Bridget Part Three Of Nine

"Marcus is invited to watch Bridget dance at the Treasure Chest, but gets more than he bargained for..."

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I was well aware that I had journeyed to the small, out-of-the-way village in order to work on an assignment, but I was fine with putting my job off in order to spend some time getting to know Bridget better. My business could wait as far as I was concerned because the spirited brunette before me had my full attention.

The beautiful brunette gave me a tour of the small town and we even stopped to indulge ourselves in a few fun activities along the way. There was a place where we could have our photographs taken, so she convinced me that doing so would be fun. As previously mentioned, I don’t like having my picture taken for multiple reasons, but I couldn’t turn the energetic woman down. Even though we didn’t receive the finished product right away since it had to be developed, I could tell that my newest friend eagerly anticipated how the pictures would turn out. There was no question as to how stoked she was to frame them.

We also went for a carriage ride around the village. I can honestly say that it was a total blast considering the fact that she grasped my right arm the entire time like we were an actual couple. The elderly coachman who took us down the cobblestone roads even spoke like he was from out of old times, which was actually kind of charming in its own way. He had asked if we wanted to “go for a journey on his susurrous carriage,” and when we passed some rather loud and bothersome children, he spoke about the “discordant din” coming from them. It felt like I was in a simpler time and place…and I was truly enjoying myself.

Around four o’clock that afternoon, we had an early supper at the diner as Cathy served us each one of her specially cooked burgers. I took note of how the usually grouchy lady even winked at my friend after noticing how we were spending the day together. I like to think that the old cook approved of me.

As the day unfortunately began to wind down to a close, I figured I could maybe do a little of the work I had traveled to this remote village to carry out as Bridget went about her job. I wasn’t sure if she would extend the invitation for me to stay at her place again, so I thought it would be in my best interest to maybe line up a room at the small inn she had shown me.

We ended up back at the brunette’s serene dwelling where she started getting ready for her evening job. She told me to erase the thought of renting a room since I was more than welcome to crash at her place again, so that was certainly a nice turn of events. She also told me I was more than welcome to any of the food in her fridge, and if there was anything else in her home that I needed, I could help myself to it.

I noticed that right before the sweet woman was getting ready to leave, she was in the same attire she had spent the day with me wearing. I wondered why she hadn’t changed clothes, but it dawned on me that there were probably dressing rooms at the club…and it’s not like it really mattered what she wore since most of it would be coming off. I couldn’t help but feel something akin to jealousy as the fantastic female was preparing to leave.

I stood in Bridget’s living room and can’t deny that I was checking out her cute bottom as she bent down to put her shoes on. When she stood back up and was saying her goodbyes while reaching for the doorknob, her countenance suddenly lit up as she spun around to face me and exclaimed, “Hey! I have a great idea!”

I was glad she hadn’t spotted me checking out her caboose. I stood straight and acted like I hadn’t done anything unsavory as I replied, “What is it? It must be pretty good since you seem so excited.”

“It is!” Bridget energetically called out. “I think you’ll like it, too!”

I won’t lie: Her intensity was beginning to rub off on me. “Well, don’t keep me in suspense!”

“How would you feel about coming with me to the strip club, Marcus? I could strut my stuff on stage and dedicate it to you!” The magnificent woman slyly smiled at me as she added, “And just think about it: You could take a look at my ta-tas and not feel bad about it!” She laughed after making the proclamation.

Wow. Saying that this wasn’t the best offer I had had in many years would be another fabrication of the truth. Just like the previous day, I was getting hard just from the considerate overture.

Bridget placed her hands behind her back and leaned forward a bit. “Well…? I wouldn’t have figured it’d take you more than a second or two to answer!”

“I…I would be honored to come watch you perform,” I finally answered my new friend. For someone with such a modest upbringing as myself, it felt weird to be invited along so I could see her topless, but at the same time, I realized she didn’t have much to hide since she showed her boobs off for a living. I would basically be putting a few coins in her pocket while obtaining some satisfaction myself. We would be doing each other a favor.

Bridget laughed at my response and replied, “Oh, Marcus! You sound like a frightened teenager all of a sudden! It’s not like you haven’t seen boobs before!”

Was it that obvious that her query had caught me off guard? Yes, I had seen and played and had fun with my share of breasts in the past…but I hadn’t been around any in quite some time. I knew it wasn’t like I was going to be able to touch them or anything of the like, but I wasn’t a normal frequenter of strip clubs. The only time I ever set foot in one was to obtain information…and I know this will sound abnormal coming from a perfectly red-blooded male, but I never paid attention to the dancers when I had entered them in the past. If I was strolling into one to seek out any kind of intelligence, I was strictly there to do my job.

“Come on!” Bridget motioned for me to accompany her as she looked to be growing more excited at the prospect of dancing for me. “If it means anything to you, it’s a reputable club and nothing shady ever happens! It’s not like people are having sex on stage or anything!”

“I’m not a prude, Bridget,” I reminded my friend since I had seen quite a few bizarre happenings in my life. It wasn’t like seeing a few random people break out into a sexual act was going to scar me or anything.

“Then quit acting like one!” The lovely brunette giggled as she reached for me and pulled me toward the doorway. “I promise you’ll have fun!” She paused while I put my shoes on for only a moment before adding, “Of course, you’re not allowed to ogle the other girls when I’m not on stage, okay? Just me!” She followed up her demands by laughing.

I was thrilled and nervous at the same time. I wondered how the night was going to go…


For an adult who’s claimed to have seen so much in life, I felt quite out of place.

While the club wasn’t exactly overflowing with clientele since it was a small town, I was still receiving dirty looks from most of the older men since I was walking around the dimly lit establishment with a glass of water instead of a can of beer. I didn’t mind since I knew I could hold my own against each and every person present if any brawls broke out…not that I thought any would. I’m obviously not the kind of guy who frequents bars or anything of the like, so my experience with them comes from television and movies. I’m not naïve enough to think a fight breaks out each and every night in one over such piddly things.

There was a stage at one end of the room with a long catwalk that stretched through a good portion of the vast chamber. There were circular tables set up here and there, and the lights were low in order to set the mood. A bar was situated at the opposite end of the room near the entrance to the club, and most of the men found within were fifty-plus years of age. I think the bartender was the only person closer to my age.

There were a few women with some of the men, but they also looked to be past their prime. A lot of them were sagging in certain areas, and I’m pretty sure I was the only person in the entire club who didn’t smoke. I honestly wasn’t sure how Bridget was able to work in such a place.

I suppose I make the establishment sound pretty sleazy, but in reality, it was a rather tidy place. I think since I wasn’t used to hanging around such people, I was maybe a little biased. I’m sure it comes as no surprise when I say I stuck out like a sore thumb.

As kind as the bartender was, I’m sure he was getting a little fatigued with the constant conversation I was engaging in with him. I’m fairly certain he was wondering why I wasn’t more focused on the hooters up on stage, but if I’m being perfectly honest, I had no desire to see any of them except for the two that belonged to Bridget. I had no interest in anyone but her.

It was a little past eight o’clock when I suddenly noticed something I hadn’t somehow spotted sooner. Through the haze and semidarkness, I looked toward the northeast corner of the room and saw a table sequestered away in the dark nook. As I squinted in order to see through the thick smoke, I viewed a solitary figure seated behind the table with his back to the wall. Unlike everyone else in the club, he wore a black cloak with a hood pulled over his head. It went without saying that the man set off alarms in my head and looked terribly out of place.

I turned to the bartender from the stool I sat on and pointed back toward the secluded corner with my right thumb. Referring to the suspicious man, I asked, “Ever seen that guy in here before?”

“Can’t say that I have,” the kind bartender responded. “We get all kinds, though, so he’s probably just a traveler…much like yourself.”

I caught the last line and realized I didn’t exactly have room to talk since it was my first time in the Treasure Chest also. Still, I wasn’t hiding myself under a cloak and sitting away from the club’s other patrons. Something didn’t sit well with me.

“He does have a somewhat unpleasant air about him,” the bartender told me as he picked up a mug and cleaned it off with a towel. “Maybe it’s the fact that he’s keeping his face hidden, but something about him feels…dubious.”

I didn’t want to start any trouble, but I decided it wouldn’t hurt to walk over and strike up some conversation. I wasn’t even halfway across the room when the next dancer was suddenly announced…and Bridget made her way onto the stage dressed in a red bra, red panties, and red heels that contrasted with her amethyst necklace. I shouldn’t have to say that she looked amazing and probably caused multiple erections all at once as she made her way down the catwalk. The woman clearly knew how to strut her stuff.

As much as I wanted to watch Bridget, I continued to make my way toward the mysterious man in the corner. When I finally reached his lonely section of the room, I noticed a nearby chair at another table and motioned toward it as I asked, “Mind if I join you, friend?”

I didn’t receive a verbal answer. The man looked in my direction, but it was too dark to see his face.

I grabbed the chair and brought it over to his table. “Pretty girl up there on the stage,” I pointed out the obvious as I set the piece of furniture on the opposite side of the table. I did my best to purposely block his view. “Wouldn’t mind seeing her tits,” I mentioned as I was about to sit down. I felt dirty speaking about Bridget like she was an object and not a person.

“I didn’t say you could sit there,” a voice that sounded like it emanated from the very depths decisively told me.

At least I was finally getting something out of him. I remained focused on the cloaked individual as I suddenly heard some whistling and some coins clinking onto the stage behind me. I assumed Bridget had popped her top off since she was receiving a tremendous ovation. I wanted nothing more than to turn and look, but the man before me had me on edge. I was actually worried about the safety of the others in the establishment…especially the dancer making her way down the catwalk. “Oh, I promise to not get in the way of your view,” I pledged. Even though it was a lie, I added, “I wouldn’t want to block out a beauty like…”

“What don’t you understand?” The man hissed as he made a fist and slammed it on the table. The funny thing about him was that he was probably smaller than I was. He couldn’t have been much more than five and a half feet tall, and there was no way he pushed a hundred and fifty pounds. Still, he came off as having a sinister aura about him and managed to send a chill down my spine.

Keeping my cool, I was about to fire back a response to try to calm the enigmatic figure, but I suddenly heard an angered shout followed by my name being called out. I turned around just in time to see Bridget holding an arm over her bare chest as she kicked at a man who was leaning across the walkway and trying to grab her by the right ankle.

I bolted over and placed a hand on the massive shoulder in front of me. I used every iota of my strength to spin the man around…and found myself looking into the bewildered eyes of Rutger as Bridget retreated off the catwalk and toward the backstage area. I didn’t want to get violent, but I wanted nothing more than to clock the old pervert. It seemed like no matter where Bridget went, this bastard wouldn’t leave her alone.

My reluctance to throw the first punch almost landed me in a world of hurt. Rutger hauled off with a wild right, but I managed to duck under it so I could prepare to fire back with one of my own. My larger rival was a foot taller than me, so I didn’t aim for his noggin; I sent a flurry of rights and lefts into his breadbasket in order to stun him, and once he was hunched over and trying to catch his breath, I knocked his ass out with a well-placed crescent kick to the side of his head.

Of course, the ruckus didn’t go unnoticed by everyone else in the club. Bridget’s withdrawal from the stage riled up a good number of the clientele, but the fact that I was taking down one of the town’s residents didn’t seem to sit well with the locals. I firmly believe that if the bartender hadn’t made his way out from behind the counter to act as the voice of reason, I may have been in for quite an unpleasant evening.

As it was, I was being booted out of the place and told not to return. The bartender stood between me and the mob who wanted my head on a platter, but I was more concerned about the intentions of the hooded man…who was no longer even in the establishment. I looked all over the place through the smoke and semidarkness, but I couldn’t spot him anywhere. During my bout of fisticuffs with good ol’ Rutger, the cloaked stranger had apparently slipped out of the club. That didn’t go over well with me since I clearly didn’t trust a man who would walk into a strip joint with his face shrouded by a hood.


I meandered through the empty streets with my hands in my pockets and fidgeting with the items found within. I had retrieved my belongings earlier in the day from under Bridget’s bathroom sink, so I fiddled with an earring that held great significance to me while strolling down the lonely road. I was sure that the beautiful brunette had heard news of my outburst, and I prayed that I hadn’t landed her in any kind of trouble. The last thing I wanted was for her to be reprimanded for something she didn’t have any part of. I continued to wander for a good ten minutes while thinking of the enigmatic character who had been solitarily seated in the dark corner.

Imagine my surprise when I heard a voice that had managed to sneak up behind me. “Marcus!”

I spun around and laid eyes on one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. “Bridget!” She had a long coat draped over her shoulders and was holding it closed over her chest. I could see that she apparently hadn’t put on regular clothes since the coat came down to the middle of her thighs…and her legs were bare with the exception of the heels she had worn on the stage.

The beautiful brunette let out a sigh as she rolled her eyes and made her way past me. She apparently wanted nothing to do with me at that moment.

Confusion set in as I followed Bridget and asked her, “Are you all right? I heard you call out when Rutger attacked you…”

The agitated female swung around right where we walked down the middle of the cobblestone street as she informed me, “He wasn’t attacking me, Marcus! He’s just an old letch who was trying to cop a feel just like he always does! I kick him away and he gets the message!”

I was still baffled since my friend was clearly upset with me. “But I heard you calling out my name…”

“Of course I did!” The bountiful brunette replied. “I had just ripped my top off and was hoping to get a reaction out of you since you were the only guy in the place I wanted to impress! I called out to you because I was frustrated that you weren’t even looking at me!”

Holy crap. How could I have screwed up so badly? I had been so focused on the suspicious stranger that I hadn’t even considered for one second that Bridget probably dealt with grabby customers on a nightly basis. It sickened me to think that so many raunchy old men would try touching her, but I knew the brunette well enough to understand that she could take care of herself. She hadn’t been attacked, but had simply been kicking Rutger away.

“I’m going home,” Bridget sternly told me as she turned to walk down the quiet, cobblestone road. “You’re still invited to stay with me, but in the future, use a little tact in situations like that, okay?”

I knew my gracious friend was still mad at me, but she wasn’t going to make me spend the night at the All the Way Inn. I was sure that she knew I wanted nothing more than to protect her, and knocking the sense out of Rutger couldn’t have upset her too much. I hoped we could sleep the incident off and things would go back to normal in the morning.

Like a scolded puppy dog, I followed the agitated brunette back to her house with my tail between my legs.


It had been an awkward night. Bridget allowed me to sleep next to her again, but she went straight to bed after claiming she was tired. Unfortunately, the morning was just as strained.

After waking up from a slumber that wasn’t as satisfying as the previous night’s, I realized I was alone in the bed. Judging from the sunlight filtering in through the window, it was certainly earlier in the day than it had been when I awakened the day before. When I finally stumbled off the mattress with a yawn, I saw I was certainly correct since a clock on the nightstand told me it wasn’t yet nine o’clock.

I made my way down the staircase and through the living room. As I rounded the corner and glanced into the dining room, I saw Bridget sitting alone with a bowl of oatmeal in front of her. She was slowly working on it as her eyes met mine…and then journeyed to the spot directly to her left. Even though she was still mad at me, she had a bowl sitting on the table for me along with a glass of milk.

“Good morning,” I told the beautiful brunette as I pulled the chair next to her out. I took a seat after she nodded her greeting to me and went back to her breakfast.

I’m not going to pretend that I know everything there is to know about the female of the species. Sure, I had come a long way in my time and picked up on quite a bit throughout the last fifteen years of my life, but as I dipped my spoon into the bowl in front of me and scooped out some of the oatmeal within, I could feel the tension in the room…and glancing over at the beautiful brunette to my right only confirmed my suspicions. When I met her gaze, she looked away from me…and when I’d look her way again, the same thing would happen.

She was still pissed.

I liked Bridget…I liked her a lot. It wasn’t just because of her sweetness and outgoing personality, but also because she was the kind of person we all need at least one of in our lives. She would give a stranger the shirt off her back. Hell, I had only known her for all of twenty minutes when she told me I could stay at her place, and it wasn’t like she was inviting me because she was that kind of woman. She had given me a roof over my head because she could see that I truly needed one. How many people would drop what they were doing to help a fellow human being they knew next to nothing about?

I was well aware of the awkward position I was placing the two of us in, but I suddenly set my spoon down in my bowl and glanced over at the bitter brunette. I could plainly see the grimace on her face, but I decided to brave it as I asked, “Did I do something else to upset you, Bridget?” This had to be about more than my outburst on Rutger.

My usually happy hostess shot me one of those “are you kidding me right now?” looks. She also put her spoon down and actually shoved her bowl back a few inches as she legitimately retorted, “Are you kidding me right now, Marcus?”

Uh-oh. I hadn’t been anticipating any kind of attitude. I had been around displeased females before…and it was generally never pretty. I could deal with a little agitation here and there, but I’m sure I’m not the only one who believes it helps to know why the distressed party is so upset. I thought after she had laid into me on the street the night before, the worst of it would be over. “Um…I feel that an apology is in order, so I apologize.”

Bridget glared at me with a flustered scowl on her face. “Do you even know what you’re apologizing for?”

I obviously didn’t want to lie to the angry female. “Um…not really.”

The disconcerted brunette let out a sigh as her shoulders sank. Her eyes went to the bowl of oatmeal in front of her as she moaned, “Forget it.”

I reached over and gently brushed the woman’s left arm. I could see her flinch a bit as if she wanted to pull away, but she didn’t. “No,” I sternly said. “If I upset you in some way, I want to know what I did so I won’t do it again.”

Bridget finally glanced over at me and actually looked somewhat impressed. “Really? Most guys I know would never admit to being wrong.”

“Well,” I then spoke up as I straightened myself out a bit, “I may not know what exactly it was that upset you, but I know you wouldn’t be angry with me just for the sake of being angry. If you tell me what it was that I did, maybe I can somehow make it up to you and make things right.”

Bridget appeared to be generally fascinated by my answer. She must’ve figured it was okay to come clean with her feelings because she finally said, “Last night at the club, I really wanted to impress you when I took my turn on the catwalk. I thought that when you laid eyes on my tits for the first time, you wouldn’t just like them, but you would possibly become…inspired. I wanted you to gaze upon me in awe.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Bridget was actually seeking approval…from me! This entire time she had been giving me the cold shoulder was because she was looking for a sense of validation. She wanted me to recognize her as someone sexy, and in my humble opinion, I wondered how anyone could look upon her and not find her sensationally seductive. When she had been chewing me out in the street the night before, she had actually told me as much, but it somehow managed to go right over my head that she was upset with me because I hadn’t been watching her performance. The whole time she reprimanded me, I thought it had been because I had dropped Rutger on his ass. What a boob I had been…

The beautiful brunette gazed down into her lap. “I should’ve known a man like you would be out of my league. You have all kinds of ‘big city’ girls after you…”

I reached over and grabbed Bridget’s left wrist. My hand then worked its way down until I found hers and clasped it tightly. When her eyes finally turned toward mine, I decided to speak to her in the most candid way I could think to do so. I knew I wouldn’t be offending her as I addressed her in a low voice, “Bridget, you are quite possibly the most jaw-dropping, boner-inducing, exquisitely beautiful woman I have ever seen. When I first laid eyes on you in the diner, I didn’t want to leave for fear that I’d never see you again. Then, when you invited me over here and gave me the grand tour, I was afraid I was going to make a complete fool of myself and cream my pants while you were showing me around. It should come as no surprise that when I heard you singing in the shower, well…” I let my voice trail off for fear that I would go overboard and say something that would actually upset the alluring female.

Bridget stared at me with astonishment smeared across her face. She was having a hard time digesting my confession and didn’t seem to believe me at first. “But when I was trying to get your attention last night and flash you my tits…”

“That asshole sitting in the corner had drawn my focus away from you because I caught wind that he was an outsider…and I assumed he could be dangerous.” I released the stunning brunette’s hand and sat back on my chair after telling her my short tale. My eyes left her and glanced straight ahead toward the window on the other side of the room. As I stared outside, I remembered everything that had gone down the night before as I confessed, “I came here to track down a dangerous man, Bridget. When I waited for your dance in the strip club last night, I noticed an odd, cloaked individual sitting in a corner all by himself. I’ve seen enough crackpots in my time to get the impression that the hooded guy sitting there was up to no good, so I decided to confront him and ask a few questions, but before I could find anything out, Rutger started grabbing for you and then all hell broke loose. After I knocked his ass out, I turned to see if the cloaked stranger was still there, but he had vanished through the smoke and dim lights of the club. By the time I turned to see if you were okay, you had already left the stage area. I guess you know the rest of the story from there.”

Bridget was silent for a moment as she recollected the events of the previous night. She seemed a little more upbeat than she had been a few minutes earlier, and when she finally had the courage to speak again, she decided to ask, “What do you think this hooded man was up to?”

I shook my head as I looked at the bowl of oatmeal in front of me and honestly responded, “I don’t know. But I didn’t like his look and I didn’t like the fact that the bartender told me he had never seen him before. The fact that he also seated himself in a dark corner with his back to the wall…I just felt like he was up to no good. And I think it should go without saying that since he was staring at you…”

Bridget interrupted me by letting out a laugh. When my eyes went to her and gave her a quizzical look, she announced, “Well, Marcus Veovin! If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost say that you were jealous!”

In my heart, I had wanted nothing more than to protect Bridget in case any kind of nutjob had his eyes on her for some reason. I wasn’t about to let that wonderful woman be attacked while she was shaking what I assumed to be the loveliest pair of ta-tas in these parts out on that strip club’s stage. If I had thought for one second that the cloaked man was going to try something unsavory…

Bridget continued to laugh as she reached over and gave me a playful slap on the arm. “I’m just giving you a hard time, Marcus! I know you were just being overprotective of me! After dealing with Rutger the night before, and then having to manhandle him again last night…”

“That hooded guy was different, Bridget,” I cut my gracious hostess short. “There was something truly unsettling about him. Rutger may be an old hound, but that man seated in the corner…he was an altogether different sort.”

“A ‘different sort’ that you were still protecting me from, nonetheless.”

I nodded. “Of course. I’m not about to let some faceless bastard do anything to you, Bridget. I’d never let anyone harm you…ever.”

I was honestly speaking from the heart, but I didn’t mean for my words to sound so potent. Nevertheless, they really moved Bridget. I think she may have actually had the beginnings of tears welling in the corners of her eyes, and she sniffled before mumbling, “Thank you, Marcus. You have no idea how much that means to me.”

After realizing what I had said and done, I reached over and gingerly grabbed the young woman’s wrist again. I gave it a reassuring squeeze as I told her, “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression last night, Bridget. I certainly wasn’t trying to avoid your act.” I attempted to add a little levity to the moment as I chuckled, “Hell, I was really looking forward to seeing those marvelous boobs of yours burst out of your top! If I could go back in time and knock both Rutger and that other asshole out for causing me to miss them…”

“Why not go back in time and see my boobs instead?” Bridget questioned as she also laughed and wiped away the tears before I would notice them. “Wouldn’t you rather see some titties instead of knocking the two of them out?”

I had a good laugh with the beautiful brunette since she had a magnificent sense of humor. As we reveled in the moment, I realized I hadn’t shared such an occasion with a radiant woman in years. It felt incredible to finally be back in the company of a kindhearted female who seemed to genuinely care about me and my feelings. I must say that in that exact moment, it hurt quite a bit to know that I had let Bridget down the night before when she had wanted nothing more than my approval.

And knowing that I had missed a chance to see what I knew in my heart to be two of the most glorious knockers in the history of mankind.

“Well, I guess that just gives me one more reason to despise both Rutger and that hooded man, right?” I tried to pepper my comment with some humor as I made a playful fist and added, “If I do ever see those guys again…”

“Ah, don’t let them get to you too much!” Bridget spoke up since she had finally regained her composure. “I mean, if you ever did want to actually see my tits, you know all you would have to do is ask! Hell, a guy like you…I wouldn’t even make you pay a cover charge!”

Had I been the Marcus Veovin of twenty years prior, the hint I had just been dropped would’ve gone clear over my head. This was a different time, though, and I wasn’t the same idiot I had been in my youth. I knew that Bridget wanted to show herself to me…and I’d be a damned fool to say that I didn’t want to see more of her. With the most serious look I had ever had in my eyes, I stared directly into the amber orbs of my dazzling friend and told her, “Nothing would give me more pleasure than to see them, Bridget.”

The beautiful brunette heard the sincerity in my voice, and she knew I wanted to see her revealed rack more than anything else in the world. I know my words had stroked her ego in ways she had never experienced before, and I don’t think I’m being out of line by saying that she had never been so excited to get naked for someone in her life. We had known each other less than two days, but we had a connection that predated anything in existence at this very moment in time. That may sound farfetched, but I firmly believed it as Bridget’s voice became small and she queried, “Are you…are you asking to see them, Marcus?”

I gave the marvelous brunette a warm smile and nodded once, “May I see your breasts, Bridget?”

My gracious hostess answered by reaching down and pulling her gray tank top off. She had a pink bra on underneath, and even though she was ready to remove it as well, she still wanted to tease me a little bit. She grabbed her hefty bosoms and pushed them together a few times while smiling and asking, “Do you think you’re ready for them?”

In all honesty, I probably wasn’t. As previously stated, it had been quite some time since I had been with a woman. The fact that Bridget was so damn attractive made me hard just to be around her, but to even imagine seeing those two sizable breasts breach their confinement and roam free…I think my boner would’ve struck the bottom of the table in that moment if not for my damn jeans constricting it.

I suddenly heard Bridget laughing. I realized it was because she had seen me fall into a trance-like state while staring directly at her chest. I think she was rather flattered by the fact that I was so taken with her body. Her cheeks had become a rosy shade of red since she was actually a little embarrassed.

“Holy hell, Bridget,” I mumbled as I glanced up at her eyes. “You haven’t even shown them to me yet and I think I’m harder than I’ve ever been in my life.” I reached down beneath the table with the intention of pushing my erection down, but I quickly realized my mistake when that served to make it rage all the harder. My excitement was off the charts.

Seeing what I was doing, Bridget’s enthusiasm suddenly mirrored mine as she released the hold she had on her tits and leaned forward toward me. She placed her left hand on my right arm in order to brace herself, and then she reached forward with her right as she inched closer to the bulge in my trousers. Her hand was less than an inch above it when she finally glanced up at me and asked, “Is it okay if I pet him, Marcus?”

Perspiration started to form on my forehead as I took note of the breathtaking cleavage that my gracious hostess presented me with as she bent forward. I then nodded in response to her query and exhaled, “You bet.”

Bridget left her chair and dropped to her knees at my side. I could see tangible joy on her face as she lowered her hand and stroked the snake burrowed beneath. I can’t speak for her, but I felt a wave of ecstasy overtake me the second she made contact with me. I prayed she felt something similar.

“Fuck, Marcus,” Bridget spoke in a faraway voice as she glanced up at my face. “What kind of monster do you have hidden away?”

I know my cordial friend was just trying to give me a big head. I was not a “large” man by any stretch of the imagination, but she was certainly doing her best to make me feel ten times bigger.

Bridget ran her hand over me again, and then she placed her left over it as well. I could feel it throb beneath her gentle touch as she stared directly into my eyes and asked, “Can we let him out to play?”

My heart nearly lunged out of my chest upon hearing her soft query. The fact that I didn’t splooge right on the spot was a testament to the stamina I had built up over the years. By all rights, I should have had a sticky mess in my pants, but I was able to hold it together long enough to reply, “We can, but we have to do something else first.”

I could see the puzzlement on Bridget’s face…but it wasn’t there for very long.

I placed my hands under the brunette’s arms and lifted her onto my lap. I was careful to not smash anything vital as I set her down and then placed my palms on her face. I looked her dead in the eyes as I told her, “Before we do anything like that, Bridget, I’d like to first do this.” I then placed my lips on hers and gave her the most passionate kiss I had ever given anyone. I poured my soul into it…and I was delighted to feel her return the sentiment.

Bridget’s hands appeared on my face as her tongue crept into my mouth and I tasted the sweet flavor of tangerines and honey. At this point, I was running on fumes when it came to keeping myself from bursting down below. I wasn’t sure how much longer I would last, and feeling the unchecked devotion flowing into me from my brunette compeer wouldn’t help matters. In my heart, I knew if I prematurely came, Bridget wouldn’t judge me for doing so, but something deep inside of me wanted to satisfy this female more than I had ever pleasured any other woman in my life. If she desired it, I wanted to take Bridget to an entirely new realm of existence. I wanted to take her to a place where dreams became a reality and paradise was truly attainable…

I’m not sure how long we made out as we sat there on that chair. I do know that temptation eventually overtook me, and without thinking about it, my left hand instinctively went to Bridget’s chest and groped her right breast. I gave that voluptuous tit quite the squeeze, and when I suddenly realized what I was doing, I released my hold and brought my head back ever so slightly to apologize for my indiscretion. Imagine my delight when my stunning partner grabbed my hand and placed it right back on the heaving bosom. She let out a moan and exhaled directly down my throat as I squeezed. I had never felt anything so divine.

Even though I was enjoying myself, I had to do something about my scrunched-up boner. It was screaming at me for release, and if I didn’t listen to its request soon, I was going to cause the poor guy permanent damage. As much as I didn’t want the moment to end, I placed my hands on Bridget’s sides and pulled away from her long enough to ask, “Would it be okay if we repositioned ourselves or something, Bridget? If I’m not careful, I think I’m going to break my penis!”

“We wouldn’t want that!” My gracious hostess laughed, and climbed off my lap so I could stretch out a bit. When she took note of how I was trying to “rearrange” myself, she decided to help by ordering me to slide the chair back farther away from the table. I did as she requested of me…and watched as she knelt down in front of me and began undoing my pants.

I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as I reminded her, “Hey, I thought I was supposed to see some amazing boobies? It seems like I’m getting the short end of the stick here!”

Bridget flashed me her pearly whites as she gave my pants a mild tug. “Oh, you’ll get to see them…right after I free the long end of the stick!” She pulled again and managed to get them partway down since I was hoisting myself up a bit in order to aid her endeavor. My boxers were still holding me back from complete freedom.

Once my trousers were down around my knees, Bridget gleefully skipped back up to my side and tackled her next obstacle. She grabbed the elastic band of my boxers and began to pull, but I sat back down and placed my arms at my sides in order to hold them on. I was torturing not just her, but also myself by doing so…but I truly wanted to tease my friend as I pestered her, “What about those jubblies?”

With a foxy smile spread across her face, the sultry brunette stood up and finally reached behind herself in order to unfasten her brassiere. Within seconds, she popped her top off…and my eyes fell upon two of the most glorious tits to ever grace the face of the earth.

Bridget’s breasts were one of a kind…or maybe it would make more sense to say “two of a kind.” They were quite the beauteous pair, and the hard nipples on her dark areolas looked just as excited to see me as I was to see them. I wanted to roll my tongue around them and feel the small bumps along the outer ring of color against my mouth. I wanted to suck on those incredible bosoms for the foreseeable future, and I knew I wouldn’t go hungry if I did so.

While I was distracted by Bridget’s boobs, she took full advantage and pulled my pud out, and upon doing so, her jaw dropped as she placed a hand to her mouth while staring in awe at my erect organ. When I finally took note of what was going on, I couldn’t help but laugh since she had been just as stunned by my privates as I had been by hers.

The topless babe slinked forward and wrapped a hand around my pecker. She continued to gaze upon it as she ran her fingers up and down it a few times, and when her eyes finally traveled up to mine, she still had wonder on her face as she sternly informed me, “I’m calling in sick to the diner today. We’re staying home.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her eagerness…especially when I realized she wasn’t kidding.



Published 2 years ago

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