Business Trip: Part One. An Enveloping Requirement Story.

"Christopher Robertson accompanies Miss Lexington on her latest business trip to the United States. Will business be mixed with pleasure?"

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A bright flash of lightning followed by an enormous clap of thunder, boomed outside the immaculate, modern manor of Meadow View. The rain was torrential and hitting the outside of the windows of the house’s main bedroom

In this pristine main bedroom, Miss Natasha Lexington, the CEO of Lexington Nanotron Corporation, with her hair in a pinned up-do, lay naked apart from still wearing her red-bottomed, black high-heels, next to Christopher Robertson. He was bound, naked and spread eagled to her Daily Telegraph broadsheet newspaper covered bed. She had also wrapped and taped his arms and legs in extra sheets and then covered his body in an opened out to centre page broadsheet. On top of that newspaper sat another broadsheet, with the front page facing down. The only parts of Chris not covered were his head, hands, feet and his erect penis; when not required inside of his strict female boss.

Miss Lexington was rubbing her right hand over the back of the broadsheet covering Chris when, with her champagne breath, spoke to him in her very well spoken, southern British accent, with her nose about six inches away from his.

“Well, I say, Christopher, it’s good you arrived before this storm came in. I shall turn the lights out when we move to the next stage shortly, just so the lightning can briefly light the room, and for something a little exciting,” she said in a friendly tone.

Chris would normally arrive in the afternoon at a scheduled time that Miss Lexington gave him. Today she had been extra busy, so required him at 7pm, and he had arrived just as the storm began. On arrival, she had sent him straight upstairs.

Next, Miss Lexington took hold of Chris’ erect penis. Whilst she had been rubbing his broadsheet covered body, he had become very aroused and he had leaked some pre-come. She then spoke firmly.

“Well, we know leaking over my newspapers is strictly forbidden, and results in harsh, disciplinary spankings, don’t we Christopher?” she said, in a stricter manner.

Chris quickly replied.

“I do apologise, Miss, it can’t be helped. I—”

Miss Lexington interrupted him loudly.

“Then you must learn to control it. There have been too many times you have leaked on my newspapers, and it’s always on one I haven’t finished reading. We shall continue this discussion tomorrow morning,” she said firmly.

A flash of lightning could just be seen through the closed blind and voiles, followed by a very long, loud clap of thunder. The rain was hammering down and even the female opera music couldn’t keep the sound out.

Miss Lexington slowly began to masturbate Chris. As she began, he breathed in and out deeply through his nose. Miss Lexington turned her head to look at Chris and spoke.

“I have a very important business trip next week. I would like you to join me, mainly just to help oversee the set up with our American facility that I’ve invested in with my close friend from university. How does that sound, Christopher?” she said in a soft tone, whilst masturbating his penis at a very slow pace.

“It sounds great, Miss, I very much appreciate the offer and I look forward to it. When is it we are going, Miss?” Chris said enthusiastically.

She let go of his cock, and Chris then received a slap around his face. Miss Lexington, with a stern look, placed her palm on the Telegraph’s back page, then spoke.

“We will also discuss this further tomorrow, but now it’s time,” she said in a darker, seductive tone.

She climbed off the bed and walked over to the large window doors and opened the blinds. Returning to the bed, she reached over to the bedside table and picked up a cock ring and turned the lamp and warm white LEDs off. She then, with the sound of broadsheet newspaper sheets crinkling, moved herself to a better position on the bed. Rolling the cock ring down to the base of Chris’ penis, she then lifted her right leg over him and placed herself in the straddle position. Taking his erect, throbbing cock in her hand, she guided it to her vagina and slowly slid it inside her. They both let out a gasp. Miss Lexington then came back to the tip of his cock before sliding back down again, taking Chris’ cock deep inside of her.

A flash of lightning lit up the room as she pressed her abdomen against the broadsheet that was covering Chris. She then placed her hands on his body and slowly began to ride him.

Further flashes of lightning lit the room throughout her dominantly riding, boob pressing and rubbing Chris until he exploded his load inside her. Another slap from Miss Lexington followed, just for finishing too early before she peaked. She then spoke.

“I’m thinking of masturbating you to emptiness before disciplinary sessions, Christopher!” she said loudly before continuing.

“That way, during the first disciplinary, I might get the full satisfaction of my requirements rather than having to wait!” she said firmly.

Chris then found a moment to speak.

“I do apologise, Miss, it’s if I’ve not come for a while, there’s too much that builds up,” he said in a sorrowful tone.

“Well, I shall expect it to be more than satisfactory tomorrow, Christopher,” she said in a firm tone.

“Most definitely, Miss. I will be perfectly ready to meet your satisfaction and requirements,” Chris said, smiling in the darkness.

Miss Lexington replied.

“Good, I should expect so too,” she said firmly.

Another flash of lightning lit the room as Miss Lexington took a Telegraph sheet from the chromed headboard. She scrunched it around the base of Chris’ cock and lifted herself off, plugging her vagina before climbing off of the bed and into the en-suite. A flash of lightning followed by an almost instant clap of thunder followed as she turned the light on and closed the door. Chris lay on the bed in the darkness. The opera music was a more mellow tune, and he was feeling good.

It was springtime, and he had been being used by Miss Lexington for around five months now. Spending many weekends bound up in her bedroom, covered in Daily Telegraph newspapers. All for her own personal desires and pleasures. He certainly wasn’t going to moan about it. He loved the strictness and the dominance, and although he had feelings for his lady boss, he knew where he stood with her, and it was better than not having anything to do with her at all. Chris was also doing well at work in her corporate facility. He was well paid for what he did and being her requirement topped it off.

Miss Lexington returned to the bedroom after ten minutes, dressed in her bathrobe. She had showered. She turned the lamp and LED’s back on, then un-bound Chris from her bed. He carefully took the broadsheets covering him off his body, then climbed off the bed and took the wrapped and taped sheets off from his arms and legs, placing them in a neat pile next to her window chair. He knew all the routines, but it didn’t stop her from finding something or other to discipline him over. It was his turn for the shower, so he made his way in to her en-suite. After ten minutes, he had showered and cleaned his teeth. Also, drinking a cup of water. He returned to the bedroom and Miss Lexington was sitting in her chair by the window, dressed in her satin pyjamas, reading the Friday edition of the Daily Telegraph. Chris just had to stand bare and to wait for his next instruction from her.

Miss Lexington then spoke but did not take her eyes from the page.

“You may climb into bed Christopher, we will begin earlier tomorrow,” she said whilst turning the broadsheet page.

“Thank you, Miss,” Chris replied.

He climbed onto the broadsheet covered bed and lay there, awaiting Miss Lexington to get into bed and to say it was lights out.

After five minutes, Miss Lexington got up from her chair, turning the opera music off with her phone. She placed the broadsheet newspaper over Chris’ body and then unfolded the large, queen-sized, taped together Telegraph sheet. She placed it over Chris and then climbed on the bed and pulled the rest over her self.

Miss Lexington then whispered a firm “Goodnight” to which Chris replied “Goodnight Miss”. The lights went out and they both gradually fell asleep.

The rest of the weekend was the usual routine. Miss Lexington would go out to fetch a thick pile of fresh, Daily Telegraph broadsheet newspapers. If he wasn’t bound to her bed ready for when she returned, he would be assisting in keeping her immaculately clean house nice and tidy. They would have breakfast, and Chris would do extra work on the projects in her in-house office. He was always ready for being required upstairs for disciplinary spankings with thick magazines and then to be bound, wrapped and taped in broadsheet newspapers for peculiar, disciplinary sexual encounters with Miss Lexington. When he was not required, he had his own free time. He could watch all sports on her large television in either the living room or the lounge. Sometimes even the gym area whilst in the hot tub. He could now have snacks and drinks as long as he replaced what he used when it was gone. Saturday night he would cook for them both and had learned over the last few months some nice Mediterranean recipes.

Saturday would always end in another sexual encounter before bed. Sunday was similar, but when it came to Sunday broadsheets, Miss Lexington was always so much more stricter and the spankings were more intense. Many glasses of champagne were poured and drank, all to the sound of female arias, opera singers. Her attire on a Friday was always one of her professional skirt suits. The rest of the weekend was almost always a nice blouse and a pencil skirt. She did dress casual after some encounters, but it was still very nice, quality clothing. Her hair was either pinned up or in a bun, and her high-heels were ever present, as was the lovely, floral aroma of her perfume.

On that Saturday, after a spanking session in the bedroom before a slow riding, Miss Lexington had spoken to Chris about his leaking pre-come on her newspapers when she masturbated him. She was very firm in her tone and Chris listened and obeyed her requests. He knew it would happen again and he would be disciplined. She then moved on to a serious conversation about the business trip. It was to New York State, where Miss Lexington and her close friend from university had agreed on a US wing to the corporation. It was mainly offices and would deal with all the stateside running of things. They would be leaving on Thursday and would return on the following Wednesday. Chris was excited, but acted professionally about it to Miss Lexington.

Soon enough, another weekend of requirements passed by. Even Monday and Tuesday passed by quickly, and with Wednesday arriving, it was time to head off to the airport. Chris was on the same flight as Miss Lexington, and she had put them in business class, but she had also put them in different areas. Chris laughed to himself, as it was her classic professionalism not to be too associated with him other than for business, away from the pristine decor and the broadsheet bed of Meadow View.

Chris enjoyed the comfort of business class and slept for half the journey to New York. Once they landed, it was 7pm ET and as soon as they passed through arrivals and collected their luggage; they made their way to the hotel by taxi. They arrived at a very nice hotel and in the reception, Miss Lexington gave over all the details of their stay. Chris had his own room separate to her, to which he understood. It was a business trip, after all. As they received their room keys, Miss Lexington told Chris to be ready for breakfast at 07:30am. She then went straight to her room. Chris also went to his room. It had a great view and a big television. He made himself some coffee, then sat and relaxed, fantasising about being in the same room as his strict, older lady boss, before going to sleep.

07:30am on the dot, Chris was down in the dining area getting breakfast when Miss Lexington then joined him. She was dressed in a beige skirt suit with her hair in a different, half up and half down style. ‘It looked nice,’ Chris thought to himself.

They sat at the same table and she explained the IT manager and his wife, who was an accounts overseer, would pick them up at 08:15am. During his time at the US corporate building, Chris would work alongside the American counterparts to set up the data filings and management.

Scott and Sarah Hall arrived outside, and Miss Lexington introduced Chris to them. They were very nice and welcoming and by the time the journey to the LNC stateside building had finished, Chris and Scott, had long been chatting about football (English and American). Once they arrived at the reception of the very nice-looking building, Miss Lexington’s close friend Hayley Campbell met them. She was the COO of this corporate facility, she was wearing a black skirt suit and her blonde wavy hair was down past her shoulders. Standing with her was her personal assistant, Cammie Fields. Chris shook their hands and exchanged pleasantries. He held his stare a little longer with Cammie. She was the same height as him, wearing a cream skirt suit. She had very light brown hair that also dropped just past her shoulders. She reminded him of the type of girls he saw in American television programmes when he was younger, totally stunning.

They smiled at each other and she said that he and Miss Lexington were the first British people that she had met. Hayley then showed them the way up to her office, where they had further conversations about how the new facility would be operating. Chris then sat looking at a US edition prospectus type book about the corporation, while Hayley and Cammie walked over to the window with Miss Lexington, to show her the view and layout of the street below.

Soon after, Hayley and Miss Lexington went into a meeting with the finance department. They requested Cammie to take Chris on a tour of the building, which ended with her showing him where he would be assisting in the data management. She introduced him to Lisa Baker, his US counterpart, as the data manager. Her attire consisted of a white blouse and navy blue skirt, complemented by her light brown hair in a chin-length bob. Chris was also introduced to her co-worker, Isabella Brown. She was wearing a satin, navy blue tank top with black pin-striped trousers. Her curly auburn hair pulled back in a messy bun.

Once introduced and they had been caught up to speed with the current status, he was into deep conversations with them both about their lives and interests before they all starting work.

Lunchtime came and there was nice food to eat, and lots of fruit in pots. The afternoon flew past and much work was done. Already Chris was enjoying it here in the US working alongside the American colleagues. There was one thing that did distract his attention; Cammie.

It reached 5pm. Everyone logged off, and it was time to head home. Home for Chris at the moment was his hotel room. That’s where he was heading. He had received a text from Miss Lexington saying she was staying to catch up with Hayley, and he was to head on back to the hotel. Doing as he was told, he took a cab and, on arrival, went straight to get himself a nice dinner. After, he then took a walk around the streets outside before returning to his room, making a drink and watching some baseball. Suddenly, his phone rang. It was Miss Lexington saying that he wouldn’t be staying at the hotel for the weekend. She had arranged a stay at a house in a quiet neighbourhood that he could have a room in, and Scott and Sarah would drop him off there after work on Friday. An absolute surge of excitement rushed through him. She didn’t say she would be there, but he wondered if she would require him at this property. After another hour passed, he decided to get some sleep, as he was being picked up again by Scott and Sarah. The idea of Miss Lexington and him, but also Cammie, was criss-crossing his mind constantly.

07:30 the next morning, Chris was eating breakfast when Miss Lexington joined him. She must have got back much later after her catch up with Hayley.

“Good Morning, Christopher, how are you today? Did you have a pleasant day with the Americans?” she asked with a pleasant smile.

Chris smiled and answered.

“Yes, Miss, I really liked how friendly and welcoming everyone was. I am looking forward to continuing today,” he said confidently.

Miss Lexington smiled and replied.

“Well, that’s good. If all works out here, I might need you to come over a little more often to help out, if you would like that is?” she said in a pleasant tone.

Chris’ eyes lit up. The thought of coming over again already and maybe getting to know Cammie raced through his thoughts. He replied enthusiastically before remembering who he was talking to.

“Yes, Miss, that would be great! I mean, well yes, of course I would very much like to work here occasionally. I love the way of life over here and to get to occasionally experience it would mean a lot as I’ve always dreamed of actually one day living in the US,” he said calmly.

Miss Lexington smiled before speaking back to Chris.

“Excellent, I shall keep this all in mind. Now, would you please get me some coffee, Christopher?” she said in a friendly tone.

Chris was up right away and went straight to get Miss Lexington her drink. He returned, and they ate breakfast. Once they finished eating breakfast, they were soon picked up and on their way to the LNC building.

On arrival, Chris went to his office workstation, where, once again, Lisa and Isabella made him feel very welcome. The morning passed by fast, and it was soon lunchtime again.

Nice Mexican chicken and rice, followed by more fruit. Chris was loving it here. He had hoped to see Cammie and whilst wishing twenty seconds into that thought; she walked into the dining area with Miss Lexington and Hayley.

Cammie saw him and waved with a smile. She then headed over to him. Chris’ pulse increased.

With a big smile, she greeted him.

“Hi, Chris, how are you today?” she said happily.

Chris noticed how perfect her teeth were. In fact, he noticed that all the Americans had perfect teeth. He quickly replied.

“Hello, Cammie, I am fine, thank you. How are you?” he said, smiling back.

“I’m great, thank you. I Hope you are enjoying your time here. Natasha said to us that you may even come back over soon to do some work during busy periods?” She said in a nice tone.

Chris’ mind raced.

“Wow, she was serious about it,” he thought to himself while smiling.

He replied to Cammie.

“Yes, she did mention it to me and I’d be more than happy to come back out here when required. I’ve been made to feel very welcome already, and it’s nice to meet you all,” he said in a complimentary tone.

Cammie tilted her head and spoke.

“Oh, that so great. If you come back out here sooner than the fall, we will be having a big summer party. It would be great if you could come. We all love your British accent too,” she said, with a little blush.

Chris was blushing too hearing that comment, but he held his nerve and replied confidently.

“That sounds great. I would most certainly love to be able to attend. Oh, I love your accent too,” he said with a chuckle.

He wasn’t lying. He had grown up with American High School films and dramas, crushing on all the sexy girls, going to the house parties etc, and had fantasised about living in the USA and being part of them.

Cammie chuckled and then said she had to go. They exchanged goodbyes as she headed off to some other girls she worked alongside. Chris looked around the room for Miss Lexington, but she was nowhere to be seen.

“She must be outside,” he thought to himself.

After lunchtime ended, Chris returned to his workstation with Lisa and Isabella. After an hour had passed, a call came through for him to report to Hayley Campbell’s office. Chris made his way to the office of the COO and his boss lady’s best friend. He wanted to make a good impression of himself as if he came over here to work sometimes, it would be Hayley who would be keeping Miss Lexington informed of how he was performing. When he arrived outside her office, he saw Cammie and she told him to go straight in.

Upon entering Hayley’s office, Chris received a welcoming greeting and a big smile. A smile with perfect white teeth. He also liked the sound of her American accent. She was wearing a black blouse with tiny white speckles. It was tight fitting and had a little bow at the top. Chris noticed how pert her breasts were. Her wavy blonde hair was down and she had a nice pink tone to her lips that matched her pink painted fingernails.

“Wow, she’s not bad actually, trust Miss to have sexy friends,” he thought to himself.

He had had his mind too occupied by Cammie to even notice any other woman’s nice looks. He even thought about how Isabella, with her auburn hair, was pretty too.

Chris returned the greeting and then spoke further as she pointed to a seat for him to sit down.

“May I just say, Miss Campbell, I love how you have set this place up and the people here? I’ve been made to feel so welcome,” he said confidently.

Hayley smiled, then spoke.

“Oh, please, it’s Hayley, and thank you so much. It’s been hard work, but we are getting there. It’s an exciting time at this moment. We haven’t had much of an opportunity to talk so, just take this as a casual chat. I’m also grateful for Natasha coming over, and also bringing you with her to help my data management department. That’s what I also wanted to speak to you about, but it seems you are already enjoying your time here with us, and fitting in well. Oh, Lisa said you’ve helped them fix a few bugs and glitches. Natasha told me you are the guy for those problems?” she said with a smile.

“Yes, I do fix them regularly at our facility back home, and working for Miss Lexington is the best position I have had. May I add, I really wish we were staying longer than planned. It’s great getting to know all you guys,” Chris said in response.

“Well, it’s nice to get to know you, too. I’m sure we will talk again before you and Natasha return home to the UK,” Hayley said with a smile.

“Yes, that would be nice, Hayley, thank you,” Chris said, smiling back. They spoke for a few more minutes until Hayley told him she had to make a few calls, and he could see himself out. He walked over to the door. He opened it and outside the office, across the large corridor, was Miss Lexington in another workstation area, talking with some of the company employees, including Cammie. Miss Lexington looked over and smiled at him. Chris smiled back. He carried on to the stairs to go back down a floor to his workstation.

On arrival back with Lisa and Isabella, they asked what he was called for, so he spent some time talking with them and working on some system storage.

Soon it was 5pm, and time to go. It was the weekend, but he wasn’t sure if Miss Lexington would want him in over the weekend, being as it was a business trip.

Chris waited at the main entrance for Scott and Sarah to take him to the new place he was staying. He hoped it would be with Miss Lexington.

Once they picked him up, it was another football chat again and by the time he arrived at the new location, Scott had said for him to coincide a future visit with the football season and go to a Gridiron game with them and their two children. Chris loved the idea of the tailgate party, too.

Soon enough, Chris arrived at the property. He climbed out of their vehicle, closing the door and waving Scott and Sarah off. He then walked up to the house. It was a typical northern American styled, detached house. It had a nice lawn containing a pathway to some steps, then some steps up to a porch veranda. Chris knocked on the door. The door slowly opened, and to his relief, there was Miss Lexington, still dressed in her professional attire. An off-white coloured blouse, a black pencil skirt, with a large belt around her abdomen. She was also wearing stockings and high-heels. She gave him a welcoming smile and held the door wide so he could enter the open plan living area.

She closed the door behind him and turned instantly strict, speaking loudly at him.

“Right, Christopher, you will make your way up those stairs and await me on the landing area,” she demanded.

“Yes, of course, Miss,” Chris replied.

He took his shoes off, walked straight up the stairs, and stood at the top of the landing. He was thinking how much more posh that Miss Lexington, with her well spoken British accent, sounded after hearing American accents all day.

He looked around and saw there were four other doors, all closed.

Miss Lexington climbed the stairs and told him to turn right, walk along the landing, and then to turn right again. Then, as she caught up to him, she demanded he was to enter the bedroom.

When he opened the door, the room had the blinds closed, but was well lit with an ambient light consisting of candles in lanterns and some warm white fairy lights. The room also had a strong floral aroma. Looking straight ahead in the centre was a large queen size bed. It was covered in broadsheet newspapers, and by the look of a pile of further broadsheets on a vanity unit, they were New York Times and The Wall Street Journal broadsheets.

Miss Lexington closed the door, handed Chris a glass of champagne, and spoke loudly.

“Undress and get yourself on that bed, Christopher,” she said firmly.

“Yes Miss, of course,” Chris said nervously.

He drank his full glass, undressed and then climbed on to the newspaper covered bed, laying down on his back. The aroma of these newspapers was different to the Daily Telegraph back in the UK. Miss Lexington then proceeded to bound him to her bed with restraints and used more news sheets to wrap and tape up his arms and legs. It was an all too familiar situation, just in a different house, a different country and with different newspapers.

Once ready, she drank her champagne and arranged female opera music to play out around the room.

Chris’ cock was throbbing as she then picked up a New York Times broadsheet, climbing on to the bed and laying it on him. She laid next to him for a few minutes, rubbing her hand over the back page before slowly masturbating him. She breathed a champagne aroma in his face and told him there was much to discuss, mainly about the way he had conducted himself these last two days.

All of a sudden, she then went into fast masturbation motion that, within a minute, made Chris intensely spray his come load all over the jewellery advertisement on the back of her New York Times broadsheet.

“My goodness, Christopher, what a mess. I was hoping to read that tonight. Looks like it’s going to be a serious disciplinary weekend for you, I’m afraid,” she said firmly.

Chris was still buzzing from what she had just done to him, and with a deep exhale, he apologised for the mess he had made.

“I am so sorry, Miss, it was the sudden increase in speed that caused it,” he said quietly.

“Don’t you dare blame me! You caused it yourself. I have seen you eyeing up all the new girls you have met. Correct me if I am wrong?” she said with staring eyes.

“Um-err, yes, Miss, there are some very pretty girls at our US facility. A thousand apologies, Miss,” Chris said nervously.

“Well, it’s good we maintain honesty, but we will have to have a discussion about your concentration, and also about your priorities with me. I hope we aren’t having a Charlotte episode again?” she asked him questionably.

“No Miss, my attention is fully yours,” he said in a sorrowful tone.

His mind wandered to Charlotte, Miss Lexington’s former PA who Chris would have loved to have had sex with and was getting close, but wound up in Miss Lexington’s house and on her broadsheet newspaper bed, being used by her for sex instead. Charlotte had left LNC a couple months back after being offered a position at KleinTek from Germany, which was still well linked to LNC with a large, UK office. Miss Lexington’s new PA was a girl called Lily, who was only nineteen.

Miss Lexington stared at him through her spectacles and spoke, bringing him back to here and now.

“Right, now, I’m going to have to clean this mess up. You shall wait there, as we will be moving to the next disciplinary shortly. My goodness, there is some very intense discipline coming your way, Christopher,” she said firmly.

Miss Lexington removed the come sprayed broadsheet, folding it over and placing it on the other side of the room. Chris wondered why, as she was normally extremely tidy. Next, she went to the en-suite bathroom. She returned after a couple minutes and then left the bedroom. Chris lay waiting for her return. Being used to discipline from his boss lady, he just relaxed. Laying bound to her bed, he got a good look at the decor, paintings of the sky at different times of the day, and some small statues of what looked like mythical goddesses. After arrival to this nice-looking house, he had been sent up here so quickly; He wondered whose house this even was.

A short while later, Miss Lexington returned. She closed the door and took off her belt, then her skirt and lingerie. Chris watched. She had stockings on, which she didn’t take off along with her heels. The excitement was intense. His cock throbbed to full hardness. Next, she poured and sipped a glass of champagne. She then picked up a Wall Street Journal broadsheet and climbed on to the bed, holding it so Chris could see the full front page of a headline about the stocks and a picture of a zig-zag on a graph. Laying it front page down on Chris, she reached over for two cock rings on the bedside table. She picked them up and then rolled them both to the base of Chris’ cock. Without hesitation, she lied next to his right side and, pushing her breasts into him through her blouse, she began to rub his broadsheet covered body, arms and legs. Gentle tickles under his perineum, with strokes and slow masturbation of his throbbing cock. It was unlike her to not at least say a few words, but Chris would not dare to ask if there was something bothering her.

She firmly rubbed up to the top of the WSJ back page, then slapped his face before sitting up, and then standing. She then got into position over his face and sat down, placing her vagina on Chris’ mouth. He knew to get busy on her clitoris with his tongue, and after fifteen minutes, Miss Lexington built up to a gushing orgasm, soaking Chris’ face and the broadsheets under him. She made groans of pleasure as she gushed, holding herself in position until the euphoria passed. She then began to unbutton her blouse, taking it off and placing over the headboard. She then undid her bra and placed that, too, over the headboard.

She then lifted herself up and slid back down Chris’ body, positioning herself in the straddle position. She took hold of his cock and guided it into her vagina. He received another slap round the face, and then she began to ride him.  After fifteen minutes of intense riding and rubbing. Chris took another look at her perfect hands rubbing him and another look to the left, re-noticing her stockings and heels and then, with that, exploded his load deep inside her. Miss Lexington seemed quite satisfied as she was making a quiet, pleasant hum. After the climax, she used a WSJ sheet on withdrawal to plug herself before making her way off the crinkling broadsheet bed and into the en-suite.

The rest of the evening, after Chris had been released from her bed, they looked around the interesting property and then had some food delivered to the house. Miss Lexington ordered Chris to bed by 9pm as she said there was going to be a busy day looking about the area, starting early the next morning.

Soon, they were both sorted and in bed. They would sleep on broadsheets, but Miss Lexington actually used a satin duvet to cover over them both. They exchanged good nights and then went to sleep. Chris did have Cammie on his mind and then he realised that was probably why Miss was a bit off with him. She’s noticed. He was Miss Lexington’s requirement and he should have known better than to pay other girls’ attention in her corporate facility. Now he was in for a serious disciplinary. He smiled at that thought and went to sleep.

The next morning, Miss Lexington was up at 7am. She went off to get dressed, telling Chris to shower whilst she went out.

“To get more broadsheets, no doubt,” Chris thought to himself.

He spent around twenty minutes enjoying the shower before drying off, cleaning his teeth, and stepping back into the bedroom to get dressed. He could hear the female opera and as he opened the door, he was surprised to see Miss Lexington stood there in the bedroom. She had her spectacles on and had styled her hair in a bun. She was dressed in an armless black jumpsuit, holding a pile of broadsheet newspapers in her arm. The smell of her perfume was very potent but pleasant. She looked at him and spoke loudly.

“Right, Christopher, you will cover the bed in these, but leaving two as they are. Then you will drink this glass of champagne and then you will lie down, as per the routine,” she said, loud and firm.

Chris done exactly as he was told. He covered the bed with fresh New York Times and Wall Street Journal broadsheets. He drank her champagne, and with already being undressed from the shower, he lied down, spreadeagled on the crinkling, fresh broadsheets. Miss Lexington bound him, wrapped and taped him up, and then covering him with a fully opened to centre page, WSJ Weekend edition.

It was an earlier start than usual, but his cock was already solid and throbbing.

Miss Lexington sipped her champagne and then came and slowly lied down next to Chris. She rubbed her hand all over him, tickled his perineum and held his cock gently. Miss Lexington then spoke right in his face.

“It seems your colleagues at my US office seem to like you, Christopher. I am actually glad about it. It means I can get you to work alongside them and everyone will be more productive,” she said.

As she spoke, the aroma of champagne mixed with her perfume and WSJ newsprint flew up his nostrils.

That’s great to hear, Miss. I had heard that you may need me to come back over again soon, is that correct?” Chris asked.

Miss Lexington continued to rub his body firmly all over as she spoke.

“Yes, that is indeed correct. There is something you may also be interested in knowing, a little thing that I have discovered. A certain girl with auburn hair has taken quite a liking to you,” she said with a smirk.

“Really, who, Isabella?” Chris asked in a surprised tone.

Miss Lexington chuckled and then replied.

“All will be revealed in time, Christopher. Now shush, as we must begin this disciplinary,” she said calmly.

Chris became instantly quiet, obeying her as always. He then took a deep breath through his nose as Miss Lexington slowly began to masturbate him.

His thoughts went to Isabella. She was very quiet, but a lovely-looking girl, about five years younger than himself, with nice curly auburn hair and a nice figure.

Miss Lexington slapped his face to bring him back from his daydream. She then proceeded to rub his broadsheet covered body firmly for around three more minutes. Miss Lexington then spoke louder than usual.

“Right, it seems we are all set and ready,” she said, much louder than usual.

Chris was preparing for Miss Lexington to undress herself and slide his cock inside her vagina when, all of a sudden, the bedroom door handle clicked and the door slowly began to open. Chris was in state of disbelief as a very glamorous looking woman, who he had only recently met, slowly entered the room.

To be continued.

Published 8 months ago

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