Miss Campbell placed the pile of broadsheets and the magazines on her vanity unit. She then walked over to the bed and unstrapped Chris’ wrists and ankles and demanded him off of the bed and over to the wall near the door on the left side of the bedroom. He took all the loose newspapers off of himself but remained in the sheets that were taped around his arms and legs. Standing on the right side of the bedroom, stood with her hands on her hips, she then spoke.
“Well Christopher, it is time we discuss the incident of you ruining your mistress’ newspaper before she had finished reading it. Pick it up and bring it over to me this instant,” Miss Campbell said firmly.
Chris knelt down and picked up the New York Times that Miss Lexington had caused him to ejaculate over. He stood up and walked over to Miss Campbell with it in his hand.
Miss Campbell took it from him and attempted to open out the fold, but the come had sprayed all over the back of the jewelry advert on the back page, causing it to dry together and form discolored patches in a dull yellow colour.
Miss Campbell opened it out, causing it to tear. Throwing it on the floor, she then spoke.
“That is unacceptable, Christopher, your mistress will expect full discipline for such a spoiling. Now get to your knees!” she said, pointing to the floor in front of her.
Chris did as he was told, kneeling in front of her. He then looked up and made eye contact. Miss Campbell had a very stern look on her face and quickly grabbed Chris’ face with her right hand and squeezed his cheeks together, causing his lips to pucker. She then spoke very firmly.
“Your mistress will call in a short while. Let’s have something to tell her about,” she said with a grin.
She then knelt down and kissed him, but before he had a chance to reciprocate, she forced her tongue into his mouth and they entered into a short, passionate kiss. It soon can to an end as Chris placed his hand on her arm and in they instant, Miss Campbell pulled away and Chris received the hardest slap he had ever experienced across his left cheek that followed up with a swift back of the hand slap across his right.
Miss Campbell was most certainly not impressed.
“How dare you touch my suit jacket? Did I give you permission? No, I did not. You will pick up those broadsheets on the bed and lay them on the edge now,” she said firmly.
Doing as he was told, Chris picked up all the loose Wall Street Journal and New York Times broadsheets that were on the bed and placed them in a pile on the edge of the bed in front of him.
Miss Campbell then grabbed the back of his neck and pushed him forward.
“Lay on them,” she said firmly.
Chris lay his chest and abdomen into the broadsheets, and it had placed him in such a position that his legs were hanging off the edge of the bed.
Miss Campbell then forced Chris to stretch out each arm to his sides. She adjusted one of the ankle straps to restrain his right wrist, then adjusted one of the wrist straps to restrain his left wrist. His arms were stretched out like a ‘T’ and his backside was exposed. Miss Campbell then spoke.
“Well, it’s time to discipline you with a good spanking, Christopher, is that understood?” she said
“Yes, Miss Campbell, I understand fully,” Chris replied nervously.
“Well, that’s good, so let’s waste no more time,” Miss Cambell replied as she walked over to her vanity unit.
Picking up the magazines, she put one inside the other and rolled it up. She walked over to Chris and stood behind him. Chris knew what was coming. He had been here many times with Miss Lexington and after a ten second wait, the first strike arrived as the glossy cover of the magazine slapped against his butt cheeks. A second and then a third arrived swiftly after. Chris had noticed on one of the broadsheet pages that covered the bed there was a picture of a very nice-looking woman and, along with being spanked by Miss Campbell and that picture, he was becoming aroused.
Miss Campbell struck his backside with the magazine a further thirty to thirty-five times before she then firmly spoke.
“Ejaculation over broadsheet newspapers that have not been read is a serious offence when it comes to in-Home office disciplinary’s, Christopher. Oh, and it most certainly requires the appropriate, serious discipline. Do we understand?” she said loudly.
“Yes, I fully understand, and I will try to prevent it happening again, miss,” Chris replied nervously.
Miss Campbell chuckled and then spoke further.
“How did you allow so much come to spray everywhere in the first place? Can you not control yourself?” she said firmly.
Chris replied instantly.
“Miss Lexington wanked me hard and fast and as I hadn’t come for a while and I was fully aroused, there was a lot of pressure built up, causing the vast amount to spray everywhere,” he said clearly.
There was five seconds of silence before Miss Campbell spoke.
“So you are blaming your mistress?” she questioned loudly.
“Um, no I—,” Chris replied before being over spoken.
“Your mistress will be very keen to hear your reasons for the coming about of this disciplinary. She has also left me to conduct all the necessary discipline this weekend. So we shall proceed. Are we understanding, Christopher?” Miss Campbell said, loud and firm.
“Yes, miss, understood,” Chris said clearly.
There was no reply from Miss Campbell and he knew whatever he said would be turned against him for disciplinary reasons. But he secretly did like it. But what Miss Campbell had in store would make him wish he was back at Meadow View with Miss Lexington in the UK.
The female opera that had been playing non-stop was ringing a nice melody when Chris heard a draw open and shut and then, shortly after, a sting across his backside like no other. He let out a yelp as another strike pelted his backside. A further three followed. This was nothing like being spanked with a magazine. This was a serious, painful, stinging sensation that after two more strikes, he yelled out.
“Miss Campbell, what was that? Please stop. Can we return to the magazine instead? I apologise and I will try to make sure it won’t happen again,” he begged loudly.
Miss Campbell laughed and struck his backside twice more before then pouring some champagne. After taking a long sip, she climbed on the bed, placing a purple, satin covered spanking paddle in front of him.
‘Ah, that was what stung so much,’ Chris thought to himself.
Miss Campbell then climbed on to Chris, laying herself on to his back so her breasts pushed against him through her suit jacket and rested her chin on his shoulder and whispered.
“Disciplinary has already proceeded. We have to complete. You will also learn to show more respect to your mistress and myself. You can explain yourself when she calls, but for now, this will help with the sting,” she said in a hushed tone.
She kissed him on the cheek and picked up the America’s Woman’s magazine. Rolling it up, she placed it firmly at his lips and demanded he open his mouth and bite down on it and she then pushed the back of his head and his face planted into the broadsheets covering the bed. Chris braced himself as Miss Campbell picked up the spanker and climbed off the bed. She then spoke softly.
“You have Thirty strikes incoming, Christopher. If you can keep quiet for ten, then I may reduce the quantity,” she said in a nice, friendly tone.
Chris bit down on the magazine as the first strike arrived. By five he had kept quiet, but by eight he let out a grunt. Miss Campbell then spoke.
“Oh dear, did I hear something?” she questioned.
Chris shook his head slightly and made a “uh-uh” sound.
“Hmmm, let’s hope not,” Miss Cambell said, allowing him the benefit of the doubt.
The spanking continued, and Chris managed to keep quiet until he received twenty-one strikes across his backside. Miss Campbell then chuckled and climbed on his back again, whispering from behind into his left ear.
“I’m impressed, Christopher. You took your disciplinary very well. Now, shortly we will be moving on but have no worry. It is all pleasure from here on,” she said in a seductive tone, kissing his cheek once more.
Chris pushed the magazine out of his mouth and it rolled out to reveal the picture on the front cover. A nice looking, well presented brunette lady was on the cover and from the writing, he could make out her name was Christine of Carnival Cruises.
Miss Campbell then unstrapped Chris from the bed and demanded he make his way to the bathroom and shower. Doing as he was told, he walked to the bathroom and took a shower. After fifteen minutes, he got out and dried himself off, and cleaned his teeth. After finishing, he returned to the bedroom and saw that the bed had been covered in fresh broadsheets. Miss Campbell was sitting in her armchair, reading the New York Times. She then spoke.
“Ok, you have some free time to do as you please, Christopher,” she said with a smile and pointed at his clothes that were in a neat pile on the floor, next to the bed.
Chris knew from experience with Miss Lexington to be thankful and head off to use that free time before he was required again. He took his clothes and got dressed and headed out to the landing and went downstairs.
As he entered the kitchen, he grabbed a drink of coca-cola and went outside and sat on the bench in the garden. Sitting and chilling for a moment, he spent some time on his phone and looking at the trees and sky, seeing birds flying in and out of the trees. He liked these moments at Miss Lexington’s and appreciated it much more than the window and small balcony he had in his apartment. He thought about how wild this whole situation was. Very nice looking older women who he worked for using him for peculiar sexual desires and punishment for looking at girls his own sort of age. He chuckled to himself and thought about how he had no complaints at all. At that moment, he chuckled out loud. He then heard Miss Campbell question him.
“Would you like to share what is funny, Christopher?” she said from the doorway to the yard.
“Oh, Hi Miss, I was just thinking about how I didn’t know you would be conducting disciplinary on this trip and I chuckled to myself that I’m very fortunate in my mistress and yourself for the opportunities I have received here and back in the UK,” he said nervously.
Miss Campbell stared at him and then smiled before speaking.
“Well, that is nice, but your mistress will be calling in the next hour and you must be ready for her, so it’s time to come in now and prepare,” she said firmly.
Chris sat up and walked towards the house.
Once inside, he walked up the stairs and into the bedroom, that was ready for the next disciplinary to proceed. The bedroom was immaculate and tidy; Miss Campbell had covered in fresh broadsheets already, and the female opera music was playing on a continuous loop. On the vanity unit there was a fresh bottle of Champagne with glasses and a pile of broadsheets waiting to be used.
Chris knew the routine and once Miss Campbell had closed the door, poured champagne for them both and he had drank his whole glass, he undressed and climbed on the bed and awaited to be bound, wrapped and covered in broadsheets.
Miss Campbell bound him tightly to the bed and proceeded to wrap and tape his arms and legs in broadsheets. She then laid many more sheets over him and around the bed and finished preparing with a WSJ Weekend, laying the front page down on top of the sheets covering his body. His cock had throbbed to hardness and was poking out from the bottom of the broadsheet atop of him.
They then waited in silence for the phone to ring. Miss Campbell’s iPhone rang within two minutes, and she answered it on a video call.
Chris heard Miss Lexington greet Miss Campbell and ask how everything was going.
‘She sounds so posh compared to hearing only American accents,’ Chris thought to himself again.
Miss Campbell explained the full details of how the disciplinary’s had gone and Miss Campbell explained how compliant Chris had been with her, just that he dripped on her Wall Street Journal she had lay on him before she left and he had blamed the New York Times spoiling from the night before on her. Miss Lexington then asked to speak to Chris and Miss Campbell walked over to the bed and climbed on, causing the sheets to crunch and crinkle before laying next to Chris, holding the phone up so he and Miss Lexington could see each other. Miss Lexington smiled and spoke.
“Well hello, Christopher, I hear you have been behaving as I required?” she said warmly.
Chris was rather nervous, but glad to hear her voice.
“Yes, Miss, I have been doing as Miss Campbell has asked me, and fulfilling your requirements of being on my best behaviour,” he said with confidence before trying to carry on speaking.
“Also, Miss, I will explain—,” he said before being cut short by Miss Lexington using a dominant tone.
He was just about to explain that there has been a misunderstanding and Miss Lexington wasn’t the cause of the spoiling, but he was over spoken by Miss Lexington.
“You came on my New York Times. This also appears to be an issue with The Daily Telegraph back home, doesn’t it? Again, I hadn’t finished reading it. But Miss Campbell has adequately punished you. Now let’s move on. Next, you dripped on the Wall Street Journal I had covered you in for Miss Campbell? I suggest that you will spend some time kissing her shoes while receiving a spanking, Christopher, don’t you agree?” she said in a very firm tone.
Chris took a breath and spoke.
“Yes, miss, I agree,” he said in a slightly nervous tone.
Miss Lexington then continued to speak.
“Well, I must say, you certainly look ready for a regular disciplinary, Christopher. I won’t hold up Miss Campbell any longer. Hayley, dear, I would very much like to watch Christopher receive some of your discipline. I will be returning to your property late tomorrow afternoon. Shall we schedule it for, say, half-past four?” she said firmly.
Miss Campbell smiled and agreed.
‘Miss Lexington watching Miss Campbell spank me? Wow,’ Chris thought to himself, and with that thought, a nervous excitement surged through him.
To be continued.