Spring passed quickly and summer arrived, bringing with it a longing that drew me more and more to the surface and daylight. With each passing day I felt more and more restless, the need to see the open sky overcoming my desire for Isshu, strong as that was. Had he been able to stand the almost sweltering heat, I would have enjoyed his company here in a world that was more to my tastes. With or without him, I needed to feel the sun kiss my flesh and the wind upon my face. The world below was beautiful because of him. The world above, beautiful despite his absence, and I found myself spending more and more time beyond the fissure that clove the rocky cliff upon where the butterflies gathered. Some days I wandered unexplored pathways. Others, I spent walking the beach that had been our home for a few summer months. As the weeks slowly tumbled past, I often found myself content to simply lay upon the grass just outside the entrance to the underworld and feast upon berries until I was consumed in lust and pleasured myself to exhaustion.
Occasionally a tropical storm would disturb the tranquility, the violent winds and rains making it uncomfortable to venture from the safety of the rocky passage, but they were rare. More often warm showers would burst from the cloud cover, soaking me in warm cleansing rain. I actually looked forward to those days, often dancing through the tall grass, my feet barely touching the ground as I my wings grew stronger, my laughing face turned skyward. Sometime during the middle of what I guessed to be July, things changed most unexpectedly.
It was a clear day and the sky was unmarred by clouds. Feeling content, I found myself more interested in gorging myself on berries than letting my feet lead me elsewhere. It wasn’t long before the longing within grew too great to ignore and I settled myself in the thick grasses and teased myself to orgasm after orgasm until I was sated beyond description.
I dozed at some point, the sun’s rays lulling me into a dream-like state. Twilight would soon be upon me and it made more sense to await the morning sun than to venture into the unknown with night falling. Idly, I feasted upon more berries to satisfy the craving with my belly, pondering that, unlike the narcotics of the civilized world, their effect never seemed to lessen no matter how often I partook. In fact, at times I wondered if the opposite were true. True to nature, soon, I felt desire rise up within my loins and my vigil was momentarily forgotten, as I began to tease myself with my fingers, caressing my pearl of pleasure from its hiding place as I played with my nipples until I lost myself in sensual carnality once more, making myself cry out over and over until my voice was hoarse. Afterwards, I was content to simply sprawl upon the ground, uncaring.
A soft ringing interrupted my rapturous repose. Above me the sky cooled, the soft blues infused with magentas and tangerines. My eyes fluttered open, and I blinked, frozen in place, recalling the last time I had heard that bell like chime. The kintinku. I felt my heart beating against my ribs like a frightened parakeet in a gilded cage. Isshu had warned me about the feline creature. Silent and motionless, I listened, cautiously letting my consciousness slip like tendrils into that of the nearby butterflies.
It sat nearby, unmoving save for the slow flicker of its cat-like tail and the motion of its soft pink tongue as it wet its lips, its golden eyes towards my hiding place. There was little doubt that it knew of my presence, and yet, it seemed content to observe, at least for the moment.
I considered attempting to stealthily retreat, quickly sensing that it would be an impossible undertaking to remain unheard and invisible. In for a penny, in for a pound. It was a phrase Professor Waite had been fond of and one that applied to the here and now. I sat up, aware of my vulnerable state and turned my gaze towards the sentient creature, marveling at the physique the deepening twilight revealed.
Muscles rippled beneath its midnight black scales, rivaling even our own dear Bull’s build and yet the creature appeared sleek and graceful. Its hands were paw-like although they sprouted a trio of slender fingers tipped by short talons. It had the facial features of a cat, a pair of triangular ears atop its head. It’s smile when it spotted me was fearsome, a grin that revealed the needle sharp teeth of a carnivore while twin golden orbs held warmth and even some humor, or so I surmised. Perhaps it was simply hope that brought me to that conclusion.
It, or rather he, for I perceived the Kintinku to be masculine, spoke then, its language indecipherable except in tone; it was neither menacing nor fearful. Instead, it seemed somewhat amused or, perhaps, simply curious. In return I replied, hoping to communicate with the creature. It was reassuring, in a strange way, that he was obviously capable of doing me violence, for he chose not to.
“Salutations and a good evening to you, kind sir.”
The formal language of a life almost forgotten sounded strange upon my tongue, and yet strangely calming. I could simply pretend that this was a chance encounter while taking a leisurely stroll through the streets of London.
Again, the cat-like being spoke, and again, the sounds the slipped off his tongue were unfamiliar, so I repeated my words in my native language.
“Des salutations et une bonne soirée à vous, monsieur.”
He responded with a shrug, which gave me hope. It was a shared gesture, after all, one I could understand. I took a moment to clear my thoughts and then, slowly lifted one hand to my chest.
“Olivia,” I said, pronouncing my name carefully, and waited.
His brow furrowed for a long second before his eyes lit up with what seemed to be recognition. Placing his own paw-like hand upon his broad chest, he spoke slowly for, presumably, my benefit.
He then slowly waved his hand in my direction, doing his best to shape his mouth around my name.
“Prel-ka,” I responded, taking a deep breath and letting it out go as sigh of relief. We could communicate, if poorly. Unexpectedly, I found my cheeks dampening with tears. Until that moment, I hadn’t realized how lonely I had become with Isshu my only companion upon this fantastical island. I had known for some time and with certainty that there was little hope of ever again seeing my companions let alone of being reunited with cultured society, and I had bourne that knowledge, content with my alien lover, with aplomb. And yet, I found hunger rekindling in my heart, and yearning. A hunger for knowledge and learning, for certainly the exchange of names was but the tip of a vast iceberg in what I could learn from the Kintinku. His culture and his people, for surely he was not unique. His knowledge of the island’s geography and of its flora and fauna as well as other peoples who resided above and below ground. Of art, for every culture had that in common. Of stories and myths and even legends.
“Prel-ka,” I said, once more, taking joy in his show of teeth that I hoped was a sign of pleasure at hearing his name upon my eager lips. And thus were the first steps taken and a friendship initiated that would have ramifications far beyond either of our expectations…
The remainder of summer upon the island’s surface was magical as we slowly learned about each other. It went slowly at first, but Prelka had seemingly infinite and contagious patience. That first night was spent hours communicating through a serious of physical gestures combined with simple words – a bouillabaisse of French and Kintinku. Laughter, it seemed, was a universal language and, once we had gotten over our caution of each other, one we were able to share as well. I suspected that he, too, was hungry for company. I sensed that he was a long way away from his people. Whether he was an outcast, lost, or on some journey, he did not share for some time.
When morning came, he departed, but not before we had been able to make it understood that we would meet here, amongst the tall grass when possible. And then, as the first rays of the sun blessed my wing tips, he withdrew with a feral smile, the skin around his golden eyes crinkling with an emotion I could not name, leaving me, one again, alone. And thus, my mind awash with a spectrum of emotions, thoughts, and hopes, I retreated beneath the earth once more, to take solace in the dark waters that had become my home, suddenly desperate to lose myself in physical pleasure with my alien lover, filling my thoughts with my amorous desire for him, pushing aside the twinge of guilt of my duplicity in doing so, knowing that the overpowering passion of my needs would obscure all else. Quite honestly, I wished to keep the details of the night’s events to myself. Isshu, after all, had already warned me away from Prelka’s people and I couldn’t bear the thought of him forbidding me from subsequent rendezvous.
Did you enjoy your time beneath the open sky?
Oui. I wish you could join me. I responded, entering the pool, its glowing waters lapping gently at my calves, a shiver of sexual tension tingling over my exposed flesh like electricity.
Non. I do not wish to discuss it. I need you to feel your touch, within and without, Isshu. I need you do drive me to the edge of passion and beyond. Please.
There was little doubt that he felt the desperation within me, although he did not pause to discern its origin. After all, I often returned from my sojourns above ground needing him to sate a hunger that knew no bounds. This was no different. I wondered, sometimes, if I released a psychic scent when aroused. He always seemed to be able to sense my needs. At times, I wanted tenderness, and he always responded with such. Presently, however, I wished for something much more robust. I wanted to be ravaged. I longed for le baiser de la douleur. The kiss of pain.
His physical power was beyond that of most men and it took my breath away when he employed it. I found myself helpless, his dexterous tentacles twining around my lower limbs, creeping slowly higher until their tips seemed by a hairsbreadth from my sex, tantalizingly near, brushing along my inner thighs and yet avoiding my already gushing pussy.
“Oui,” I moaned out loud as he pulled me to my knees, another tentacle encircling my waist, tightening until I gasped, my entire body jerking as he wrapped a fourth around my chest, making it difficult to breath as the finger like digits flickered whip-like against my protruding nipples until I screamed, the pain acting like an aphrodisiac.
You desire pain, Olivia Delacroix?
S’il vous plaît, oui, oui ! Merci. I managed, surrendering myself to his primal instincts quite willingly.
Another tentacle, dripping wet as it emerged from the unstill waters, forced my arms behind me and bound them at the wrist with yet another slithered over my bottom and up my spine, curling around my throat, a trio of prehensile tips tangling like finger in my unkempt blonde tresses as he. It, too, suddenly tightened, cutting off my air as he yanked me off my feet, pulling me too him. I began to panic as I fought for air, my lungs burning until I thought I might black out. Then, and only then, I felt his snake-like limbs loosen around my throat, chest, and abdomen, allowing me to gasp for breath, filling my oxygen starved lungs, panting as he kissed me, hard, his tongue invading my mouth as he tightened his grip once more, cutting off my breath.
You belong to me, little butterfly. The words were savage, momentarily striking fear into my heart that was quickly overcome by the power of the orgasm that began to surge within as he impaled me on his thick cock, his remaining tentacle stretching my rectum, the tips curling like a fist until I thought it would tear me apart.
“Oui,” I sobbed, suddenly aware of him moving us deeper into the pool until the water was over my head. Had he not had such a tight hold on me, I would have thrashed as panic set in. Only the tentacle constricting my throat kept me from drowning. A euphoria such as I have never before felt filled me, washing over me as something deep within pulsed and burned before bursting into unbearable pleasure within the depths of my core, leaving me senseless and gasping for air as he lifted me above the pool’s surface.
Enough, little insect?.
Non. Plus, je t’en supplie. Plus, I expressed, my most intimate thoughts exposed, masking my memories of my time spent with the Kintinku. I would have time, later, to feel guilty about the deception, if that’s truly what it was…
I was still impaled on his monstrous cock, my wings fluttering weakly as he coiled his extra limbs around me, binding me firmly against him, if not so tightly as before, caressing and stroking every centimeter of my flesh as he slowly thrust himself in and out of my sopping wet hole, taking his time, obviously more concerned with his own pleasure than my needs. I was being used like one of the street walkers that inhabited the seedier parts of Paris or London. The mere filled me with both shame and exhilaration. I was just a hot, ready cunt to be used. Growling, I pressed my face into his shoulder and bit into him, my teeth nearly breaking the skin. I felt him tense up and pull me even harder against him, sinking his prick furiously into my wetness until I was forced to let go of his flesh and cry out in near pain.
After that, what little veneer of a life once lived in a society I could barely grasp these days was burned away in a firestorm of sensations all centered around the thick pulsing prick slamming into me jarringly. Once again, I felt my ass stretched wide as a tentacle invade me from behind. Another began constricting one of my breasts. My nipple, engorged with blood, was throbbing painfully. Another tangled itself in my hair and forced my head back, exposing my throat. Moments later I felt his needle sharp teeth pricking against my tender flesh, threatening to break the skin – and still, I wanted more. I felt myself losing control; an addict to what Isshu was giving me. It was not unlike my recent physical metamorphic alteration from human to hybrid, only it ran much deeper and I felt the essence of my humanity was being challenged. A moment later he unleashed his seed within me with a violence of force that shook me to the marrow trigging another climax within me that put the previous one to shame. For good or for will, I let go, feeling an almost physical pain as a once treasured, if nameless, part of me fluttered away on unsteady wings to be swallowed by the darkness of the cavern. Moments later, I drifted into unconsciousness, still in Isshu’s powerful grip, too exhausted to answer a concerned query from my alien lover.
When I awoke, I was aware that something was different between us. Whether it had to do with what had happened within the pool or my meeting with the Kintinku, I could not fathom. Nor could I discern the size of the rift that seemed to lay between us. On one hand, I felt an even stronger pull to shun the world of daylight and the ocean breeze and remain cloistered away beneath the earth and stone with my lover. On the other, I was eager to be away and once more share the stars with Prelka. In the end, I couldn’t resist the lure of the heavens and their stars. Nor, apparently, could I resist the cat-man himself…
I suppose it was I who seduced him. Unlike the naïve and innocent castaways who had washed up on the beach a lifetime ago, Prel was aware of the nature of the berries. Although we could not converse, we had educated each other in what seemed important. The butterflies were Candan. The summer storms were Ulbanak. And I was jas-candan-ku – butterfly girl. Oh, and the lust berries? Ertrumak.
“Eat. Scasht,” I teased one lazy summer after noon, having already feasted on more of the berries than was wise while awaiting his presence. While I had built up a tolerance to the fruit, my natural state, these days, seemed to be one of semi-arousal. The berries just gave me a little push in the direction I was already headed.
“Non. Bad.” he replied, his accent making me giggle as I sat myself down among the tall grasses, only the upper half of my face visible.
“Shasht,” I insisted, lifting my cupped hands above the blades. They were filled with lust berries. “Eat!”
“Non, Vaha,” he growled, flicking his fingers in my direction, a sign of annoyance, so I had learned.
I wasn’t to be dissuaded in my highly aroused state. I had become, over time, attracted to the cat-man. His physique would have drawn the eye of any woman, had he been human, and I, who cohabited regularly with a tentacle creature who read minds, was not in the least prudish about who I desired.
“Then don’t eat. Non Shasht,” I laughed, throwing the handful of berries at him, much to his amusement, most of which he simply swatted away with his cat-like hands before taking his usual seat across from me. Where my head barely cleared the emerald blades, I could see a good portion of his chest from where I sat.
“New word, Prel. Fuck,” I said, smiling coyly.
“Fuck? Fuck, Vaha. Fuck,” he repeated, nodding. “Means?”
I couldn’t help but giggle at him. It didn’t help that he shrugged his broad shoulders at me, clearly amused. I stood, holding my now empty hand out to him, motioning him to stand.
“Guda. Up.”
He made a sound, deep in his chest – combination purr and grumble – as he stood, towering above me, following me as I pushed my way through the seas of grass to small cluster of rocks forming a ring around a clearing. Upon one edge was a pool fed by a small stream shaded by a thick trunk tree. I knelt down, my back to him, turning to face him over my shoulder, my eyes travelling towards the juncture of his thighs before reaching between my legs and giving my wet several playful smacks with my palm.
“Prel fuck Vaha.”
Brow furrowed, more in thought than in confusion, he considered me. Once thing I had discovered, much to my delight, was that Prel’s mind was as quick as his reflexes. In many ways he was a perfect foil for my intellect, such as it was.
“Non,” finally announced, shaking his head before settling gracefully on one of the small boulders, chin resting upon bent knee, once again, regarding me with amusement as he watched me crawl over to the pool and lower myself in, settling on the pebbled bottom, shivering, the chilled spring water just past my navel, abating my carnal desire to a manageable level.
“You have no idea what you’re missing, Prel,” I mumbled, folding my arms across my breasts, determined to sulk, knowing full well he had no idea what I’d said.
“You have no idea what you’re missing, Vaha,” he repeated carefully, looking quite pleased with himself and perhaps a little smug at his performance.
I did my best to contain my laughter. My mood broken, I playfully splashed water in his direction. Like the berries, he simply avoided it, his eyes crinkling into a smile as he scrutinized me shrewdly. Thus, we remained, silent for some time until I grew uncomfortably cold and abandoned my post for a flat topped rock, reclining, enjoying the heat of the sun on my flesh.