Can I

"That night – everyone was a little too polite."

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My girlfriend and I had always been friends with Pamela and I kind of had a thing for her, but even though my girlfriend and I shared people, Pamela didn’t. However, she did start to drift when life with her boyfriend got a little too complicated. It was Melissa that caught her advances first, though I didn’t know it at the time.

It was weeks later that Melissa confessed that she and Pamela had shared something special as she straddled me on the sofa, pulling her top down to expose her breasts.

If I looked shocked, it was because I was.

“What are you doing?”

“Suck on my nipples,” she said, palming her breasts free of her bra. Melissa dipped her shoulder, closed her eyes and sighed as my mouth contacted her sensitive protuberances.

I heard footsteps and with a quick flick of my tongue pushed her backwards. Melissa didn’t move.

“Melissa, Pamela’s coming back from the loo, get off!”

Melissa shook her head and forced her breast back into my mouth. I was sucking on it when Pamela rounded the corner and caught us.

“Ooo…” she squeaked.

We weren’t caught at all, and I soon realised that I had been set up.

“Can I – join you?” she said.

Melissa smiled at Pamela as I sucked on her nipples. My cock was thrashing wildly in my trousers knowing that we were being watched and I started to enjoy it. Melissa finally got off me to make room for Pamela as she sat down between us.

It wasn’t long before Pamela was naked with me kissing one breast, and Melissa, the other. Pamela’s dress went absent quick quickly, there was no bra which left Melissa the envious job of removing Pamela’s knickers, opening her legs and wetting her pussy.

Melissa was kissing her way up Pamela’s thigh when I decided to remove my last remaining piece of clothing, allowing my pride and joy to stiffen and stand to attention. I continued to kiss and suck on Pamela’s breast as Melissa found her sweet spot.

I didn’t expect her to ask but she did.

“Can I – touch it?”

I looked at Pamela and smiled. “That’s what it’s there for,” I said.

Tentatively, her hand reached across my body and touched my throbbing penis. I wasn’t expecting Melissa to relinquish the depths of Pamela’s pussy so quickly and I was shocked as she stood up, smiled at Pamela and backed off to the chair opposite us. Melissa was ever the voyeur at heart.

Pamela’s hand stroked my cock as I sucked on one breast and held the other in my hand. She was definitely savouring the touch. Each upward stroke was slow and deliberate. Sensitive and yet firm.

She was looking over my shoulder as best she could, watching her actions intently. Grimacing as she squeezed.

“Can I suck it?”

I couldn’t believe she asked once more, but she did. I raised my head from her breast and nodded. I let myself fall back on the sofa. Her head dipped across my body, her hand pulling it taught as her lips touched the head of my cock. She swirled it around her tongue and then, to my amazement, made it disappear.

I was watching Melissa masturbate while watching us; her finger digging into her juicy succulence as she leered at us.

Pamela sucked on my cock like it was manna from heaven. I know it had been a while since she split up from her boyfriend but she was working my cock like a professional. My hand had drifted to her backside and I was eager for my finger to seek out her wet spot. I was prevented from doing so when she moved off the sofa and onto the floor. Kneeling, she raised my cock upwards and devoured it.

I watched Melissa watch Pamela’s upturned arse while circling her clit. If I had let Pamela continue, she would have had me blast the inside of her mouth. That wasn’t what I wanted and from what I had been told by Melissa, something special was waiting for me.

I had to raise her head off my cock and once I did, I quickly stepped behind her. Pamela moved over the sofa as I looked over my shoulder for confirmation from Melissa. A kind of Can I, but knowing I could.

I sunk my cock into Pamela in one stroke. Her wetness took my entire length, sucking it in. It was a struggle to get it back out. The groaning started and then the expletives shortly afterwards. My steady strokes edging both of us to climax.

I struggled to hear her whimper but I was sure I heard her tell me to pull her hair. I ignored it at first and then she lifted her head and announced it much clearer.

“Pull my hair.”

I looked at her hair flowing over her right shoulder and I gathered it with both hands, wrapping it around my right hand and pulling backwards.

“You like this, do you?” I grunted.

Pamela nodded, “Harder, pull it harder and fuck me.”

I did just that, right up to the point when she climaxed and was taking me with her. I heard Melissa moan behind me and I knew she was following suit. I thrust in hard and was about to come when I realised my manners. The question came from nowhere.

“Can I come in you?”

 “Fuck – yes!” She grunted.

I pulled back hard on her hair, shoving my cock inside her in short, sharp bursts. Pumping my seed into her willing body. My efforts pushed Pamela to an instantaneous orgasm.

I panted hard and slowly released her hair, though I admit I didn’t want to. I wanted to keep her head locked in that position with my cock firmly inside her and I twitched a few times before releasing her.

“I’m going to bed,” announced Melissa as she walked past us, “You two coming?”



Published 5 years ago

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