It didn’t take long to finish cooking and the time it took for me to suck his cock just about did it.
We sat down at the table; him fully clothed and sitting adjacent to me while I sat in my g-string and unbuttoned blouse with my one leg crossed over the other, inches away from his.
“This is so good, sweetie,” I said cheerfully; complimenting him on his cooking skills.
“Thanks,” he replied bashfully, “I think I’m getting better at it.”
“You definitely are,” I replied, brushing my long, black hair away from my face before taking another fork full.
I could see his eyes dart between my lips and voluptuous breasts, smirking to myself as I knew his dirty thoughts.
“Tell me about your day, baby,” I said, leaning forward to touch his thigh.
“Well, you know that chemistry test I had last week?”
“Uh huh,” I answered.
“I got it back today, and got an 87 on it.”
“Oh my god, sweetie. I’m so proud of you!” I exclaimed, “what else?”
“Hmmm, well, you remember Eric, who went to grade school with me?” he continued.
“Teller?” I asked.
“Ya, him. Well, he broke up with his girlfriend because she wouldn’t put out.”
“Typical horny teenage boy. A lot of girls that age aren’t ready for sex,” I said, thinking back on when I was in high school. “But fortunately for you, you don’t have that problem with your girlfriend.”
He smirked. “No, you’re always ready for sex.”
“Uh huh. You have needs and urges,” I replied affirmingly, as I moved my hand towards his crotch and rubbed his inner thigh gently.
“Can I ask you a question, mom?”
“Absolutely, baby,” I replied, taking another bite of my dinner.
“Do you enjoy being a bimbo for me?”
“Of course, honey. I love it,” I replied not even hesitating. “Honestly, I find it really feminine and rewarding, especially to see all the pleasure it brings to you. It makes me feel really good.”
For him, I embraced the bimbo lifestyle with the way I dressed and acted. I made sure to look my best sexually, and submitted myself to my son’s voracious sexual appetite. It was much different than the way girls at his school acted, I’m sure, but it brought out a certain masculinity in him that I needed and we were both much happier for it, so I saw no reason to stop.
“Good,” he replied approvingly, as he leaned over and kissed my lips.
After dinner, we cleaned up the dishes and I led him by the hand over to the couch. I laid down and spread my legs as he crawled on top of me and pushed my blouse open to expose my breasts. It was dessert time for him. I turned on the TV because we normally watch the Bachelorette together and flipped to the channel while he laid his head on my chest. He was so cute, just lying there resting on my large, voluptuous breasts, like pillows.
I lightly ran my fingers through his hair and down his body, holding him in my arms as we cuddled. He had his body turned and wrapped his legs around my right leg, pressing his crotch into my inner thigh and gently grinding against it.
“Who do you think Megan is going to choose?” my son asked.
Meghan was the bachelorette – a skinny, little girl in her late-20s, with long, dirty blonde hair and a pretty face that had all the guys on the show after her. I didn’t see her appeal though.
“I don’t know,” I replied. “I kinda like Jeff, though. He seems sweet.”
Jeff was the closest looking guy to my son but I don’t know if he picked up on that.
“Ya, I like him. He seems cool.”
After a minute, I asked him, “Would you ever go for a girl like Megan?”
Honestly, I was a little anxious when I asked the question. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know the answer, but I hoped he’d say no.
“Nah,” he replied. “She’s too flat-chested. I like my women with large breasts and a butt. She just looks like a stick.”
“You like women that look like me,” I said, smirking at my sexual superiority over Megan.
“Ya. Plus, she’s kind of a bitch.” He continued. “Definitely not someone I’d consider a mommy. Not like you.”
I felt really good and validated by all of this, and rubbed his back gently.
Shortly after, he turned his attention away from the television and back towards my breasts. He gently wrapped his lips to my nipple and began slowly sucking on it. I crawled my hand up his back and lightly scratched his scalp as he started feeding.
He pressed his mouth further into my soft breast and took more of it into his eager mouth. Bobbing his head back and forth, he tugged on my stiff, pink nipples and sucked more of them deeper into his mouth. And when he couldn’t pull on any more of my nipple, he widened his hungry mouth around my expansive areolae stretched across the breadth of my large breasts and sucked firmly on it.
I tried to focus on the TV but the feeling of his lips massaging my stiff, swollen nipple and smacking off my supple breasts pulled me back as my needy vagina throbbed.
I looked down at him suckling away on my breast and scratched his head lightly to comfort him before tilting my head back and closing my eyes, focusing on him.
“Mmmmm,” I moaned gently. The tugging and sloppy, wet slurping of his lips working away on my sensitive nipples felt so good. I pushed his head deeper and he gladly obliged by suckling faster and harder; groping my other breast with his hand.
I sighed heavily and pushed my chest upwards as he wrapped his arms around my back. He had his crotch pressed firmly against my thigh and humped it slowly. I could feel his immense erection against my soft thigh and knew how horny he was. He was very adorable when he’s horny. But I felt the same. At that point, I could’ve spent the rest of the night having sex with him. Just hours of sweaty, passionate sex.
He pulled his head back with my stiff, bulging nipple caught between his lips, stretching it and pulling my breast towards him. Smacking his lips, my breast came falling back towards me, my nipple and areola lined with saliva. He wasted no time in attacking my large, voluptuous breasts again; groaning and growling as he fed; smacking his lips and sinking farther down into me.
“Aren’t we just an aggressive little tiger,” I laughed at how cute he was as he suckled my breasts and humped my leg.
My laughs turned to whines of pleasure as his mouth felt so good, and he must’ve sensed this, because he started to trail his way down my flat stomach, kissing me slowly and gently.
He found is way between my legs and kissed my inner thigh, taking his time getting to my pussy, which was soaked and throbbing for his tongue and cock. My whines turned more urgent, as I waited eagerly for him to turn his attention towards my aching pussy.
He reached for my g-string, wrapped snuggly to my taught body, and pulled it off my hips slowly. I lifted up my legs for him and felt the silky fabric slip from between my meaty butt cheeks as he dragged them down my thighs. Getting them past my ankles and over my feet, he discarded my panties like they were irrelevant; just a minor piece of wrapping to get at what he really wanted.
Instinctively, I opened my legs to him and exposed my exquisite, bald vagina for him to admire. She was a neatly presented vagina, with tight and smooth, pink lips that would make any teenage boy cum shortly after getting inside her, as my son definitely experienced his first time in me.
I looked down my body at him, waiting eagerly for his next move as he took off his shirt and pulled his sweatpants and boxers down from his waist, tossing them to the floor.
“Such a pretty pussy, mommy,” he said, inspecting my inviting honey pot.
“You like it, honey?” I asked rhetorically.
“Uh huh,” he replied, before kissing up my inner thigh and making his way towards his prize.
I could feel my heartbeat increase with anticipation as he inched his mouth closer towards my pussy. I closed my eyes to focus on his soft kisses against my supple skin and sunk further into the couch, spreading my legs wider.
I gasped and my lower body trembled as his wet tongue flattened firmly against my smooth lips and dragged itself up and over my clitoris.
He slowly sunk back down on me and kissed my clitoris gently before tugging on my damp folds with his lips; releasing them only to plunge his mouth deeper into me and take more of my pussy in his mouth.
I watched as he carefully drooled over my pussy and smothered it with his mouth; tugging and licking and kissing as I helplessly writhed under his skilled tongue. He may have been teenaged, but he got a lot of practice eating his mom’s pussy.
“Ohh,” I moaned softly, squeezing my breasts and focusing on the deliberate flicks of his tongue. I closed my eyes and arched my back, melting into the couch as he forced his tongue into my wet vagina and smothered my clitoris with his soft, wet lips.
“Mmmmmmm, baby,” I quietly cooed, “you’re so good.”
He didn’t stop to respond but kept his diligent mouth on me, working me like a good boy. I ran my fingers through his hair and scratched his scalp, encouraging him to eat my bald pussy and bring me to another mind-numbing orgasm.
I heard his lips smack gently off my swollen labia and felt as he slid two fingers slowly inside my wet vagina.
“Oh my god,” I whispered, as my head tilted back and mouth fell open.
He sealed his lips to my clitoris and gently sucked on it while probing my pussy with his fingers. I couldn’t contain my enjoyment any longer and let a whorish moan as his tongue crawled over my clitoris.
“Daddy! More, daddy!” I implored with a desperate sense of need.
My legs were as wide as they could get, with one over the top of the couch and the other dangling off the end, and my son with his face dutifully buried in my crotch with his elbows holding my legs open. If I wasn’t so loud and effusive with my moans of pleasure, I would’ve been able to hear him quietly sigh and moan his enjoyment.
He slowly pulled his sticky fingers out from my vagina and quickly darted his tongue over my clitoris while rocking my hips back and forth.
“Uh… uh… uhhh… uh,” I whined desperately.
Before I could utter another sound, he flattened his wet tongue against me and licked me slowly but firmly.
“Ohhh, Tiiiiger,” I moaned loudly, grinding my pussy against his mouth.
He flicked his tongue quickly over my aching clitoris, as I writhed naked on the couch, powerless to my son’s skilled mouth.
Pulling away from my wet, throbbing vagina, he gently kissed my inner thigh and lightly traced his finger over my leg in circles. I closed my eyes and felt his lips slowly crawl their way back towards my needy hole; teasing me after giving me a taste of his tongue.
He dragged his tongue up my wet, swollen vagina and continued kissing up my stomach before plunging his mouth down on my large, puffy nipple; sealing his lips to it and sucking vigorously.
‘Baby daddy needs to feed again,’ I thought to myself as I scratched his scalp.
He gently slid two fingers inside my pussy and lightly fingered me and rubbed my swollen lips while he suckled.
“Ohh, slide it in, baby,” I quietly moaned, fumbling to find his penis with my hand.
Our hands found each other’s and he guided me towards his throbbing, bratwurst-sized cock. I gripped it and positioned him towards the entrance to my bald, wet pussy.
“Push, baby,” I whispered to him with a desperate sense of need.
He listened and pressed his bulging purple head into me, past my dark, engorged labia, and into the warm, wet confines of my nurturing vagina. I closed my eyes and moaned gently as I felt every inch of his penis slide inside me, stretching me open.
He groaned as my wet pussy gripped his cock and dragged his foreskin back as he crawled his way deeper inside me. It always amazed me how I could sheathe every inch of his horse-cock inside me, but I could.
We kissed slowly but passionately while he grinded his pelvis against me in slow, firm circles. I quietly cooed as our lips smacked off of each other’s and our tongues flicked teasingly within each other’s mouths.
“Uhh, mommy,” he groaned softly. I could feel his young, needy penis twitching inside of me and it turned me on so much.
“That’s right, baby.” I whispered, kissing his neck and sucking on his ear lobe. “Mommy’ll give you the sex you crave.”
I knew that those underdeveloped, immature high school girls he went to school with weren’t good enough for him, and that he needed a busty, mature woman to fuck him; a woman with sex appeal and experience handling large cock such as his. He deserved the best sex a woman could give him, and I took pride in being able to give it to him regularly.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and started circling my hips under him slowly and demonstratively; making sure his cock, cradled inside my nurturing vagina, moved in large circles with me. His body sunk down, squishing my large breasts between us, and his head fell forward next to my neck. He groaned quietly as his mouth dropped open and I could feel his warm breath against my skin.
“Uhhh… uhhh,” his cute moans muffled between ragged breaths conveyed the obvious pleasure he was feeling.
I lightly scratched his head, drawing my nails over his scalp while I lifted my hips up off the couch and lowered them back down in circles. His hips ebbed and flowed with mine as my wet pussy gently massaged his cock.
He lifted his head up and looked down at me as I moved gracefully under him. We locked eyes and I felt this surge of sexual energy flow through me. I don’t know if it was the incredible feeling of his stiff cock throbbing inside me, or the innocent, desperate look in his eyes as he gazed helplessly down at me, but my heart began to flutter and I quickly closed the distance between us, locking my lips to his and slipping my tongue into his mouth.
I slowly released my legs’ grip from around his waist and let them lay beside him as I pushed my hips upwards into him and passionately ran my hands through his hair, pulling his lips deeper against mine.
He began to lightly grind against my wet, bald crotch, pulling and pushing his hips rhythmically as he traced circles over me. I couldn’t tell if the wet squelching noises were from our lips smacking off of each other’s or his thick, hard cock, slick with my pussy juices, pushing its way in and out of my hungry, aching vagina. But I didn’t care. He felt so good inside of me and I just wanted to hold him in me all night.
“Uhh, Tiger,” I quietly cooed as he kissed and sucked on my neck.
He wrapped his arms tightly around me and held me close to him as he probed and penetrated my tight, wet vagina. I whined softly in his ear and rubbed his back, holding him while we made love in the living room.
Getting more aggressive, his gentle, deep pushes became quicker, shallower thrusts. And his grunting became louder and more dominant as he took control of me.
I ran my hands down his back and slapped his firm butt cheeks, grabbing them tightly to pull him deeper inside of me. He grunted with an earnest sense of pleasure as I spanked him. I held onto his cheeks as my stallion bucked his hips harder, sharply thrusting his horse-cock deeper into me.
I could only lay helplessly under him, looking up at him with my mouth agape, breathing raggedly, as he hovered over me, one arm on each side of my warm, flush body, and his muscular body between my legs where he belonged.
“Uhhh, fuck, Barbie,” he grunted as he fucked my wet, engorged pussy.
“Uhhh… uhhh… more, baby!” I whined in response, exploring his body with my hands.
He leaned down and sunk his lips onto mine, kissing me slowly and forcefully as he pushed every inch of his cock into me and grinded firmly against me. I just wanted him to cum right there; to fill me up with his semen over, and over, and over again.
I ran my hands through his hair and lightly scratched his scalp as our lips danced together. He reached between us and began groping my tender breasts; kneading and squeezing them.
He pulled away and slowly dragged his cock out of my swollen pussy. I looked down my body and got a glimpse of his twitchy cock; glistening with my vaginal juices and a thin stringer of sticky juices connecting the bulging head of his cock to my pussy. I stared in awe at how much fluid he gets me to produce and how much of a mess I make on him.
I looked up and…