The apartment Caroline used didn’t belong to a friend at all. Of all the most unusual things in her life, winning this place in a card game was the most unusual. Even she was surprised that her bluffing won hand after hand with the occasional loss and the even more unusual winning cards.
The ‘apartment’ hand became the name of the apartment. A Pair of Twos. The idiot (man), who lost, had an ego the size of the planet and ranted and raged. It wasn’t fair. I’d cheated. I couldn’t cover the loss if there’d been one, so I shouldn’t have been allowed to be playing. None of which was true.
The ‘organiser’ of the late-night game made sure none of the above was true, then made Josh Bennet pay his dues.
Two months to the day, redecorated and refitted to her very specific tastes, Caroline moved the first of her personal effects into the fresh-smelling, pristine apartment.
A visit to Simple Secrets, the beautifully appointed sex shop she occasionally frequented, lightened her wallet but provided her with new toys, some of the vibrating kind she’d use immediately, some of the spanking/punishing kind she’d hoped to use very soon, and some of the sexy dressing-up kind she’d hand to a new girl in her life.
A few weeks previously, her daughter Miriam’s best friend Rose had turned up unexpectedly one Saturday morning expecting to spend the day, and at some point, her daughter was going to spank her.
As it transpired, Miriam was away and Caroline took on the job. It was to be the second of four, so Caroline, having realised immediately that Rose might be perfect for her, invited her to the apartment, and a relationship of sorts began after the spanking very quickly turned sexual.
In the apartment, Caroline presented Rose with the expensive underclothes, silky panties, and camisole, then took the greatest pleasure introducing her young friend to the punishing surface of one of the toys: heavy paddles do some of the work for you, but the rest, the best part, is all up to you. From delicate pit-a-pat to heavy, walloping, bottom cheek flattening blows, Rose was introduced to them all. And more in between.
Caroline liked to spank hard. It was her reason for living, along with her daughter’s ultimate well-being and a regular flipping of the coin.
Caroline needed the cleaners.
She’d met Mia and Ash at a party—well, the end of a party when being the only one left awake—and the cleaners arrived. She’d begun helping and got chatting.
They were partners in their business, cleaners of the highest standard, often working in sensitive places, crime scenes, and the like, as well as domestically and commercially. And as the conversation continued, Caroline found that they were also lovers.
The party had been in one of Caroine’s closest friends’ homes, a select collection of like-minded women meeting periodically to eat, drink, and be kinky. For half a dozen participants, the clean-up was minimal, but the job they did was extreme. So when she needed a cleaning job done, Mia and Ash were her first choice.
“Seeing how we met you at Mrs. Majors, would you be interested in any of our other, shall we say, more esoteric services?”
Caroline was intrigued. “Go on,” she answered and was handed what amounted to a beautiful leather-bound menu.
“Kink, in many of its forms, is one of our things, and we particularly love female clients, although most are men. We love bondage and submission, and many get off on that,” Ash began explaining until Mia took over.
“But corporal punishment is what we like…”
“Love,” Ash interrupted.
“Love,” Mia continued, “and provide a switch service for those who may like to indulge their kinky side.”
“Go on,” Caroline encouraged again.
“You feel the need for someone to spank…”
“As hard as you like,” Ash interrupted again.
“Yes, as hard as you like,” Mia repeated with an exasperated sigh. “Give us a call.”
Ash continued.
“And if you want to be spanked…”
“Or paddled. Or strapped or caned,” it was Mia’s turn to interrupt.
“Yes, as I was about to say, or paddled, strapped, caned, or any combination of these and a good selection of other implements too, we can be here for that too. We’re good…”
“Yes, great at both,” Ash finished.
“Oh. And we charge a rate as though there’s only one of us so we can keep the price more reasonable,” Mia finally added.
“How much notice would you ever need?”
“Well, Caroline. Ring us, and we’ll be there as soon as we can be. It’s more of a sideline, and clients are nowhere near as regular cleaning clients, although we’d love more. When were we last dealt with?” Mia went on to ask Ash.
“About a couple of months ago. He was a fucking sadist, and I’m not going back there. Almost two weeks those marks lasted, and he whined about the charge. Twat!”
They started to laugh, and Caroline joined in.
“Anyway. We’ll, leave the menu. We’re good at what we do.”
“As good, if not better than the cleaning. It’s our passion,” Ash interrupted again. “
“Fuck me, Ashley Phillips,” Mia said, raising her voice just a little bit. “I should put you over my knee here and now and spank your naughty bottom for all the interrupting.”
“You wouldn’t d…”
Grabbing Ash’s wrist, Mia plopped down onto the freshly polished leather ottoman and unceremoniously deposited her, bottom-up, over her knees.
“You don’t mind, do you, Caroline?”
Caroline didn’t mind at all, glancing at the dresser drawer where she knew she kept handy the sturdy wooden hairbrush, used when that type of guest was here. Sadly, not recently.
“No. Be my guest. Would you like a drink?”
“In a minute. Please stay and watch what happens to rude girls who don’t know when to stop interrupting.”
Flipping the young woman’s short skirt up over her back revealed one of Caroline’s favourite views. Ash hadn’t expected this, so it wasn’t just for show, and her panties, purple with cartoon pictures dotted around them, were dragged up, not down, but still did a great job of baring her round, pale bottom cheeks.
Like Caroline, Mia didn’t start gently; each smack delivered with that heavenly pistol-shot retort, so all those involved knew that the spanker meant business and the spankee was receiving her just desserts. The paleness soon deserted Ash’s cheeks but Mia continued. Her opening pattern, spanking each cheek in turn, changed once all of each cheek had been reddened. Four, five, and six smacks in similar places on the right, repeated, then on the left, then back to the right.
“Try this,” Caroline suggested, passing the heavy wooden brush handle first to Mia.
“Thank you.”
With the first couple, Ash began sobbing and apologising. She’d never interrupt again.
Five minutes of uninterrupted hair-brushing later, Mia helped Ash stand and directed her with several more swats to stand in a corner. Bare bottom on show, the sobs continued for a few more minutes while Caroline made tea.
“Are you all right?” Mia asked an obviously flustered Caroline.
“Of course,” Mia replied.
“Well,” she paused.
“Go on.”
“Well, I was just wishing that… well, either one of you was me. And I’m horny as he’ll now.”
They all laughed, even the red-bottomed girl in the corner.
“I wish you were me at the moment, too.”
“Well. You know what to do. We’ve spent a bit too much of your time here. There’s another job awaiting our attention. See you soon, maybe.”
And they were gone.
And the hairbrush didn’t get put away. She toyed with it, closing the blinds, putting on her favourite Zeppelin album, then alternating between reddening her bottom with the heavy, smooth back, sliding the handle into her slippery wet slit, and using the smoothness and bristles, one side to spank her vagina increasingly hard until the sting was unbearable, then flipping it, using the bristles for a completely different kind of stimulation.
Her orgasm left her shaken and weak; the cold tea she had left swallocked off in one big, continuous, refreshing sip.
That was then.
Mia picked up on the second ring.
“Hi. Complete Cleaning. Mia speaking. How may I help?”
Caroline identified herself.
“When can I book an hour, perhaps an hour and a half?”
“You or us?”
“Oohh, Caroline. Friday.”
Four days.
“Is that the soonest?”
“For one and a half hours, yes. We’re very busy, sorry.”
“No! No. I’m really pleased for you. What time on Friday?”
“Early or late. You choose.”
“Early, please.”
At 8.30, the cleaners arrived.
At 10.05, the cleaners left.
By 10.06, £170 was transferred to the cleaner’s account.
“Fuck me. That was money well spent,” Caroline said to the empty room, closing her legs tightly on the still vibrating toy she’d slid there once the cleaners had done their job and begun packing the tools of their trade away.
Spanking, well, the whole experience with Rose, had, in some ways, reminded Caroline of that part of her fire that was sometimes neglected.
It was fully fed now.
The cleaners were demanding.
“Not a fucking word.”
“Not a word for seven months,” Mia ranted angrily.
“Yeah,” continued Ash, tipping their bag of tricks onto the chair in the corner. There were two of everything, and Ash handed a stylised, multicoloured table tennis paddle to Mia, slapping her own noisily against her palm.
“Why are you still dressed? Panties only! Now!”
They pushed her roughly so she fell, bottom-up, over the settee back, panties riding up between her cheeks, baring half a buttock on each side.
At 8.40, Mia stood at one side and Ash at the other of Caroline’s prone body, and both girls, in turn, smacked the underhang of her bottom, and by 8.45, red cheeks peeped out from the legs of the disappearing panties. Smack after painful smack landed exactly where they were directed, and Caroline started to enjoy the intense attention her bottom was receiving.
At a subtle nod from Mia, the spanks came harder, and in unison, both girls smiled as the change in timing hadn’t changed the rhythm; twice as many smacks in the same amount of time. Caroline’s bottom, now deepening red and thoroughly stinging, was becoming a source of some discomfort.
At 9 o’clock, returning to the original pattern. The ping-pong paddles were utilised in just the same way. Each cleaner took to a cheek and devoted harder and harder whacks to their targets, bouncing them solidly enough to make Caroline squeal louder and louder with each successive stroke of the paddles.
When the time for unison came at about 9.10, again with the subtlest nod from Mia, the result even astounded the cleaners. The squealing became crying, then hollering and pleas to stop.
They paused the punishing spanking at 9.20 for two reasons. Admiring their handiwork after removing Caroline’s panties completely and, more importantly, changing implements. A pair of thick, doubled-over leather straps with comfortable wooden handles were, for the next ten minutes or so, applied with steadily increasing force to her already bruising behind, but unless she used the pre-arranged word, which was far from likely, the session would end just before 10 o’clock after she was thoroughly thrashed with the cleaners final choices. 40-inch long, pencil-thick whippy canes.
The cleaners stood well back, and the swish/wack, swish/crack repetition of the perfectly aligned cane strokes took Caroline into the almost hypnotic state where the pain in her bottom and thigh tops superseded everything in her life.
When the first toy-induced orgasm began receding, she slid the toy back out, turned the vibration down, reapplied the special lubricant, and slid it gently into her anus. Touching her thrashing was far more painful than she expected, but she continued the sliding until all of the vibrating ten inches were inside her and, in seconds, using her other hand’s fingers, stimulated another, then another as her fingers slipped into her wide spread vulva.
Splitting her reverie into pieces, her phone, which she thought was silenced, chirruped insistently loudly. Too loud to ignore, completely spoiling the moments that had been building for almost two hours now.
“Hi, mum. Where are you?”
“Miriam. Hi. Why’re you not at school?”
“Mum,” Miriam answered, pretending exasperation, “uni visit. In the city. In two hours. You forgot, didn’t you?”
“Sorry, love. Is Rose coming along for the ride?”
“Yeah, although she’s still insisting she wants to be you.”
They laughed together; Caroline’s more forced than real. Driving for so long after what she’d been through would be uncomfortable, to say the least.
“Twenty minutes, love. See you soon.”
The quickest shower on record and a casually dressed Caroline was waiting at the curb. As Rose got in the luxury car behind her, Caroline felt the gentlest of ‘accidental’ touches on her shoulder, a subtle acknowledgement of what was happening between them.
“I’ll sit in the back with Rosie if that’s ok, mum.”
“Of course,” and their hands drifted together, little fingers touching for much of the journey.
While Miriam was being interviewed, Rose questioned Caroline.
“Nothing’s wrong,” she answered Rose curtly. “I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”
“You should be spanked for snapping at me like that,” Rose said sternly, looking around and planting hard smacks to each of Caroline’s already throbbing tender cheeks.
“Someone already beat you to it,” she said, wincing and cringing at the renewed pain. Sitting and driving had done her tenderised bottom no favours.
“What? Who?”
Caroline took Rose by the wrist and dragged her to the ladies, dropping her trousers and knickers, showing Rose the still vibrant colours of the recent spanking.
“Wow. I want to do that, too,” she said.
“Okay,” was all Caroline said.
On the next occasion with Rose at A Pair of Twos, Caroline introduced her to more. This time, as well as a thoroughly spanked bottom, once again beginning on the soft silk shorts, she was also given a lengthy bare bottom spanking in the rudely revealing, legs up, diaper position. The tightness of the bottom skin made the stinging even more intense, and in the intervening couple of months, Miriam had also been spanking Rose and accompanying these far more gentle affairs with much licking and fingering, always foreplay ending in wonderful orgasms for both participants.
“Lick me, please,” Rose said whilst Caroline was reaching to grab the handle of the previously used paddle.
“Soon, little one. Soon,” she answered, licking her fingers unnecessarily and slipping them as deeply as possible into Rose’s tight, wet, perfectly presented cunt. Caroline’s extended thumb used the slippery lubrication around Rose’s clitoris, but once her breathing changed in preparation for the fast-approaching orgasm, Caroline once again started spanking, making sure Rose had little chance of cumming because of the insistent, increasing pain.
The spanking, hard and loud, had Rose squealing in pain and frustration.
“I’ve told you about using language like that, haven’t I? Stand up. Bend over and touch your toes.”
Rose saw the thick, wide leather strap in Caroline’s hand and regretted her outburst. The pain, wrapped around her bottom, then her thighs, then her bottom again as Caroline applied it, was excruciating.
She stayed in position, though, understanding without explanation that if she moved, it would be worse for her. Her imagination wouldn’t let her dwell on how that could be as stroke after stroke bit into her.
And amidst this onslaught, her orgasm rose again. Caroline encouraged it this time, and once it began, she brought out another toy, new to Rose, and slid the vibrating cylinder into her sweaty wet slit.
Rose howled with a level of pleasurable intensity she’d never imagined possible. One hand manipulating the vibrator, the other smacking Rose’s bottom—both women, as one, slipped to the floor.
Rose pushed Caroline onto her back and stripped her as she went, finally slipping her panties off and, kissing back up her inner thigh, settled with her head close enough to Caroline’s crotch to smell her musky juices mere moments before the kisses moved to where those juices came from.
Caroline’s surprise at Rose’s skill was quickly forgotten as the waves of pleasure carried her on a tidal wave of repeating climaxes.
As the second turned into the third, Caroline felt fingers coaxing open her vulva and then slipping tentatively into her anus. This eighteen-year-old was pleasuring her in ways most of her older partners couldn’t imagine.
But in the end, the two women, exhausted by the extreme passion, fell asleep together on the floor, covered in an antique quilted throw that Caroline’s mother had made.
Spanked and satisfied, Rose awoke first, dressed quietly, and quickly slipped away, avoiding some inevitability awkward questions.
By the time of the fourth and what was originally expected to be the final spanking, Caroline knew that her daughter and Rose were not in a relationship but seeing each other, and part of it, if not most of it, revolved around the increasingly important spanking element.
“Obviously,” Rose told Caroline, “Miriam knows nothing about us, and I want it to stay that way. And,” she asked pointedly, “when do I get to do you? Ages ago, you said I could, and it hasn’t happened yet.”
“Next time, I promise. But I’m so looking forward to your final spanking; I can’t wait to get started. But first, tell me about the two of you. Does she spank you as hard as I do? Do you spank her?”
“Okay. Wait. It’s different with Miriam and me. It always has been. It’s pure foreplay. With you and me, it’s punishment that turns into sex,” she told Caroline. “You spanked me because you like to hurt me, to see me in pain, then turn that pain sexual. Mimi starts gently and builds it up, making sure I’m aroused throughout, her fingers and tongue weaving a very different kind of magic. I’m never throbbing and sweating in pain with Mimi, but the orgasms and more, I don’t know, organic. She spanks me and uses that hairbrush to fantastic effect.”
“Yes,” Caroline agreed. “I like to see and feel your pain,” she continued, drawing a long, swishy cane from under a chair cushion. “And just so you know, Propaganda got it wrong. When it comes to it, you will feel the first cut; you won’t wonder, you’ll know. And I’ll make sure you feel the final one, too.”
“I can’t take that kind of thrashing,” Rose answered.
Caroline held Rose by the chin.
“You,” Caroline growled, their faces close but not quite touching, “will take whatever I offer. Were you a naughty girl?”
“Yes, Caroline.”
“Did I spank my daughter hard and with a hairbrush because of your naughtiness?”
“Yes, Caroline.”
“Did you, or did you not agree to be punished the same number of times for this?”
“I agreed. But…”
“No buts. And any more arguments, and I’ll be having you back for more.”
“More, Caroline?”
Rose held her breath, hoping Caroline was going to tell her she would be coming back for more and more, even though she knew that four punishments had been agreed and this was the fourth.
Caroline dropped into punishment mode, depositing Rose in the first position. Her denim shorts pulled tightly across her hips and bottom were a target for more than a hand spanking, the thicker material giving far too much protection, so she immediately grabbed the waiting paddle, bringing it down hard and fast like she always loved to.
“Hey,” Rose squealed as almost instant stinging heat was introduced to her so beautifully presented posterior.
“Hey, yourself,” Caroline replied quickly, finding her rhythm.
“You spank first. Always.”
“Not always, Missy. Not knowing will keep you wondering. Perhaps next time, I’ll strap your naughty bottom first. Another time the cane.”
The increasingly stinging wallops continued apace, but Rose, knowing this wasn’t to be the last, whooped with joy.
This earned her six extra hard swats right across her vulnerable sit spot, and Caroline, placing the thick wood across the small of Rose’s back, took to smacking the baring lower cheeks, reddening Rose halfway down to her knees.
Pausing, she pushed tight denim against Rose’s crotch and stroked hard circles against her already dampening pussy.
Trying but failing to slip her fingers inside the tight denim, Caroline furtled with the shorts’ fastenings, eventually loosening them enough to slide them down Rose’s thighs. They took the panties with them, so Caroline missed out on her favourite multi-stage reveal of a spanked bottom: trousers or skirt, panties, bare. She slipped them both down to mid-thigh and started spanking again, forgetting for the moment why she’d taken them down in the first place.
Hard, long, and loud. Every smack and spank is placed to achieve maximum sting.
Caroline was in her element.
So was Rose. She soaked up every walloping smack, spank, and paddle stroke, wanting but fearing the strapping and caning she knew were rapidly approaching.
“Right, Missy,” Caroline suddenly said, finishing the paddling with a flourish. “I want to cum,” and tipped her onto the floor. “I want you to make me cum.”
Rose slipped off her remaining clothes, dumping them around the apartment floor, and started stripping Caroline. With the additional Mimi practice, she was even more adept than last time, spending time licking, kissing, and sucking, finding beautifully flavoured salt-sweat areas in creases and below breast overhangs. Caroline’s nipples, bigger and firmer than her girlfriend’s, excited Rose to the point that the drool from her sucking ran down between Caroline’s breasts.
Well in advance of her mouth reaching there, Rose’s fingers found their way deep inside a very, very wet slit and used this lubricant to thoroughly investigate the anus as well.
Caroline’s orgasm began, only to be shattered by a very insistent, very loud knocking on her front door.
Using the throw again, Rose quickly covered herself while Caroline, dashing to the bedroom and back, covered her nakedness with what appeared to be a very expensive dressing gown, which, as Rose watched, clung to the sweaty body beneath.
“What the fuck?”
“Mrs. Bennet? Mrs. Joshua Bennet?”
“No. He was the previous…”
Two men barged past her into her apartment.
“Where is he, the slimy little cunt? Where’s he hiding?”
“Where’s our money?”
The two thugs careened about her home from room to room, obviously not believing a word Caroline said.
“Who’s this pretty little slut?” the taller of the two asked. “Which one do you want? I know you like ’em young.”
They weren’t expecting Caroline, though.
One was punched so hard his head made a loud crack as it hit and smashed the glass coffee table. The other was kicked so hard that he doubled over into a foetal ball.
“I just fucking told you two cunts,” she growled. “This is my place now.” From somewhere, a large kitchen knife appeared. “Get the fuck out and come back at your peril.”
They abruptly left, snarling about their imminent return.
Rose, crying on the sofa, was swept up into Caroline’s protective arms while Caroline rang the cleaners.
“Cleaning work this time, Mia,” she said, and the two girls arrived almost immediately.
Taking Rose to the bedroom, Caroline laid her gently on the bed and told her to wait there.
She curled up and cried.
Mia and Ash came and went, and Rose, by this time, had dressed and was wanting to leave.
Holding her tightly and kissing her deeply, Caroline then put Rose into a taxi, promising there’d be no repeat and passing her an envelope.
“Fill this in, neatest handwriting, and bring it to my office on Tuesday after the exam results are published. You have an interview for an apprenticeship, one of only two each year. I can’t guarantee anything, but with my recommendation, you’ll have a slight edge.”
“Thank you,” Rose said, eyes and nose red from the tears. “We weren’t finished here though.”
“Yes. I know. Your fourth session will have to be postponed for now. I’ve got to keep you out of harm’s way. I love you.”
The taxi door closed on these words, and Rosie thought, “I love you too.”
Less than a year later, the ex-lovers, one home from university, the other excelling in her poorly paid but ultimately rewarding vocation, met at Caroline’s graveside.
“She loved us both very much, you know.”
“And to think, if I hadn’t been so naughty that night, the night of your birthday sleepover, this last year may never have happened,” Rose answered.
“D’you want to, you know, come back to mum’s? I’ve been away so long, and I’ve missed you. Missed us.”
“But you have a girlfriend, haven’t you? Does she do the things we did?” Rose’s palm stroked Miriam’s bottom, tightly encased in her black mourning dress, and she patted it, a small reminder of their past.
“Yes, I have, and yes, she does,” Miriam answered, stepping away. “She, you know, dealt with me just before a most uncomfortable drive-up. Wanna see?” Her giggle, a new affectation, was contagious.
“What would she think…”
“I won’t tell if you don’t,” Mimi interrupted.
Rose felt a pang of jealousy. It was far too long since she and Caroline had been together; the expectation of them not being together had to be upheld once she got her job.
And Mimi always preferred to be on the giving end, ultimately almost reaching the punishing levels achieved by her mother.
Rose began to cry as all those memories now flooded her mind.
“Will you hurt me? One last time? And make me cum?”
“Come with me, my naughty little darlin’. Your bottom has a date with hairbrush destiny.”
Ten minutes later, they closed the door of Miriam’s mum’s house.
“I’ve missed you too.,” Miriam said, excitedly, stripping to matching black camisole and lacy French knickers.
Rose discarded all of her clothes except for identical apparel except stark white.
“Clothes brush, I think,” Miriam said, giggling again. “It’s what Mum would have wanted.”