Breakfast Plans

"Teaching a friend how to make an omelet for breakfast goes awry"

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It had all started with an innocent conversation online. We were discussing how to make a good breakfast. I had mentioned that my favorite thing to make on the weekend was an omelet, which was something I had been doing for years. When working downtown in Washington DC, I happened across a cafeteria where they served fresh, hot meals one morning. They had a station where a gentleman was making omelets. As I had skipped breakfast that morning, I decided it would be a clever idea to go ahead and get one. Little did I know that his method would stick with me for the rest of my life. The omelet I was served was the best I had ever had. I went back there many times after, watching his technique and started practicing it at home. The result was something everyone I shared it with had come to love. 

My online friend had revealed that she could not make an omelet. Every attempt ended up as a scrambled mess of ingredients. This seemed a simple enough thing to fix. I offered to teach her how to make one as I made. The only question was how would we accomplish that? She did not live anywhere near me. A plan was made, a date was set. Airplane tickets were bought, and the spare room was made up. 

Her plane landed late on a Friday night. Fridays tend to be days with an early start for me, and I was already a bit tired by the time I got to the airport. The flight was delayed, and it was well past midnight when she finally came through the security checkpoint and into baggage claim. She had only provided a loose description of herself, and I was not sure what to expect. The only plan for this weekend was a nice breakfast, a movie, and some exploring of the local area. Having zero expectations, I was not prepared for what greeted me at baggage claim.   

Only one woman there came close to her description. She had only said she was 5’2” and just edging into middle age. I saw a couple of much taller women and several older gentlemen in disheveled suits picking up their luggage. There was one woman who looked to be the right height. I was a bit shocked. She was gorgeous. Her light brown hair danced around her like it had a life of its own. The light in an airport is not exactly a flattering thing, but the way it played through her hair like a lover dancing through a field was mesmerizing. It hung down her back just above her backside. Her large jacket covered her figure, but the jeans hugged her thighs and her narrow ankles. Her face tugged at my heartstrings. There were slight wrinkles at the corners of her eyes that belied her age, but if she had not told me, I would never have guessed a day over twenty-six. She was, by far, the most beautiful woman walking through the airport. She turned her back to me and bent over to pull her bag off the belt. I choked back a whistle at the gentle rounding of her thighs into an ass that cried to be grabbed and worshipped.   

She turned back around and gazed across the crowd. I wanted to get to know her better. I could feel the energy coming off her, like a palpable blessing of warmth and comfort in who she was. A small pit of doubt formed in the back of my head. There was no way a woman this incredible could be coming to meet me, some goofball online who boasted at how to make a halfway decent omelet. It was too silly to be real. If this had been a bar, I was sure she would have every eye in the place. I closed my eyes for a moment, this was too surreal to be real. When I opened them, she was looking at me. Her blue eyes captured me. There was a warmth in those eyes that reminded me of curling up before a fire, under a blanket, with a slice of warm apple pie. That image tugged at my very being. Curled under a blanket in front of a fire with her by my side, I could die a happy man. A smile played across her features, and I felt like I had just slipped into a warm bath. I smiled back. I could not stop myself. She walked towards me, and my heart skipped a beat. Was this real? Surely not.  

“Ed?” She asked. Her voice was like silk, sliding across my skin. I fought a shiver and lost. I smiled and nodded with a little too much vigor. I licked my lips and fought to find my voice.  

“Laura?” I choked out. I prayed my voice did not sound to her as it did to me. Like an over-eager teenager meeting their dream date. She smiled and nodded.  

We walked to the car in silence. We maintained a healthy gap between us. I felt pulled towards her like a moon caught in the orbit of a celestial body. Every step I took, I had to fight the urge to close that gap and pull her against me. I wanted to bury my face in her hair, to feel its silky smoothness. I managed to maintain the gap. When we got to the car, I opened the back and tossed her suitcase in. She smiled and watched with interest. I felt myself blushing and turned to the car to hide, feeling like a foolish teenager. I opened her door for her and then fought the urge to run to my door.   

The drive to my house was not long, approximately forty-five minutes. As I started the car, my mouth went dry. I had to say something, but my vocal cords fused to the insides of my throat. I choked, coughed, and tried to find my voice. She looked at me with a curious and amused expression. I hoped I was not blushing but had no way to hide it if I was. After a swig of water, I managed to get the car started and found my voice.   

“How was your flight?”  

“Long.” It was only one word, and yet, it was so much more. A shiver ran down my spine. I once again felt caught in the pull of something greater than myself. I focused my eyes on the road but could not help but glance over to see her smiling again. Amused. Gorgeous. A radiant being of beauty and something more. I turned my head back to the road. At this point, I was praying I could keep the car on the road.  

I coughed, and cleared my throat, which was dry again, “You can take a nap if you need to. We will be at my place soon.”  

She glanced out the window into the dark and nodded. “Perhaps I will.”

She leaned against the window and closed her eyes. The remainder of the drive was silent. Me trying to keep concentrated on the road, and not the goddess next to me. I gripped the wheel so tight my knuckles went white. It was all I could do to keep from reaching over and putting a hand on her, if only to confirm she was real, and not some dream I had somehow wandered into.   

She awoke as we pulled into the driveway. I got out, walked around the car, opened her door for her, and offered her a hand. She gave me a bemused smile and took my hand. When our skin touched, the world froze. It felt like she moved in slow motion, pulling herself to her feet and gazing up at me. I felt like a drowning man finding air for the first time. I felt lost in her eyes. There was nothing in the world but us, and I could die happy at that moment. Then she stepped past me and released my hand.   

The world came crashing back in. I blinked and reoriented myself. I almost stumbled and fell, but somehow managed to keep my feet. She walked over to the back of the car, smiling as she glanced over her shoulder at me. I came around her and pulled her luggage out of the car.   

As I unlocked the front door, I spoke over my shoulder, “Tomorrow is a run day for me, so I will be getting up early. You do not have to though.”  

I stepped in and held the door for her. She smiled as she stepped inside. I took her on a quick tour of the house and then showed her to her room. I stopped at the door saying, “I am going to crash out. We can have breakfast whenever you get up. Not a big deal. Feel free to sleep as long as you’d like.”  


I shut the door and went off to the master suite, prepping for bed. It still felt surreal to have her in my house. Sleeping under the same roof. The house did not feel the same. It was like some angelic being was there with me. As I crawled into bed and set the alarm, I almost expected that she would disappear when I had awoken. I lay awake for some time, listening for some sign of movement, but there was none. I hoped she was sleeping well, but my mind was racing, and I could not make myself slip off into dreamland.   

My watch started buzzing against my wrist bright and early. It seemed only moments before I had been wondering if I would ever fall asleep. Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I slipped out from under the covers and gathered up my running clothes. I did my best to stay quiet, though part of my mind argued that I was alone. There was no way the events of the night before were real. That was the dream, and this empty house was the reality. Still, I did not want to risk waking her. As I headed downstairs to get my running shoes on, I noticed the guest room door was closed. No light was on, and I heard no noise. Perhaps, I wondered, perhaps I was not dreaming. Maybe it was real. Not that it mattered now, I needed to run.   

I slipped out of the house and started stretching. Once that was complete, I left for my run. I ran for a good thirty minutes. I let the adrenaline kick in, and my muscles ache. Yet, all the while, my mind kept going over the events of the night before. It all seemed like a hazy dream-like memory.   

As I got back home and went into my cooldown routine, I debated how to proceed. The plans had been simple, breakfast followed by a movie, maybe some board games. Yet that nagging voice in the back of my mind kept telling me, it was not real. That the house was empty, as it had been the day before. I did not want that. I ached to see her again. Time would tell which was the truth. I finished my stretching routine and went back into the house. I took a deep breath as I crossed the threshold, then moved, making as little noise as I could, on the off chance that she was still here.   

I left my running shoes by the door and went upstairs. The door to the guest room was still shut. I paused in the hall and held as still as I could. Over the thunder of my heart, I heard nothing else. I went into the bathroom of the master bedroom, stripped, and got into the shower.   

After I got out, I slipped into a pair of boxers, some sweat shorts, and a loose T-shirt. Then I headed downstairs. Again, I paused in the hall outside the guest room. This time, I heard something. It was soft, only barely noticeable. My heart skipped and my mouth went dry. It was not a dream. Not wanting to seem like some kind of stalker, I headed downstairs to the kitchen. It was time to start the preparation for breakfast. Perhaps she was not fully awake yet or would rest awhile longer. I hoped that was not the case, but starting breakfast seemed the logical course of action.   

I went into the kitchen, walked around the island, and grabbed a cutting board. I placed it on the island in front of the refrigerator. Then I opened the refrigerator and grabbed two eggs, a bag of mixed cheese, a couple of sausages, and half an onion. I placed the sausage and onion on the cutting board, then opened a cupboard and got out two bowls, placing an egg in each. I went over and grabbed a small eight-inch frying pan. I placed that on the stove and turned the heat up to four out of ten. Next, I pulled a knife out of the block and went to the cutting board.   

First, I grabbed a sausage and cut it in half along the length. Then I laid those two halves down and cut them in half, lengthwise again. Then I turned them sideways and chopped them into small chunks. I grabbed the next sausage and did the same thing. Then I grabbed the onion and sliced a section of it off, about two centimeters thick. I then diced the onion.   

I turned, stepped over to the stove, and added some butter to the frying pan. While I watched it start to melt, I listened for movement. I heard soft footsteps above me. She was awake. My heart fluttered in my chest. Words escaped me. My mouth went dry. My jaw worked, but no sound came out. After a moment, I snapped back to my senses. My jaw clicked shut, and I looked at the frying pan with one eyebrow cocked upwards. Right. Breakfast.   

I opened a drawer and pulled out a spatula. I pushed the butter around, making sure it spread over the bottom of the whole pan, then I added a little bit more. It did not sizzle, but it was getting close. It would be time to add the ingredients soon.   

Just then, I heard the stairs creak. The fifth step down creaks if you step right in the middle. Off to one side, it is silent, but for some reason, the builders did not get that step right. It was something I meant to bring up after the inspection, but I forgot to mention it. My heart started to beat a drum solo in my chest. I could hear her feet padding the steps as she came down into the foyer and turned towards the kitchen. My mind went blank, and I could not think of what to say, or what to do. I felt my mouth going dry and tried to swallow and unstick my tongue from the roof of my mouth. I had not gotten myself something to drink before I started, and that now seemed like a bit of a mistake.   

Then she came around the corner into the kitchen, as I stood there transfixed. Her hair hung in gentle curls around a face that could only be described as celestial, like looking into the face of an angel or goddess. The slight crinkles at the corners of her eyes only added to her beauty. Those eyes seemed to peer from some far-off magical land and bore into my very soul. Her lips parted ever so slightly, and I wished to feel them on my skin. A large t-shirt hung over her body, hiding her form. The gentle lumps of her breasts pushed the shirt out, and it swelled over her hips. The shirt went down about mid-thigh. If she wore anything underneath, I could not tell. My body started to respond, and I tried to turn towards the stove to hide it but found that I could not move as she took a slow step towards me. Her bare feet made the smallest of noises against the kitchen floor.  

She crossed the kitchen in a slow saunter. Her hips moved from side to side. Her supple legs moved under the shirt. Her eyes bored into mine as she came up to stand in front of me. She looked behind me at the cutting board, then over to the frying pan. Then she moved a little closer, only inches away from me. Her eyes locked mine.   

“Is this for me?” Her voice was soft, just above a whisper. Yet it filled the room, I fought not to shudder.   

“Mornin’… I… Yes,“ I stammered, finding my voice. A smile played across her features, and I felt warmth and comfort. I could not help but smile back. I turned to the cutting board and gestured to what I had done.   

“I always start with the sausage and other ingredients to be added. It is important to cut them up into small pieces, so they blend in with the egg, once you add it in later. We will cook that first, once the frying pan is hot enough to sizzle the butter. For today, I am only working with sausage and onion, but you could add bell pepper, mushroom, spinach, or any other ingredients you might want to add. Using tomatoes is always risky because of the high water content. It causes the eggs to not bind as well. Regardless, you would add that stuff first, then once that has cooked down, we will add the egg.”  

I started to turn to the stove when I noticed she had closed the gap, down to less than an inch between us. As I looked down into her angelic face, she smiled again, and I could not help but smile back. I pointed with my right hand to the stove. She took a small step back, turned towards the stove, and took a step towards the stove, standing right in front of the frying pan. I stepped up behind her.  

“First we need to make sure that the frying pan is hot enough.”  

With my left hand, I reached over to the butter container and picked up the knife. I sliced a small portion of butter off the block and dropped it into the frying pan. As the butter hit the pan, she took a small step back and put her body against mine. The butter sizzled as my body responded. My pulse pounded into my ears, and my muscles went rigid. The firmness of her hips pushed against mine. My breath caught as my erection went full between her buttocks. My cock throbbed as she ground her hips against mine.   

I took a deep breath, trying to focus my mind on the task at hand. I had promised breakfast, and I would prefer not to burn the food. At the same time, I could feel shivers running down my back with the desire to take her. This incredible angel. This goddess. Her hair played across her back. Her intoxicating aroma threatened to overwhelm me. I took another shuddering deep breath.   

“Perfect,” I managed to say. Both in reference to the butter in the frying pan and the woman before me.   

I put the spatula back on the counter to the right of the stove. I took another deep breath, fighting the urge to rip her clothes from her and ravage her here and now. Instead, I took a step back, breaking contact with her. I could hear the slightest moan of disappointment slip from her lips. That sound made my heart ache.   

I turned and grabbed the cutting board. When I turned back, I gasped. She had bent over, her shirt riding up her back. Her incredible ass was exposed, except for a small strip of fabric that covered the last intimate locations. A tiny pink thong. She looked back at me over her right shoulder and in a husky voice that raised goosebumps on my arms she said, “I see your meat is ready to be… cooked.” Then she bit her lip.   

My body went rigid. My cock throbbed painfully against my clothes. My muscles twitched. I could not think of what to do. Breakfast. The only word and thought that went across my mind. My fingers twitched, and I nearly dropped the cutting board. Every fiber of my being called out in protest. I wanted her. Oh god, I wanted her.  

Yet, what I did next confounded me. I stepped around to her left and placed the cutting board on the counter. I grabbed the spatula and scrapped the contents of the cutting board into the frying pan.   

“Next, we want to make sure everything cooks as evenly as possible. The onion will need to soften in the butter and heat. We want the sausage ever so slightly browned.” I took the spatula and pushed the contents of the frying pan around, smoothing it so it would all get some heat. Then I tapped it against the side of the frying pan, knocking off the bits of onion that had stuck to it.  

I turned my head and looked down at her. She was still bent over, a tiny bit of shock played across her features. Then she pouted at me. Her luscious lips protruded just a bit to show her displeasure. She stood up, shook her hair, and stepped up close to me. I could smell the sweetness of her breath, the scent of her hair. The intoxicating aroma of her. I could not pull my eyes from hers. I could not blink or say anything. I was locked in the moment, frozen.   

With her eyes locked on mine, her hands found my cock. Which throbbed at her touch. She ran her hands along it, feeling the length of it. Then she cupped my balls and squeezed them through the fabric. I could not breathe. My muscles seized. Then she let go, and I could breathe again. There was a hunger in her eyes that had nothing to do with breakfast. I could see it. I wanted it. My soul cried out for it. And yet…  

I took the smallest of steps back, and turned to the island, picking up the bowl with the whipped egg in it. This time I could hear the audible click of her teeth in frustration. Not what I wanted. What kind of idiot am I? In the back of my head, I knew this was a mistake. Focusing on breakfast instead of this goddess who very obviously wanted something from me other than the food I was trying to prepare. Yet my actions seemed locked to a course, like a train on rails that I seemed incapable of derailing.   

With the bowl in hand, I turned back towards the stove. This time, she was on her knees, her back to the stove. The grin on her face was mischievous and hungry. The light in her eyes stopped me in my tracks. I swallowed, trying to find my voice, and failing. I tried to step sideways, but her hands moved up and grabbed my shorts, pulling them down to my ankles. My cock thumped hard against my shirt. Erect, and throbbing. I stood there, in a near stupor as she wrapped her fingers around my manhood. Her grip was tight, but the contact made me shudder.  She looked up at me, smiled, and purred, “This is the meat I’ve been wanting. It looks ready to eat, can we just skip to the main course?”  

My eyes went a little wild. I wanted to nod, to scream my acceptance. Yes, this is what I want. This and everything that comes after. My muscles protested and twitched. Every bit of my internal struggle, she could feel. I placed the bowl back on the counter and tried to back up from her. Her grip tightened, and I froze. My eyes slipped closed. It was too much to bear. I opened my eyes and looked over to the frying pan, then the eggs, then back down at her. She winked as she flicked the tip of her tongue across the head of my throbbing erection. The contact was more than I could bear. My eyes shut, and my head rolled back. I opened my eyes wide and stared up at the ceiling as she nibbled and sucked at the tender skin of my penis.   

Then I looked down at her as she put all of it into her mouth, and down her throat. I spasmed and twitched. The pleasure washed away everything. She pulled her teeth across the shaft as she sucked and pulled on it. Then she rocked her head back and forth, plunging my cock down her throat, then out and back down again. I clenched my teeth, fighting the sudden orgasmic rush. As if sensing she might have pushed me too far, she released it, and looked up again at me, locking eyes with me.   

Then she winked, her hands squeezing the shaft of my cock and pulling it into her mouth. Her lips closed gently on the head of my penis, as she slipped it into her mouth. She sucked hard, as she pulled her hands up and down the shaft. I blinked hard to keep my eyes open, the sensations washing over me were more than I was prepared for. I reached over and pushed the frying pan off the stove and turned the burner off. As I did that, she slid my cock down her throat until her lips kissed my groin. Her hands cupped my balls. I shut my eyes, and let the ecstasy wash over me.   

She pulled her head back and grabbed my cock again as she sucked hard on the head, while her other hand cupped my balls, squeezing them. I felt every muscle in my body starting to tense. Waves of ecstasy washed over me. I kept my eyes closed and focused on the feel of her. Those soft hands, her mouth, the slight graze of teeth, and the suction.   

Then it hit me. My back arched. I stood up on the tips of my toes. Every muscle went taught. The climax smashed through my senses like a tidal wave. Through it, she held on. I could feel her sucking down my cum, causing my body to twitch and spasm. My breath was ragged, like I had just run a 100-meter dash. As my manhood started to soften, she swirled her tongue around it, keeping it in her mouth, and continuing to drain every bit that slipped out.   

As my limp cock slipped out of her mouth, she looked up at me, licked her lips, and smiled.   

I squatted down in front of her, looking her in the eyes as I reached behind her and grabbed her firmly by the ass. I could not help but close my eyes as I made skin contact with her tantalizing flesh. Then I stood, pulling her against me. I could feel her sudden intake of air in surprise as I turned and placed her on the counter. I stepped free of my clothes, kicking them from my feet. Then I leaned forward against her, giving her a brief kiss on the lips. As I pulled back, I slid my hands up to her waist, grabbed the edges of her thong and pulled it down her legs. As it came over her amazing thighs, I pulled them up in front of me, kissing the insides of her calves. I tossed her thong to the far side of the island, pulled off my shirt, dropped it to the floor, and then with gentle, but firm pressure, I spread her legs.   

I started at her left ankle, with a soft kiss over the sublime skin. Then I grazed it with my teeth, sliding down over her calf. I paused just below her knee and placed another gentle kiss. Then I nibbled the inside of her knee and worked up her thigh. Gentle nips of teeth and soft kisses until I got to her groin. The taste of her skin sent chills down my back. The sweetness of it was intoxicating.   

I gazed up at her incredible body, across her smooth exposed stomach to her face. She was biting her lip while grabbing her perfect breasts under her shirt as I lowered my face into her perfection. With one hand on her thigh, I used the other to part her lips and flick a tongue across the lower half of her vagina. I circled the hole, and up to her clitoris which I flicked with my tongue. Then I brought my mouth down on top of it, sucking on it, pulling it into my mouth, and twirling my tongue around it. Then I moved lower, slipping my tongue inside of her to taste her sweetness. I stuck my tongue as deep as I could, then drew down along the length of her. Then I put my right thumb across the top of her clitoris, applying gentle pressure as I licked the length of her. I placed my hand on top of her mound and slid my thumb down inside of her as I licked the insides of her lips. Then I pulled my thumb up and swirled it around her clitoris as I once again plunged my tongue as deep as I could.   

Then I moved upwards, dragging my tongue across her clitoris and up over the top of her mound. I kissed the soft flesh of her stomach and worked upwards, dragging my tongue, and nibbling and kissing her. As I reached up to her breasts, she moved her hands. I cupped her right breast in my left hand as I flicked my tongue across her left nipple. Then I closed my mouth down on her breast and licked and sucked on her breast. My body shuddered with joy at it. Then I moved over to her right breast and did the same. When I had finished with that, I placed my hands on the counter on either side of her and raised myself upright. I grabbed the sides of her shirt and pulled it over her head. That too, I tossed across the island.  

Then I placed my right hand on her mound, spreading her lips with my fingers, and slipping my index finger inside of her as I leaned across her. I kissed her collarbone as she moaned, then kissed her neck. 

Her hands gripped the edges of the island as I moved down her body and placed my mouth over her again. I placed my left hand on her stomach, and my right hand I placed between her legs. I slipped my thumb inside of her, and my fingers around her asshole. I circled it with my fingertips, pulling the moisture leaking from her vagina down and around, then slipped one finger in as I licked her clitoris. I slipped my tongue inside her lips as my thumb pulled down inside of her, and my index finger slipped deeper into her ass.   

“Oh god,” she shuddered, her breath ragged as I flicked my tongue faster around the insides of her. Then I pulled my fingers out of her and ran my tongue down from her lips to her ass and ran it around the edge. Then I pushed my tongue inside her ass. I prodded around, then withdrew. Then I ran my tongue inside her lips again and up to her clitoris. As I came up above her clitoris and kissed her groin, I slipped another finger into her ass.  

Her legs shuddered as I flicked her clitoris with my left thumb and ran my tongue around the edges of her vagina. Then I pushed my tongue as deeply into her as I could, while fingering her ass, and rubbing across her clitoris. I could feel her arching against me as her legs twitched. I moved up a little bit higher and sucked on her clitoris, my left hand holding her thigh as she quivered and shook.  

I stood up and looked down at her. Sweat beaded her brow, and her eyes were wild. Her knuckles were white with the force she gripped the edges of the island with. Her chest heaved with heavy breaths, causing her gorgeous, incredible breasts to rock back and forth. She reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards her with surprising force.  

“Get that meat in there and scramble my eggs!” Her voice was ragged with anticipation and need.  

I cocked an eyebrow and replied, “I thought we were making an omelet.”  

“I told you my eggs always end up scrambled!” She pulled me against her, her legs wrapping around me. My cock, growing hard again, throbbing as it thumped against her groin.  

“Indeed, you did.”  

I pulled back against her legs just enough to get my hand in and slide my cock down along her. The head of it rubbed over her clitoris, and then between her lips, teasing across the entrance to her vagina. I could hear her growl, a soft guttural sound of need and want. I slipped the tip inside her lips and moved it around her opening, then teased, placing only the tip of the head in and paused.   

I looked down at her. She was biting her lip, and her eyes bored into mine. I could see the need and desire etched across her beautiful features. I placed my hands on either side of her and lowered myself down to kiss her. She opened her mouth and her tongue lashed at mine. A battle played out in our mouths. Fierce, fiery, filled with need and desire. Then I slid deeper into her, and her back arched, her head rolled back, and our mouths parted as she cried out.   

Her arms wrapped around my back, pulling me towards her. Her nails dug into my skin. It hurt, but it hurt good. Pleasure and pain wrapped together. Sensual pain. More than my senses could handle.  

“More,” she urged raggedly, “I want it all.”  

I complied and slid my throbbing cock fully inside her. Then I put my elbows down along her sides, and put my hands on her shoulders, pulling her against me. I pushed as hard as I could, as she cried out again in my ear. I ground my hips against hers. Savoring the sweet tightness of her vagina. Her arms pulled me against her, her breasts pressed against my chest. I kissed her neck, then put my teeth across her skin as I slid my cock partially out of her. She exhaled sharply as I slid back in and dug my teeth into her with a little more force.   

Then I moved my head to the other side of her neck and did the same. A slight withdrawal, followed by teeth, and sliding home again. Then I stood up straight, dragging my hands along her sides. I rocked my hips in slow motion, pumping my cock in and out of her as I ran my hands over her incredible ass. Then I grasped her legs and pulled them off my back. I pulled them around to my front, clasping them together, and extended them against my chest. I nibbled the backs of her calves as I continued to pump in and out of her.  

A slow rhythm started to develop between us. I would thrust and pull her thighs against my stomach, while she rocked her hips against me. I tried to stay focused on her, but I could feel the pressure building. I raked her calves with teeth, sucked on the sides of her legs, while the pressure continued to build. My mind started to cloud over, and I knew I would not last much longer. I was not ready to embrace that yet.   

I took a step back, sliding free of her. She groaned and sat up, looking at me. Her desire was painted across her face, but her half-smile made me think she understood. I hoped she did. Placing my hands on her thighs, I spread her legs, leaned in, and ran my tongue the length of her lips, from top to bottom. I could hear her contented sigh as she lay back down. I ran my fingers across her clit, then down between her lips. I slipped two fingers just inside her vagina, then slid them down to her ass. While I licked the top of her clit, I ran my fingers around her asshole. As I sucked on her clitoris, I slipped one finger into her ass, then another. I placed my index and pinky fingers on either side of her asshole, spreading it just a hair, while I slipped my ring and middle fingers inside her. I ran my tongue inside her lips again, then up to her clitoris again. She moaned as I fingered her.  

I continued this for a few moments, allowing my body to relax back to a state that was not as ready to climax as before. Then I raised myself and ran my tongue up her groin to her bellybutton. I circled it twice, dipping my tongue in at the end, then dragged it up her stomach to her breasts. As I leaned forward into her, my cock bumped against her groin.   

As I suckled and kissed her magnificent breasts, I used my right hand to slip the head of my cock against her clitoris, and down inside her lips. I pushed the tip just inside her vagina, then slid it down lower. I stood back up and did a slow circle around her asshole with the head of my cock. She bit her lip, looking up at me with a slow nod.   

“Please,” she whispered.   

My heart raced as the very tip of my cock started to push against the opening of her ass. I pulled it back and slid up through her lips again, then back down around her asshole again. She growled, then smiled as I brought it back down and pushed against her ass again. With my heart thundering in my chest, I applied slow pressure, just letting the tip start to slip in. I stopped and she groaned. I pushed a hair deeper, as the air hissed through her lips.   

Then, the head of my throbbing cock slipped in. I stopped. Her eyes flashed at me. I started to pull back, and she shook her head. I placed my right hand on top of her mound, slipping my thumb over her clitoris. I ran my finger over it, gently, as I slid another half-inch of my cock inside her. I looked at her face, there was a brief flash of pain across her face, then a smile, and a nod. I pulled back out that half inch, but no further. She took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and nodded. I slid that half-inch back in and pushed the rest of it inside her.   

The pressure and intensity of it made my eyes water. My mind threatened to break loose, and the dam of self-control I had formed started to spring leaks. I pushed it all from my mind and focused on her. I slipped my thumb inside her lips and inside her vagina. My fingers ran over her clitoris, gently, a soft caress of skin across her. I watched her face as I slid my cock back out the length I had pushed in, but I did not let the head of it come out. That first ridge, I kept in. Then I slowly pushed it back in, this time an inch further than the last.   

I continued the same process. Gentle stimulation, withdraw up to the edge, then a slow insertion plus a little more than the time before. Inch by inch, I worked until my groin thumped against her buttocks. Then I stopped, with my groin pushed firmly against her, the entirety of my cock deep in her bowels. The intensity of it, the pressure, the pleasure. I slowed my breathing, keeping my heart from racing. The twitching in my muscles slowed. I moved my arms up to her sides and leaned down against her. I kissed her breasts, licked her nipples, and kissed her neck. Her breathing had slowed, and she was relaxing. Sweat still beaded her brow, her eyes were a little wide, but she licked her lips and smiled. I kissed her softly on the lips, then kissed her jaw, under her ear, and then her neck.  

“Thank you,” she whispered into my ear, her voice husky, but content. Then she rocked her hips against mine, pushing against me, driving me a little deeper.   

“Of course,” I whispered into her collarbone as I gave it a soft kiss. Then I braced my hands on the counter and raised myself. I looked down into the beautiful face of this angel of desire and beauty. Her hair was splayed across the island. I gazed down at her body. Those incredible breasts. Her perfect stomach. Her groin. Those moist lips. That ass. That incredible ass, with my cock fully inserted into it. Those incredible legs. I slid my hands along her sides and grabbed her thighs as I slid half of my cock out of her. Then I slid it back in. This time, she rocked her hips to meet me halfway.   

We started to build a slow rhythm. I pulled one leg against my chest and nipped at her calf while our hips met. I squeezed her thigh with my hands as I dug my teeth into her leg, a gentle massage of teeth. I released her leg, pushed it back to the counter, and grabbed the other to do the same. While I did this, she massaged her clit, rubbing vigorously, with one hand, the other grasping her chest. All the while, my dick slid in and out of her ass.   

Then her breath started to become ragged, I could feel her pulse quickening. My heart thudded in time, my body tensing. The pressure on my manhood was too much to bear. I could feel an avalanche of intensity building like a tsunami about to break upon us. I slowed my breath, breathing deep into my gut. I pushed down on her stomach with one hand, squeezing her thigh with the other. The avalanche staved off a hair, though I could feel her tensing against me, her climax already past the point of no return.   

I continued to maintain pace as best I could, while not allowing myself to explode. I pumped my rock-hard cock in and out of her ass, savoring the tightness, the pressure, the ecstasy, but did not let it overwhelm her. I focused my attention on her. I took one hand and rubbed my thumb over her clit while I dipped my fingers between her lips, pushing inside into the sweet warm moistness. She grabbed her breasts with both hands, her knuckles going white.   

Then she started to twitch, and spasm, her breath exploding out of her in a rush. Her eyes jumped around the room like a frightened wild animal, then locked onto mine. I continued to pump into her, trying to time it with her spasms, but failing. Her movements were erratic and uncontrolled. Her legs kicked and twitched and spasmed.   

Her breath started to normalize, and she reached for me. I slid my cock home, my groin pushing firmly against her buttocks as I leaned over her and kissed her, our tongues twisting around each other. Then we broke apart, breathless. I kissed her jaw, her cheek, her earlobes, her neck, and her collarbone. Each a little more fiercely than the last. Then I opened my mouth and closed it on the side of her throat. I licked and ground my teeth into her neck as I slowly rocked my hips, withdrawing half my cock from her ass, and sliding it back home again.   

As my groin thumped hard against her, she exhaled sharply. I released my teeth from her neck and stood up straight as I thumped against her hard again. She inhaled as I pulled back and exhaled hard as I slammed home a little harder. She reached down and gripped the edge of the counter, pulling herself towards me as I withdrew, and pushed hard into her again.   

“Harder” she pleaded, her voice a soft whisper, but full of longing. The skin on my arms prickled. My heart quickened. I wanted to please this goddess. Her skin glistened with sweat, half glowing in the light. Her blue eyes were full of such depth, I wanted to drown in them to please her. She bit her lip as I obliged her request.   

We found our rhythm. Moving in time with one another. Breathing in sync. Our bodies collided with world-shattering force. The house vanished around us. Breakfast was long forgotten. The only thing in the universe was her. That incredible body. Her bouncing breasts. Those firm thighs pushed against me. Her white knuckles were on the edge of the counter. Her cries of pleasure. I placed a hand on top of her mound, slipping my fingers around her clitoris, rubbing back and forth, urging her to climax.  

We moved in time. Harder. Faster. My cock slammed into her ass. Filling her bowels. She clenched around me. So tight. So sweet. The avalanche came out of nowhere. It washed over me before I knew what was happening. Our rhythm broke. She cried out. Her body twitched and spasmed, my own doing the same. Every muscle in my body clenched as I came in her. I continued to try to pump my throbbing cock inside her. When my muscles would no longer obey, I leaned over her and rested my body against hers.   

Her breath was hot in my ear, but her contented purr filled me with joy. I could no longer move, but I could have died there a happy man. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her against me while she wrapped her arms around me. We kissed again, in a tender embrace and basked in the afterglow. Then I released her and stood on shaky legs. My softening cock slipped from her ass, and she groaned but smiled at me.   

I clasped her hand and helped her slide off the island. Her knees buckled as her feet hit the floor. I caught her in my arms and held her while she got her feet under her and straightened her legs. She smiled and pulled me into an embrace. We kissed again. I reached over and grabbed her shirt, handing it to her. Her thong was on the far side of the island, out of reach. I looked at it. She followed my gaze and giggled. I shrugged and she patted me on the stomach, shaking her head.   

Then she stepped out of my arms, slinging her shirt over one shoulder, and walked to the end of the island. She picked up her thong and held it in her hand. She shook out her hair, letting it sway back and forth across her back, dancing over her incredible ass. I bent down and picked up my clothes. Then she looked over her shoulder and met my eyes. She looked at me up and down, biting her lip.   

“I think I need a shower. Care to show me where it is?”  

I stumbled forward, taking her outstretched hand, “Of course.”  

Her hand was warm in mine as I led her back up the stairs. My arms broke out in goosebumps again at the softness of her touch. Her skin on mine caused my heart to beat a little faster. My manhood started to stiffen again.   

“Perhaps after, we can finish making breakfast?” I asked.  

“Perhaps…” she purred. 

Published 7 months ago

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