Cam II, Masters Degrees With a Minor in Sex

"The sexual experiences of a newly married couple continues"

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We had been married for two years. Our lives had been blessed with fabulous sexual adventures and we were deeply in love. Sue and I had discovered a strong mutual appreciation of a diversified sex life. We worked through some religious issues and decided to not limit our exposure to the pleasures of the flesh.

We were working on our Master’s degrees in Colorado, far away from family and friends. It was just the two of us and we had a lot of time to learn about each other’s needs, desire and sexuality. It made us grow closer and strengthened our bond. We hoped our learning about the joys of our life together was just beginning and we would always seek out new challenges.

I had finished my advanced degree, but Sue’s more complex research required an additional six months at the Denver Federal Center, so she spent most of her time living close to there in Lakewood. We kept our Fort Collins married student housing apartment, and I stayed there while working at the university.

A job came open in the western edge of the Denver metroplex as a resource manager for the reservoirs and open space land division of Coors Brewery. They controlled all the water rights along Clear Creek on land that was owned by the Cities of Golden and Wheat Ridge. The reservoirs around Golden provided the “Rocky Mountain Spring Water” for their beer. They built the reservoirs to maintain groundwater levels.

They decided to allow the public access to the greenbelt land that stretched along Clear Creek from Denver to the foothills west of Golden. They proposed a bike trail along Clear Creek to provide access to the lakes and a great recreational amenity plus some great fishing for the west Metro area.

My job was to fund and build the trail and work with the Colorado Division of Wildlife to provide both visitor amenities and quality fishing while protecting the resource. Coors is a top-notch corporation with a talented professional staff. I was honored to learn from them. They guided me in this challenging work environment between multiple governmental entities.

A full-time position was awesome, but we were equally excited that we would be living together for the longest duration since we were married.

We decided to get a bigger apartment since we had our first full-time salary and a much larger income. Both of us loved antiques and we spent weekends going to auctions and visiting old towns along the front range. We collected lots of neat antiques and loved seeing the mountain environment.

We both like historical sites and during my master’s research, I had the opportunity to visit a lot of old mining towns east of the Continental Divide. I had spent a bunch of time surveying reservoirs up the Clear Creek drainage and all around and inside Rocky Mountain National Park. I often stopped at the historical mining towns of Blackhawk and Central City and frequented several local establishments. I developed a friendly relationship with the locals who hung out at the Silver Dollar Saloon. I enjoyed interacting with them, eating, drinking, and listening to their local historical knowledge.

Unfortunately, the time for these historic, quaint towns was ending. Colorado had just passed a gambling zone initiative, and both these towns and the Cripple Creek mining district west of Colorado Springs were due for a huge influx of new gambling casinos and modernization.

Sadly, the development of gambling would mean wholesale condemnation and destruction of most of the historic old buildings, causing a complete change of the town’s character. For sale signs appeared overnight, and the locals were inundated with offers from big gambling corporations. Ugly signs were erected showing the proposed glitzy casinos.

The quiet historical mining district towns and culture were doomed, and the locals were sad to see the environment change. Most had no desire to witness the transformation to pink flamingo casinos and the horde of gamblers. The narrow streets and steep hills would be jammed with parking lots and fast-food restaurants! Most of my new friends had made plans to relocate.

The Contest: Spring 1975

We were invited to the town of Blackhawk’s final party at the historic Silver Dollar Saloon. My buddies said it would be a big blowout with fabulous food and the last of the Bar’s famous wet t-shirt contests. I told Sue about the party and I looked forward to her meeting my friends and hearing their first-hand historical stories. She was super excited to experience the culture and meet the locals before the big change.

Sue was feeling naughty and decided to dress rather riskily. A white crop top that highlighted her braless breasts and a short little denim dress that barely covered her tight, little round butt. Her tiny pink panties just barely covered her cute tight-lipped pussy, while her firm, white ass cheeks just had a piece of floss between them. Her exhibitionist streak was in full form.

When we entered the bar, she jumped on a tall barstool, and her short skirt rode up exposing her tiny panties, her barely covered intimate parts were on display for all to see. My buddies had the opportunity for an unrestricted view of her little panty-covered pussy and firm white buns. They tried not to stare but enjoyed the view and were very complimentary about my lovely bride’s attributes. I think she knew they could see her and made no attempt to keep her legs together. She casually spread her legs, giving them a perfect view. I let her enjoy her exhibitionism before I whispered to her that her coochie was hanging out.

“Oh my, I am so embarrassed!”

But her eyes gave her away, she knew her shaved beaver was just barely covered. Her naughty display set the tone and led to the boy’s suggestion that she was a perfect candidate for the wet t-shirt contest.

They insisted with her attributes she was a front runner to win the last of the Silver Dollar Bar’s notorious wet t-shirt contests. Her firm softball-sized tits and perky nipples along with her free spirit convinced them she had all the requirements of a winner.

They offered to cover the entry fee and my buddies said, “Come on Mrs. L, you know you have a great body and like to show it off. It would be a fitting finale for the Silver Dollar’s epithet for a friend to win. You won’t know if you don’t try.”

She looked at me, and I told her it was her choice. I knew her naughty desires would fuel her interest. She agreed to enter the contest and went to the ladies’ room to put on the Silver Dollar Saloon contestant t-shirt. It was a size small with silver dollars centered on both breasts. The flimsy, thin t-shirt was strained to the max by her significant superstructure.

The dinner was fabulous and the stories we heard were amazing! The towns had a tremendous history of gold discoveries interwoven with the characters that lived and died in their pursuit of golden wealth.

Sue loved the attention and did not even think about her chest being on display. The exhibitionist thrill and alcohol helped her maintain her resolve to enter the contest. But the celebration did not make her stupid, and she kept her legs crossed. I was glad that only a few of my friends had seen her partially covered, smooth pussy. They were gentlemen and kept her secret.

When we left the back banquet room, we discovered the bar was quickly filling with locals. They were fired up to watch the contest. It was a sea of horny, intoxicated men!

Ten girls signed up for the wet T-shirt contest and they were an interesting collection of ladies. Sue was having second thoughts as the crowd almost doubled to well over two hundred. The bar was packed. It was standing room only. My buddies reassured her it would be alright. They said no photos were allowed and if a camera appeared, it was destroyed. They comforted her by saying most of the guys were just horny, good ole boys that were drunk and would probably remember next to nothing.

The committee chairman did a great job saturating the contestant’s thin t-shirts. When he finished soaking them, they were just short of completely transparent. The water was cold and nipples responded accordingly. The ladies were a cornucopia of different types of breasts and bodies.

Ten ladies had lined up on the stage with a voting bucket in front of each contestant. Each guy had paid admission and received color-coded ballots for each round. The ballot and five bucks were put in the bucket of the girl of their choice. After each round, at least half of the girls would be eliminated.

The first girl was a pretty, tall blond with nice cupcake boobs and perky nipples. Number two was a big, soft, fleshy-boobed gal with a little round belly. There was a ghostly-looking, stoned, hippie-type chick with long-nippled hangers. Next, an inebriated, beautiful black girl endowed with good-sized horizontal boobs. Two Asian girls, the first one cute as a button, who appeared to be uncomfortable exposing her tight set of upright knockers, while the other was all smiles proudly presenting her small but nice, cone-shaped puffies. Sue was number seven with her big white round breasts contrasting with her tan body. Number eight was an anorexic druggie that had small pointers. The group was completed by a pale redhead and dark-toned brunette, both with huge silicon monsters.

The patrons filed by, voting and checking out the wet t-shirt-covered boobs. Most of the girls emphasized their charms, but the two girls who were under the influence were fading fast. The beautiful Asian girl looked like she was about to cry.

The top five were called back up. The cute black chick made the top five but had passed out due to consuming too much alcohol, which left the tall blond, cute Asian, the brunette with the rock-hard implants, and Sue.

They returned up front, and the crowd chanted skin to win. Cupcakes peeled off her shirt and displayed her cute little orbs. The pretty Asian shook her head, burst into tears, and left the stage with her wet shirt still on and her hands covering her soaked boobs. Silicon super tits jerked up her shirt and her massive protuberances barely moved. Sue turned her back to the audience and pulled off her shirt, then turned around with her hands covering her breasts. She slowly dropped her hands, letting her solid, white natural boobs pop out from her tan torso.

There was some discussion about losing two of the finalists, but they decided to proceed with the top three, just eliminating one contestant.

The crew filed by voting a second time and ogling the naked torsos. The final three openly played with their nipples and bent down to let the voters get a closer look. The vote was close but the tall blond with the cute cupcakes tits and significant pink nipples and Sue made it into the finals. Third place with her artificially enhanced big boobs was not happy and flipped off the crowd.

The Mountain men now chanted at the remaining two topless contestants, “Do the curtains match the rug?”

Sue looked at me, knowing that to win she would have to expose her entire body. So much about worrying that she partially exposed her panty-covered, shaved pussy. I gave her the up-and-down thumb and pointed back to her. She nodded and the game was on. The tall blonde swayed back and forth slowly pulling down her pants. She hooked her thumbs into the side of her tiny lace panties and slowly slid them off. She straightened up and showed the crowd a dark landing strip above her pussy. It was a pretty camel-toe pussy and a perfectly manicured dark pubic hair strip but the color did not match the flowing blond hair on her head. The place went crazy and she danced around giving everyone a chance to see her charms. She was not shy and lewdly displayed her pussy with a backward bow to the crowd, spreading her cheeks for a fantastic rear view of her cunt.

Sue moved forward and the crowd grew quiet. She played the drama to the max and turned her back to the crowd then slowly lifted her short skirt exposing her cute white bottom under her short dress.

The crowd roared, “She’s commando!”

Sue must have taken off her panties when she went to the ladies’ room to put on the tiny t-shirt. Such a naughty tease.

She played the crowd, just showing her backside.

Then she unbuttoned her dress letting it drop to the floor. Slowly, but deliberately she turned around with her hands covering her pussy. She slowly slid her hands down, seductively exposing her engorged purple labia guarding her vagina valley. She quickly lifted her hands away and put them on her hips. She showcased her smooth womanhood giving the whole room a chance to look. The bar exploded with shouting and applause.

The Chairman came up on the stage and proclaimed, “Blonde and brown versus brown and smooth. A mismatched beaver pelt tie. It has to go to a vote!”

Both ladies stood on the stage completely naked. Their two buckets were put below them ready for the vote. It took a while as the crowd walked by checking out the ladies and putting their ballot and five bucks in the bucket of who they they thought was the winner. Both girls would get to keep the voting money, so there would not be a loser.

Sue and Blondie walked back and forth, enjoying the exhibitionist thrill. The contest chairman brought out a golden crown and an embroidered winner’s robe along with the five hundred dollar first prize. He turned to the crowd and said it was close but Sue had the most votes. The two girls hugged, and then the chairman presented Sue with the prizes. She put on the robe but left it open. He also gave her the Silver Dollar stenciled voting bucket with all the money her supporters had deposited in it.

A lot of guys came forward to congratulate her and she did not disappoint, leaving the robe open and letting her charms peek out. The crowd slowly thinned and eventually, we were left surrounded by just our friends. Sue bought a round for all the guys and thanked them for their support. They told her she was awesome and what a lucky man I was to be married to such a great sexy lady. They promised to invite us back to any future reunions.

We said our goodbyes, gathered our gear, and headed to the car. Sue counted her winnings and it was over fifteen hundred dollars. For two poor college students in the 70’s, that was a huge windfall!

By the time we left Blackhawk, it was well past midnight. I looked for someplace to stop to relieve my aching blue balls. I stopped at a Clear Creek picnic area and got out a blanket and placed the titty queen on a picnic table. My cock was ready to explode and I told Sue it was time to finish her night of performing with my scepter pounding her celebrity cunt and filling it with my winning cum. Sue was still feeling the effects of the alcohol and under the influence of the contest high. She just had on the robe and quickly tossed it aside.

“Oh yeah! Fuck me under the stars! A perfect ending to my fabulous sexy night! I am so hot, my cunt is soaked. Fuck the mountain boob champion. I hoped you would stop, I need to be fucked by your big cock, I will cum in a heartbeat!”

There was very little traffic and the occasional car passing on the road would light us up for a couple of seconds but we did not care and both stayed naked, paying no attention to the illumination. I fucked her hot, wet pussy not caring who might see. She encouraged me to hurry and pound her cunt. She spread her legs straight up in a V and demanded when I came to pull out and shoot all over her. I was as horny as she was and knew I would not last. I just had made a few thrusts when I could feel my cum rising. The timing was perfect and just as I erupted, a car pulled in silhouetting us in their lights. They watched my cum fountain splash on my wife. They had rolled down their windows and cheered, encouraging me to keep going. Sue laughed and played with her cum covered, contest-winning tits. She brought her fingers up to her mouth and the strings of cum sparkled in the headlights.

“Awesome they yelled, we are next! Come watch us, if you want!”

They waved and then headed to another picnic table nearby. We thought about it but we were exhausted after our long sexy night, so we shared some cum, dried Sue’s torso, and headed home.

The Toy Fail 1975

I was reading an outdoor magazine and had flipped way back into the small black print adult advertisements. Down in the corner, I noticed an ad for a vibrator. I had read about how toys could enhance a couple’s sexual pleasure but never had seen one. Sex stores were rare and often only found in the seedy section of large cities. But here was a safe way to obtain our first sex toy. It was described as a vibrator, firm white and pink plastic with little bumps. It measured about eight inches long with a tapered brown tip and was four inches in circumference. I excitedly took down the info and sent off a check. I thought what a great surprise gift for Sue. A week later a plain label box showed up in the mailbox and I was relieved that my daily mailbox checking was over and Sue was none the wiser. I unwrapped the toy and put in the batteries. It had a pleasant hum and felt nice stimulating my cock. It felt good rubbing down my shaft and made me get hard. I could hardly wait to pleasure Sue’s erogenous zones and watch her get excited. It would be another great first-time sex adventure.

The following Friday, while Sue was taking her evening bath. I put the toy in the bedside dresser drawer. I got naked, rubbed oil on my cock and balls, and teased my cock’s big plush glans, creating a nice stiffy.

Sue came to bed and snuggled up to me, and said, “Someone is all excited tonight, your big dick is already hard and poking me! Well, I will be your Huckleberry, how about I give you an eyeful of naked flesh while I catch up with you.”

She turned on our little bedside lamp that provided just enough light to see our naked delights. She played with her nipples and slowly took off her top. She had on crotchless panties and pulled open the lacy slit showing off her bright red vagina. She toyed with her clit and then ran a finger between her labia. She licked her fingers.

“Do you like what you see? You are such a horn dog! Good thing I like to have you look at my pussy!”

“Who wouldn’t like your sexy body? To celebrate your sexiness, I have a little gift for you!”

“Is it fat and long and likes to get me all wet?”


I reached over and brought out the toy heading toward her firm little nipples. When it came into the light, she immediately sat up and asked, “What the hell is that?”

“It is a vibrator, a sex toy!”

“Gross, it’s ugly and you are disgusting! Don’t you dare touch me with that thing!”

She knocked it out of my hand grabbed a shirt and ran out to the living room. I picked up my gift and put it in the bedside drawer. Damn, I had badly misinterpreted how she was going to react to a sex toy. She did not come back to bed that night.

The next day was pretty quiet and there was no mention of the previous night’s incident. After dinner I let her go upstairs to bed first. I waited quite a while watching the late news and then one of the night shows. I did not want to argue and upset her further. When I went into our bedroom, I quietly slid between the sheets. I was surprised to I feel her slide over to next to me.

She kissed me, then said, ”I am sorry about last night, I was excited to make love to you when you surprised me with a questionable, strange gift. I was confused and hurt thinking you were not satisfied with my body and sexual performance. I love you and we have done things sexually I never would have imagined I would ever do. But I still have skeletons in my sexual closet and sometimes they overwhelm me. I just went to a bad place. I was surprised by a weird item I had never seen and knew nothing about and was scared that I would not know how to use it. However, after some thought, and research, I decided you were just adding another chapter in our book of sexual experiences. I found out sex toys were nothing to be scared of. In fact your gift is kind of kinky!”

“I am sorry, can we try again? The more I thought about the unique idea of being fucked by an inanimate object, combined with the anticipation and mystery involved in its use, the hotter I got. Kind of like imagining being fucked by a stranger’s penis. Taboo, but with an element of excitement.”

“I am going to call the toy Fred. When I got him out, I decided he could play with both of us. Turn on the light. I want to see Fred make me cum. Careful, this might lead to a whole new chapter of your wife accepting strange cocks!”

I pulled back the covers and was greeted by her naked torso. I reached over to the nightstand turned on the lamp and she handed me Fred. I switched on the toy and it softly hummed.

. “Let’s see if your little nipples approve of Fred’s moves!”

I circled her breasts and then buzzed around each nipple. They reacted by growing fatter and poking straight out.

“Oh my, that feels wonderful!. I am impressed and a little embarrassed, Fred makes me hot. She tweaked her expanded nubs and evilly pulled them extending them as far as they could stretch. Fred happily buzzed and stimulated all around them.”

“Oh yes, I can feel my pussy getting excited. I cannot wait to let Fred have his way with my soaked snatch. It will be different than your big fleshy cock and the thought of something other than your cock penetrating me is turning me on. I like the idea of you watching me get fucked by another cock, even though it is not real and not attached to a man. Would you like to see your wife get fucked by a real one? Would you play with it? I think Fred is a harbinger of things to come.”

“Take me, Fred. Be the first violator of my married cunt. Make me cum.”

“Spread your legs you fickle wench! So now it is okay to be fucked with a vibrator and you are racing forward with thoughts of letting another cock plunge into your vagina! You are a nasty, wife whore, but I love the sexual possibilities.”

“Fred is ready to fuck and vibrate you to an awesome orgasm! He is going to make me a cuckold. Spread your fat pussy lips and expose your clitty! That’s it, make it poke out, your hot pussy is so inviting, all open and wet!”

“Please honey, I need Fred to fuck me now!”

“Fred wants you to pleasure yourself!”

“No, your toy, you start, then Fred and I will finish! He demands a threesome. We both want you to watch him make me cum!”

I made one more lap around her trembling vagina. And then I eased the vibrating fake penis into the depths of her vagina. She moved forward urging the plastic cock to fill her void. She easily took the whole thing into the bottom of her cervix and pumped up and down as it filled her.

“Oh yeah, that is so good, not as thick as your beefy organ but the vibration stimulates parts of me that have never been touched before.”

Her little hands grasped the hard toy.

“Watch Fred fuck your wife! Fred is so big! He wants me to cum. My clit is so excited, I am going to cum. Fred, you big fucker, buzz my clit, oh yeah that’s a boy, I am cumming, please don’t stop. God, I think I love Fred!”

“Damn, that was amazing. Now, learn to be a good cuckold husband. Help me suck Fred clean. That’s it suck Fred’s cock, lick it and take as much as you can in your mouth.”

“I see you like watching your wife get fucked. Your cock is huge. Fred is bi-sexual. He can hardly wait to make you cum. I liked watching you suck the toy cock. Sorry, I cannot help it, but the sight of a threesome keeps popping up in my thoughts. Honey, would you like to have another man play with us?”

“I have asked you to continually expand your sexual comfort zone. If you are interested in the the two of us sharing a man who am I to deny you? It does present some intriguing possibilities, but we need to plan out something that intimate involving a stranger.”

“I am in no hurry, but it would be an adventure! Now I am going to make you cum playing with a cock.”

She first teased my nipples and then ran the vibrator around my balls and up and down my shaft. She focused on my frenulum and teased around the rest of my flared head. She told me to get on my knees, doggy style so she could stimulate my scrotum. Sue buzzed both balls and pulled them tight. She moved the toy up and down my shaft then focused on my sensitive spot. It felt amazing and my cock was starting to pulse. She surprised me and I felt the vibrator playing in my butt crack. She centered the toy and probed my asshole, playfully pushing the toy’s pointed head partially into my asshole. The feeling overwhelmed me and I could not hold back and spurted out ropes of cum, hitting both of our bodies. I had to push the vibrator away, the feelings were too intense. Sue was delighted and rubbed my cum all over her firm tits.

“See, you do have some bisexual tendencies. Your first cock in your ass and you cum. I may demand a longer second performance, I like watching you get fucked!”

“I love your gift! You can bring home lots more to make us cum!”

Anal Virgin Summer 1975

One evening we were lying in bed and I was kissing Sue, slowly working my way down her frame. She was enjoying my attention to her breasts and nipples. As I headed further down toward her pussy, she brought her hands down and stopped my progress.

“What are going to do?”

“Play with your beautiful, tasty, red vagina. Then I am going to eat your sweet pussy!”

“Why? You know I am not into oral, I sat on your face and let you stick your tongue in my pussy but it is so nasty and not my favorite. I know you are only going down on me so I will have to reciprocate and suck your dick. I have been down this road before.”

“Not true, sucking my cock is your decision alone. I want to eat your pussy, It is an animalistic desire I have to satisfy. You just need to relax and let me eat you. I am not some arrogant cowboy taking advantage of a naive freshman.”

“Please, trust me and relax. Honey, you love to cum. Let me help you experience oral sex without the past negative baggage. I will turn the light on so you can see what I am doing and make it the best experience for both of us!”

I leaned over and turned on the bedside lamp. Although Sue had allowed oral sex to be performed on her, she never initiated it. I think the trauma in her past from a bad experience with a forced blowjob still haunted her. She had alluded to such during one of our intoxicated discussions when she relaxed and let her true feelings come out.

“Okay, I do trust you, this is just another one of my hangups from my dark times still haunting me in my sexual skeleton closet.”

Sue released my head, guiding it down her navel. I kissed my way toward her lower lips. She was quiet as I spread her legs and the object of my desire came into view. I spun around and kissed her, whispering that I loved her. I finally broke our lingering, passionate kiss. She had responded with excited tongue action letting her body filling with positive energy.

Slowly I moved down to her breasts teasing her nipples. My tongue and lips never left her body, probing her belly button and then heading towards her pussy. Her body temperature had increased and she was glowing. Sue slid her hands down her tummy, stopping just above her now engorged labia and bright red vagina. I gently guided one of her hands to just above her open sex. I took one of her fingers and traced her opening, caressing her now-wet slit and probing her vagina. I brought her hand to my face and sucked her juices off her finger. I told her she tasted so good and was going to lick her until she came. She slowly moved her hands back to the sides of her pussy.

“Help me maximize your pleasure by spreading your excited purple labia; offer me your open, wet vagina.”

I stuck out my tongue and was delighted as she slowly slid her hands further down, just stopping briefly to rub her clit.

“Good girl, play with yourself. That’s it, I knew you would want to help and let me watch you get your pussy ready to be licked!”

She continued her hand movement with her fingers touching her pussy lips. She sighed and pulled them apart, causing her clit to pop up and her vagina to become wetter and spread even wider.

“I am going to use my fat tongue to excite your clit, then try and suck it out of its hood. I told her she was awesome and lustily asked if she wanted me to make her cum with my tongue.”

She played with her swollen lips and softly murmured, “Uh-huh! Make me cum with your tongue! Mouth fuck me! You have me so hot!”

I eagerly lapped at her crimson cunt. I was so excited, licking and probing with my fat tongue into her vagina. Then I licked completely around her entire sex, stimulating the circumference and exciting her elongated clit. Sue was bouncing up and down on my face, sliding her clit into my nose.

She clamped her strong legs around my head and pulled my hands up to her breasts. She rocked back and forth, relishing the contact. I kind of abused her tits, and she pulled my hands from her chest. Her pink nipples were abused and were swollen and hard.

She slowly turned around, facing my engorged cock with her butt in my face. She continued to sway back and forth on my nose dildo with her little brown anal star peeking out as she thrust forward.

“Oh, your nasty desires have me so close to cumming. Finish me!”

Seeing her back door brought back the memory of when she pressed the vibrator in my butt. What the hell, my turn to surprise her with a little anal stimulation. I waited until her little star cleared my chin and then pushed my tongue into her anus.

Two things happened. She pushed back, forcing my tongue deeper into her ass, and she exploded into a fabulous orgasm. I felt a little shot of warm liquid and guessed she squirted.

After she calmed down, I asked if she liked my tongue in her ass.

“It was a surprise, and I had an instant climax triggered by your tongue insertion. Just like you when I fucked your ass with the toy. I was ready to cum and your tongue set off the fireworks. When I pushed back, my orgasm erupted and I even squirted out some pussy juice. That’s only the third time that has happened. I was surprised but I loved the feeling. What a great guilt-free oral experience. Oral leads to an intro to anal. I am glad that my oral concern has been exercised.”

“So, do you think that you might want to pursue the pleasures of anal sex?”

“I cannot believe I am saying this, but despite my previous fears and total repulsion, I certainly would.”

“Do you want to try a toy or some butt plugs?”

“Wow, this is all so sudden, but I would be okay with trying. I did like the feeling. “

“I do not think I could ever take your big cock in my ass!”

“You are so awesome. We will just see how things work out. I would love to fuck your ass, but it would never force it on you. It would have to be a mutual decision.”

I found an adult store in downtown Denver next to a topless joint. It was in a rough, pretty seedy section of Denver, but I kept my head down and went into the store. It was not any nicer inside than outside. The staff looked like criminals but they were nice and directed me to the anal section. I swear they looked right through me, wondering why the fuck I was there. They did have a set of butt plugs in three different sizes, and I added an expensive anal lube. I paid in cash and got the hell out of there.

I waited for Sue to ask about the butt plugs. It was a couple of days later when I came to bed and she slid over to me and said that she had thoroughly washed her pussy and used an enema tube to make sure her backdoor was immaculate.

“Did you get some butt plugs?”

“Sorry K-Mart was all out!”

“You are such a jerk! You have been hinting about anal sex for years and when I finally want to try you get cute!”

“Okay, I found a three-pack of nice pink plastic plugs. I had to go into the downtown ghetto and risk my life, but anything for love. I hope playing in your butt is worth it. But It would be a waste not taking advantage of all your intimate cleanup.”

She grabbed a pillow and put it under her breasts and laid down on it with her bottom in the air. Her little brown star was on display above her smooth pussy. She could see herself in the mirror and watched intently as I approached her cute white butt. I moved up and used my tongue to lick her vagina and then ream her tight little brown anal star.

“That feels good! I am ready for a butt plug in my ass!”

I got the lube out of the drawer and pulled out the set of butt plugs. I gently spread lube on her butt hole and all over the smallest plug.

“Okay, honey, do you want to put it in?”

“No, please, you do it; I am too nervous. I want to just watch you violate my ass the first time.”

I slowly slid the pink little probe into her butt. It slid in easily with her ring of muscle just barely expanding. She touched her clit, then reached back and pushed the plug in and out.

“Let’s try the next biggest one!”

“Okay, but you should put this one in yourself!”

She added some lube and slowly pushed the fatter plug into her opening. The tip slipped in but the wider base slowed her down as she had to let her sphincter accommodate the thicker flange. It was an amazing view. My cock leaped to attention, and I was so excited about what I was watching.

“Good job. It was so sexy watching you try to push the toy into your ass!”

“Oh honey, this one is making me stretch. Just a little more, ah, it is in. I think I will just let it sit for a minute. Okay, I can slide it in and out, but it is a little uncomfortable.”

“Relax your muscle ring, take it slow, it will take time for your butt to get used to alien insertions.”

For the next couple of weeks, she would start each sexual encounter by playing with herself which included putting a butt plug in her ass. She had worked up to the largest toy and was comfortable using it without any pain.

I was so horny and excited, but if her little anus was going to take my big cock, we need a bigger butt plug to prepare her. I decided to risk my life and soul and returned to the sex store. I bought Sue a big, shiny, metal butt plug that at its thickest appeared to be as wide as the head of my aroused cock. The butt plug had a flashy purple gem that would be beautiful in her ass, showing she was plugged. I was lucky again and dodged being mugged. There were lots of spooky people hanging around outside the store. They approached everyone that was shopping, asking for money. I stood tall and practically sprinted to my car. What some people will do for love. I wrapped the toy and put it in her bathroom jewelry box.

About two weeks later, Sue came to dinner in a tight pair of shorts and a sheer top highlighting my favorite breasts. We had the typical dinner conversation, but she was glowing and obviously excited about something. Finally, in a sexy tone, she said, “I think you will enjoy the dessert. It is going to be served upstairs.”

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she kicked her shorts off and between her cheeks, the purple plug sparkled.

“Come up when you are ready. I need some help filling a void.”

I turned off the lights and headed upstairs. The hell with the dishes. The bedroom was awash with candles and Sue was in the middle of the bed, wearing a sexy baby-doll top with no bottoms. Her tits were accented by her nipples that were already at attention, poking through the silky baby doll fabric.

“Take your clothes off and come fuck your wife’s ass!”

I did as I was told and my cock acknowledged the situation growing to its full length. She was centered in the middle of the bed with newly installed mirrors on both walls and the ceiling. She had her breasts on a pillow and her bottom in the air with the purple jewel sticking up front and center.

“Oh fuck, I hope the mirrors make things appear bigger than they are. The size of your cock scares me!”

“Are you excited about tonight? Nice mirrors, you decided you’re into voyeurism?“

“I have had my toy in my butt on and off all afternoon and conditioned my asshole to be able to accept a certain large object! I am horny as hell and I don’t want to miss seeing you fuck my virgin asshole! I have been edging all afternoon.”

I thoroughly coated my cock with lube as she reached back and popped out her jeweled toy. Her brown star had disappeared and a large red orifice was in its place. She took the lube and saturated her spread asshole with lube. I moved up between her legs and put the head of my cock at the entrance of her anus.

“I love you sweetheart and I am honored to take your anal virginity. Ease back into me, I want you to control the penetration. Nice and slowly ease my cock into your ass. Promise me you will stop if it hurts.”

She pushed back and, ever so slowly, my flared cockhead slid into her rectum. It took a while, but she was a trooper. Once my large head cleared her sphincter, she told me not to move as she adjusted to its thickness.

“Lord, you are so big. Okay, let me push you in a little further. So full, such a unique feeling. Alright, let me take more of your cock slowly into my ass. Okay, be gentle, don’t push yet, let me control the movement. I will tell you when I am ready for you to start to fuck my ass.”

“Hold on, before we push more cock into me, pull almost out, and let me coat your shaft with more lube. For God’s sake do not pull your cock-head out!”

“Yes, the additional lube makes it slide easier. Now you can go deeper and start with some light thrusts. It feels so good, so tight. Time to try and put all of you into my ass. Yeah, go for it, I’m okay, go ahead and fuck me for real. I am frigging my pussy and clit, I am getting close to cumming!”

“I can feel your cockhead that is way down inside me, starting to pulse. Cum in my ass. Oh, I can feel your purple plum head expand when you spurt. Fuck yes, keep shagging my ass. I am getting stimulation from both sides. Holy shit, my whole lower body is cumming. Empty your balls into me!”

Her body contorted with her orgasm. I pumped all my cum into her tight sphincter controlled ass. My spent cock finally slipped from her wide-open, abused asshole. Sue was exhausted but insisted on letting me see her push my cum out of her butt. Her flared anal star opened and closed, almost winking as cum oozed out. We both laughed and told her she was wasting good cum. She was really sensitive, and we decided to not eat my cum out of her first-time fucked ass. We would have lots of other times to do that.

“That was amazing. You did yourself proud with all the cum you produced. It felt awesome but I am going to be sore tomorrow. I think it was the first time I wished your cock was not so big.”

She loved being butt fucked, however, she only desired it on special occasions. I think my large size was uncomfortable and diminished her pleasure. She never complained, but I knew she did it to please me. She did enjoy having a toy in her ass when we fooled around.

Two Plus One

Sue enjoyed the staff at the Federal Center. They were a mix of professionals, students, and full-time support staff. They had varied backgrounds and diverse tastes. One night at dinner, Sue was excited about something that happened at work. I asked her what happened, and she said, “I was in my lab working on the results of the lamb’s reactions to high levels of Vitamin E when Molly came in and stood next to me and told me how nice I looked. She told me my hair smelled wonderful, and I had a killer body.”

Then nervously shifting her weight from foot to foot, She blurted out, “I know I am putting my job at risk but I just have to tell you, you are so sexy, and if you ever want to experience sex with a woman, I would love to play with you. Please consider it. I know you are married, and I would be willing to include your handsome husband in a threesome. I have been smitten with you the first time I saw and talked to you. I have such a strong attraction to you, it demands that I join with you. It is almost magical how strong the bond is, assuring me you are my perfect lover.”

She smiled at me and calmly walked out of the lab, wiggling her cute little butt. “I was shocked. I had seen her around the facility and she had made eye contact and we exchanged some small talk but I never had a clue she was sexually interested in me. I have to admit, she is pretty and has a killer body. I did have a strong reaction to her words. An erotic pleasing feeling. It is an intriguing idea.”

“It resurrected feelings I had for a girl a long time ago, a summer camp romance that finally manifested itself the last two days of camp, my first experience sharing my naked body with another person. We kissed and touched each other’s breasts and pussies. We were young and had no idea what we were doing. After our initial contact, we settled into just kissing and holding hands. It was over as over as quickly as it began. But I felt that same excitement this afternoon. What do you think?”

“Are you interested in a bi-sexual encounter? It is your decision.”

“The thought of making love to another woman does turn me on. I would love to have you available to enhance the experience! You know, I talked about a threesome when you brought home our first sex toy. But I thought it would be an MMF, not an MFF. If we do this, then we have to also try a threesome with another guy.”

“You never fail to amaze me, but you are consistent.”

“Okay, let’s concentrate on this threesome. I would recommend inviting her out for coffee, then see how it goes and if it feels right then invite her over to the apartment for dinner.”

Sue came home the next day with a big smile on her face. “We had a great meeting. Molly was so sweet and I was delighted when I focused on her attributes. She is beautiful and has a sexy-cute, killer little body. It was hard to focus, I kept getting excited thinking about playing with her.”

She was so pleased that I wanted to talk with her and was overwhelmed when I asked her to have dinner with us. We kissed when we left, and her soft touch and dancing tongue were fabulous. When she touched my breasts, I got so excited I soaked my panties! She said she could hardly wait until next Friday for dinner and more fun!”

We decided on a quick, light meal of BBQ chicken breasts and a salad. Assorted wine coolers to take the edge off. Sue bought a sexy, transparent silk top and matching micro shorts, nothing else but skin. I put on a loose shirt and some tight shorts that highlighted my manhood. We decided it was a girl’s first event and I would just watch until invited to participate.

Molly arrived at 6:30, right on time. She had on a translucent white shirt that showcased her puffy nipples. Her little black shorts barely covered her butt and prominently accented her camel toe. Her short blonde hair framed her cute face and her piercing green eyes sparkled. Sue introduced me to Molly and her smile lit up the room. She thanked us for inviting her. She kissed Sue on the cheek and then gave me a peck on the lips. “You both are so nice. I know we are going to have a great evening!”

Dinner was nice, but it was like the previews before a great movie. Everyone was ready for the main feature. The conversation was limited. Both girls were focused on sex. They had a tough time keeping their hands off each other. No clothes came off, but hands wandered to all their sensual lady parts. As soon as we were done eating, Sue took Molly by the hand and headed toward our bedroom. Molly looked back at me and crooked her finger, inviting me along.

Sue lay back on the bed and Molly slid along beside her. They softly embraced and engaged in a series of sensuous kisses, their tongues dancing. Sue slid her hand down, pulling off her shorts, letting Molly get her first view of her shaved Quimby.

Molly whispered how beautiful Sue’s shaved pussy looked. Her hand lowered and gently caressed Sue’s vulva. Back for more sweet kisses, and Sue removed her top, releasing her breasts. Molly used both hands and covered all of Sue’s rounded white breasts. She tended to Sue’s nipples and breasts, kneading them like a hungry kitten. Molly leaned back and stared at her firm round, white orbs and said they were lovely and licked and sucked them with great care. Molly slowly moved downward, reluctant to leave the now pink-streaked breasts, slowly kissing her way down to the shaved realm. She snaked her tongue into Sue’s crease.It darted in and out like a snake seeking its prey. Sue was in ecstasy and encouraged Molly to make her cum.

Mary probed deeper, then came up to let Sue taste her secretions with a series of kisses. Then, just briefly, she stopped to suck on her nipples, not willing to leave them unattended.

I had removed my shorts and was slowly stroking my hard cock. I had to be careful, the action I was watching had me close to erupting.

Molly took off her shorts and wedged her sparsely covered pussy tightly into Sue’s sloppy slit. The scissor movement was amplified, and they humped their inflamed vaginas, creating great clitoral contact and super erotic feelings. Sue began to start to spasm with her lower body flexing. Molly slid off and attacked Sue’s pussy, using her tongue to stimulate her exposed clit, then jamming it in her vagina.

“Cum for me, baby! Give me your lady juice!”

That pushed Sue over the edge. She slammed her legs together, trapping Molly’s head in her pussy. She jerked a couple of more times, then brought Molly up and kissed her.

“That was fantastic. Now it is my turn!”

Sue kissed Molly, then slowly worked down her body. At some point, Molly’s top had disappeared. She edged Molly onto her back and focused her attention on her cute puffy nipples. Her breasts were nice-sized and topped with their special nipple structure. She licked and sucked until the tips were all swollen and bright red. Sue gave each one a final kiss, then came up and passionately kissed Molly’s soft lips.

Her hands slid down and began an assault on Molly’s open-lipped pussy. Her once-tight slit had grown wider and excited and become soaked as she made Sue cum. Sue lightly traced the fine edge of Molly’s sex and circled her little clitty that had emerged from its hood. She brought her fingers up to Molly’s mouth and offered her a taste of herself. Molly licked them clean and sought another kiss. Their kisses were so sensuous and their desire was on fire. Sue shared more of Molly’s pussy’s lingering taste from her mouth and kissed her way down back to Molly’s now gaping, red vagina.

“Oh God, please eat me Sue, I am so turned on after feasting on your body, I need to cum!”

“You are so sexy and I love how you taste. I want to see you cum! I will fuck you with my fingers and tongue.”

“ Honey, I want your big cock in me while I eat her fabulous vagina. Molly wants to see your big cock fill my cunt. Molly wants to see us fuck, don’t you, Molly?”

“Hell yes! I cannot wait to see you fuck her with your huge cock. Fill her sloppy cunt with your cum and we can suck her clean together!”

Sue was on her knees between Molly’s legs. Her butt was elevated and her tight pink star and pretty red slit were perfectly positioned for me to mount her. I had her side down to the edge of the bed, pulling Molly with her. She never broke contact and spread her legs just a little more, anticipating getting fucked. Molly pushed up on her elbows, checking out my erection, and pleaded, “fuck her hard, make her tongue pump my pussy!”

I slid my cock into Sue’s soaked vagina and felt her tighten her Kegel muscles around my shaft. I used slow, long strokes, almost pulling out and then plunging back into her, making her tongue bounce on Molly’s slit. Molly whimpered that she was close and Sue focused on her clit and I went full-bore, ready to reward them with a pussy full of cum. Molly climaxed, twisting and turning, pushing her bright red slit into Sue’s face. I was ready to cum when I first entered my wife’s pussy, so with just a couple of more pumps, I exploded inside her. It was a fabulous scene, three beautiful people all enjoying making each other cum.

Sue slid beside Molly and rolled on her back. Molly came back to her for another kiss and then slid down to examine Sue’s sodden pussy. I joined her, and we both approached the bubbling cum exiting her well fucked vagina. Molly went first and sucked up a slurry of cum juice.

I moved toward Sue’s slit, but before I made contact, Molly surprised me and pressed her sperm-filled lips to mine. I enjoyed my first cum kiss with another woman. We both went down on Sue, our tongues lapping up the cum. It was fabulous, and both of us kissed Sue, sharing our love juice. I could not help myself and had to suckle Molly’s lovely puffy nipples. The three of us shared lots of kisses and it was a monumental day in our sex history.

We continued our dates with Molly, and we were wicked and left no orifices unfilled. Sadly, our threesome was going to be broken up when she accepted a higher-paying position in Utah. We helped her pack, with numerous breaks and naked distractions. She made us promise to visit her visit on our next vacation. She always will hold a special place in our hearts.

Sue and I still had more rivers to cross in our sexual journey. Our saga will continue.

Published 1 year ago

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