The cool evening breeze brought welcome relief to the hot, muggy October evening on Barbados’ south coast. I’d arrived at the restaurant early to ensure I wasn’t a sweaty mess when my date arrived and to secure a prime beachfront table.
Sipping my rum punch I stared nervously at the menu, not concerned about the wonderful list of tapas in my hand but that I’d end up eating alone. The minutes ticked down, I sipped my drink, probably slightly too fast, but I had nerves to kill. With every second I became more convinced I’d been stood up.
Being too absorbed in the menu it took me a moment to notice the hush that fell suddenly over the restaurant. Jerked back into reality I looked up and my heart soared – I wouldn’t dine alone.
Across the restaurant was a vision of beauty, who spotted me as I grinned from ear to ear. Lowering her mask, she treated the entire dining room to her beaming smile – one that would brighten even the darkest spot.
Casually she glided towards me, her bright yellow sundress clung enticingly to her tight body. The string straps highlighted her sensual neck and her rich, caramel skin drew you in. It was impossible not to notice she wasn’t wearing a bra as the curve of her breasts clearly stood out. With each step, the soft cotton swayed across her slender thighs creating ideas and fantasies about what lay beneath. I was silently delighted that I wasn’t the only one mesmerised by her entrance, most of the men and many women seemed unable to avoid staring.
Leaping to my feet I greeted her with a warm hug and for a moment we stood just feet apart. Before that silence could even think about turning awkward I spoke – but perhaps should have put more thought in before opening my mouth.
“We should sit down before I pass out,” I blurted out as a blank look crossed her exquisite face.
“I… I mean you just look so incredible it’s making me lightheaded,” I added lamely.
Her smile returned and seemed to grow more intense and she even laughed, a genuine laugh rather than one of pity. Suddenly I got the feeling I might just have salvaged the evening.
I’d met Beatriz just twenty-nine hours earlier. I had arrived in Barbados, quarantined as required, taken a second Covid test and then my results were in and I was free to explore the island. I checked out of my hotel and into a small Airbnb right on the beach.
The hot afternoon sun baked down as I strolled along the sand with a small bag of weed in my pocket (thanks to my hotel’s gardener) and book in hand. With no destination in mind, I savoured the warm sand between my toes and watched Bajan beach life unfold.
Sooner or later I knew I’d pick a beachfront bar, grab a few drinks then sit and read my book in peace. Before long, the afternoon clouds gathered ominously and soon a steady rain began. Purely by luck, I was stood right outside one such bar just as the first drops landed on my sunglasses. There was a large crown outside but it was totally empty inside. I rushed and grabbed a table before the rest of the beach caught on.
Moments after I sat down, my waitress arrived and being in Barbados I ordered a rum punch. Even wearing her mask, I was struck by this young girl. She was simply dressed in tight-fitting black jeans, a black fitted t-shirt and a pair of Converse. Her jet-black hair was tightly braided into two plaits across her temples then pulled together in a small bun on the crown of her head. Even just ordering my drink her hazel eyes exuded beauty and kindness.
I was even more delighted when she turned to get my order. Petite and perfectly formed, she was no taller than five feet tall and tiny, she couldn’t weigh one-hundred-and-ten pounds. And her firm, twenty-something butt swayed enticingly with every step – I simply couldn’t take my eyes off of her.
Several drinks and many chapters later, the rain had stopped and the sun had set. Fueled with liquid courage I beckoned my waitress over to explain I was popping outside for a smoke but wasn’t running away. She nodded in agreement as I left my book on the table and headed outside.
Tucked away, I set about rolling a quick joint. Much to my dismay, I found that I’d somehow lost my rolling papers at some stage during the day. My heart set on some weed I wondered what to do. Ultimately I had no choice but to ask my waitress.
“Excuse me,” I muttered, “do you know where I could buy some rolling papers?”
“Um… what?” she replied eyeing me oddly.
“Er… er… I need papers to roll a cigarette and I’ve lost mine.”
“Oh!” she exclaimed, “you mean wrappers – to make a joint right?” Her face now clearly smiling broadly. Soon she directed me to the nearest shop.
It only took ten minutes or so for me to return with rolling papers. I was delighted to note that Beatriz had saved my table and book from the growing crowd. Quickly I rolled my joint outside and was about to walk onto the beach and light it when Beatriz (or as I later learned “B” to her friends) appeared.
“You know you can smoke that here, right?” she said, “it’s only locals these days and nobody gives a shit.”
Emboldened I fired it up and took a few drags before offering my partner in crime a toke. It was only as she removed her mask for the first time to smoke that I saw the cute little ring in her septum. As we smoked a couple, who clearly knew B, arrived.
“Hey B!” the man said, “who’s this guy smoking you out?”
“How you know he’s smoking me out?” she asked lightheartedly.
“Coz you never have your own fucking weed!” he laughed.
“Fuck you! This is… oh, hang on I don’t even know your name. I’m B… Beatriz really,” she said extending a hand to shake.
Once introductions were over we spent the rest of the evening hanging out, drinking, smoking both my weed and the couple’s – generally having a great time. After a few drinks, the two girls headed to the toilet together, leaving me and Jamal alone.
“Hey bro, fancy a bump?” he asked, handing over a small straw half-filled with cocaine.
Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth I readily accepted, instantly feeling that rush.
“You know B must really like you, bro. She never hangs out after her shift and rarely smokes but she finished work four hours ago…”
As much as I desperately wanted this to be true I didn’t believe him for one second, guessing this was going to be some type of scam on tourists.
“Don’t be fucking stupid. I’m a fat, forty-three-year-old tourist here for a couple of weeks. She’s what? Twenty or something? And smoking hot, there’s no way she’s interested in me.”
“Whatever, man, I don’t give a fuck. But I’ve known B a couple of years now and she’s never stayed this late. Trust me, she’s into you.”
Still, I didn’t believe him.
More drinks flowed, more weed was smoked and more coke was snorted. Despite my ever-growing inebriation even I couldn’t miss that B kept shifting her chair closer to mine. But I knew I was drunk and the last thing I wanted to do was make a fool of myself or worse.
Finally, it was time to leave. Everyone began to walk away and it was clear the night was over – but at least I knew where (if not when) Beatriz worked! Kindly, Jamal offered to take B home then drop me at my Airbnb. Throughout the ride, Beatriz leaned against me, her head on my shoulder – clearly both tired and drunk.
“Give me your phone,” she suddenly said, “I’m going to put my number in… in case you…” she never finished her sentence before my phone was unlocked and in her hand. I couldn’t believe my luck.
Before too long we arrived at B’s place, I stepped out to make way for her. As she began heading inside she stopped to hug me. Her firm, tight young body pressed hard against mine and despite the alcohol, I could feel my excitement rising as I’m sure she could too. But still, she hung on.
I realised this was a moment – one of those moments you may live to regret no matter what you do. Either you regret doing it or you forever wonder what would have happened if you had been bolder.
As she held me, my nostrils filled with the sweet scent of her perfume and shampoo and I knew that Jamal and Sasha were watching from the van. I could have stayed there forever but knew it had to end. Summoning every last ounce of courage I had I bit the bullet.
With my mouth just inches from her ear and its four piercings I said softly: “B, would you… Umm… I’d love to take you to dinner. Would you…”
Without letting go and with her warm, gentle breath caressing my neck she whispered: “I’d love to.”
Dinner went better than even I could have dreamed of. The food was fantastic, the view across the Atlantic was incredible, the wine flowed and for once, there was never an awkward pause. The conversation seemed to flow effortlessly and we connected so easily on everything. Before long, I couldn’t even remember a world without that beautiful smile.
Leaving the restaurant, I was desperate for the night not to end and had come prepared.
“Fancy taking a walk along the beach? I brought a joint for us.”
“You brought one?” she asked excitedly.
“Well, I know you never have your own,” I teased.
A friendly shove and a swift, “Oh fuck you,” followed before we started smoking and strolling along the beach. Still, we chatted, joked and made fun of each other as if we’d been friends for years.
Finishing the last of our joint, Beatriz gently slid her hand into mine despite my clammy palms, and we continued walking. A short while later she stopped and turned to me, still holding my hand as we stood face to face.
“You know I nearly didn’t come tonight.”
Now I dreaded the worst and clearly, she could see my crestfallen face.
“Oh, not because of you! No… no! I just felt I um… I made a bit of a fool of myself last night.”
“No, you didn’t, not at all…” I started to reply.
“But I’m really glad I did. I’ve had a wonderful time.”
Once more panic set in – “had” she said, “had,” not, “I’m having,” I didn’t know what to do or say.
As my mind wrestled with the best course of action silence fell between us once again. God, she looked incredible, her smooth youthful skin seemed to simply glow. A gentle breeze cooled the night air pulling her dress against her chest – the outline of her firm breasts and nipples wonderfully visible. As I gazed into her hazel eyes the full moon reflected brightly, and a small blemish in her left iris sparkled like some hidden gem.
We could both feel the tension in the air and seconds seemed like hours. I took my chance. I leaned forward slowly, carefully, hoping beyond hope that I wasn’t making a huge mistake. The tiny distance between us seemed huge as I got closer and closer. Finally, I spotted she was moving forward too!
Our lips met, gently at first, then harder as we kissed for the first time under the Caribbean moonlight.
After way too little time, we parted. She smiled. Then we kissed again, deeper, longer and much more passionately. She pressed her body against mine, holding me tight as her tongue nervously pressed against mine. Longer and longer the kiss lasted and almost without realising (almost) my hand slid down her back, pulling her closer still until my hand came to rest on that rock-hard butt.
Finally, we parted, our hearts racing and my cock getting harder and harder.
“Can we go to your place?” she gasped.
We quickly made our way up the beach towards my Airbnb, chatting, laughing and holding hands once more. Both giddy with the excitement of what we knew was coming. As we neared my place she looked at me with a cheeky grin.
“So was that joke about being lightheaded when I got to the restaurant about the blood rushing to your dick and making you dizzy?”
“Um… er… I guess, sort of at least. I just panicked.”
“Well, you know you’ve got a lot to live up to now!” she chuckled.
Within seconds of reaching my bedroom, my lips were on hers, kissing her deeply, pulling her close as my hands explored her incredible physique. Her hands weren’t shy either dragging my face into hers, stroking my back before grabbing a good handful of my ass and squeezing confidently.
Parting from our kiss, her hands made quick work of my shirt buttons, undid my belt and began working on my jeans. I swiftly pulled her dress over her head, revealing her small, pert and sumptuously smooth breasts. Her nipples stood up perfectly, swollen and looking almost painfully erect.
Before I got a chance to notice anything else, Beatriz was kissing me again. Her tongue diving forcibly into my mouth as those firm tits pressed into my bare chest. As we kissed her hand slowly pressed against my stomach and began sliding into my boxers. I needed no encouragement to get hard, but this was definitely turning me on.
Down beyond my small patch of pubes she explored until she reached my swelling shaft. Gently, her fingers traced its length and girth before wrapping firmly around it.
“Mmmm,” she moaned into my mouth as she slowly stroked my cock. It really didn’t take long before I was fully erect and straining against my jeans.
Breaking away from our kiss B said: “I want to see it.”
Kneeling in front of me she pulled down my jeans and boxers allowing my seven-inch dick to spring free, almost brushing her face. After wrapping her fingers around my shaft she smiled and said: “Nice! And you shave your balls. I’ve never been with a…” her voice trailed off as her fingers lightly stroked my soft smooth balls.
Pulling my foreskin back all the way she slowly started licking my swollen head, Her tongue expertly dancing across all the right spots while she slid her hand up and down my shaft and squeezed my balls.
“God that feels amazing,” I groaned, while her mouth did incredible things to my dick.
Lifting my cock against my stomach, she began licking my balls tenderly, occasionally sucking one into her mouth while she jerked me off. Every time I looked down she was gazing up at me welcoming all the appreciative sounds I was making. Faster and faster her hand went as she lapped my freshly shaven sack.
Letting my cock drop back into place, jutting straight out, twitching eagerly and glistening with her saliva, she grasped the base, smiled at me and effortless slid my entire length into her mouth. My balls were resting softly on her chin as her eyes smiled at me. Finally, she pulled back, then dove back in, slamming my dick into her mouth faster than ever, her nose bumping into my pubes while she tugged on my balls.
“Fuck yeah, B! Oh yes! Oh… oh,” I moaned in delight.
I was loving every second. Here was this stunning, petite girl slaving away at my engorged prick and driving me wild with delight. But I knew something she did not.
Gently, I pushed her back, sliding my rock-hard length from between those luxurious lips. Helping her to her feet I said, “That feels fucking amazing B, but I’m on some medication that makes it very hard for me to orgasm. I’m not going to cum like that – even though it feels incredible.”
“Oh, OK,” she said nervously, “but you did like it? And you will cum?
Pulling her to me until I felt the warmth of her skin against mine I reassured her:
“You are out of this world and…” before I finished she was kissing me again, seemingly full of confidence once more.
Now it was my time. As our tongues danced together once more I reached down, my hand sliding across the soft fabric of her underwear. Without a word, Beatriz parted her legs slightly, welcoming my hand. As I tenderly cupped her mound and pressed my fingers against her lips her whole body trembled and a desperate gasp slipped from her mouth.
Moving my hands, I grabbed her ass, easily picked her up and carried her to the king-sized bed, our tongues still wrestling feverishly. Carefully, I laid her down with me beside her as our mouths separated.
I could see her pulse racing in her neck and lovingly kissed that spot, a soft butterfly-type kiss and began working my way down her body. Down her neck, across her collarbone, down, down onto her chest heading even further down. Softly I caressed her small, firm breast as my mouth reached the nipple. The warmth of my mouth engulfed it as my tongue lightly flicked across its taut skin.
“Huh, huh, ohh,” Beatriz moaned before I continued my voyage of discovery.
Kiss after gentle kiss worshipped that smooth, caramel skin. Little gasps punctuated the air as I licked and teased this incredible girl. Down I went, stopping briefly to celebrate her belly button ring, down to her underwear. The heat emanating from these pastel purple (or were they lilac?) hipsters was unbelievable. The moment I took hold of the waistband, B raised her hips, desperate to be free of her last remnant of clothing.
As I threw her panties on the floor, I finally saw her totally naked. A small rectangle of thick, short pubes sat above her hairless, tightly closed plump lips. Back to kissing I went, working my way from her waist down towards those perfectly manicured pubes. Each touch to her freshly shaven skin drew yet another lustful tremble.
The scent from her pussy was intoxicating as I parted her legs. Slowly I drew one finger softly upwards between those lips. Beatriz moaned her approval. I couldn’t resist any longer and bent forward, eager to taste this young pussy.
B gasped each time my mouth carefully caressed her pussy. My tongue traced its way between her lips, reaching deep inside her and savouring her flavour.
“Mmm.. oh… oh,” she muttered, getting wetter and wetter.
As her excitement grew first one and then a second finger slipped inside her. In and out they slid while my tongue massaged her swelling clit. Flattening my tongue, I circled that sweet cherry urging her on as my fingers teased her G-spot.
“Oh yes… fuck yes!” she moaned as I sucked on her clit.
Faster and faster went my hand, reaching further and deeper between her tight walls, driving her wild.
“Oh…uh… uh… fuck… fuck yes… uhh… oh…oh… please…oh fuck, fuck, FUCK!”
Her body shook as her pussy squeezed my fingers tight. Her hips bucked furiously trying fruitlessly to escape my mouth. Still, I kept sucking her clit as her cunt and body spasmed time and time again. Her screams of passion and incredible scent filled the air until I gave one last kiss to her throbbing prize.
Looking up I saw her eyes were closed, beads of sweat sat on her forehead, while some slowly slid between her amazing tits and she was panting hard.
As desperate as I was to fuck her I knew she needed a moment. I moved to lie beside her pulling her close, my cock pressing firmly against her. From here I could still feel the occasional tremble rippling through her body. I just lay there softly kissing her neck and quietly proud.
Gradually her breathing slowed.
“Fuck that was… ah… that was…” I pulled her closer and kissed her firmly on the nape of her neck.
“Do you have a… a… condom?” she practically begged.
Swiftly, I pulled one from the nightstand and covered up. Standing at the foot of the bed, I grabbed her legs and pulled her towards me, positioning her right at the edge of the bed. By now I couldn’t wait any longer. Without my asking, Beatriz grabbed her legs from me and pulled them to her shoulders, exposing that glorious pink pussy in all its glory.
My engorged cock slowly pushed its way inside her. As wet as she was her young, tight cunt gripped me tightly, with each thrust she stretched more and more, sucking me deep inside.
“Oh yes… oh… oh… fuck yes… yes, yes, yes,” Beatriz moaned as I eased back and forward. Each time, her body gripped, squeezed and caressed my dick.
Soon I was pounding into her, the sounds of slapping flesh reverberating around the room, nearly drowning out our intimate moans.
“Yes, fuck yes! Harder! Harder! Fuck me harder.” she pleaded, and so I did, driving my throbbing cock as fast and deep into her as I could.
Suddenly her eyes closed again and her breathing changed and I guessed she was close.
“Oh… Oh… yes… yes, yes! Fuck, yes! Oh…uhh…uhh,” she moaned.
Then it hit. Her entire body went wild, arms flailed, legs kicked uncontrollably and her pussy contracted like never before. With each stroke, she grew louder and louder, her body ever more out of control. Until…
“Oh… oh… please…. oh please…. please, oh please don’t stop… oh fuck!”
At that moment a wave of burning hot cum surged through her pussy igniting my cock, making it swell and twitch even more than I thought possible.
“Don’t stop! Don’t fucking stop!” she screamed.
I didn’t need a second invitation. Slap, slap, slap, rang through the room as I did my best to fuck her as hard as she wanted.
“Fuck… oh… oh.. fuck yes… please… oh don’t st… fuck, oh fuck!” she panted, “I… I…can’t… I can’t… oh, FUCK! I… I can’t…”
Both legs writhed, she shook and trembled as another orgasm ripped through her, the heat in her pussy soared as it contracted, almost trying to snap my cock in two. I was simply mesmerised. Her eyes closed and her whole being pulsated as I kept fucking that tight pussy.
Finally, she peaked, every muscle in her body jerked at once, almost pushing me out of her as another climax coursed through Beatriz. She moaned incoherently as her tight cunt clamped down and refused to let my dick out. Tiny sparks fired every synapse as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her until I slowed and finally stopped.
Still, she held me deep inside her as she quivered beneath me. Slowly I pulled out then lay down holding her close, my throbbing cock pressing against B’s ass. Gradually I caught my breath shortly before she did.
Wriggling her tight butt against my erect cock she asked: “You still haven’t cum?”
“I was getting close but you… seemed to need a break.”
The words had barely left my lips when Beatriz rolled over and pushed me down.
“I’m going to ride you until you cum,” she announced, as she climbed on top of me, her hot, wet cunt swallowing me instantly.
The view was simply incredible! This lithe, petite beauty rose up and down – her pert tits bouncing in unison as she slammed onto my cock – up and down, grinding as hard as she could on my raging dick. Time and again she rode up and down our mutual moans growing louder and louder. Soon my thumb found that swollen clit once again, rubbing and teasing it in time with Beatriz’s thrusts.
I could feel my orgasm building and pushed harder and harder, keen to finish before she thought I wasn’t able to.
“Ahh.. ahh.. ahh… B… ahh… I’m close… yes, fuck that’s good,” I moaned.
Clearly relishing my pleasure, B leaned back, grabbing her ankles as she continued grinding her pelvis, riding me like never before in my life. Her back arched, shoving her firm tits with their close-to-bursting nipples forward and offering an incredible view of her tight pussy devouring my dick.
Time and again her body rose and fell, my thumb stroking her clit in perfect rhythm. Each thrust bringing me closer and closer to the edge. Our pants and moans created a beautiful cacophony while the aroma of sex, sweat and cum hung redolent in the air.
As I felt my balls begin to strain I heard B’s breathing change once more, her head began to rock as she gasped for breath, her chest heaving while she ground against me.
“Oh baby are you going to cum for me?” she panted, “I want you to cum for me… I can’t… Oh! Ugh… Ugh…”
And before I could reply I felt another surge in her body she rocked violently back and forth, her pussy spasmed around my cock and her heat swelled once more. As she rode the wave of passion her body seemed to wilt, unable to continue – but continue she did, rising and falling as I pounded her burning hot, wet and oh so sumptuous pussy.
Even if I wanted, I couldn’t have held on a second longer and as she shook and twitched my balls contracted and finally I unleashed every last drop I had.
“Oh B, fuck, oh… Oh! Yes! Fuck…” I grunted as shot after shot of thick cum launched deep inside Beatriz’s writhing body.
The spurts seemed like they’d never end and every muscle in my stomach and chest contracted at once. I had no choice but to sit bolt upright, thrusting my sweat-drenched face between those incredible breasts. Instinctively my tongue began teasing those rock-hard nipples.
“Oh, ohhh, ohhhhh…” B moaned as my licking and sucking gradually slowed and our bodies finally stopped involuntarily twitching.
In unison, we fell back onto the bed as she expertly slid off my softening dick. Our clammy bodies pressed together as we tried to control our breathing and occasional shivers rippled through one or other of us.
Finally, my heart slowed and I was breathing normally while my hand gently stroked B’s hip.
“That was unbelievable,” I stammered as my brain slowly processed what had just happened.
Beatriz leaned in and kissed me firmly on the lips before saying:
“I don’t know about you being lightheaded but I nearly fucking passed out back there!”
“Me too!” I laughed as we hugged tightly.
We lay there, basking in the afterglow of sex until B gave me a quick kiss and began to get up.
“After that, I need a shower,” she said heading towards the bathroom.
I couldn’t take my eyes off that tiny, firm ass swaggering across the room. As she opened the bathroom door she turned back towards me – that beaming smile lighting up the entire room.
“You could always join me…” she said teasingly, as she walked in leaving the door wide open.