Just one foot in front of the other, Tom thought to himself as he traversed the seemingly endless length of red carpet. He was slightly proud of himself for remembering to stop by the big name reporters and bloggers as his publicist requested of him. It was all a blur, of course, with cameras flashing, reporters rambling superficial questions, and fans screaming to gain a wave, nod, or a shout-out from their favorite celebrities.
Always polite yet in his clipped tone, Tom answered the incoming questions ranging from: How are you feeling about your chances of winning Songwriter of the Year tonight? What projects can we see from you in the future? Who are you wearing? Who’s the lovely lady on your arm?
His answers to all were on autopilot by the time he reached the last crush of reporters. Pretty good. Many new works and collaborations coming up. Tom Ford. My sister, Sarah. All the while, the only thing he could think about was getting inside the theatre and getting a drink. Actually, if truth be told, he would prefer having that drink while sitting on the back porch of his Texas ranch house strumming a melody on his guitar while his beast of a dog, Bear, sat at his feet.
Once inside, the ushers escorted them to their seats in the large lush and gilded theatre. Tom was thankful when he saw that he was assigned an aisle seat. The rows were so narrow he couldn’t imagine squeezing his 6’2” frame into those seats for the next three or four hours of the award show.
“At least smile and act like you want to be here,” Sarah reminded him as she settled into the seat next to him.
“You know I don’t,” he said, unbuttoning the top button of his black dress shirt for a more comfortable and relaxed look.
“Come on, you have to admit it’s kind of fun dressing up in these fancy designer clothes, walking the red carpet, hearing all those screams from the fans. And the celebrities? Seriously, do you not see that Blake Shelton is sitting just two rows in front of us? Oh, and he’s even dreamier in person,” Sarah swooned.
Sarah was genuinely star-struck and Tom couldn’t blame her. It wasn’t everyday his young sister, a teacher and single parent of two, was invited to the Grammy awards on the arm of “country’s hottest rising star.” No, Tom wouldn’t rain on her parade for the night. He was even generous enough to pay for the designer gown she was wearing, along with treating her with a day at a spa to get ready for the event. Wasn’t that half the reason he dreamt of being a successful recording artist; to have the means to indulge his family for the love and support they have bestowed on him over the years.
Teasingly, Tom smiled, “Hey, I thought I was your eye candy for the night?”
“Please, you only brought me because mom was busy,” Sarah teased her big brother.
“Ouch!” Tom feigned injury from her statement.
But it was true. The only considerable options for a date for the biggest night in his career was his mother or his little sister. It wasn’t as if he couldn’t find a date, he just didn’t care to find a date. It was difficult to find someone truly interested in him and not the fame and fortune that came with his skyrocketing music career. Besides, he didn’t have time to commit to a relationship, he was constantly traveling across the country either on tour or in the recording studios in Nashville. When he wasn’t on the road, he preferred spending his time alone, relaxing at his ranch house in Texas.
“Excuse me. I’m sorry, I think we’re down this row.” A young woman interrupted his thoughts to gain access into the row passed his extended legs.
Tom stood, a bit annoyed, as an entourage of boisterous pop stars filed into the row. It was at that moment he laid eyes on her as she shuffled past him. It was only a few seconds, but felt like time had slowed down for him to commit her to his memory. Her petite yet curvy frame was at least a foot shorter than his as she slipped passed him. Tom took note of the slinky liquid gold sequin dress that clung to her curves with a devil-may-care plunging back, exposing the span of her smooth caramel toned skin to the top of her well-rounded derrière. Her waist was so tiny, Tom imagined that if he wrapped his palms around it, his fingers would touch as he pulled her closer to him.
As she passed, Tom caught the scent of her — a sweet feminine floral aroma with the hint of exotic fruits. He wanted to lean in and touch her, caress the bare skin of her smooth brown back as he pulled her closer and lower his face to the crook of her neck to inhale her intoxicating scent.
“Thank you.” She smiled as an afterthought as she made her way to her seat with her crew.
As Tom returned to his seat, he was shocked by his overwhelming reaction to her. It was such a brief encounter and very unlike him to get so hot and bothered by just the passing of a woman. Hell, he hadn’t even seen her face and he already wanted to put his hands all over her body. Realizing where his thoughts, and hormones, were taking him, Tom had to shake himself out of it as Sarah drilled him about his non-existing acceptance speech.
“Tom, are you okay?” his sister asked.
“Huh? What?” Tom asked while he was trying to figure out what just happened.
“Earth to Tom. You just went into your head there for a moment. I knew it, you are nervous. I mean, I understand. You should be. This is a big deal, being nominated Songwriter of the Year after your first album. That’s huge, Tommy!” Sarah said trying to encourage her talented brother.
“Um, yeah, I guess so,” Tom said, but his attention was farther down the row. It didn’t even bother him that his sister called him Tommy, which he hated. He was too busy trying to get a glimpse of the mysterious woman that affected him so strongly.
As she settled into her seat, Tom finally got a full look of her lovely heart-shaped face. Smooth caramel skin with a small button nose and big luminous hazel eyes. His eyes fell to her full succulent lips, covered in sheer pink gloss, as they formed a confident and playful smile. Her attractive face was framed with a shiny black mane of curls, swept to the side in an artfully arranged ponytail. Her curls cascaded over her right shoulder and all Tom should imagine was pressing his lips against her bare left shoulder as he held her in his arms. This beautiful woman held Tom’s attention for the rest of the evening.
“Look at this! I love our seats this year. I’m definitely boss!” Keisha boasted as she settled into her seat, smiling at Patricia, her cousin and manager.
“You’re presenting an award this year, that’s why they put you up close,” Patricia said checking Keisha’s ego. It was a full-time job trying to keep Keisha grounded and humble.
Keisha Love was one of the hottest female R&B artists in the music industry since being discovered and signed for a recording deal at the young age of sixteen. Now twenty-four, Keisha was still top of her field and a full time diva. Known for her party-girl attitude, she was constantly in the news and tabloids. The paparazzi loved snapping her photo as she exited nightclubs after a long night of too much drinking and way too much smoking.
Patricia had been with Keisha from the beginning. They were more like sisters who told it like it was more than anything else. Although just five years her senior, Patricia became her manager after seeing how the recording company and media could so easily take advantage of her young impressionable cousin. For Patricia, family was everything so she always looked after Keisha, for better or worse.
Keisha gave a glance over her shoulder, “And look at him. Sean is sitting two rows back.”
Patricia rolled her eyes, “And? I thought that was in the past?”
Keisha grinned mischievously, shrugging her shoulders, “Maybe. Or maybe I’m feeling a little generous and forgiving tonight. I mean, hello, have you seen me in this dress? He’ll be crawling on his knees to get back with me.”
“Why are you caught on repeat with Sean? You are so much better than that, Keisha. You can do better than him. Isn’t it about time you gave up this bad boy phase of your life?”
Now, Keisha was the one rolling her eyes. She had heard this lecture from Patricia so many times before. “Patti, according to your standards every guy in L.A. is a bad boy.”
“Well, maybe you need to start looking other places,” Patricia said.
Keisha shrugged her shoulders, she didn’t want to get into a fight with Patricia, especially not at the Grammys. She appreciated Patricia for having her back on all things, but Keisha figured she was still young and allowed to have a bit of fun.
She had been dating Sean Kidd on and off for two years now. He was an young talented actor she met through mutual friends while out clubbing. He had a taste for expensive cars, fast women, and partying hard. They seemed like the perfect match. Since then, the two of them have been tabloid fodder and their public arguments were even more well documented. Their latest blowout occurred after Sean was photographed leaving a club with one of the female co-stars of his latest movie, sparking rumors of them hooking up. Keisha, hot tempered and drunk, confronted him outside a nightclub and he didn’t deny that he was with the co-star. Keisha made a scene by breaking up with him on the spot, making them the latest celebrity gossip. The tabloids loved speculating when and if they would get back together again.
Keisha smiled to herself, Maybe tonight was the night. She was feeling rebellious and in the mood for partying all night.
During the award show, it was torturous for Tom to be so near her, yet not get a chance to formally meet her. When she went to the stage to present the award for R&B Artist of the Year, unfortunately Tom was already backstage preparing for his live performance. After which he won the award for Songwriter of the Year.
Everything was happening so fast, Tom didn’t really have a second to fully live in the moment. He was actually still thinking about the sexy woman who sat down the aisle from him as he fumbled through his acceptance speech. He was sure he forgot to thank a whole slew of people that he’ll hear from later.
After the awards ceremony, Tom sent Sarah back to her hotel with his coveted award. He had decided to attend the after parties. It wasn’t his usual style, but he was determined with one single-minded goal of finding the sexy goddess that infiltrated his every thought.
Of course, attending the parties included doing the whole media circus, especially now with “Grammy Award Winning Songwriter” attached to his name. And his name was on everyone’s lips. If he thought it was bad before the show, it was even more insufferable. The press was relentless. Once again, his answers were brief and to the point, only adding to the growing hype about his brooding and mysterious cowboy allure. Tom suffered bravely through it all only to get closer to her.
Through his growing connections and resources, Tom finally learned her name — Keisha Love. He didn’t exactly follow the latest R&B artists and pop stars, so he was unfamiliar with her body of work, but it wasn’t her musical abilities he was most interested in. He was also able to learn that Keisha was attending the post-show party thrown by a famous music mogul. He was able to finagle an invitation last minute since everyone wanted to be associated with his talent. He was showered with so many offers to collaborate on projects, but his main focus was searching the crowds on the lookout for that intoxicating vixen Keisha.
Keisha arrived at the party with Patricia and her entourage ready to turn up for the night. She stood in the midst of the crowded ballroom surrounded by legendary singers and actors. Everyone was mingling and networking, yet the overflowing champagne and drinks kept the business talk light and everyone in good spirits.
“So, the video shoot…” Patricia started as she was already planning Keisha’s week ahead.
“Yes! In the Bahamas. I’m so excited!” Keisha squealed after taking a sip of the golden sparkling champagne. “Terrell already shown me some of my wardrobe, and I’m loving it already!”
“We have to be ready at the airport at one o’clock. Sharp!” Patricia reminded her, “So, take it easy on that. Miguel is a makeup artist not a magician,” she said watching as Keisha chugged the flute of champagne.
“Come on, Patti, it’s the after-party. We still have the after-after-party to hit up. I’m not planning to sleep until I get on the plane.”
“Why do I even try with you?” Patricia shook her head.
“You know you can leave if you want to. I still have my girls to hang out with,” Keisha smiled at her entourage that she kept around because they were all enablers. “Don’t worry. I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.”
Keisha was already buzzed from the bubbly alcohol. She opened her tiny clutch purse that held her iPhone and a diamond encrusted cigarette case. “I need a smoke, are you coming?”
Patricia saw over Keisha’s shoulder that Sean was making his way in their direction, so she declined. “You go ahead. I’ll meet you out there in a minute,” she said heading to cut him off.
Keisha stepped out of the stuffy ballroom and onto an empty terrace where a welcoming warm night breeze and the illuminated Los Angeles skyline greeted her. She pulled a long cigarette from her case then searched her clutch for her lighter.
“Shit!” she frowned, realizing Patricia had her lighter since their last smoke. She turned to go back into the crowded ballroom. That’s when she collided face first into the tall cowboy built like a brick wall.
“Oh, sorry,” Keisha said taking a dizzying step backwards.
“My apologizes. Are you okay?” Tom asked. At the same time, he extended a hand to steady her from toppling over on her sky high heels.
“I’m fine. I just turned around too fast and didn’t see you there,” she said, then inquired, “Hey, you wouldn’t happen to have a lighter?”
“Sorry, I don’t smoke. Neither should you, it’s terrible for your voice.”
“Excuse me?” Keisha was offended that this stranger was offering his opinion to her. “And you are?” She stood with her hand on her hip as she looked up at the towering man before her.
His face was shadowed by the wide brim of his dark cowboy hat. The moonlight only bright enough to highlight a knife straight nose, thin set lips, and a chiseled jawline. His chin, most likely clean-shaven earlier in the day, now sported a prickly blond five o’clock shadow.
“I’m Tom. Tom Walker,” he said with a deep Texan drawl. At the same time, he removed his cowboy hat, revealing his full head of sandy blond hair and bright blue eyes.
Keisha drew a sharp intake of air as she looked up into his sparkling baby blues. They were as bright and clear as the Caribbean sea she’ll be in tomorrow, only the depths of his eyes were drowning her with a fiery intensity as he stared at her. She briefly left his eyes to travel the long expanse of his looming body. His broad shoulders were dressed sharply in a Tom Ford black tuxedo suit jacket. He wore a black dress shirt, casually open at the neck, exposing a strong neck and prominent Adam’s apple. Farther down, her eyes drank in his solid chest, which she had the fortune to come up and close with when they collided. With growing approval, she took in his long lean legs in slim fitted black slacks, they ended in steel-toed black Cowboy boots; worn yet polished and well cared for. He was expensively dressed in designer apparel, yet everything about him said authentic cowboy.
When she meet his eyes again, she had a coquettish smile on her lips, “I’m Keisha Love.” She extended her small brown hand to him.
Tom returned her playful smile, “Yes, I know who you are.”
“And I know who you are. You performed tonight and just won a Grammy for Songwriter of the Year,” she said remembering why he looked familiar.
“Yeah, that was me,” he said modestly.
“Congratulations,“ Keisha offered, then added, “Planning to celebrate the big win, huh?”
“Yeah, hopefully with you,” he said taking a step closer to her.
Keisha grinned. “Really, huh?” She wondered what on earth this handsome cowboy wanted to do with her. Skeptical, she asked, “Why do you want to party with me?”
Tom smiled. “Why are you surprised? You are the most beautiful woman here tonight.”
Flattered, Keisha admitted, “Well, you’re not bad looking yourself.” Downplaying how she really felt about his looks, but Keisha have always been the Queen of playing it cool. “But, I doubt you have the same idea of partying as I do.”
“Why? Is it because I’m white?” He took another step forward. This woman before him was so full of sass yet very mesmerizing, he was drawn to her.
“No, because you’re Tom Walker.” Keisha took another step back.
Not many people could get Keisha to give up her ground, but there was something alluring about Tom. She didn’t see it as backing away, more like seeing if he was daring enough to step closer.
“What does that even mean?”
“It’s simple, I’m R&B and hip-hop, you’re country. I’m a blunt-smoking, bad boy-loving chick from the ‘hood. And you, Tom Walker, are a real life All-American farm raised white-bread cowboy.”
“What make you think I’m so ‘white-bread’?” He smirked as he advanced, again. “What if I told you that from the moment I set eyes on you I couldn’t stop thinking about you. That all I’ve thought about was what would it be like to hold that amazing body of yours next to mine; to bring those luscious lips to mine, and kiss you so thoroughly as my hands explore your body. I’ve thought about tugging that piece of fabric masquerading as a dress up over your hips as my hands move up your legs, between your thighs, then slide my fingers so deep inside you until you moan my name. My single goal is to make you so wet before pulling your panties off, lifting your legs around my waist so I would enter you so deep and fully you can’t breath.” As he spoke he inched closer and closer, placing his large hands possessively around her waist as he pressed her against the wall of the terrace. His lips were just a breath away from hers.
Keisha’s breath caught in her throat just imagining all that things he said coming true. She tingled as she became aware of the sudden emptiness in her core, awaken by a hunger he provoked. She placed her hands on his chest, loving the feel of his warm solid chest beneath the his shirt. She leant into him, his strong masculine scent enticed and excited her. Keisha whispered with a impish smile, “Not to ruin your little fantasy, but I’m not wear panties.”
“Are you teasing me? Do you want me to take you right here on this terrace?” he asked, softly brushing his lips against hers as his hands pulled her even closer to him.
Keisha grinned wickedly, licking her lips, as the heat from his mouth flirted with hers. “I’m not teasing. You’ve made me so fucking wet.”
“Keisha!” At that exact moment someone called out her name.
Startled, Keisha jumped away from Tom as Sean suddenly stepped out onto the terrace.
“Hey, there you are! Baby, I’ve been looking all over for you, girl.” Sean grabbed Keisha’s arm.
“Sean! What are you doing here?” Keisha asked surprised to see Sean.
“Keisha, I tried to stop him.” Patricia appeared on the terrace behind Sean.
“Sean, let me go! I’m not going anywhere with you!” Keisha said pulling her arm free. She could tell by his slurred speech that he was already drunk and he reeked of pot.
“Babe, come on. You’re still mad about that? I told you I’m sorry. You want to make me beg? Is that what you want?” Sean said.
“She said she’s not going with you.” Tom stepped between them, using his towering height to his advantage. He had no idea who this guy was or his relation to Keisha, but could tell that Keisha didn’t want to go with him right now.
“Who the fuck are you, cowboy?” Sean said sizing up Tom.
“Hey! Sean, calm down!” Patricia said firmly stepping in between them. “Don’t start a scene. You had too much to drink. Keisha will talk to you when you sober up.” She lied, there was no way she would let Keisha around Sean again.
Sean backed down, “You better!” he said turning to walk away.
Patricia placed her arm around Keisha, who was visibly shaken from the whole turn of events.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Patti,” Keisha assured her.
“Come on, we should go inside.” Patti ushered her back into the party, avoiding Sean and his crew.
As the ladies vanished into the crowded party, Tom could hear Patricia asking what exactly happened and who was that guy out on the terrace with her.
“Nothing happened, Patti, don’t worry. It was nothing,” Keisha said with one last look over her shoulder at Tom Walker standing alone and frustrated on the terrace.
Except it wasn’t nothing. The next morning, Keisha rolled around in her bed, unable to get a restful sleep. She had dreams of a tall handsome cowboy leaning over her, undressing her as she eagerly undressed him. His hands moved between her thighs with fingers diving so deep inside her she orgasmed and begged for more. Her dream lover entered her quickly, filling her with his thick hard rod, fucking her so good and hard that her headboard knocked in rhythm with them against the wall.
“Mmm, yes.” Keisha moaned in her sleep, while subconsciously her fingers sought her wet clit.
As she drifted from sleep, she realized it was just a dream. She was alone, touching herself, and the knocking she heard was not the result of hard fucking, but someone’s insistent knocking on her bedroom door. Reluctantly she rolled over in bed, groaning, she looked at her alarm clock. The bold red digits showed her that it was well past noon.
“Keisha! Keisha! It’s Patti, open up!”
“Shit!” Keisha groaned groggy sitting up in bed. “Just a minute,” she yelled, grabbing her plush robe to cover up her aroused and naked body. The gold sequin dress she wore the night before laid in a heap on the floor and her heels were scattered about the bedroom.
She was tying the belt on the robe when she opened the door and Patricia marched in, “Keisha! I told you we had to be at the airport at one this afternoon!”
“Shit, Patti, I know. Sorry, I overslept.” Keisha yawned.
“Luckily, I called ahead and told them we’re running behind. The pilot is delaying take-off, so you better hurry up.”
“Okay, okay, just let me jump in the shower. Lay some clothes out for me.”
“You have five minutes,” Patricia said, shaking her head. She loved her cousin, but she often wondered where Keisha would be without her. Yes, the girl was talented and could sing her ass off, but she had no sense of time management or moderation of any sorts.
Ten minutes later, Keisha stepped out of the shower, freshly scrubbed and somewhat awake. She pulled on the undies, skinny jeans, and tank top that Patricia had laid out for her, skipping the bra. She gathered her damp tresses up into a ponytail, pulling on a White Sox all-black logo cap. Even though she had lived in L.A. for the past eight years, she would always be a Chicago South-Sider at heart.
Smiling, she slipped into her sandals and pulled on her oversized dark sunglasses. “See, that didn’t take long.”
“Great, now we have fifteen minute to get to the airport,” Patricia said ushering her out the door.
“Oh, I think I’m forgetting something. Yes, my phone.” Keisha retrieved her iPhone from the charger on the bedside table.
“Okay, let’s go,” Patricia said impatient.
“Yes, ma’am.” Keisha headed out the door, rolling her eyes and groaning as she scrolled through her phone. “Ugh, I have like 50 angry drunk texts from Sean.”
Just several blocks away, Tom woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing with an incoming call. Groaning, he rolled over in the large empty hotel bed and picked up his phone from the nightstand. His phone was full of messages of congratulations, well wishes, and requests for appearances and interviews. Currently, his PR manager, Christie Sloane’s number was displayed across the screen. He pulled himself out of bed as he answered.
“Tom, where have you been? I’ve been calling and trying to reach you all night,” Christie said.
“Well, good morning to you, too,” Tom said sarcastically as he stumbled into the kitchenette of his hotel suite and started a pot of coffee. After Keisha was abruptly pulled away from him last night, Tom spent the rest of the night alone in his room nursing a bottle of bourbon and cooling his overheated hormones. He was definitely paying for those choices now.
Christie took a clue and started over. “Hi, yes, good morning, Tom. Are you just waking up?”
Tom scratched his scruffy chin, “Aren’t I allowed one little indulgent after yesterday’s circus?”
“It’s just that every entertainment and news network has been wanting to meet with you after your big win last night. Now, I have some interviews lined up for you, but you have to actually show up for them,” Christie scolded him.
After pouring himself a big mug of strong black coffee, Tom shrugged his shoulders, sighing as he agreed to fulfill his end of the game.
After a quick and sobering cold shower, Tom dressed for the day ahead. He reluctantly endured all the media hype, his canned responses to the questions started to irritate even him. But one question did stick out to him, How did he feel about last night’s win? His response was a lot different than what he actually felt. For him, his win last night paled in comparison to the encounter he had after tracking down Keisha Love. He had never experienced such a strong physical attraction to anyone. Even her own reaction to him seemed intense. If they hadn’t been interrupted when they had, Tom would not have awoken to an empty bed.
It has been awhile since his last intimate relationship. Since his music career had taken off at a rocket’s pace, he haven’t had a chance to get involved with anyone else. Even while on the road touring, he had tons of women throwing themselves at him, but the idea of taking on groupies for a quick fling wasn’t his thing. So naturally, the need for a physical release was just greatly overdue.
Something about Keisha set off primal urges within him that he had neglected for far too long. It even made him dumb enough to jump in between her and her angry boyfriend or whoever that guy was. He wasn’t quite sure what the story was with that, but Tom would have stepped in anyways. He hated seeing men mistreat women. It was uncharacteristic of his low-key profile to react so hot-blooded, yet from the moment he laid eyes on Keisha, Tom hadn’t felt like himself.
After being rushed to the airport to board a chartered private jet to the Bahamas, Keisha took it all in as she usually did — in a state of oblivion about the people that went out of their way to provide her the privilege of her celebrity status. It wasn’t that she was intentionally mean or rude, she was just very self-centered. These luxurious were laid out to her from such an young age and often didn’t include her in the decision making, she just assumed this was the way of her life.
On the plane, Keisha tried to get more sleep, but Patricia was insistent on sharing the itinerary for the rest of the day once they landed.
“It’s not a vacation, Keisha. We have a meeting with Pierre to talk about the locations he scouted, then you have a meeting with Scott Hyland,” Patricia informed her.
“Of course, I know,” Keisha said trying to pay attention and keep up with everything that Patricia planned, but her thoughts kept straying. She kept rewinding last night’s encounter with Tom Walker. Every time she thought about the tall handsome cowboy she tingled all over again. When she let herself daydream, she imagined what would have happened had Sean not interrupted them. She considered herself a modern bad girl, but having hot and reckless sex with a complete stranger in the midst of a party wasn’t something she did or thought she was capable of doing. Well, not until last night.
Not her usual type, Keisha was surprised by her own instant attraction to Tom. Yes, he was attractive by any standard — tall, lean, and well built with dazzling blue eyes and a killer smile. Yet, it was all about the way that he approached her that held her attention. He was so sure about his attraction to her and his illicit description of what he wanted to do to her made him even more appealing.
Like a spoiled rich brat, Keisha was used to getting what she wanted, and now she wanted to know more about Tom Walker. Keisha swiped her finger across her iPad, opening up the Google search page. She typed Tom Walker into the search bar and was bombarded with an endless array of media coverage on the recent Grammy award winner.
By the time they landed in the Bahamas, Keisha no longer thought of Tom as a complete stranger. She learnt that Tom Walker grew up in a small town in Texas and worked on a ranch before pursuing a career in music. He played local gigs at hole-in-the-wall bars, clubs, and state fairs while making a name for himself in the country music scene. After signing his first big record deal, his first album was released a year ago. Now at the age of twenty-seven, he was on the fastest track to fame, especially after his win at the Grammys last night.
Keisha was most curious about the stories concerning his personal life. Most reporters inquired about his social life and relationship status but he was always tight-lipped about that part of his life. She only found a few photos of him with a blonde woman on his arm. Keisha smiled, confident that whoever the blonde chick was didn’t stand a chance once she had another opportunity to meet with Tom.
During her first day on the beautiful island, Keisha had little time to herself. When she did get a few minutes of privacy between meetings, she made a series of call using her connections and wiles to find out what she wanted. It wasn’t until early the next day that she received promising information. She was in a meeting with the videographer and director of her video, when her phone pinged and she asked to take a short break. A text message from a reliable source provided her with a direct number to Tom Walker. Keisha smiled as she dialed the number and waited with bated breath to hear his voice again.
“Hello, this is Christie Sloan speaking. How may I help you?” the female that answered his phone asked.
“Um, Christie? I was calling for Tom Walker,” Keisha said confused.
“Honey, who isn’t?” Christie said in her sharp country twang. “I’m his PR manager, and he’s in the middle of a live interview right now. Would you like to leave a message?”
“Just tell him Keisha Love called.” She was bit disappointed that she would have to wait a while longer to speak to Tom.
“Will do,” Christie smiled then pressed the end call button. “I mean, the calls keep coming.” She spoke to Tom as he sat with his interviewer.
“Who was it this time? Billboard or Rolling Stones?” Tom asked as a sound engineer clipped a mic to his lapel.
“She didn’t say which media outlet she was from. Just to tell you Keisha Love called.”
Tom shot up out of his seat, bumped into the sound guy, causing the mic clip to pull away from his lapel. “Keisha? Keisha Love just called me?” He strode to Christie and grabbed his phone.
“Yeah, it didn’t sound too important. She didn’t say much.” Christie was curious about his reaction.
“I’m going to need a minute,” Tom said as he looked at the most recent caller on his phone. When Christie and the interviewer didn’t budge, he added with a loud bark, “Alone.”
They scattered out of the room as Tom pressed the call button. He held the phone to his ear as it rang and was picked up on the second ring.
“Hey, Keisha?” He was surprised by how nervous his voice sounded. “This is Tom.”
Keisha’s smile was spontaneous and so enormous she thought her face would split in two. “Hey. Hi, I actually didn’t expect to hear back from you so soon,” she said, then added, “I thought you were busy. That’s what Christie said.”
“Well, it can wait,” Tom said, smiling curiously, “How did you get my number?”
“I know some people who knows some people who loves doing favors for me.”
“Right. So, that’s a whole lot of trouble to call someone you hardly know. Any particular reason you called me?” He hoped her answer was similar to his.
Keisha took a thoughtful sigh before replying. “Yes. To hear your voice, again. To confirm that it wasn’t a dream. I didn’t dream up this fantasy about a tall, handsome, and sexy cowboy who said he wanted me. That you wanted me so bad that you would have fucked me right there on the terrace of the Beverly Hilton.”
“It wasn’t a dream, Keisha. It was real,” Tom admitted.
Keisha exhaled softly. “I keep thinking about that moment between us. Your lips were so close to mine and your hands around my waist felt so good. I mean, I’ve never done anything like that before, but I would have let you do whatever you wanted in that moment.”
“Keisha, I keep thinking about that moment, too. How very close we were to… Damn it, woman, where are you? I need to see you, again!” Tom said impatiently as his level of arousal grew.
“I’m in Nassau, the Bahamas. I flew out the next morning for a video I’m shooting here. I’m out of the States for the next few days,” Keisha said. It was really nice to hear his voice again, and to know that he was thinking of her, too.
Tom let out an audible sigh of frustration and disappointment. He could hear someone in the background calling to her.
“I’m sorry, Patricia is yelling at me. I’m suppose to be in this meeting. I have to get back to it,” she said apologetic.
“Keisha,” Tom spoke softly into the phone.
“Yes?” Keisha was all too aware of the longing desire in his voice. It only made her want him more.
“Can I call you again? I mean, I don’t know what will come from this, but I know just hearing from you made my day a whole lot better.” He smiled.
“I know, me too. Yes, you can call me. I would like that.” Keisha smiled, then quickly frowned when she saw Patricia gesturing for her to come back to the meeting. “I should go.”
“Sure, I’ll call you later.” Tom reluctantly ended the call.
When Keisha returned to the meeting, Patricia greeted her with a stern look.
“What?” Keisha asked.
“Please tell me that you weren’t just talking to Sean,” Patricia said disappointed.
“Relax, it wasn’t Sean. I’m still mad at him,” Keisha informed her cousin, then smiled cunningly, “Just something I’m working on the side.”
Keisha wasn’t ready to share Tom Walker with Patricia. First, she wasn’t sure what was actually happening between them. Secondly, if she told Patricia all the details about her encounter with Tom, she would certainly get the third degree and never hear the end of it from her cousin. Patricia already thought she made horrible choices with men, often too easy and too naive. For now, Tom was her little secret.
Tom sat alone in his L.A. hotel suite trying to relax after a long day. Christie had him scheduled for more on-camera interviews and talk shows the next day, but he was ready to return to the comforts of his own cozy home in Texas. Or maybe, take a surprise trip to visit Keisha in the Bahamas. Thinking of Keisha, Tom was drawn to pick up his phone. It was nice to hear from her earlier in the day. Without further delay, he called her.
Keisha answered after the first ring, but she sounded tired and sleepy.
“Did I call at a bad time?” Tom asked trying not to sound so damn desperate.
Immediately recognizing her late night caller, Keisha sat up in her large bed, “No, not at all. It’s just a bit late here. I was just laying in bed trying to sleep, but couldn’t. I keep thinking of you,” she admitted.
“Really, huh?” Tom smiled as he reclined back on the couch. “I guess that makes two of us.”
“Too bad you’re all the way in L.A. and I’m here in the Bahamas.”
“That is too bad,” Tom said thinking about what it would take to get the next flight out to the island, to arrive at her door when she woke up in the morning. It was a nice fantasy but he had too many obligations in L.A. before he could get away.
“So, um, you’ve been busy,” Keisha broke the long wishful silence. “I’ve read your interviews in the L.A. Times and the Hollywood Reporter. You’re really blowing up. Cute pictures, by the way.”
“Yeah, this media blitz is all Christie’s idea. She’s been booking all these interviews and appearances. It’s nonstop. I’ve really haven’t had a minute to myself until now.”
“She’s just doing her job.”
Tom quickly changed the subject. “So, you’ve been Googling me, huh?” He grinned.
Keisha had no shame, “Yeah, so I had to do some research. And maybe I have a Google alert set up. Is that creepy?”
“A little bit, but I’m flattered that you’re interested in an ‘All-American white-bread cowboy’ like me. Besides, I kind of thought you were with that other guy. You’re alright? He didn’t hurt you?”
“Who? Sean?” Keisha frowned, “No, he didn’t hurt me, and that’s history.”
“He didn’t seem to think so.”
“We used to hook up, or date, but not anymore. I ended it with him because he cheated. He was just crying over spilled milk.”
Tom had promised himself that if she was in a good relationship he would step back, but now knowing she was available and wanted him all was fair. Yet, she was so far away at the moment it was very frustrating.
“And what about you? I’ve seen a couple of pictures of you with a cute little blonde thing on your arm. That night at the award show, she had the sexy red dress on. Is she aware that her wholesome cowboy went off chasing after some black chick from the hood?”
“First off, that ‘cute little blonde thing’ that was on my arm is my sister, Sarah. Secondly, I thought that I’d made it clear that I’m not as wholesome as you seems to think I am.” Tom clarified, “At least, when it comes to you.”
Keisha felt that tingle in her core again. “I think you’ll just have to remind me. If I was there…”
“If you were here, we wouldn’t be talking. I would be tasting those delicious lips of your and you would definitely know how much you affect me.”
Keisha moaned playfully, “I don’t believe you, that is, unless you show me some evidence,” she said already imagining the bulge he would be rocking in his jeans.
Tom laughed, “Is that what we’re doing, sexting now? You want a picture of me?”
Keisha smiled, “Yes, I want a picture of you. Show me what I’m missing, or is that too risqué for you?”
“Keisha, I’m not sure you are ready for this,” Tom teased.
“Try me, cowboy,” she goaded him on playfully.
The next second there was a bleep on her phone and an incoming photo message. Tom had sent her a picture of himself reclining back on the couch, wearing an unbuttoned Western shirt over a white tank. His washboard abs and blond trail led down into his worn denim jeans. Firmly pressed against his zipper fly was a clear outline of his thick member. He wasn’t at a stage of full erection, but Keisha could tell that he was packing a nice piece of meat — at least eight inches that looked to be quite a mouthful.
“Hey, Keisha? Are you still here?” Tom asked after a moment of silence.
“Yeah, just wiping up the drool,” she smiled.
“You see something you like, huh?”
Keisha let out a soft cat-like purr of a moan. “Yes, I like it a lot.”
“So, now, your turn,” Tom said.
“Moi?” Keisha played coy. “I don’t have any makeup on and my hair’s a mess.”
“So? I already think you’re beautiful, you can’t change that. I want to see you right now whatever you are wearing, or not wearing,” he said remembering her going panty-less at their last encounter.
“Okay, only because you asked so nicely.” Keisha smiled as she laid back in bed and snapped a photo of herself, then texted it to him. “Did you get it yet?”
Tom was absolutely stunned by the breathtaking photo he received. He let his glance linger on her beautiful face, freshly washed and unmasked by cosmetics. He thought she was even more gorgeous in her natural state — her dark mane of hair was pulled up in a messy bun, her hazel eyes warm with lust, and her full lush lips were slightly moisten as she posed innocently biting her finger tip. His eyes lowered to the long slender neck, then even farther. She wore a tank top so thin and transparent, it was almost irrelevant as her small perky breasts were displayed, featuring dark chocolate peaks. Also, revealing the black ink she had tattooed around the contours of her ribcage — a grouping of musical notes.
“Keisha, you are the sexiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. I would love nothing more than to be laying with you right now. Licking you from head to toe like you were a dripping ice cream cone. Licking and sucking on you until you get all wet and sticky in my hands.”
“Mm, Tom, no wonder you’d won songwriter of the year, you definitely have a way with words,” she said visualizing him doing what he spoke of.
“I’m dying to show you the ways I can use my tongue on your body.”
“Mmm, yes, please!” Keisha purred softly.
“Good God, woman! You are killing me with those moans. Are you touching yourself?”
Keisha grinned wickedly. “Yes, can you blame me? That sexy country drawl of yours is making me so wet, Tom.” Her hand crept into her thin panties and started slowly massaging her clit.
“Are you imagining my hands touching you right now?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Slide a finger inside and let me know how does it feels.”
After a brief moment, a soft moan and sigh.
“It feels good, but I want you,” Keisha admitted.
“I know you do, I want you, too. I want to bury my face between your thighs and taste your sweetness. I want to be inside you so bad, but until then push a second finger deeper inside.”
“Ah, yes!” Keisha moaned wiggling in bed as her hand diligently obeyed what he asked.
“Now, imagine my lips moving up your belly. Kissing and tonguing your navel as I move further up your body, covering your delicious chocolate peaks with my tongue. All the while my fingers are pumping deep inside you, making your hips buck up to ride my hand because you want even more.”
“Yes, please!” Keisha begged, working up a sweat. Her fingers were growing slick from her juices as she worked them deep inside herself while her other hand pinched a taut nipple.
“And I want to give you more, but before doing so, I lower my mouth again, replacing my fingers with my tongue.”
“Oh, my God! I’m going to fucking come! You’re going to make me come,” Keisha cried out in frustration.
“Yes, that’s what I want more than anything. With my tongue buried deep inside you, I want you to come. Keisha, I would give anything to taste you right now.”
“Aaah, yes, I’m coming!” she moaned, arching her back as her pussy flooded all over her fingers.
“I want to taste all of you, every last drip.”
“Yes,” she continued to moan as she stroked her sensitive clit.
“Feeling better?” Tom asked, his voice heavy with need.
“Yes, thanks to you. I really needed that, Tom.”
“I love hearing my name on your lips.” He begun stroking his erection. “Say my name again, Keisha.”
“I will do whatever you want, Tom,” Keisha purred as she aided him to release.
They lingered on the phone, longing and wistful. Keisha had no idea what time it was when she finally drifted off to sleep. It was the most restful sleep she had in a couple days. She awoke with her iPhone next to her pillow and a stickiness between her legs — a reminder of her late night phone conversation with Tom. Masturbating over the phone with Tom was indeed the most erotic thing she had ever done. Yet, even though it was much needed and satisfying, it only intensified the desire for his real touch.
Over the next couple of days, Keisha and Tom continued connecting over the phone, even Skyping when they got a chance. Mostly they communicated over brief text messages and pictures. They were in agreement they wanted to meet in person again, to pick up where they left off on the terrace.
Keisha’s return to L.A. was bittersweet since Tom was no longer in the city. She spent the day waiting by her phone, hoping to hear from him. In the evening, she only reluctantly agreed to go out clubbing with some friends. Dressed in an electric blue two piece body-con skirt with a crop top midriff that showed off her banging body, Keisha met up with her friends for a night of drinks and dancing.
She sat in the privacy of the V.I.P. booth with her friends and entourage all the while thinking she would get into a better mood. It had yet to kick in when Wendy noticed.
“The trip and shoot went great, right? I bet it was gorgeous down on the island. I can’t wait to see the video,” Wendy said trying to get Keisha in a better mood.
“Yeah, it was great.” Keisha gave a shallow and distracted smile as she checked her phone for the umpteenth time for messages.
“So, what is it that got you so down? You are radiating sex appeal and you look like a million bucks, so why are you acting like someone stole your puppy?”
Keisha shrugged. “I don’t know. I just thought he would have called me by now.”
“Who? Sean? I thought you were all done with that hot mess,” Wendy said in disgust.
With a deep sigh, Keisha contemplated telling Wendy about her week long superheated cyber affair with Tom Walker. She could mention how he searched her down after the Grammys, then she tracked down his number while she was in the Bahamas, how they talked to each other almost every night, exploring their sexual attraction with each other. All of this was on the tip of Keisha’s tongue, but something held her back.
Just this morning, as she was packing to leave the islands, she sent Tom a text to let him know that she would be in L.A. in just a matter of hours and it would be nice if they could finally meet up. Keisha knew from previous texts that he was now at his home in Texas for a few days, before returning to record with his producers in Nashville. Most likely he wouldn’t be able to get away, but she at least expected a reply back from him.
Keisha couldn’t help but think that maybe he exhausted his physical attraction to her by now. It wasn’t a secret that she had a diva-sized reputation, so it was only a matter of time before Tom realized he was biting off more than he could chew with her. The reality versus fantasy might not be what a guy like Tom really wanted with a girl like her.
Keisha was thinking about all of this when Wendy inquired about her mood. She knew that Wendy thought that she was still pining over Sean, yet she didn’t feel like correcting that. Whatever it was between her and Tom has fizzled out, a non-starter. Although disappointed, Keisha had to move on.
“You know what? It is over.” Keisha finally managed a smile. “I’m here, back in L.A. with my girls, and we’re at the club to party like we do!” Keisha said as she picked up the cocktail she had been nursing and chugged it.
“Okay, now we’re talking!” Wendy said following her lead.
“I’m ready to party and dance and have a good time! Let’s go!” she said standing up and heading out to the dance floor.
The club was full of celebrities and wanna-be celebrities. Keisha loved that she could pretty much get lost on the crowded dance floor and not be bothered by fans. She loved dancing and singing at the top of her lungs, completely clearing her mind of Tom Walker. Just living in the moment had always been her motto, and she did just that — living up to her party girl reputation. It was, after all, what everyone expected from her.
After a few songs, Keisha decided to get another drink. She wanted to get shit-faced and maybe find some lucky guy to hook up with. Maybe all she needed was a really good one-night stand to get her back in her game. That would make her forget about Tom Walker and their impossible affair.
Keisha chugged another drink before making her way back to the dance floor. Suddenly a strong hand fell upon her arm and seized her. Her first thought was that Sean found her. Of course, this club was one of his favorite places to party, too.
“Sean, I’m not in the…” She only got that far before spinning around to see that it wasn’t Sean. “Tom?” Keisha said as her heart skipped a beat.
It was really Tom. He stood before her in the flesh. It had only been a little over a week since they last met face to face but it seemed like forever.
“Keisha, come with me,” he said, not exactly giving her a chance to object as he led her out of the crowded club.
Keisha was still stunned by his appearance and let out a barrage of questions. “What are you doing here? I thought you were in Texas, then flying out to Nashville? I texted you earlier and you didn’t reply back. Where are we going?”
But, Tom whisked her out of the nightclub in total silence. They walked down the street and didn’t stop until they had a relatively quiet alleyway to themselves. He pushed her back against the brick wall.
“Keisha,” he managed to say with so much longing his voice was barely a whisper. The next moment he lowered his mouth to hers.
She immediately welcomed his invading tongue with equal passion. The way that he kissed her, Keisha felt the undoing of any doubts she had about his want for her. Just this one kiss seemed to rearrange her whole biology. Her heart raced, her stomach fluttered, and her loins erupted into molten hot lava coursing through her body, melting her limbs and making her as limp as a rag doll. Her weight only supported by her arms tightly wound around his neck as he crushed her against the abrasive brick of the alley’s wall.
Keisha moans grew from the back of her throat and barely escaped her pilfered lips. “Tom.” a whisper escaped as she buried her fingers into his sandy blond hair.
Tom groaned, reluctantly leaving her delicious mouth, his lips left a scorching hot trail along her jawline and down her neck. “I want you so much, Keisha.”
“Yes!” Keisha said breathlessly. She could feel the hard ridge in his pants as he leant into her. She inched her skirt up over her thighs, “Fuck me, right now, Tom.”
Tom was all too tempted to take her right here and now, but miraculously pulled himself together. “I would love nothing more, but maybe we should go somewhere private. Somewhere we can take our time and I can show you how much I really want you.”
At the Beverly Hilton, where their first close encounter took place, Tom immediately whisked her to the elevator up to their private suite. Alone, with a bit of privacy at last, Tom couldn’t stop smiling as he touched her, “I can’t believe I finally have you in my arms.”
“Me, too.” Keisha smiled back standing on her tiptoes to press her lips to his. “I didn’t think we would ever be together for real, not like this.”
Tom slid his hand between her thighs, caressing her wet slit, “Do you know how much I want this? How I feel right now, I could move a mountain to be with you, Keisha.”
“Yes!” Keisha moaned as his fingers dipped inside her honey pot. His touch was everything she dreamt it would be, gentle yet strong. She pulled him closer as they shared another long heated kiss. The elevator dinged and the doors opened to their floor sooner than they expected. Tom lifted her up eliciting a surprised yelp from her as he carried her into the suite.
They had barely made it through the door when clothes started flying off. Tom wasted little time as he sat her on the first thing he saw, a long console table against the wall. Keisha hurriedly undid his belt buckle and jeans. Reaching her hand into his boxer briefs, she couldn’t wait to get her hands around him. She had fantasized about this moment too many times to be timid.
“Hey, I know I promised you a lot of foreplay and all, but at this moment, right now, I just want to get inside you,” Tom spoke desperately.
“Yes!” Keisha purred, spreading her legs wider around his waist as she pulled him closer.
Tom pushed her wet thong aside as he placed his thick knob at the entrance of her moist welcoming lips. With one solid thrust he slid deep inside her, causing her to gasp out loud.
“Keisha, baby,” he groaned as he withdrew from her.
“No!” Keisha dug her heels into his muscular thighs as she clung to him. “Just fuck me,” she said with abandon.
“Yes,” Tom followed orders, pushing even deeper. Thrust after thrust he slammed into her hard and fast as raw primal lust came over them.
Keisha was speechless when she climaxed so sudden. She clung to Tom gasping for air as tides of her orgasm washed over her. When she recovered her breath, she pulled his mouth to hers and kissed him, devouring his taste.
Breathless, Tom caressed her face, smiling into her eyes. “You’re even more sexy when you come in person,” he teased.
Keisha grinned, “Now I want to make you come, cowboy.” She hopped off the table and head to the bedroom, pulling him with her.
She turned to Tom, tearing his shirt off as she pushed him back onto the bed. Keisha enjoyed the task of undressing him, from his elaborately stitched leather cowboy boots to his well worn jeans. Just to have him in the flesh beneath her, there was no way she wasn’t going to take advantage of every moment of exploring his body. She crawled forward in bed, between his thick muscular legs, licking her lips before running her pink tongue along the entire length of his shaft. She moaned, loving how he tensed when she teased his most sensitive areas.
“Ah, Keisha, you are killing me!” he moaned, trying to control himself but she was set on making him lose control.
Keisha grinned wickedly before flickering her tongue against the underside of his swollen head. She moved up his lean torso, admiring his rock solid abs and lean chest. Straddling him, she pushed his meaty tip into her slick opening. Keisha couldn’t resist moaning out loud as his engorged rod filled her completely. Rocking her hips back and forth, she rode her cowboy with a satisfied smile.
Tom sat up and took a nipple into his hungry mouth. He twirled his tongue around the firm dark peak then repeated the same gesture to her right tit as Keisha entwined her fingers into his blond hair. She purred before pulling his mouth up to hers. Her tongue teased him before he claimed her.
Eager for her to live up to her promise to make him come, he moved his hands down her waist, holding her to him as he bucked his hips. He plowed into her . Keisha grabbed the headboard to steady herself. All she could do was scream out, calling out his name at every soul shattering thrust. She could feel his white hot lava spilling deep inside her as her throbbing walls milked him for it all and more.
Spent, Tom collapsed back in bed with Keisha laying on top of his chest. They both stared at each other with big goofy smiles on their faces.
“I know you hate it but, damn, I really wish I had a cigarette after that!” Keisha said.
Tom laughed, “I might’ve joined you.”
“You know, I have to admit, I kind of thought over the week, during some of our, um, talks, that maybe your were all talk and no show. And that you couldn’t actually live up to the fantasy I had in my head.”
“So, did I?” Tom asked curiously as he turned on his side to face her. He placed his hand on her slim belly before moving it up along her ribcage and tracing his fingers along her musical tattoo.
“Mm-hm, definitely and beyond.” She smiled as his lean pale fingertips gingerly caressed her brown skin.
“But we’re not done, yet.” Tom leant forward and placed a kiss on her tattooed flesh, then moved lower, his tongue circled around her pierced bellybutton. He inched even lower, spreading her thighs as he kissed her pink lips.
The whole night they spent exploring each other, surprising themselves with their never-ending sexual appetite.
The next morning, Tom dressed in a solemn mood as Keisha laid sleeping in bed. She was absolutely the most beautiful and sexiest woman he ever had the pleasure of spending time. Sex with Keisha Love was everything he imagined and more. He struggled to leave her side, but he couldn’t postpone his trip to Nashville any longer. As he pulled on his t-shirt, he walked over to the bed and leant forward to kiss her forehead.
“Mmm,” Keisha purred, stirring awake from his kiss. “I just had the most delicious dream. I was being fucked every which way by this incredibly sexy cowboy,” she said before opening her eyes.
Tom smiled, “It wasn’t a dream this time.”
Keisha moaned again as she sat up in bed, throwing her arms around Tom’s neck. “I see, you really are here.”
“Yes, I’m here.” He gave her a quick kiss on the lips before pulling away. “But, I have to go,” he simply said.
“To get breakfast, right? I’m famished.”
“I’ve already ordered room service for you. But, I have to leave. I have to head back to Nashville.”
Keisha swept the sheets away from her naked body. “You’re going to leave all this?”
Tom groaned in anguish as he took in her perfect caramel body. Her perky chocolate tipped breasts seemed to be pointing at him and inviting him back to bed. His eyes lowered to her flat belly, and ever lower to the smoothness of her pubic mound. “Keisha, you know I would rather be here, fucking you until you can’t walk straight for a week.”
“Yes, please!” she purred.
“But, just like you had your work to do in the Bahamas, I have work to do in Nashville,” Tom explained.
Keisha quickly reeled herself in. One thing she couldn’t stand was a thirsty female and vowed never to be that girl. But damn! She wanted to keep this man in bed with her.
Tom noticed her pout and it broke his heart. He sat on the bed next to her as he pushed a wayward strand of hair from her face. “Hey, I promise to make it up to you. I’ll call you as soon as I can.”
“You better.” Keisha managed a smile.
“Of course, Keisha. This isn’t over. Not by a long shot, we’re just getting started.” He smiled back as he moved his hand down her torso then between her legs. His long fingers slid inside her moist lips.
Keisha moaned, enjoying his touch. “I thought you were leaving?”
“I think I can spare a second, or two, to prove to you why I’ll be back for more.” He grinned as his fingers worked diligently to do just that.