Camgirl Confidential Pt. 2

"Sophie gives in to her impulses in the dorm shower."

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Sophie woke up the following morning, still totally clothed, on top of her sheets. The first thing she did was check her account, to make sure that she hadn’t dreamed the previous night. Pulling her laptop onto her lap, she lay back, stunned, as she looked over the numbers. There was $709.00 waiting to be transferred into her account. Overnight, she had gone from zero to 551 followers. And there were messages upon messages, still unread in her inbox. Glancing at the clock, she realized she had slept right through her morning Sociology class. Oh well, she thought. I’ll just start the day late. With a laugh, she realized that she was still wearing one of her elf ears from the night before. She peeled it off and put the pair away.

She clicked “transfer money” and decided to pay a small fee to get the money sent immediately. Maybe, she thought, I’ll skip all of my classes today, and treat myself. I deserve it, right? I can buy some clothes that actually fit, get some lunch for myself…

Realizing that she had sweated in her sleep, she sat up and peeled her hoodie off. As she struggled to get it over her breasts, they finally fell like dead weights to her chest. Taking them in her small hands, she decided she’d at least go shopping for a few new bras. If the girls were going to make her some money, she should treat them right.

She lay back, squeezing herself gently. Massaging her chest, she began to make for her “messages” tab, before she was interrupted by her phone. It was Rob.

“Hi!” she said cheerfully.

“Sophie, oh my God. I was trying to call you all night.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she said. “I fell asleep like, right away. Did you see how well I did?”

“Uh, yeah,” he said. “I saw a lot of things.”

“Oh,” Sophie said. Her heart sank. She was certain that Rob was going to bring up her little display right away. Though she never had thought of him as anything more than a friend, she wasn’t dumb. He had made a few mentions that he might have had a crush on her in the past. Back in high school, they had stolen some of his parents’ alcohol and he had actually tried to kiss her. She, of course, had turned him down. It was true that he hadn’t brought it up in a year or so, but one of the reasons she hadn’t told him about her “changes” was she was afraid he would fall back on his old impulses, trying to hit on her like only an awkward friend would.

But, to her surprise, he didn’t. “Yeah!” he said, excitedly. “I did. I knew you’d do great, but, uh…”

“But what?” Sophie asked.

“Well,” Rob said. “I created your account, so I have full access.”

“And?” Sophie said.

“And, uh… well, I saw some of the messages you were sent. And I’m sort of worried about what you might think if you saw them. I mean, if you haven’t already seen them.”

Sophie shuddered. “Rob, you read my mail? What is wrong with you?” she asked. “That’s completely violating! Even if we are, like, besties.”

“No, it’s not like that!” he said. “I was just reading some of the chat and realized that I might have, like, maybe introduced you to some serious creeps.”

“I can handle myself,” Sophie said impatiently.

“Are you mad?” he asked.

“A little,” she said.

“I just… I just don’t want you to get into trouble, is all. I mean, I saw how much you, um… you developed, and I know how guys are, so…”

“Oh,” Sophie said. She felt her face turning red.

“Yeah,” Rob said, and a few moments of silence passed between them.

“Should I not have done that?” she asked.

“I mean…” Rob trailed off. “I guess I’m just a little worried. You’ve never had much attention from guys, or whatever. And now it’s probably overwhelming and I don’t want anyone to hurt you.”

“Rob…” Sophie started to say.

“No, no,” he interrupted. “It’s not like that. We’re friends! I know that. It’s just…”

“No, Rob,” Sophie said. “It’s fine! I promise.” There was silence on the line. “Rob?” Sophie asked quietly. A few seconds passed with no answer. “Rob? I’m sorry,” she said.

“No, it’s fine,” he finally said. “It’s just… this is too weird. Can we FaceTime?”

“Duh,” Sophie said with some relief. She didn’t want to lose Rob as a friend for any reason, especially over her being weird about her own body. They were both sensitive and both cared more about each other’s friendship than anything. So why be stupid? She hung up and waited for his FaceTime request, resolving that she wouldn’t get embarrassed or weird. After all, it was just Rob.

When her phone rang again, she sat up straight in bed and fixed her hair as best she could. She put on a smile and waved excitedly, like she always did when she saw his face.

“Is that better?” she asked.

“Yeah, I mean… it just feels more natural to talk this way,” he said.

“Are you okay?” she asked. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No, no! Not at all,” he said, running a hand through his brown hair. “I just feel like maybe I sort of screwed up.”

“What do you mean?” Sophie asked.

“I mean, I shouldn’t have pushed you to show yourself off in front of people. Maybe you didn’t like that.”

“But I did like that,” she said.

“Yeah, but with your, uh…”

“My what?” Sophie said innocently. “My boobs?”

“Yeah,” Rob squeaked.

“What about them?”

“If I had known how, uh… developed you had gotten, I would have been a little more careful, that’s all. I don’t want anyone to take advantage of you.”

Sophie only laughed. “Dude,” she said, using the word that she only used with her best friend.

“What?” Rob said.

“You’re getting me out of my shell! It’s not, like, a bad thing. I like the attention, I want people to see me. And you’re helping with that.”

“I don’t want people to objectify you, or whatever.”

“Because of my boobs,” Sophie said flatly.

“Yeah,” Rob said, turning red. “I know they’re probably a lot.”

“They are,” Sophie laughed.

“But I mean, like, they must be sort of a hassle.”

“Honestly?” Sophie said, “They make me feel sort of sexy.”

“I, uh… I barely saw them,” Rob stammered. “I guess I couldn’t really tell.”

“It’s okay!” Sophie said sweetly, her free hand playing with her braid. “I’m not weird about them. I promise, I like them. Do you want to see better?”

“I guess so,” Rob said, his face reddening.

“Here,” Sophie said. She tried holding her phone as far out as she could, but she couldn’t quite get her face and chest in the frame. So she leaned forward, placing the phone on the windowsill, and backing up cross-legged in bed so almost her whole body was visible. “There,” she said.

“Holy shit,” Rob said.

“Are they bad?” Sophie asked, redding a little herself.

“Uh, no. They’re…”

“Hold on,” Sophie said. “I guess it’s sort of hard to see with the hoodie on.” She reached down to the bottom of her sweatshirt and started pulling it over her body, separating from the tank top underneath, unaware that Rob was able to see her pale, flat stomach and part of her back as she did so. Although it still fit a little loose over her new figure, she struggled when it came to her massive breasts, and she tugged at it just enough to give him a peek of one of her nipples before it slid back beneath the white tank top. When she finally got it past her boobs, they fell hard, smacking against her stomach. She let out a little sigh of relief and finally pulled the sweatshirt over her head.

“Holy shit,” Rob said. “They’re… actually, they’re bigger than I thought.”

“I kind of love them,” Sophie admitted nervously. Trying to keep her promise that she “wouldn’t be weird,” she took one breast in her tiny hand and squeezed it playfully.

“Please don’t be mad at me for saying this, but… you do look really sexy.”

“I feel sexy,” Sophie admitted. “Why would that ever make me mad?”

“I don’t know, it’s just a lot to tell your best friend.”

“If it was, then we wouldn’t be best friends,” Sophie said, still kneading her breast. The white tank top was stretched to its limit. Like the hoodie, she had cut it at the collar to give her chest more room, and even then they stretched it, spilling out of the sides and over the top and pressed together so hard it looked like the fabric would rip apart at any second. Her nipples distended the fabric so much that you can see them clearly, pink and perfect, and as big as Sophie’s pinky finger, as well as their areolas that pressed like medallions against the white cotton. And, of course, the little shirt was stretched so far that her midsection was exposed, her belly button and stomach completely on display.

“Then, um… I’ll tell you another thing,” Rob said nervously. “I think that you could really use this body to, uh…” he stopped, afraid to go any farther.

But Sophie, shy as she was, wanted to hear more. Something was turning on in her brain, something that made her feel confident, powerful. She just needed Rob to push her a little farther. “Use it to what?” she said, her heart beating faster. She bit her lip.

“I mean, you could really be a star. Like, a streaming star. I don’t want to sound creepy, or whatever, but people would pay to see you. Like, really pay. You could be famous.”

“Holy shit, really?” Sophie said excitedly.

“Uh, yeah,” Rob laughed.

“I want to do it,” Sophie said quickly. “I mean, I really want to… I want to be popular. I don’t want to be plain old Sophie anymore. I want to be sexy.”

“Wow, Soph,” Rob said softly, his eyes widening. “I really… I really had no idea. Why don’t you do it?”

“I don’t know where to start,” she said. “It’s like, I know I really want to make some big change but I don’t know how.”

“What if I was like, your manager?” Rob asked.

“My manager?” Sophie said.

“Yeah, I mean… I already have your channel set up. I’ll help you with your image, and help you create an online persona. I know you better than anyone, it’d be perfect. We can be a team. Who knows? Maybe we could make it, like, a real thing.”

“That would be so cool!” Sophie said, glowing. She was getting very excited, nearly overwhelmed with all of the possibilities. Becoming an internet star? Making tons of money with her best friend? It seemed too good to be true.

“I can also help you with all the messages, and all the people trying to talk to you,” he said. “I want to make sure that you don’t get taken advantage of, like I said earlier. So I’d help with image, fan interactions, promotion, and you’d be the talent.”

Sophie laughed. “’The talent,’ that sounds so glamorous.”

“Should we do it?” Rob asked.

“Uh, duh,” Sophie said, beaming. “This is going to be so cool! I just need you to promise me one thing.”

“Anything,” Rob said.

“Just help me push past my limits. I don’t want to be the shy girl anymore. I want to be different… like, I want to be cool and confident and I think that this will help with that. But if I ever hesitate, don’t let me get in my own way.”

“I promise,” Rob said.

“Gosh, this is so exciting!” Sophie said, bouncing up down excitedly, her breasts heaving up and down, threatening to spill out of her tank top. She held them in place with her hands. “Whoops,” she said. “Still getting used to that.”

Rob laughed. “So I think our first step should be to get your measurements taken, and then get you some new clothes.”

“Okay,” Sophie said. “I transferred the money I made last night. I was planning on going out today, actually.”

“Perfect,” Rob said. “I’ll do some research, and then make an appointment for a bra fitting. After that, I’ll help you pick out some basic clothes. I think that one more good stream will make you enough money to come visit, and then we can really dig into it.”

“You already sound so managerial,” Sophie said. “I’m very impressed.”

“Just doing my job,” Rob said, with mock seriousness.

Sophie giggled. Rob really is the best, she thought. I owe him so much.

“I’ll go get ready,” she said. “Just text me when you make an appointment, and I’ll be out of the shower soon.”

“Sounds good,” he said, giving a thumbs up.

Sophie went to hit the “end call” button, but hesitated. A wicked thought had crossed her mind. Maybe not as wicked, actually, as it was just playful. But as she sat there, leaning over the phone, she knew this would be her first opportunity to play sexy.

“One more thing before I go,” she said.

“What is it?” Rob asked.

“I want to give you a little thank you for being the coolest guy ever.” Before Rob could say anything, Sophie sat back, took a deep breath, and ripped her tank top at the collar. Her tits tumbled out, swinging on her tiny frame, her nipples rock hard. Her pale cheeks turned bright red, and her heart pounded, but she stayed cool, biting her lip, blowing a quick kiss, and then ending the call before Rob could say anything.

When the call was over, she practically gasped. That was intense, she thought. Why did I even do that?

But, for the first time ever, she didn’t feel a tinge of embarrassment. It was thrilling, actually. She sent Rob a quick text, saying ‘thank you so much, there’s more where that came from (heart emoji).’

She put the phone face down on the window sill, and sat back in bed, sliding her pants and her panties down. She slipped out of the bed, her heart pounding with excitement. In just one day, it suddenly seemed like her dream of reinvention was actually possible. She may not have known exactly where she was headed, but from the growing warmth between her legs, she had a little bit of an idea.

Now that she had decided to skip all of her classes for the day, her first thought was to spend the morning lounging naked in bed, catching up on all the messages she had received. Rob seemed kind of worried about what some people wrote to me, she thought. But I’m so curious! It can’t be that bad, I could respond and make some solid fans. And besides, spending the day naked sounds so… luxurious. Why didn’t I think of this before? I could do this, like, whenever I want!

But, for now, the appeal of building a new wardrobe was stronger. Even if it was just the basics, it would be fun. And besides, she was dying to look good, whatever that meant.

She wrapped a towel around herself as best she could, and stepped out into the hall. Most of her dorm neighbors had gone out for the day. Her neighbor two doors down had the door cracked, and there was some music coming from her room, but besides that, the hallway was deserted. The bathroom was at the opposite end of the floor, and Sophie walked down the hall towards it. Usually she did this as quickly as possible, trying to avoid being seen by anyone. She was plenty covered in her towel, but in the past it had felt like she was on display.

Today, however, she felt confident. Instead of clutching the fabric to her massive chest, she let it hang freely, unconcerned at who might see. The bathroom was empty when she got there, so she threw the towel onto a hanger and stood completely naked. She turned the hot water on, but before stepping into the shower she admired herself in a full-length mirror. Even if someone were to walk in, they wouldn’t believe their eyes, she thought, gazing at her figure. Her boobs were simply colossal. But though they hung halfway to her belly button, they weren’t saggy. They might have actually been considered perky, if they weren’t so oversized. But oversized is what they were, dwarfing her otherwise petite frame, dominating the outline of her body.

Honestly? She thought. I SHOULD feel sexy. I’m… I’m actually kind of a goddess. The shower steam began to obscure her reflection. If Rob is right, and I can make a living being beautiful, then I’m going to own it. I’m going to be the best I can be, especially if that means getting out of my comfort zone.

She stepped into the shower, and in an instant the hot water relaxed her muscles. She undid her braid, and let the water run through her long, brown hair, brushing it through with her small hands.

Gosh, that feels good.

The steaming water ran over her button nose and her pink lips. She turned around, so the stream poured directly over her chest. Holding her head back, she closed her eyes, savoring the sensation of water cascading over her massive breasts. As it dripped from her pinky-sized nipples, it felt like small charges of electricity were coursing throughout her whole body. She took both breasts in her hands and kneaded them, soaping them so that they were slippery and soft, barely noticing that her fingers were focused on the tips of her nipples. By the time she realized that she was tugging on them, she didn’t care whether or not anyone might walk into the shared bathroom.

“Oh… oh, my gosh,” she said out loud, twisting a nipple in her finger as her other hand wandered downwards, past her belly. Though the shower was steaming hot, she felt something getting hotter between her legs. She had never touched herself in public before, but by the time she knew it was happening, nothing could stop her.

She leaned back against the wall of the shower, spreading her legs slightly, letting her fingers push through the tuft of hair at the top of her slit. Gosh, she thought. This is so… bad. So bad.

The thought repeated itself as she pushed the lips of her pussy open with a pair of searching fingers. As she lost her other hand in the mass of her breasts, her legs trembled with anticipation, her whole body aching with excitement. After a moment, she found her clit with her middle finger and gasped out loud. She rarely felt a spark as intense as she did now, even when getting off to her most private fantasies.

But now it was easy. She pictured herself in front of a camera, wearing a silk robe that hung open so that her thousands of followers could see every curve of her chest. Instead of a game controller in her hands, she held something else: a big, lifelike dildo that rested across her legs. Her hair was down and she wore glamorous makeup, but she knew that she wasn’t exactly a glamour model.

As the image became clearer, Sophie began to press harder on her clit, slowly becoming oblivious to the fact that someone could walk in at any time. The shower was loud enough that any sound of a door opening wouldn’t be heard, but she didn’t care. She was lost in her fantasy, moaning softly, trying to stay as quiet as she could.

In her fantasy, she sat up on her knees, teasing her audience, pressing the end of the huge dildo against her mouth, smearing her lipstick. As her thousands of fans pleaded with her, she finally gave in, and pushed the head of it into her mouth. As donations came pouring in, she pushed further, and further, slobber dripping from her lips. She would moan loudly, fucking herself with her free hand while she sucked the dildo like a lollipop, her makeup running over her lips.

As the stirrings of an orgasm gathered, she realized that she was, in real life, fucking herself as frantically as she was in her fantasy, and moaning just as loud. But she couldn’t stop. Pushing two fingers into her pussy, she let her breasts fall and used her other hand to wildly flick her clit. She gasped out loud, feeling her legs seize, then her shoulders, as the orgasm got closer.

“Fuck,” she cried out, unable to cover her mouth. “Oh, my gosh. Oh, my God… fuck me.”

In a moment, it arrived, a spasm of electricity that rocked her whole body. It was harder than any orgasm she could remember. Or, it would have been, if she could even think. Instead, her brain went blank, and she cried unintelligibly, falling to the shower floor in a heap of nerves.

She panted, gasped, and slowly came to, realizing what she had just done. Never in her life had she considered masturbating in a public place. Coming to her senses, she turned the water off, wrapped a towel as best she could around her swollen chest, and hurried back into her dorm.

What was that? She wondered. Is something happening to me? Why am I so… horny? It must be hormones, or loneliness, or… I don’t know. I better get dressed, or I’m never going to make it to this fitting.

Trying her best to think clearly in the afterglow of her orgasm, Sophie slipped into a pair of plain panties. She pulled her university hoodie over her head, and stuffed herself into some plain blue jeans.

I don’t have time to braid my hair, she thought. I’ll just let it do its thing. Grabbing her keys, she hurried out the door, afraid someone might have seen her.


If you are enjoying so far, please get involved! I’d love for readers to help take this story where they want it to go. In chapter three, Sophie will have to buy some clothes, laying the foundation of her new style. What direction should she go? Goth? Hipster? Preppy? How big do you think her boobs are? Message or comment, and help decide!





Published 4 years ago

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