Ava knew that his eyes had been upon her, some sixth sense drawing her gaze to him, and she had not minded that it had been so; in fact, she had relished the prospect of being taken out of herself with a man like him if it could be arranged.
The object of her attention, when she had chosen to look his way, looked suave and sophisticated, and he was well dressed in a dark blue suit and a crisp white shirt, open at the neck and with one button undone. His swept-back hair must have been black, for that colour showed through both greys and white strands that served only to make him even more attractive than a first glance had revealed to her. She felt taken by his straight-lipped sensual mouth, slender nose, attentive eyes that had answered her look his way, and a first wondering smile he directed at her creased his lean face. His neatly tended stubble beard also showed the first signs of grey but, strangely, he looked ‘on trend’ and certainly not old and not worth her time.
Yeah, he was bound to be some years older than she was but right then she did not care. What she wanted to do was to get closer to him and to talk; to then see where these early moments between them would take her. If it did not happen, and she now knew that the moment would have to wait, then she would exchange some contact details and go from there.
“Well, where’s it all going?” one giggling friend prompted as they made the most of a night out together and prepared to leave the glitzy bar.
“I’ll deal with it in my way,” she replied, flicking at her blonde hair that cascaded, like a waterfall, down each side of her face. For their night out she had chosen a white bustier that was worn under a see-through free-flowing white blouse and a brightly patterned body-con skirt that flattered long slender legs. She had dressed to please herself and to feel comfortable and not to pull guys who came onto her, but a man like the one she now looked at for one last time. “Now, come on, let’s go to the club we said we’d try out.”
She had to pass close to where he sat on a bar stool and she stopped to murmur her name and to get him to tap her iPhone number into his. “My friends dared me to do this…”
“And I’m hoping that you want to do it for yourself,” he smiled and discreetly gave her the eye even as he tapped in her number. “I don’t just flirt with anyone and I’m glad that I did it with you.”
She had to laugh at his directness and was taken by his disarming smile. He had succeeded in tearing free any sense of restraint that she may have felt about what she was doing. ‘’I’ll wait for a text or a call, but tell me your name?”
“Tony Randall. And yours?” he answered looking at her friends for an instant. She loved to see his profile.
“Ava Chandler,” she smiled, not the least concerned about the directness of his gaze. “I’m pleased to meet you, Tony.”
“You’ll be hearing from me, Ava, I promise.”
She knew already, as she walked away and rejoined her friends, that she was looking forward to making contact with him and doing so properly.
While she boogied and had fun, younger guys came onto her and she played them along, she wondered how she could have become smitten with a guy who must be some twenty years or so older than she was. At twenty-five years old she’d had her share of guys closer to her age so what she felt now was somewhat bizarre.
Tony had been impeccably dressed and polite, but she had not missed noticing how his eyes took her in and it was that look of his that kept on coming to mind. She wondered what could be found under that calm exterior of his, the restraint in Tony as they simply exchanged contact details.
And then, as she sipped on some outrageously coloured cocktail and took a break from the dancing, and waved off a young guy who kept coming onto her, she received a text.
Hi, beautiful! How about meeting me for a drink and doing that without so many prying eyes around us? T
She didn’t need any time to think it over, the thrill that she felt coursing through her body enough to persuade her to answer him and to see where a reunion took her.
Hi, persistent! How about tomorrow night and where? Ava
A laughing emoji is tacked on the end of her message before it is sent.
Ava, OK! Tomorrow at eight and here at my place, and I’ll be looking out for you! I’ll tap out the address and send it in a moment or two. Tony
She had ample time, after coming home from work, to get ready for her rendezvous with an attractive older man. They had arranged for her to be at his place for eight, so she made sure she was as fresh as a spring flower, washed and her legs and arms shaved, the woman’s razor gliding over her skin until it felt silky smooth. She felt horny from imagining his hands on her and the prospect of the attention an attractive man would pay to her.
At a quarter to eight, she’s ready and decides to take a few sips of wine, the small glass shaking in her hand as she does so. She’s scarcely spoken to him, but the arrangement to visit Tony at his place has been reached. It’s surprisingly close to where her apartment is and yet she has never seen him before.
It’s not so far and she decides to ride her bicycle. The evening’s warm and cloudless, and her floaty summer dress is demure. Her silky, almost see-through, lingerie is not and it’s light sky-blue goes so well with her light tan and her hair. Both bra and panties fit snugly against her skin and no man has been disappointed with what she brings to his sight and touch, let alone what she does with him if the circumstances are right.
Tony’s place is modern, small, and single-story, with an asymmetric roof and timber-boarded facades to the roadway. It has a short driveway and she sees his gleaming Audi A3 parked on it. Just who is she calling on? Of greater concern is why and at his place, and not on neutral ground until they know where it will all go if they click.
She parks her bike against a sidewall, the gate helpfully left open, and she walks nervily up to Tony’s front door. As she does so the door opens soundlessly. And there his, the man she had thought about; obsessed about more like.
“Hey! I’ll close the side gate so no one can see your bicycle. Even around here, we don’t take any chances.”
Tony winks as he says it and takes in her appearance. He gives a slow nod of approval and meets her answering look upon him.
She’s arrived on a bike left over from her student days and his smart car is parked nearby. She hasn’t said a word and has just looked at the man, dressed down but ragingly attractive, still. It was no trick of the eye, what she took in of the man, the other night. Now, he’s in cream chino slacks, a pale blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a light cream scarf draped casually around his neck, the sleeves tied. Tony’s so darned suave and sophisticated and behaves as if he is accustomed to inviting young women to be with him.
With that sexy deep voice, she hears again, he can say anything he wants to her as she follows him into his home, through an open plan living room and to a kitchen partitioned off from the main room by a glazed tile wall. Two glasses of white wine are already poured out.
He hands a glass to her and gazes intently at her.
“We learn about each other over a glass of wine or two, over the pleasure in that, Ava, but be assured that you can leave at any time, okay?”
His considerate look suggests that he has picked up on her nervousness, even if she did agree to meet him here.
“Yes, okay, Tony. I did wonder about that.”
He smiles. “If you ask me for a second glass of wine I’ll know that you’re relaxed and that you want to be here with me. Do I say it right?”
She smiles back at him and wafts her hair away from her face as she looks around the room he has led her into. It is softly lit by candles flaring and stuttering in fluted glasses. “What else have you got in reserve for the evening?”
He follows her gaze into the softly lit living room, a hand on the small of her back, and to the softly furnished couches that line three sides of a sunken seating area. It exudes style and its purpose is clear for their evening together. By the placement of a few extra cushions, the man has turned it into a love den, and the implied messages that they sent to each other by a glance, that first night they met, were now to be made real if that is what she needs from being with him and she knows that Tony desires of her.
She has willingly walked into this and she shivers on looking his way, feels the first flush of moisture in her pussy that his touch, a few words and her racing thoughts, arouse in her.
“Don’t bite on your lovely lips, Ava, or I won’t be able to resist you…even before the second glass of wine has been drunk.”
Tony meets her gaze as he brushes his fingers lightly in a stroking caress over her throat and neck, under her hair, and she’s coaxed not to bite on her lips, his breaths upon them slow and she meets the beguiling look of his eyes upon her. She gulps down what remains of her wine and they laugh, her intention to stay already clear.
“That calls for a second glass of wine. Shall we drink it in the living room?”
She looks back at him suggestively. “It seems more comfortable in there…”
“Hold onto your glass then!” he laughs, “and put an arm around my neck.”
Before she can react, she’s lifted into his arms, one under her knees, the skirt of her dree eased away and she shivers under that first real touch upon her skin. She feels his breath on her face as they look into each other’s eyes as he carries her down the two steps and into the sunken seating area. He kisses her slowly, expectantly, as she is lowered onto the deep seats, the leather cool against her thighs. She eases off her shoes and reveals more of her toned legs to him, the inviting softness of her skin to be seen there.
“I’ve waited a while but can do that now,” he murmurs as Ava sees his eyes drift over her in appreciation.
She reaches up to embrace him as Tony leans over her and she returns his kisses eagerly, surrenders to the man as she feels his hands drift to the zip fastening of her dress, shivers on feeling his touch on her skin as it is slowly lowered, all the way down to the base of her spine, his touches sending little fluttering of longing through her body. His fingers traced a path over her spine, slow and purposeful in feeling every ridge and hollow. She feels her nipples swell and harden, her pussy getting wet as he tries to take her dress down off her shoulders and kiss her exposed skin.
“Shall I undress for you?” she asks, hoarsely, dismayed at the speed at which everything is happening between them.
“Good idea,” he murmurs against her skin, his tongue slicking the hollow to one side of her neck as he trails his hands over her skin, what he can touch before lingering on the firm swell of her breasts, shaped and held so enticingly by her lacy silk bra.
Ava shimmies as her dress slips down over her body and hips and onto the floor. She then reaches behind her back and lets her diaphanous bra slide off her body too, a laugh escaping over her lips as she sees his wondering gaze upon her nakedness, and how she instinctively caresses her breasts that are now freed of any restraint, her nipples poking out between her fingers as she holds them.
She’s getting to him. Tony’s torn away his sweater and unbuttoned his shirt, and the front of his trousers are taking on a different shape and she reaches out to grip that swell. He has enough for her, more than enough, she soon feels and Tony only gets bigger when she has it in her hands, what she wants to claim her body, the raging ache of longing aroused from these few simple acts gripping her.
“Not much more,” she laughs and turns her back to him, but before she can slip her thong down over her thighs he is behind her. Tony trails caresses down her body, over her back and shoulders as his fingers stroke down to smooth skin that she has shaved so carefully. Her pussy’s juices flow as his fingers caress and push into her, and trace slow circles as they probe deeper in ragingly pleasurable caresses. “Go on like that…for now!”
She reaches up to keep his kisses to her skin as he fingers her slit, one hand drifting up to tug and squeeze on her hard nipples. She has enough there for him it seems for Tony can’t leave her breasts alone.
“You are a tease, Ava,” he kisses. “I saw that in how you looked at me in that bar a few nights ago. Now you’re here for me.”
She groans in pleasure and nods her agreement to what he is saying. Her hard nipples are being claimed between his agile fingers and are squeezed upon before her breasts are held in each of his smooth hands.
“Don’t you go teasing me for much longer!” she gasps as without warning he ushes three fingers into her dripping pussy and they gently part, still further, her lips as they work in and over her sex.
“You want this now, don’t you?”
“Yes, you know that I do! Can’t you feel how it is for me?” she gasps and cannot hold back a deep groan of wanton pleasure that has been aroused by his few touches and her receptive mind. She’s dismayed by his ardour, by the lack of restraint in pursuing what she knew the evening could hold out for her and that she has little control over.
“Do you trust me?” she is dismayed to hear him ask.
She nods, but he asks it of her again and she feels compelled to answer him.
“Yes, I trust you, but I want to see what you’re doing to me! Let me see you, let me look into your eyes! I don’t know you, so we don’t play every game in town! Got me?”
She could have chosen her words better, but she saw Tony nod. The way that he had wrapped her up in his arms and had begun to persuade her to lie, face down, on the seat suggested what had been on his mind for them, this first time together.
Now, she is coaxed to lie on her back with her arms and legs stretched out and Tony tugs loose a length of rope that she had seen just the end of poking up from behind the cushions. Through coaxing kisses, and cautionary words, each wrist is tied above her head and she submits, wanting to experience it all with him. The ropes are loose bindings and no more, just a provocation to her senses of both fear and expectation.
“I’ll look after you…’
Tony says it as he kneels between her legs and trails slow kisses over her skin, from her ankles up and over her calves, behind her knees, then over the soft skin of her thighs, the fingers of one trailing over her pussy and prodding gently into her before he delights in the hollow of her tummy, her navel, the sight of her hip bones, all of them inflaming his senses. She’s young, so vital, so desirable.
“Lift your legs for me,” she hears him ask, through his caresses and kisses to her skin and she feels his lips nibble her butt cheeks before his mouth settles on her mound and his tongue begins its tantalizing dance over her slit; moves from top to bottom then back again, the tip pricking and dancing in unpredictable ways. “I’m going to eat you, Ava, you beauty.”
She can only laugh at her reply, a sound that turns into a groan as she succumbs to his claims upon her, and she’s unbothered that he pushes a small cushion under her buttocks to lift her closer and against his rampaging mouth. Tony reclaims her slicked heat, her thighs closing around his head and she shudders as he’s kept on her.
“You’ll wreck me”! she yells, succumbing to the shocks of her orgasm, mind and body becoming one in no time at all and because of what he’s doing to her, in her, but not yet with her.
“And I wanted to fuck you from the moment that I first saw you,” she hears him confess.
“You’re going to, so do it!”
She feels him ease away, her legs trembling from the thrill of his caressing hands and lips. She watches as he undresses before her and does it slowly as if to tease her; first, his shirt is stripped away to reveal toned arms, a broad and hairless chest, and an almost flat stomach, a trail of hair provoking her to gaze at his groin, the zip of Tony’s trousers eased down, notch by notch, over the bulge to be seen now distorting pouch briefs.
He brushes her hand away as she moves to rest on her elbows and gazes expectantly at him. They’re all but strangers and soon to be naked in each other’s arms.
“Be patient for just a moment longer,” he says standing close enough to allow her to grasp his sac and that length of flesh that moves as he reaches down to the floor and finds the condom pack in a pocket of his trousers. “I mustn’t forget to put one on, must I?”
“When I say so and not before.” She sits up and Tony holds her head as she moves closer, pulls down his briefs and his penis slaps against her hungering lips before her tongue swirls around and over the domed tip, her agile fingers wrapped around the veined skin and working him. She’ll gag if he humps her mouth in the deepening way that he now begins to do.
“More of that later,” he kisses as she is pulled off him, her look glazed as if she’s fallen into another world, pursued an act with all but a stranger. “Lie down again for me, lovely Ava.”
She feels his kisses on her thighs, the soft flesh that his mouth trails over as his fingers again work her slit until his mouth lands upon it once more and his flickering tongue darts in and out. She bucks her hips, then twists as his fingers trail down to her butt hole, and his thumb presses on her pubic bone then onto her clit.
“Tony! What you’re doing to me is just crazy!” she calls out knowing that another orgasm is rushing to meet her. The man knows it because he holds back, relents in his taking of her, but his fingers continue in their beguiling caresses and pokes, all now devoted to her slit and pussy’s walls. She’s so wet they glide over her enervated skin in featherlight caresses and tantalizing pokes.
“Don’t go too far with those touches to me…you know what I mean! I’m not into that!” she cries out, her words at odds with how she feels to have his touch, and yet she is undeniably thrilled by what he has sought to do. She’s just not into pursuing depraved ways of sex, but the best of casual loving with no commitments.
“Okay, Ava, so tell me when to stop.”
He continues to entice her with his touches, both to her pussy and the wrinkled skin of her butthole, but in one they tease the edges only. She can’t keep herself from trembling, bucking, and twisting her hips off the sofa to meet his touches, the caresses to her clit taking her where she knows Tony wants to be. Tony’s ways are like a masseur’s caress, slow and deliberate and she shudders again and is overcome with the rushes of an orgasm. She needed it all, what her nervy anticipation to be with him, and Tony’s evident years of experience, have brought to his taking of her, so far.
“I want more, so much more!” she cries out and wrenches at her wrist fastenings. She wants to touch and caress him, to stroke the smooth hairless skin of his chest, to trail slow kisses over his prick and take him, plague him with her touches, just as he has done to her.
He lies down between her parted legs and rests on his elbows by her head, gazing admiringly at her body at how her breasts are splayed, her nipples hard and proud. He kisses and slides his tongue slowly over the warm skin beneath them,
“May I lick your clit?” he asks with a devilish grin on his lips and gazing into her eyes.
“Think I can stop you, tied up like this?” she stammers, his touches bringing her on once more.
“No, but it would be better if I feel your hands on me while I do that.” He trails kisses over her body once more before he lies on her, reaches up and tugs loose her bindings. “There, now the two of us can really play.”
Tony’s already trailing kisses down over her body as he finishes speaking leaving no part unclaimed; her breasts, nipples, the hollow of her tummy as she draws in deep breaths of wanton pleasure, then down over her thighs, the soft flesh to be touched there. The pleasure builds up in her all over again, and she wants all of his attention paid to her clit, but Tony waits to do that. In expertly pleasurable ways he slicks his tongue over each side of her pussy and she feels only his tongue pleasuring her.
“You taste so good, Ava, so good,” he kisses and his fingers slowly tease her lips further apart before she feels them enter her body, to poke and swirl.
“Go on!” she gasps and reaches for his head to guide him in his claims. “Are you ever going to let me do something for you?”
“I can wait. Just enjoy what is happening between us right now.” He switches hands but the attention upon her continues unrelentingly, his thumb gently working her clit as his fingers brush down and tease her forbidden spot. Together they slide and swirl over her wet, enervated, flesh in ways she has not known of before, the intensity of the seducing rhythm of his caresses making her buck her hips and claw at his skin.
“Oh…oh this is crazy!” she gasps as his fingers bring her to the edge before she tumbles into another orgasm, his fingers working her unrelentingly, faster, up and down over her slit and on her clit. She gushes as her climax engulfs her and she is dismayed at the effect that his touches have upon her, one climax following upon another.
“You didn’t think you could do that, did you?” he smiles, moving over her to offer kisses as she clings to him and comes down from her high.
“No, I didn’t! I had no idea until you came along and showed me,” she laughs in some disbelief but in evident pleasure
He saw from her wide-eyed reaction to what he brought that she was concerned about how it would go from now on, but she took his long, arcing, cock into her mouth, slicked and swirled her tongue over the domed tip, then down its sides, cupping his balls in her hand as she did so. Her ways soon had him swell to the max, to arouse a tightening in his belly and the gnaw of hunger for her body that eating her out alone had not fully satisfied.
“Go on, you’ve got me now,” he urged, as he held her head, and felt Ava’s hair run through his fingers as she bobbed up and down on him. After several minutes she eased her mouth from his swollen member and met his kiss, swirled her tongue in his mouth as they kissed, sucked the breath from each other, and tugged savagely on his cock. She was in control for now.
“You’re so long and so strong,” she murmurs in appreciation and resumes her claims upon it, giving him head as he guides her in these claims upon him. “Do you want me to go on?”
“Yes, you don’t have to ask me anything! Just do what you want! I’m loving being here with you.”
She keeps on pushing him back, to make Tony lie down and allow her the freedom to do what she wants. She is also a little curious at the change in him; the pursuer is now the pursued and she mouths him in quickening and tightening strokes, taking what she can deep in her mouth as one hand kneads his nut sac. Tony groans as she pursues only slow kisses over his length, swirls in tantalizing sweeps her tongue over his glistening tip, moist with precum.
“Me again!” he calls out and she’s pulled off him.
Tony kneels between her legs pushes them up and buries his face into her slit once more, reaching up to clamp on her breasts before sliding caresses trail over her tummy, her cries to him as his tongue darts into her having no effect.
“It’s time for this, I think,” she hears him say, his fearsome grip on her legs pulling her to him as the domed tip of his penis presses against her pussy’s lips. She groans and arches her back, claws at his chest as he enters her body and she shudders in dismay. One stroke follows another and, slowly, she is taking him deeper into her body, his lissom rocking and poking movements stretching her. He twists and prods; Tony moves his hips in a sinuous rhythm that has her climbing the walls in newly discovered pleasure. He almost lifts her off the bed with each thrust and she and she yelps in encouragement as she clings to him.
“More…more…go on…more!” she calls out and Tony leans in, rests on his elbows, and fucks her at a stronger and quicker tempo, her legs caressing his hips and her arms clamped around his neck as he fills her with his staff of flesh, pounds against her and she can only cling to him.
“You’re so good for me in what you’re doing!” he calls out as she bucks her hips and tugs; summons up the strength to work him as he wants and she has been provoked into doing. He slides into her body with little or no resistance, his fingers having opened the way to do all that has followed. He now feels her slicked warmth enfold and sensually work him.
“You’re doing it so well! Go on, do it all for me, Ava…go on!”
“Fuck me, Tony! Fuck me hard! I need to have an orgasm and it’s going to have to be with you! Share it with me!” The older man knows what he’s at and she wants it all with him.
Tony loved the feel of her around him and forsook any finesse. He pounded into her and wrenched away, thrusting back in and withdrawing as if there would be no tomorrow, no repeat of what was being discovered and tempestuously shared.
He was being made ready to erupt, her youthful ways and boundless energy keeping him with her. They wanted the tempest of a one-night stand but loved the devotion that was being discovered, the sharing of the heat and in equal measure.
“You wonder…you wonder!” he gasped as Ava milked him, her pussy’s muscles tugging on him out of feral instincts. He could feel the pressure build in his nut sac, the gnawing pulses in his prick and the strain of his load wanting to burst free. He needed release, to find a way out of his driving prick.
“Tony!” She arched her back and wrapped her legs around him and felt Tony burst; felt his jerking body slam against her as his penis erupted, expelled wad after wad of his semen into her accepting pussy. “Don’t hold back!”
He laughed against her skin, buried his face between her breasts, and drew in her perfumed heat. “How I wish that I could hold back a while longer.”
“Keep fucking me!” Ava hissed as Tony slowed his rhythm and settled into a slower tempo.
He was glad to have remembered to slip on a condom. Would the rubber hold, he wondered on feeling the tempestuous ways that they were fucking and what he had lost in her?
He resumed banging her harder, then harder, then harder still, and his mind and her ways with him took over. He was getting firm again, like a rod of iron forged in the heat. The seat sagged beneath them as they writhed and coupled frenetically, giving each other no respite as they shared hot kisses and guttural calls to each other.
It was animalistic. It felt wonderful and wanton.
Ava’s skin felt clammy and he knew that she was getting close again; just as he felt the gnawing ache and pressure in his penis and groin. He was no longer concerned about sharing and succumbed to the consummation of his continuing lust for her and expelled smaller ropes of his semen into the condom, crashed against her hips and only just heard her halting cries for him to go on…go on…go on and do her.
“Just who have I met?” he smiled, as they slowly relaxed and he withdrew. Tony lay down beside her, the fingers of one hand holding the condom in place as she nestled against him, her skin slicked from their efforts.
“Someone who needed that and with you.” She said it as her hand drifted down over his belly and felt what had pleasured her. It was limp and the rubber felt clammy. “You’d better get rid of that..”
“And I’ll bring you something to drink.” He said as he slipped out of her hold on him, left the seats that they had lain upon, and swept his pouch briefs off the floor where she had thrown them as Ava undressed him.
When he returned he saw that she was getting dressed, her firm breasts again held in her diaphanous bra and her thong shaping her belly and showing off the sheerness of her legs. He found her both beautiful and ragingly passionate.
“Is that it?” he asked in some dismay.
“Yes, and thanks for everything,” she smiled and sipped from his glass before he did so. “Now, I’d better go.”
“You don’t have to. I’ll drive you home later, so please stay. You’re too good to let go.”
His request fell on deaf ears it seemed.
“No, better not. Being with you could become a habit and I need time to think if that’s what I want.” She was soon dressed and had gathered up her things. “I was captivated by an older man…when we first met.”
“And you live for the moment and no more?” he asked, but with a smile on his lips and a wondering look of his eyes upon her. It wouldn’t do for him to have any expectations of the night leading to so much more. He was the older guy who’d hit on a beguiling and passionate younger woman, nothing more.
“It goes something like that.”
“Then, go carefully.” He said it on kissing her, but there was none of the passion that had been so wantonly shared during their tryst.
Ava was soon out of the door and the security lights finally dimmed as she pedalled away. She was not into prolonged farewells, but she had been into him and she might, yet, call him.
Time will tell.