Cade and Eve, Part 2

"Eve has surrendered control of her body... will her mind and heart be next?"

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Cade and Eve – Part 2


Eve woke to find herself alone in Cade’s lake-sized bed. She lay still for a moment, the events of last night running through her mind. She felt wonderful. Her body felt alive, she felt loose and limber, the slight tenderness of her pussy the only physical reminder of last night’s fucking. She and Cade had stumbled up the stairs to his bedroom, still naked, and had indulged in a quick hot shower before they had fallen into bed. Awakened by the shower and the lust that still flowed through him, he had taken her once again in bed driving into her with those long deep slow strokes that built the tension slowly, relentlessly, until she was begging him to fuck her harder and faster.

She bit her lip as she thought about it. She had never been as vocal during sex, never been one to demand anything. It showed what extraordinary self-control Cade had, that he was able to take the time to bring her to a point where she was begging for release. Any other man she had been with pretty much had the end goal on his mind during sex and up until now, she had been ok with that. The man was certainly changing her perspective on a few things!

She sat up in bed, flipping her long hair out of her eyes and laughed out loud when she saw the folded note on his side on the bed. Just like in the movies, she thought.

“Morning sleepyhead,” she read. “Follow your nose when you wake up. I’ve left a t-shirt on the dresser for you. PS, you snore – it’s cute.”

Ha – I do not snore, she scoffed as she threw back the covers and padded barefoot over to where the t-shirt waited on the dresser. Do I?

She was still wondering about that as she pulled on the t-shirt and went in to use the bathroom. She glanced around the room as she was drying her hands and vowed she would need to persuade Cade to let her use that spectacular bath at some point. The shower had been pretty awesome – really powerful and that was without the wall jets on – but that bath, well that was sheer indulgence. Exiting the bathroom, she crossed the bedroom and pulled open the door. Cade’s bedroom was on the top floor of the house so she headed towards the stairs and followed the heavenly scent of toast and coffee all the way to the kitchen. Her tummy was growling at her by the time she got there.

Her bare feet made no noise on the carpeted floors and she padded along the hallway to the open kitchen door. She stopped in the doorway and just looked her fill as Cade, dressed casually in dark jeans and a faded t-shirt, stood buttering some toast and waiting on the coffee machine to finish. Her stomach chose that particular time to growl loudly and he looked around from his task, his dark eyes latching onto hers, the intensity and amusement in them undimmed from the night before.

“Hungry?” he asked, his tone implying he was not just talking about food.

Eve felt that familiar tug of lust as she looked at him. The man had turned her into an insatiable nympho – that was the only explanation. How could the lust still burn in her so strong after the night they had shared? He was dressed more casually than she had ever seen him and still he exuded an aura of power that she was finding awfully difficult to resist. Deciding to tuck those thoughts away to be analysed later, she ignored his question, placed her hands on her hips and stuck her nose in the air.

“I do not snore!” she retorted, tossing her hair at him.

He laughed out loud at that point.

“Eve, it takes a special kind of woman to stand there wearing just a t-shirt that is only slightly south of being decent and yet who still manages to sound so sincerely indignant.” He put down the butter knife and crossed to her, tilting her chin up to him. “Good morning,” he said softly and brushed his lips over hers. “I’ve set two places on the patio for breakfast. Go on out and I will bring your coffee out to you. It should be warm enough – the sun has burned away the morning chill. We slept late!”

Eve glanced at the clock on the wall and forgot to be miffed about the snoring comment. 11am she thought incredulously? I don’t think I’ve ever slept until 11am.

“We must have tired each other out,” Cade laughed, as he finished buttering the toast and added the plate to a tray he had set up. He watched her as her cheeks reddened in that familiar blush that was becoming extremely endearing to him.

Turning, she headed for the balcony and spared herself having to reply. Why could she not stop blushing like an innocent virgin, she thought? She was going to have to work on that. As she stepped outside, the warm late-morning breeze cleared the cobwebs away and she walked to the balustrade to take in the view. It was as breathtaking as she remembered. She took a deep breath in and raised her arms over her head for a joint-popping stretch.

“It’s a good thing we’re not overlooked,” Cade said wryly as he came out bearing the breakfast tray. He had caught a teasing glimpse of her firm bottom as she had stretched. “You’d need to arrest yourself for indecent exposure.”

Turning, she dropped her arms down and grinned. “It’s so beautiful up here and so quiet. It’s easy to imagine we’re alone and the city is just a beautiful painting. Unless someone has happened to train binoculars on your patio this morning, I think I should be safe enough.”

“True,” he agreed. “The only thing you are likely to flash up here is a stray traffic copter and even then, I imagine you would hear them coming… What did I say?” he quizzed as she stared at him and then started laughing.

“Umm… nothing, sorry,” she giggled. Sometimes I just wonder if you pick thoughts right out of my head.”

She settled down on a patio chair which was nicely warm from the sun and plucked a piece of toast from the tray. Settling back with her coffee she nibbled on the toast and closed her eyes, enjoying the morning sunshine.

“This is bliss… the first day I met you I wondered what it would be like to have breakfast out here in the morning. I hope you don’t mind me telling you that, but I have never really felt like that before so quickly, never had that sense of wanting to belong, you know?”

She opened her eyes at the silence as Cade had not replied and found him staring at her, his dark eyes full of fierce possession.

“The first time I laid eyes on you Eve, I knew I wanted you,” he said in a low voice. “Even now, a new day, after the night we shared, I want you.”

Her tummy tightened with butterflies as he said that, even as her heart thrilled.

“There is so much more I want to show you, so much more that I want to share with you… will you stay? Will you stay for a few days and be with me?”

His dark eyes stayed focused on her as he waited for her decision, giving nothing away. He knew she thought he had remarkable self-control but she couldn’t possibly realise how vulnerable this need he had for her made him. He was every bit as much at her mercy now as she had been at his last night.

Sensing a torrent of emotion behind those dark eyes, Eve smiled shyly and stretched her hand across the table to tangle her fingers with Cade’s.

“I have a few days leave coming that I should be able to take early… I’d love to stay.”

She squeezed his hand and settled back in her chair, closing her eyes again. “There is one condition of course,” she added, her voice now full of laughter.

“And what might that be?” Cade asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

“I get to take the longest, bubbliest, most indulgent soak ever in that amazing bath of yours!”

“That can be arranged,” Cade laughed with her. “How about I run you into town and you can pack a bag for the next few days?”

“Deal,” Eve said, and clinked her coffee mug lightly off Cade’s.


After breakfast, they sped downtown in Cade’s little black sports car, with the windows down to catch the breeze and rock blaring on the radio. Eve directed Cade to her building and to the resident’s car park under her building.

“We only get one space each, but old Mrs Taylor across the hall from me doesn’t have a car, so she lets me use her space if I have friends over,” Eve explained.

With that, Cade pulled into the space next to Eve’s car and they headed for the elevator. Eve punched floor 28 and they were whisked upwards. In her apartment, she went straight to the bedroom to pack while Cade wandered around, checking the place out. She came out a few minutes later with her bag, having also swapped last night’s dress for jeans and a t-shirt and found him in the kitchen, looking out the window.

“Nice view,” he remarked. “I can see why you bought the place”

“Yeah,” she sighed. “I was caught the minute I saw it. What can I say, I’m a sucker for views. Plus it’s pretty handy for work.”

“You can see my house from here, almost.” Cade waved her over and moved aside to pull her in front of him. He crowded in close behind her, pressing the full length of his body against hers as they gazed out the window. Although narrow, the window stretched from floor to ceiling, giving them unrestricted views all the way to the horizon.

“I can’t wait to get you back to my house.” Cade’s voice was low, quiet and the definite sexual hum made Eve shiver in anticipation. She tried to turn, to say they should go but his hands moved to her hips, holding her in place. Lowering his head, he began nibbling on her neck, just underneath her ear. Her head fell back in pleasure and his hands moved from her hips and slid under her tee at the front, fingers dancing lightly across her tummy.

“I meant it – I can’t wait.” Cade murmured against her ear.

The content of the message and the delivery sent little sparks straight to Eve’s pussy and she could feel herself moisten at his words. She felt his foot gently nudge her legs further apart and he moved his hands from her tummy to her shoulders where he massaged them gently before running his hands down her arms and grabbing her wrists. Raising her hands above her head he pressed her palms against the wall on either side of the window.

“Don’t move them,” he commanded, still in that same low voice as he brought his hands back to her tummy. “Look at the people down there on the street. Can you see them going about their daily business in their own little worlds? They don’t know you’re up here watching… aroused. What would they see if they were closer? Would they see desire in your eyes?” He popped open the button on the top of her fly as he said this.

Eve groaned as Cade’s fingers once again danced across her warm skin, newly exposed from her button being opened. He again nibbled on her neck and she felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter.

“Would they see your cheeks flush?” Cade asked quietly against her ear, one hand moving to the zipper on her fly and nudging it ever so slowly down.

Her breathing quickened as he used both hands to inch her jeans slowly down over her hips. She hadn’t bothered with panties when she had gotten changed so she was now exposed in front of the window, not that anyone was close enough to see.

“Would they see your eyes darken with desire?” he murmured, tracing the sensitive skin on both sides where the tops of her legs met her tummy, nearly making her legs buckle with the sensation.

His hands slid up her tummy and over her breasts, pinching her nipples through her bra, causing her to inhale sharply. He continued pinching them and rolling them between his fingers as his mouth returned to her neck to bite gently on the soft skin there.

“Oh god,” Eve said softly, totally aroused and dripping with desire. Her skin was beautifully flushed, her body practically quivering for release.

“Watch the city Eve,” he demanded quietly. “Watch the city while I make you cum.”

At that, he leaned back slightly and traced his right hand over the curve of her ass, down past her crack and plunged two fingers deep into her dripping pussy from behind. With his left hand, he reached around to her front again and started playing gently with her clit.

“Oh god, you’re so wet,” he moaned, as his fingers plunged into her cunt, faster and faster. “Do you know what you do to me? Do you know how hard my cock is right now, aching to fuck you? You can’t even imagine all the things I am going to do to you when I get you back to my house.”

The erotic words served only to heighten Eve’s pleasure as anticipation added to the sensations she was currently feeling. When Cade added a third finger to the two already fucking her pussy she knew she couldn’t hold back much longer.

“Oh god, I’m gonna cum,” she moaned loudly. “Oh fuuuuuck.”

Cade used his whole palm to rub her clit until she cried out and he felt her pussy spasm around his fingers. He removed his palm from her clit as he felt her cum but left his fingers thrust deep inside of her, enjoying the feeling of her muscles clenching around him. Her whole body shuddered and she felt like her hands on the wall and his fingers inside her were the only things stopping her from slumping to the floor. As her shudders subsided, Cade slowly removed his fingers from her pussy. Turning her round, he held them to her mouth and without hesitation she sucked them in, enjoying her taste from them. He gently withdrew his fingers from her mouth and leaned down to capture her lips with his. The taste of her sweet nectar on her lips was making him even harder and he broke the kiss with a groan.

“Let’s get out of here,” he said, his dark eyes intent on hers. “I want you Eve, I need to have you before I explode.”

She nodded her agreement as she tugged her jeans back into place. She was desperate to see what the next few days would hold.


Eve was quiet on the drive back up to Cade’s. She had phoned her LT as she had left her apartment and he had confirmed it was no problem for her to take the next few days off work. She had also texted her sister and told her she was staying with Cade for a few days and to call her mobile if she needed her in an emergency. She had read Jessie’s excited reply about wanting all the details with a grin, but since then, she had just been focusing on her mounting need for the man sitting next to her.

He made her feel like no-one had before and it both thrilled her and terrified her. He was so assured and in control – did that make her weak that she seemed to need what he could give her? Here she was looking forward to being tied up and helpless – did that mean that she was some sort of sexual deviant now?

Cade, although watching the road, could practically see the cogs turning in Eve’s head as she sat quietly, quite obviously thinking about what had transpired between them. He knew they would need to talk, but at the moment, all he could think about was getting her home and having her. The talking could wait until after he released some of this ever-present need he’d had since he had met her.

He drew up in front of the house and practically abandoned his car in the driveway. They got out and he grabbed her bag from the trunk and taking her hand led her up the stairs and into the house. Before she could say a word, he dropped her bag on the floor, backed her up against the door and ravaged her mouth with his. Her system went into immediate overdrive and she kissed him back passionately.

Breaking the kiss, he grabbed her hand and pulled her up the stairs to the bedroom. Once inside he practically ripped her t-shirt and bra from her, filling his hands with her breasts, her aroused nipples betraying her desire. He lowered his head to suckle and her head fell back on a gasp, the delicious tugging sending signals straight to her pussy. He stopped to pull his own t-shirt over his head and then picking her up, threw her bodily onto the bed.

Eve felt the breath being knocked out of her as she landed but before she could get it back he was on her. She felt her button and zip being undone and her jeans were removed before she could adjust. Naked, she watched as Cade knelt over her and unzipped his own jeans, before shrugging out of them and kicking them off the bed. Sensing his mood, she scooted back out of his way, a challenge in her eyes and watched as his eyes gleamed with predatory relish. He advanced on her, a hunter stalking his prey, but before he could pounce she rolled agilely off the side of the bed and ran around to the bottom of it, her hands gripping the iron frame as she caught her breath between giggles.

Cade knelt in the middle of the bed, watching her. He feigned left and she yelped and ran to the right, squealing in delight as he anticipated and caught her and again threw her onto the bed. This time there was no escape, as he used his weight to pin her down. Wrestling her right arm above her head, he sensed her surprise as one of the metal handcuffs he kept attached to the corners of the iron bed frame clamped around her wrist, imprisoning her. Before she could react, he wrestled her other arm into position and used the second set at the other corner to secure her arms. He rolled off the bed and retrieved the other 2 sets from the bottom corners – the bed was too big for her legs to stretch all the way to the corners, so he cuffed her to the nearest rung in the bottom of the frame as spread-eagled as he could manage.

He crawled back onto the bed slowly, savouring his catch. His eyes blazed with possession.

“You are mine.” He said, very slowly, very clearly. “Know this Eve, I mean to have you in every possible way over the next few days. There will be no escape. There will be no-one to hear you scream, to hear you beg.”

With those words, he dived straight into her pussy, devouring it with his mouth. He scraped his teeth over her clit and she went wild, bucking under him. She wasn’t sure if she was trying to get away from the delicious torment or if she was trying to grind her pussy more fully against him, she only knew she had never felt more alive than when Cade was touching her.

“Please fuck me,” she gasped out. “Cade please, I need you to fuck me.”

Now was not the time for finesse. He was too hard, too needy. Giving her clit one last bite, he moved up her body and positioned his cock at the entrance to her dripping cunt.

“Look at me.” He commanded, waiting until her eyes focused on him. “You are mine,” he repeated, claiming her as his own with one fast powerful thrust to embed his throbbing dick deep inside her.

Once again, the sheer size of him took Eve’s breath away. He filled her like no man ever had, invading not only her body but her soul too. Her breath panted in and out as Cade furiously fucked her, ramming his cock deep in to her time and time again at a frenzied pace. Gone was the self control of last night and she revelled in it. It made her feel beautiful, powerful, that she could bring this man to the limits of his control, just by surrendering hers.

She barely even realised she was begging. “Fuck me Cade, fuck me harder. Harder.”

She could feel the familiar tingles starting in her pussy and knew she didn’t have long before cumming. Cade could feel his own blessed release approaching and after a few more hard thrusts felt his balls tighten and the hot pleasure shoot up his shaft and deep into her cunt. He kept his dick deep inside her as he shot spurt after spurt of his hot seed deep into her. The sensation of this brought Eve to the edge of orgasm and when Cade leaned forward and captured a puckered nipple, biting down hard, the shocking pleasure was enough to send her over the edge. Her pussy milked every last drop of cum from him and he collapsed onto her until they both got their breath back.

After a couple of minutes, he shifted his weight so he wasn’t crushing her and looked down at her. Her cheeks had that beautiful flush back, her hair had mostly come loose from the knot she’d tied it in that morning. Her lips were swollen and reddened from kissing and her green eyes were still dark from desire. She looked, Cade thought, like the most beautiful creature he had ever seen and to think, she didn’t even realise how badly he needed her.

She watched him quietly, noting the intensity of his gaze, wondering if he was feeling the same confusing feelings she was feeling. She worried that she was really starting to need this man, needing what he could bring her, how he could make her feel.

Before she could speak, he lowered his mouth to hers in a sweet kiss, his tongue dancing over her lips before dipping inside her mouth to tangle with hers. She poured herself into it – if her feelings were to be left unsaid for now, then she would try to show him with this kiss. As the kiss deepened she felt him stir and start to harden against her, an amazing feat of recuperation considering what had just transpired between them. She felt the answering tugs of lust deep in her own belly as he deepened the kiss and brought his hand up to toy with her nipples.

Breaking the kiss he again raised his head and stared into her eyes, his own dark and unreadable to her. He couldn’t believe he wanted her again so badly – was this thirst never to be quenched? He didn’t want her getting stiff in the restraints so reluctantly, he moved away from her to free her legs from the cuffs, leaving the other side still attached to the bed. Instead of freeing her arms in the same way, he left her wrists cuffed and opened the side which had been attached to the bed so she could move away with the cuffs still on. She looked at him curiously, but all he said was “Come” and he rolled off the bed and held a hand out for her to take.

She followed obediently, the cuffs swinging from her wrists as he led her into the bathroom and turned on the shower. She noticed he hadn’t turned on the overhead spray, just the crisscrossing jets that started about her chest height and went all the way down to ankle level. After checking the temperature was ok, he led her into the huge shower stall and stood her in the middle of it. Raising her arms above her head, he attached both cuffs to an innocuous looking iron ring set into the ceiling that she had not noticed last night.

“Don’t go anywhere,” he grinned as he slipped out of the stall for a moment, leaving her to be caressed on all sides by the spray. He returned a moment later with a spreader bar that he attached to her ankles, effectively keeping them about two feet apart.

He moved around until he was standing in front of her and again captured her mouth in a kiss. They stood like that for a while, letting the water refresh them, letting the steam swirl around them, enjoying the lazy battling of their lips. Cade reached around her bottom to cup her cheeks in his hands, pulling her more firmly against him. She moaned in pleasure as his hands squeezed and caressed her arse cheeks, her eyes then opening wide in shock as he lifted his hand up and brought it down on her cheek in a resounding slap.

He was watching her eyes carefully. He had seen the shock in them, quickly followed by the flare of lust that she probably didn’t even realise was there. Delighted, he released her and moved around her back to admire her shapely bottom. The imprint of his hand could just faintly be seen on her cheek, which had reddened slightly with the slap.

Eve couldn’t believe what he had just done. She had never been smacked before, well, maybe as a child, but not that she remembered. He had just smacked her! She was about to open her mouth to protest that she was not a child when Thwak, a slap landed on her other cheek, making her jump. This time though, she was aware of the pain followed by the wetness in her pussy and she paused, considering. God help me, she thought, that is really turning me on!

Cade again massaged her cheeks, her muscles rippling in pleasure. He then stood back quietly behind her and without warning gave her arse another hefty smack. She yelped in pain at that and swung her head around to try and see where he was. He chuckled at her predicament and again nipped out the shower stall returning moments later with a blindfold and ball gag. He slipped the blindfold over her eyes but left the ball gag for now as he was enjoying her yelps.

Eve was now relying on sound to tell her where Cade was, but she couldn’t really hear much over the pulsating water. The tension mounted as he did nothing but stand behind her for a few minutes. Just as she was about to give in and say something, Cade slapped her arse hard over and over, alternating between cheeks. Her initial yelps of “no, stop” faded into one long continuous wail as the fire in her arse fed the heat in her pussy. After a couple of minutes he stopped and again ran his hands over her cheeks, smoothing away the hurt and massaging her tender flesh.

She was panting again, pressing her arse more firmly against his hands, seeking his touch. Again, he let her go and moved away from her, disorientating her senses. He moved to the wall at the back of the shower stall and squeezed a vial mounted on the wall there. A stream of massage oil poured into his hands and cupping them together, he returned to her and spilled the oil over her shoulders. He ran his hands all over her, rubbing the oil in, returning to the vial to get more to rub on himself. He brought one last lot over to Eve and let it trickle from his hands down the small of her back. It dribbled down her arse, coating her cheeks and dripped down into her crevice.

Again returning to stand in front of Eve, Cade wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Their oil-slicked bodies rubbed deliciously against each other amongst the water jets and Eve could feel her muscles relax with pleasure. Cade teasingly brushed his lips against hers and away again, keeping just out of reach of her questing mouth. Another quick brush and she strained to have more, frustration fuelling her mounting lust. After another quick nip with his teeth on her bottom lip, Cade reached around with one hand to grip her hair and pulled her mouth firmly to his. His other hand went to her bottom, kneading the flesh there, working the oil into her skin. He let go her hair and reached his other hand around to knead her other cheek, his hands slipping between her well-oiled cheeks to skim his fingers over her asshole.

Eve gasped and broke the kiss.

“No,” she blurted out, but she got no further before Cade stepped back, retrieved the ball-gag and placed it in her mouth, tightening the strap around her hair. She struggled in her bonds, trying to speak around the gag, her words unintelligible although her distress was clear. Cade gave her a couple of moments to relax again then stepped behind her and started massaging her breasts, followed by a not too gentle tug on her nipples. Her groan of arousal was instant.

“Pleasure comes in many forms, my pet,” he spoke softly into her ear, keeping up the stimulation on her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers. “I do not take your trust lightly and I would not betray that trust. You surrendered your control to me and it would be remiss of me not to show you all the pleasures your body can give. You surrendered control because there are places you would never dare venture on your own.”

Cade gave her nipples one last tug and returned his hands to the globes of her ass, again massaging her oily cheeks. Still he felt her tense as his hands brushed closer to her most intimate parts.

His hands stilled for a moment.

“Eve, fear of the unknown is conquered in one sitting. Put your trust in me, put your trust in your body and let your mind be free.”

Cade kept one hand on her bottom, gently massing her cheeks and reached around with the other to toy with her nipples again, knowing how much she liked it. This time when he brushed a hand between her cheeks she forcibly tried to relax and to focus on the sensations he was bringing her, rather than the fear of pain.

Cade gently rubbed his slick fingers back and forth over her puckered asshole, flooding Eve’s system with new and intense feelings from this most sensitive of areas. He abandoned her nipples and moved his other hand to her dripping pussy, gently rubbing her clit and sliding his fingers over her folds, dipping into her pussy to coat his fingers with her juices. He brought his fingers to his mouth for a quick tantalising taste and then lowered his hand to his cock and smeared her juices all over his shaft, mixing them with the oil he had previously rubbed over it. He was rock hard and aching to fuck her, but he knew he had to take this lesson slow.

He returned his fingers to her pussy and started to rub them across the opening to her cunt, mirroring the actions of his other hand at her asshole. She moaned behind the gag and her hips started making little swaying movements as she tried to get his fingers inside her needy cunt. His index finger pressed ever so gently on her tight asshole, seeking entrance and she shied away from it automatically, only to find his fingers no longer teasing her pussy. The message was clear. If she wanted to feel his fingers in her cunt, she would need to allow access to her ass.

Eve’s limited movements stilled as she assessed her options. Cade resumed his gentle rubbing of her asshole and gave her clit a hard flick with his other hand. She moaned loudly and immediately strained forward, her body overruling her mind and questing for more. He gave her clit one more flick and then slid his fingers down again to her cunt, tracing round her opening and teasing them slightly inside. Her hips again started to sway as she tried to get his fingers in her pussy and he once again pressed his index finger against her asshole. This time, she didn’t pull away, too aroused to argue and his oiled finger slipped inside her tight ring up to the knuckle.

Cade stilled the finger in her ass and pressed 2 fingers into her pussy, fucking her slowly. Eve moaned behind the gag again, her system assaulted by a barrage of sensations she had not felt the like of before. He hips again started swaying, allowing the fingers in her cunt to fuck her more deeply, but when her hips swung back, Cade’s finger pushed more deeply into her asshole. Eve was astonished that not only was it not painful, she was getting as much enjoyment from that as she was from the fingers in her pussy. It was quite unlike anything she had felt before.

After a few minutes of allowing Eve to set the pace with her swaying, Cade removed his fingers from her pussy and resumed rubbing gently on her clit. Her moans immediately became louder and he used the distraction to slide another finger into her asshole, again stilling them to allow her to get used to the size. He couldn’t believe how tight she was. After a moment or two, he again penetrated her cunt, adding a third finger to the two that had previously been fucking her and when she started her hips moving again he slowly pumped both sets of fingers in and out of both holes.

Eve was delirious with pleasure with both holes being stimulated at once. Cade stretched her virgin asshole with his fingers, increasing the pace of his fucking to keep up with the pace of her hips gyrating and the moans coming from her gagged mouth. Suddenly, he removed the fingers from her cunt and again stilled the fingers in her ass. He moans of protest were cut short when she felt the head of his rock hard cock at her cunt entrance and he penetrated her from behind slowly, sinking in inch by inch until his full nine inches was encased deep inside her.

Eve pushed her arse out and tilted her upper body forward to give him a better angle to penetrate her at. When his full cock was inside her, she gave a delirious moan, as the angle meant that his tip was pressing on her g-spot. Cade slid his cock slowly back out of her, all the way to the head and teased her opening with it before ramming it back into her in one shocking thrust. The ball gag in Eve’s mouth meant any words she tried to say came out as grunts, the primal sounds adding to Cade’s thrill. After a couple more deep thrusts, Cade again moved the fingers still embedded in her arse back and forth, his oiled fingers now sliding more easily in and out of her tight ring.

Eve pressed back against his hand as she felt his fingers move deep within her bowels. With his cock buried in her and his fingers in her ass, she knew she had never felt more completely filled or more completely taken over by any man. She felt wanton, totally without inhibition, the only thing on her mind was the pleasure he was bringing to her body. As he started to thrust his cock in and out of her again, she could feel the stimulation against her g-spot, over and over, relentlessly building the pressure inside her to a practically unbearable level. She couldn’t scream, she couldn’t get away, she could only hang on for the ride as he continued to fuck her with those deep strokes, his fingers in her arse now matching the rhythm of his cock in her pussy.

She felt herself reach that point of no return, her body trembling and every cell alive, racing towards the edge of the chasm, teetering on the brink for as long as she could stand the intensity. She felt the orgasm start deep within her virgin ass, her muscles contracting around his fingers. From there it travelled to her womb, gathering, building, until his cock gave one last powerful thrust against her g-spot and she exploded. Her pussy contracted violently and she came in a flood of juices, her incoherent screams echoing around the shower stall. Cade had held off his own climax for as long as he could, and he pulled out of her abused cunt and sprayed his hot seed all over her arse, spurt after spurt of it coating her. He slowly withdrew the fingers from her arse and collected some of his cum, pushing his fingers back into her arse to let her feel his spunk deep in her bowels.

He gave her a couple of minutes to recover and then withdrew his fingers and reached up to un-cuff her hands. He took off the blindfold and gag and freed her legs from the spreader bar and then simply gathered her into his arms. He held her for a long while under the spray, not saying anything, just turning them in a slow dance in amongst the jets.

After a while, he stepped back and poured some soap out of a matching vial on the back wall. Returning to Eve, he began to wash her gently, worshipping every inch of her body, cleansing her inside and out. Once they were both clean he turned off the jets and held out his hand once more.

“Come and let’s go make dinner Eve. We’ll talk…”


Thank you all again for taking the time to read. As always, comments are most welcome. I hope you have enjoyed the story so far… Echelon xx


Published 13 years ago

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