Her hazel eyes were shining a little too bright and her cheeks were a little too flushed. Then there was the matter of the stupid grin that seemed to be permanently planted on her face since yesterday. She clamped her hand to her mouth as the most recent giggle slipped through her lips.
“What in the world is wrong with me?” she asked herself. “I’m not some stupid teenager with a crush. I’m a thirty-eight year old wife and mother.”
Marie touched her laugh lines and looked at the few strands of grey that were starting to appear. “Shame on you, you are old enough to be that boy’s mother,” she scolded herself before standing up and turning her back on the spiteful mirror.
‘But you’re not his mother, and he is so sexy,’ she thought to herself looking at the clock again.
“And that English accent. Wow,” Marie mumbled as she flopped down on the bed.
The carnival was in town for one more day. When it first opened on Monday Marie and Rich had taken the boys. She liked to wander and look at the stands way more than she liked the rides. Actually, the only ride she liked was the Ferris wheel. Rich promised her that would be the last thing they did before they went home. He lifted the hem of her short light blue summer dress and smacked her on the ass before running off after the boys.
Marie blushed and looked around to see if anyone had noticed her husband’s friendly tap. That’s when she saw him. He was sitting less than ten feet away in the shade under a tarp eating a candy apple. When their eyes locked, her breath caught and she felt a tug in her tummy.
He gave her a slow grin and took a bite of his apple without breaking eye contact with her. The twinkle in his gaze made her blush. She smiled at him and started to walk away. She blushed deeply. Her nipples had stiffened and her panties were damp.
Unfortunately for Marie, she wasn’t watching where she was going and walked into a rather large, sweaty man. The impact was so unexpected it made her stumble backwards and fall down on her bottom.
The man never stopped. He gave her a dirty look and kept on walking.
“Thanks, Jerk,” Marie mumbled looking at the damage done to the palms of her hands. They were a little scuffed and a couple of spots were starting to bleed.
“You alright, Princess?”
She froze. The voice came from behind her and it caused shivers down her spine; the pain in her hands momentarily forgotten. She instantly looked to the shady spot knowing that it would be empty.
“Miss, are you hurt?” he asked again, stepping into view. She was surprised by the gruff English accent; pleased by it. Her heart beat fast. She was aroused.
Two realizations hit Marie at once. One, she hadn’t quite realized just how good looking that man in the shadows had been and two, she hadn’t quite realized just how young he was. ‘God is he even eighteen?’ she thought as she stared into his young handsome face. ‘Holy shit, should I be attracted to someone so young?’
“Princess?” he asked again and squatted down in front of her. He took her hands into his and her breath caught at the contact between them; his rough calloused hands gripping her soft hands. A knowing grin began to form on his lips.
‘He knows, holy shit, he knows just what he’s doing to me; the affect he’s having on my body. He knows he’s making me horny.’ She started to feel embarrassed and pulled her hands away.
“I’m fine thank you. I guess I should have been watching where I was going,” she said, pushing herself to her feet.
He reached out, automatically helping her. “Come with me. I’ll clean your hands.”
“No, it’s okay really,” she started, but he cut her off.
“You’re bleeding. Come with me, now.” His arm was around her waist and he guided her to the tent.
“Really, sir, I’m…”
“Climb on the counter,” he interrupted and motioned to her.
Marie stood staring at his back as he squatted down to look inside a big trunk. He was a lot taller than she first thought. He wasn’t very big, but you could see the muscles and definition on his back and arms.
It was the hustle and bustle, the lights and the noise, the smell of diesel, and the screams of excitement she told herself; that was why she found him so attractive, so sexually exciting. It was nothing really, not him, but the atmosphere, the surroundings.
She should not be feeling like this about a boy. She loved her husband and the boy was possibly half her age.
As he turned around he saw that she was still standing there staring at him. With a sigh he walked towards her, set his stuff down, then picked her up and placed her on the counter.
He was strong. Very strong. He lifted her as if she were a doll.
“Oh my,” she squealed.
“Show me your hands,” he said as he opened the first aid kit.
“Sir, I am fine, really. There is no need for the…”
“What?” she snapped, confused and annoyed at being interrupted again.
“Sam. Don’t call me Sir, Princess. I’m only eighteen. I ain’t no Sir yet, call me Sam.”
“Okay. Sam, all this fussing is not required,”
“And what’s your name, Princess?”
Marie let out an exasperated sigh, “Are you always so abrupt?”
He looked into her eyes and his expression was thoughtful. Then he flashed her that amazing grin. “Yup. What’s your name?”
“My name is Marie. You know that’s not a good trait to have.”
Sam smoothed the second band aid down and brought her hands to his lips, “Why?” he asked as he kissed first one hand and then the other. “You not liking it? You look like you’re enjoying it to me. I’ve seen that look before, Princess. And each time it ends with my cock deep in a soaking wet pussy.”
He grinned again, as Marie gasped.
“Life’s too short to tip toe around.” He pressed his full, very kissable lips to her palms again. Their eyes locked and he kept his lips on her skin longer than he should.
“You’re a sexy woman, Marie. You’re beautiful.”
Marie blushed and she dropped her eyes. ‘God he’s attractive,’ she thought to herself. Her heart was beating hard, and her skin shone with perspiration.
“You happily married, Marie?”
“You happily married?”
“I,” she hesitated confused by the question. “I am. Why are you asking?”
“Because, I’m going to kiss you. And then I’m going to fuck you.”
“What?” she started, but was cut off when his lips connected with hers. She froze for a moment shocked at what he was doing, but her body soon began to melt into his.
He tasted sweet like the apple he had been eating and his smell was intoxicating; a blend of the sweet smells of the carnival and of a hardworking man.
Marie’s fingers gripped his shirt and she deepened the kiss. Sam stepped between her legs, pressing his cock against her dampening pussy and making her moan.
The sound of her desire snapped her back to her senses. ‘Oh my God, what am I doing?’ she thought and pushed at his chest. Sam resisted, and pressed harder against her.
She pushed him and jerked her head out of his hands. “What the hell do you think you are doing?” she snapped.
“What I told you I was going to do. Don’t act like you don’t love it Princess.” His smile was smug and cocky and she wanted to slap it from his face.
She slapped his face, as hard as she could.
Marie’s palm connected with his cheek and the sound echoed through the tent. She hopped off the counter and stomped towards the opening. She stopped at the entrance and swung around on him.
“How dare you assume that because you are good looking and charming that I want you, you son of a bitch!” she snapped and walked out of the tent. A moment later, she stormed back through the flaps and up to him.
Sam was leaning on the counter with that beautiful grin and his arms crossed in front of this chest.
Marie was in a fine rage, mostly at herself for wanting him. Her little 5’2 frame was dwarfed by his much taller body, but that didn’t stop her from waving her finger in his face. “You, young man are rude! How dare you take advantage of the situation? I was injured and you lured me in here just so you could… You could…” she stopped because he stepped forward still grinning.
“Ugh!” She threw her arms up in the arm and swung around to leave again, but he grabbed her and spun her into him.
He held her there pressed against him, looking into her eyes with that same cocky expression. Sam leaned down with his face inches from hers and Marie’s body instantly responded. She leaned towards him, ready for the kiss, and he felt her body shake under his hands.
Sam straightened up, began to chuckle, then turned her back to entrance and swatted her ass, much like her husband had done.
Completely stunned and flustered, Marie stumbled out the tent and back into the harsh bright sun.
She stood still blinking and shielding her eyes, trying to get her bearings. ‘What the hell just happened?’
The roar of the crowd, the cheerful music, a man screaming, “Step right up!” and the sweet delicious smells all came back and assaulted her senses at once. For a second it overwhelmed her; it felt like awakening from a dream.
“Mom!” she heard her youngest call seconds before he slammed into her knocking her off balance.
“Where have you been? We’ve been looking all over for you,” her husband asked kissing the top of her head.
“I’ve… I’ve been wandering.”
“Are you okay?”
“She’s okay,” the English voice washed over her, causing her to shiver, and then to panic.
“Some rude guy slammed right into your wife and knocked her to the ground. I fixed her up though. Good as new.”
“Oh. Honey, are you alright?”
“Yes. Yes I’m fine. It wasn’t that bad; I was careless and should have been paying more attention.” She refused to turn and look at Sam, but she could feel his cocky smile and the heat of his body behind her.
“Well, thank you for your help,” her husband said to Sam, extending his hand to the young man.
Sam stepped closer and shook his hand. As he did so, his firm thighs, and hard cock pressed against Marie’s bottom. Marie closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“Have you kids been on the Tilt-A-Whirl yet? That was always one of my favourites, the spinning around, up and down.” Sam dramatically demonstrated the movements of the ride.
Marie’s boys both jumped and squealed, “Can we go, can we go! Please, Daddy will you take us?”
“Sure, if you mom doesn’t mind.”
“No, I don’t mind go ahead. I’ll go get some popcorn.”
“Yay!” they squealed and pulled their dad away.
She slowly turned to face Sam.
“Go get popcorn, Princess. That’s a nice safe thing to do,” he said, looking her up and down before turning and walking back through the tent flaps.
‘Princess? Ha! That’s a nice safe thing,’ she said snarkily in her head. ‘Who does that boy think he is? I was not always a respectable wife and mother. Oh no, I was wild. I did things.’
Marie continued this train of thought until she found herself standing in line. She had to admit to herself that she had never done anything crazy or impulsive in her life. Hell, her husband was only the second man she had ever kissed in her life.
She made it to the front of the line and when the woman called, “Next.” Marie realized she was standing in line at the food stand to buy popcorn. She had come to buy popcorn because Sam had told her to. ‘What an idiot. How dare he tell me what to do?’
“No. You cannot help me. I’m not getting popcorn,” she snapped to the shocked woman, then turned and stomped towards Sam’s tent.
Without waiting to see if he was alone or even still in she threw open the flap and rounded on him, stomping her little feet straight up to him. “How dare you assume things about me! You don’t know me.”
Sam was sitting on the counter with a satisfied, smug look that clearly said he knew she would be coming back. He nonchalantly slid down from the counter and leered at her as he reached down and slid down the zipper of his loose fitting jeans.
Marie looked at him with wide eyes. “What do you think you are doing?” She slapped him hard across the face again and he reached up and grasped her wrist.
“This is what you want Princess,” he said, as he forced her hand down and pulled it to him, placing her small fist into the open fly of his jeans.
“No,” she said but she did not withdraw her hand, and unfurled her fingers to grip the thickest, hardest cock she had ever experienced in her life. “Oh, you are a bad, bad boy,” she muttered.
Sam chuckled, “That’s it Princess. I’m a bad boy and that’s why you’re back. You can’t resist it, can you? Little china dolls like you like to dwell in your safe little worlds, in your safe little houses. But you dream of wickedness. Now here you are holding a carnie boy’s stiff dick at the drop of a hat. Your world’s gone crazy all of a sudden, your heart’s pounding, and your panties are dripping wet.”
She parted her lips and looked into his gorgeously dark eyes. He had released his grip on her wrist but her hand stayed where it was, gripping his cock. He was grinning triumphantly at her.
He wore no underclothes; there was nothing between his muscular body, his stiff shaft, and the rough denim of his jeans. His skin was hot and sticky. Grimy.
Marie’s fingers stuck to his shaft as she gripped him and instinctively she moved her tight fist up and down, feeling his length and girth, feeling the wetness of his pre-cum oozing from the eye of his cock.
She moved closer. He smelt unwashed, but overwhelmingly masculine. Her husband always smelt clean, of aftershave and body spray; this man smelt of sex.
He put his arms around her and they kissed, Marie stepping forward, crushing her body to his, crushing her lips to his. His shirt was unbuttoned half way down his chest, and Marie shuddered with arousal as she felt his warm skin against hers. She was aware of the stiffening of her nipples in her flimsy bra, and the heat of her passion between her thighs.
“Ugh,” Marie grunted as Sam lifted her and pushed her back against the counter. Marie wrapped her long bare legs around his thighs, her short summer dress riding up, exposing her tan flesh and she kissed him deeply, shoving her tongue into his open mouth.
Marie turned her head to the side and gasped for breath. “Oh God,” she sighed, “Sam, fuck me. Fuck me hard.”
Sam dipped his head down and brushed the skin of her neck with his teeth. He loved the feeling of the pliant older woman beneath him, surrendering to him, desiring him. He reached down and popped open the button holding up his jeans, and he wiggled his slim hips as he slid them down, exposing his naked ass to anyone that might step inside the tent.
“Fuck me you bastard,” Marie hissed in Sam’s ear, “Quickly, please.” She knew she was pleading, but she no longer cared. She needed the deed done. She needed this man to have her.
Sam pulled Marie’s soaking panties to one side. There was an audible squelch in the tent as he speared Marie’s cunt with the full length of his monster cock.
“Christ,” Marie gasped as Sam began to fuck her hard and fast. She gripped her arms around his shoulders and buried her face into his grimy hair as his thighs pounded between her spread legs. She had never had such a huge cock inside her and she shuddered fearing it would split her in two.
Sam wasn’t gentle or caring as Marie’s husband was when they made love, but then, this wasn’t making love. This was fucking; rough, dirty, animalistic, fucking.
Marie’s hands slid down, over Sam’s broad shoulders, down over his narrow waist, and down beneath the hem of his shirt. She gripped his pumping buttocks in her fingers, pressing his skin with her fingernails, driving him on. She wanted him to come inside her.
Sam reached up and slid his fingers into her hair. He gripped her tight and held her pinned to the counter as he fucked her as hard as he could.
When Sam gripped her hair and whispered, “You sweet fucking whore,” into her ear, Maria came hard, gushing girl juice over his cock as she wrapped herself tightly around him.
Sam felt the pulse of her pussy on his shaft and thrust his hips up between her legs. He came too.
He spurted hard, pumping Marie’s tight hole full of come as she gasped through her climax.
Sam leant back, his eyes sparkling as he looked at Marie, the cocky grin back on his face.
The reality of the moment came crashing down on her. ‘What have I done?’
She pushed him back and smoothed the hem of her dress back down her sticky thighs, and shimmied as she readjusted her panties back over her dripping pussy.
“Oh God,” Marie gasped, worried Sam’s cum would leak from her pussy and drip down her thighs. She had to find somewhere to freshen up before her husband found her. Sam grasped her wrist as she made for the entrance of the tent. Her eyes were full of fire as she looked at him.
“What?” she hissed. “You… You’re bad. Let me go.”
Sam smiled. “Tomorrow, Princess.”
“Tomorrow, what?” she spat as she pulled at his grasp on her wrist.
“Come alone tomorrow. After tomorrow we’re gone. The carnival leaves. So I’ll wait for you, tomorrow. I want you again Princess, my Princess, on your own. You won’t let me down?”
He released her, and she ran to the entrance of the tent, just as her husband and the boys came tumbling in to find her.
Marie looked back at Sam, her gaze a mixture of desire and heated venom. She marched from the tent in silence, a mass of emotion, feeling strangely desirable, and alive.
To be continued …
I want to say thank you so much to BradLee for agreeing to write this with me. You added the right amount of sexiness and grittiness to Sam. You have been wonderful to work with and I am looking forward to finishing this with you.