Broken Glass

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The sound of shattering glass made him stop dead in his tracks, and in one fluid motion, he turned around to face her. His fists were clenched to his sides and she could see bitter anger flash across his face.

She looked down at her hand that just a moment ago had grabbed the fragile red vase, and thrown it against the brick wall behind him.

Finally, she had his damn attention.

“What the hell is your goddamn problem?” he spat out.

“You don’t get to fucking leave and end this discussion!” she screamed back.

Fury was coursing through her in a way she rarely allowed. She hated feeling like this, like she couldn’t control herself. But she’d rather let him see the raw anger than give him the satisfaction and show him the tears that were burning behind her dark eyes.

“What do you expect me to do?” he snarled. He was as angry and frustrated as she was.

“I expect you to stay and finish what you’ve started.” She didn’t know what she really wanted or needed, all she knew was that she didn’t want him to leave… to go be with her.

She watched him as he looked at her intently.

Letting him leave would have been the smart and sane thing to do, but when it came to him, she never did what she should. He was as bad for her as she was for him. There had always been a fierce fire between them, and she’d been scalded more than once.

Everything about them was completely wrong, but still she needed him to stay. He was the only one that could make her feel right in a world not suited for someone like her.

“Finish what?” he yelled. “There is nothing more to say, and you fucking know it.”

Through gritted teeth, she replied, “So that’s it then, you just walk out and we’re done?”

Something more than just anger clouded his eyes.

She felt deflated and enraged all at once. She wanted to hurt him like he’d hurt her over and over again, but at the same time, she needed him to wrap his familiar arms around her and just hold on forever. She needed him even though he had brought her nothing but pain.

“I don’t know what you want from me,” he said sincerely.

She didn’t know herself, and she knew she would never be able to voice the deep-rooted desire and love she felt for him.

She turned away and crossed her arms over her chest. She felt cold and alone, and the closely controlled tears were threatening to fall, but she was too tired to care. Right now, she wished he would walk away so he wouldn’t see her break into a million little pieces.

His quiet breathing was deafening in the silence of the room. She would rather he screamed at the top of his lungs. She understood that, and could deal with the anger, but the quiet indifference hurt her.

“Just leave.” Her low voice broke the silence between them.

“Make up your damn mind,” he muttered under his breath in frustration.

“Fuck you,” she snarled back. Her anger was directed as much towards herself for allowing him this power over her.

She felt his hand on her elbow and she couldn’t help but snap it back like he had just burned her.

“Don’t fucking touch me ever again.”

The tension between them was palpable and emotions were running wild as always when they were together. But this felt different. She felt insecure and infuriated. It was a dangerous combination when she was in his presence.

She watched as he struggled to keep his calm, his whole body tense and vibrating in anger. To an outsider it might seem he was controlled, but she knew better. He was unravelling before her.

He slowly walked closer and she put her palms on his chest to stop him from pushing further ahead. The soft black leather of his jacket felt comforting and the scent of him enticed her. It could still make her knees weak.

“Don’t,” she pleaded, pushing him back firmly, but it was in vain. She didn’t stand a chance against his strength.

“This is what you want, isn’t it? For me to stay here and fuck you,” he sneered, “so you can finally do to her what she did to you?”

“You bastard,” she growled, narrowing her eyes at him. “Get the hell out of my life and go back to your nasty whore.”

She gasped as he pushed her hard against the brick wall, knocking the air out of her lungs. Before she could catch her breath, he had torn open her thin blue robe, leaving her arms trapped in the soft fabric. She was naked and exposed under his ferocious grey eyes, and her body betrayed her as her nipples hardened under his gaze.

“Is that why you want me to stay, so you can fuck me while I belong to someone else?”

His words cut deep as glass.

“So you can hear about all the nasty things she will do for me?” he continued, his hands cupping her full breasts roughly, squeezing them hard.

She hated him.

The vicious darkness in his eyes scared her. There was no love, only anger, and the realization of that tore her apart.

She felt the sting in her palm before she even realized that she had slapped him hard across his cheek.

That didn’t stop him.

“You want me to fuck you like I fuck her and see if that will make me stay and choose you instead?” he hissed as he unbuckled his belt.

He let his jeans and boxers drop to the floor and bundle around his feet.

His words were like venom seeping into her soul, poisoning her… but still, a part of her needed him.

He slid his urgent hands down over her curvy hips until he grabbed her naked ass, lifting her up as she reluctantly wrapped her legs around his waist. She was aching for him as he thrust his hard cock deep inside her pussy without hesitation.

In this moment, she despised herself.

She hated that he made her feel everything so clearly and allowed her desire and need for him to consume her completely. She turned her face away from him. She didn’t want to look into his eyes, knowing he was probably thinking of her.

“Don’t you dare turn away from me now,” he growled, pushing himself deeper inside her. He grabbed her chin and forced her to watch his face as he fucked her mercilessly.

Relentless heat seared through her veins and set her blood on fire with each stroke of his cock. He filled her completely and she hated how much she needed this.

She knew that he could see in her eyes what he was making her feel, and there was no denying it. She bit down hard on her lip to prevent from moaning out his name and pleading with him to kiss her like she belonged to him.

She refused to beg.

With each vicious thrust of his cock, she felt herself give in to the agonizing hunger only he could make her feel. She embraced him deep inside her pussy, urging him to get lost in his desire for her like he used to when she was the one he craved more than his next breath.

A chaos of emotions rushed through her, and she was dangerously close to coming. Before she could stop him, he quickly pulled out of her and dropped her back on her feet. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her roughly across the room and when he reached her unmade bed, he pushed her down on her knees on the worn wooden floor as her robe slid off her arms.

She could see that his throbbing cock was coated with her wetness as he pushed it achingly close to her mouth. He started stroking himself firmly in front of her and he painted her lips with her own juices. She parted her moist lips for him, knowing what would come next.

He thrust forward, ferociously fucking her mouth. His hands grasped her dark, mussed hair and pulled her closer over his cock until she moaned and gagged.

“This is what you need from me, huh,” he grunted angrily.

She didn’t think he was talking to her anymore.

She knew the moment he was getting close, and she could taste the sweet saltiness of his pre-cum on her tongue. She couldn’t help but moan as she looked up at him through tear-streaked eyes, her hands gripping the back of his thighs.

His eyes locked with hers as he slid out of her mouth. He pulled her head back roughly and looked at her with a haunted stare. She couldn’t tell if he was feeling regret or want.

He reached down and grabbed her arms to pull her off her knees, and then quickly pushed her down on her stomach on the bed instead. Her ass lifted up in anticipation as he positioned himself between her spread legs. He startled her when he caressed her skin softly and it brought back memories of nights spent in each other’s arms with eager touches and gentle words. It shattered her to know that those times were gone.

He paused a moment and she wanted to turn her head and look at him, but she was afraid at what she might find in his eyes.

She felt the harsh sting on her ass as his palm singed her skin moments before his full length pushed inside her pussy quickly, his thighs slapping against the back of hers. His fingers gripped her hips, holding her steady as he fucked her relentlessly.

She got lost in the overwhelming sensations of what he could make her feel, both good and bad. He reached places inside her no one else could get close to. There was no stopping the onslaught of need that rushed through her body and across her skin, setting everything aflame.

She cried out his name and she reached back for his hand, and she felt the surge of power as she came. He entwined her fingers with his as his own climax ruptured inside of her.

The air was still and quiet and they didn’t move. They didn’t speak.

He let go of her hand.

She lay still, willing herself to keep quiet as the silent tears ran down her flushed face.

She closed her eyes as she felt the familiar movements of him getting off the bed. The distinctive sound of his belt as he pulled on his jeans was the only sound reverberating through the room. She couldn’t count the times he had left her bed in the middle of the night to sneak back out to her.

But this would be the last time.

There would be no comforting goodbyes or pleadings for him to stay. No more empty promises. When he walked out that door, he would be gone. He had been right, he couldn’t give her what she needed, and she could never be the one he really wanted.

The only thing he had left her with was a shattered heart and broken glass.

Published 10 years ago

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