering with the coming of dawn.
“Hey fellas,” Cassie suggested. “Wanna bail? I’m parked on the main road a couple of miles from here. I’ve got food, water, and blankets.”
Everyone agreed, and they started trudging uphill. Dave slipped in the mud and as Cassie grabbed his arm to steady him, Dave’s flailing fingers caught her t-shirt under the armpit and ripped it.
“Thanks for the help,” Dave said with relief after they had steadied themselves.
“No sweat,” Cassie laughed, inspecting the hole in her armpit. “Although in this rain, who could tell?”
They picked their way south along the road until they reached Cassie’s pale yellow VW, where she handed everyone a towel and they rubbed themselves dry as best they could. Cassie popped the trunk and showed the guys how the Cubitainers worked. While the boys took turns rehydrating, Cassie made PB&J’s for everyone.
She passed around the sandwiches, which everyone devoured appreciatively, then distributed five apples for dessert as the muffled sounds of Jefferson Airplane began flying overhead. The sun had broken through the clouds, and the guys began peeling off their soggy shirts and laying them out on the car to dry.
Cassie looked down at her clothes. She had begun yesterday wearing a cute midriff-baring white t-shirt with a scoop neck, and a pair of short Levi’s jeans cutoffs. Her t-shirt had turned into a ragged mess, muddy and torn, and her shorts were in pretty sad shape as well. “Ugh, I can’t believe I brought all this other stuff but I didn’t bring a change of clothes. What a dope I am!”
Sam spoke up. “Just take off your shirt and lay it out to dry. You can wrap up in a towel.”
“I guess you’re right,” Cassie agreed. “I may as well get these shorts off as well. They’ll just chafe if I keep them on.”
Cassie crouched behind the shrubs along the roadside and slipped off her clothes before wrapping a towel around herself. “Okay, I’m decent,” she called out as she returned to the car.
The guys began removing their wet pants as well. Cassie gave each of them the once-over as they stood in their underwear. They were a good-looking group of guys, and she hadn’t seen any almost-naked guys since she had left Kevin nearly a year ago to return to MIT for her sophomore year.
Oh Kevin, she thought wistfully. He had been on his way to visit her in Cambridge last fall when he got pulled over for having a busted taillight, then he got busted for having a bag of grass in his glove compartment. The Massachusetts State Police were hardasses about that; he ended up being deported back to Canada and wouldn’t be allowed back into the U.S. for at least five years. Cassie thought they might have been in love, but what did she know? She had just turned nineteen and he was twenty when they parted, which didn’t add up to a whole lot of life experience. Maybe, Cassie decided, it was time for her to have some new experiences.
“Say, what was the bathroom situation up there?” she inquired casually.
“A friggin’ nightmare,” Rob said grimly. “The port-a-potties were overflowing with shit and the lines were a mile long.” He suddenly realized Cassie’s predicament. “Oh no, Cassie! You can’t just pee in the bushes, huh?”
“Not as easily as you guys, but I can squat.”
“Do you need to go? We can give you some privacy,” Dave offered.
“I appreciate that, but no.” Cassie paused. “Um, actually, I’d like it if you all watched me pee.”
“Really. And then, um…”
“And then what?”
Cassie lowered her eyes to the ground. “I’d like all of you to pee on me.”
“Okay?” Cassie echoed tentatively.
“Yes! Let’s fuckin’ do it!” Dave decided.
Cassie’s face lit up with a broad smile and she undid her towel, showing the boys her pert tits. Tossing the towel on the hood of the car, she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her damp panties and slid them down her long legs, then tossed them on the hood.
The four guys crowded around her and stared at her ginger triangle as she squatted next to the car and leaned back with her elbows on the running board. Emitting a long groan, Cassie began spouting a stream of urine that arced down onto the muddy ground.
“Cassie! Cassie! Cassie!” the boys chanted, cheering her on as she emptied her bladder in front of them. When she had finished, she wiped her hand across her dewy slit, then brought it to her mouth and licked her wet fingers.
“Now it’s your turn,” she coaxed them. “Pee for me.”
Dave stepped up first, pulling down his underwear and uncorking a stream of bright yellow piss onto Cassie’s firm little titties.
“Yes!” Cassie crooned, leaning forward and lifting her hair out of the way. “Somebody get my back!”
Jack stepped behind her on the left side and yanked his dick out, then started pissing on her neck and back, watching it trickle down to her ass and disappear between her cheeks.
Dave finished and Sam took his place, pissing all over Cassie’s trim tits and tight stomach while she moaned with pleasure.
As Jack was finishing, Rob stepped behind Cassie on her right side, assuming that she wanted him to pee on her back.
Cassie had other ideas.
“Pee on my face, Rob!”
“Friggin’ hell,” Rob laughed as he doused Cassie’s pretty face with a bladderful of yellow ochre piss. Cassie ran her tongue along her lips to taste his salty spray, then opened her mouth to catch the final few drops.
When Rob’s stream petered out, Cassie blinked her eyes and smiled. “Thank you, boys. It’s been almost a year since anyone’s done that to me and I’ve missed it so much.”
“Well, uh, we’re happy to oblige,” Sam laughed.
“Now fellas,” Cassie continued. “Here’s what I’m thinking. What do you say we all camp out here and I share my water and food with you…”
“That sounds like it could be fun.”
“…but you have to share your water and food with me, too.”
“What do you mean?”
“Every time someone has to pee, you pee on me,” Cassie declared. “That’s the water.”
“And the food?”
Cassie arched an eyebrow. “I wanna suck your cocks and eat your cum, all day, as many times as you can get it up. Do we have a deal?”
Dave planted his feet in front of her, looked down into her eyes, and smiled. “All right, let’s get this show on the road.”