Boys Of Summer #15: Benched

"Don’t put me in, Coach. I want to stay on the bench."

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I took Bo to the first basketball game of the year a week or so before Thanksgiving.

He wasn’t very enthusiastic about going until I promised we’d end up at the gym where I work.

Then he saw some of the players.

“I didn’t know basketball players were this built,” he said as he watched both teams move up and down the court. “Why aren’t they bouncing around more in those loose shorts?”

“Bo, you know they wear jock straps to keep themselves from bouncing around,” I reminded him. “And even if they didn’t, you wouldn’t see much movement in those long, loose shorts.”

“I wish they bounced around more,” he said. “I wish I could watch you bounce around. I love seeing you bounce and swing.”

“I bounce around quite a bit with my ball rings and cock ring on. What more do you want?”

“I miss the days by the pool,” he said, “watching you walk around the pool, dive in, bounce around as you climbed out.”

“You’ve got a long wait to get back to summer days by the pool,” I told him.

“I’d love to see how you bounce around when you’re dancing. We haven’t danced in a long time.”

“The last time we were at a dance was last year at the Spring Dance,” I reminded him. “And, we weren’t wearing any kind of rings back then or even a couple yet. And, even if we were, we have to wear pants in public.”

“I want to watch you dance again.”

“Again?” I asked.

“I watched every move you made at every dance we’ve been to since we met,” Bo admitted. “I like watching you move, Daddy.”

“Well, they didn’t have a fall dance this year,” I said. “I suppose we could go to Junior Prom together.”

“Yes! I’d love to go to the prom with my boyfriend,” he exclaimed.

“Well, that’s about six months away, too. We’ll probably be able to get in the pool by then,” I said. “You’ll just have to wait. Besides, I will have to wear pants. You aren’t going to see much bouncing.”

“You’ll just have to dance for me in private then.”

“That sounds like something Daddy should be saying to his boy,” I said.

“I didn’t say you had to dance alone.”

After the game, I drove straight to the gym where I worked. It was a Thursday night. But, …..

In less than two minutes, we were naked and I was screwing down the stainless steel ball ring Bo liked on me so much. It prevented my sac from pulling up into my torso as my balls cooled down and weighed them down enough to encourage a generous swing with every step.

Bo loved how it made my balls look and swing. I loved the feeling, as well.

We bathed each other in the shower and made out until we were breathless and our cocks were stiff between our tightly pressed bodies.

“I want to ride you on the bench in the locker room, Daddy,” Bo breathed.

“You can ride me anywhere you want.”

I turned off the water, grabbed his hand and led him to the locker room.

We barely took time to dry off before Bo pushed a syringe filled with lube into his ass and I lay back on the bench in front of my locker.

Bo straddled me and leaned down to push his tongue into my mouth. We kissed for several minutes, reinforcing both our throbbing erections.

When he pulled away from me, Bo lifted his left leg and spun around to show me his round ass.

His brown cock and balls fell on to my face when he bent down to lick and suck my stiff cock. I rubbed up his thighs and over his cheeks as he throated me several times.

When he released my cock, Bo stepped forward and positioned his tight, slick hole over my cock head.

I watched him slowly lower himself on to me, spreading his wrinkled hole with my swollen meat.

He leaned forward to hold himself up on the bench between my legs, giving me a perfect porn-movie view of my cock pressing against and into his spread ass cheeks.

He moved slowly, carefully only until my head plopped through his tight sphincter. Then he dropped all his weight down onto my hips, burying my cock deep inside his body.

“God! Bo!” I cried out. “This is amazing! Fuck me, Bo-Bo!”

He remained bent down on the bench allowing his ass to spread wide facing me. I had a front-row view of my cock sliding in and out of my boyfriend’s ass hole, a view I’d never quite had before. It was arousing and intoxicating.

I couldn’t stop watching Bo fuck me as he bounced on me over and over.

He built speed and intensity every few seconds. We both grunted loudly in our ecstasy as he pounded my groin with his ass.

“Daddy!” was all Bo yelled out the entire time.

He kept going for longer than we’d ever fucked before. I couldn’t believe I was lasting so long. Usually, Bo’s tight hole stroked me to a violent orgasm in less than three minutes.

This time, I couldn’t get enough of his tight strokes, gliding up and down my stiff shaft.

I alternated my hands from squeezing Bo’s bouncing hips to scratching up and down his olive back. I wished I could hold his cock or his balls.

I couldn’t reach his shoulders, or I would have held him down tight so I could fill his ass and let him feel how wildly my meat was throbbing.

In a few seconds, my abs began to convulse and my ass cheeks clenched as my own sphincter constricted over and over.

I began meeting Bo’s downward strokes with upward thrusts of my own.

“Bo-Bo!” I panted just as I thrust as hard and high as I could to force as much of my cock inside my boyfriend as possible. He ground down on me at the same instant.

I felt a violent gush explode from my cock head and fill Bo – and surround me – with my hot goo. It pulsed over and over as we both gasped for air.

“Bo!” I was breathless as my pulsations subsided. “I love you, Bo-Bo!”

“I love you, Daddy!” he replied, leaning down to kiss my legs as he panted.

I could feel his sphincter still contracting over and over around my dying cock as my sperm leaked slowly down my shaft and balls.

A few seconds later, Bo slowly lifted up off me. The feeling of my cock head being suddenly forced through his sphincter made us both jump and gasp. The sensation squeezed a last thick burst of semen through my shaft.

Bo immediately spun around and straddled me again, facing me this time. I could see my slick, cum-covered cock limp just beneath his retracted balls.

The look on his face was lustful, animalistic. His chest was heaving at least as badly as mine as he took the few steps up along my body stretched out on the bench.

Before I realized what he was doing, his fat cock was pressed against my parched lips.

I was dry from my own heavy breathing. But I instantly licked my lips and pushed my tongue out to welcome my boyfriend’s brown glans.

As Bo lowered his cock into my waiting mouth, he fell down onto the bench, holding himself up with his hands above my head. He had positioned his groin perfectly over my mouth.

At first, his slick meat moved slowly through my mouth to my waiting throat. We both moaned at the sensation.

Then he pulled back slowly, sensuously.

I held suction on him the whole time he was in my mouth and I kept my tongue firm on the underside of his fat meat.

I was expecting him to make love to my mouth the way we’d both done so many times before.

But, after three or four long, slow thrusts, Bo sped up and began pumping his cock into my head furiously, fucking my face as violently as he had just fucked my cock.

As I kept my mouth open just right, I positioned my tongue to keep pressure against the underside of Bo’s stiff meat. I felt his balls bang against my chin over and over until he finally tensed up and ground his pubic hair against my teeth.

I sucked as hard as I could and began a hard swallowing motion in the back of my throat. I could feel his pulse through his fat cock in my mouth.

Within a second or two his hot, thin cum exploded against the back of my throat and my swallowing motion finally had something to swallow.

I had been caressing his thighs and buttocks up and down with my hands the whole time he fucked my face. As he came inside me, I squeezed his cheeks tight and pulled him closer and deeper.

Bo gasped for air and I moaned against his cock head as he sprayed my neck full of sperm and semen.

Finally, he was still, holding himself up on the bench, leaning on his elbows, his torso over my head.

I continued sucking his dying cock as we both heaved, gasping for air.

“Daddy,” Bo breathed. It was barely a whisper.

I slid my hands up and then down his back, moaning my reply.

Finally, minutes later, as his cock shrank to its normal size, Bo straightened and lifted up off my face.

While straddling me on the bench, he leaned down and kissed me deeply, our tongues meeting and caressing each other lovingly.

After we both had showered again, we fell into a naked, wet hug alternately kissing each other’s shoulder.

“God! I’m glad we met each other,” I said into his neck.

“I love you so much, Daddy!” Bo breathed into my ear.

“God, that was good last night, Bo,” I admitted when he got in the Jeep the next morning. “Doing it on the bench was special.”

“Yeah. I could get real deep and pound you good,” he said.

“You pounded my face pretty good, too.”

“We need to remember that position.”

“I won’t let you forget it.”

The next week was Thanksgiving and, of course, I was invited to Bo’s family dinner and he was invited to mine.

My family decided on lunch since it was just the four of us.

So, after eating and spending some time with my parents that afternoon, Bo and I took my Jeep the two blocks to his house to find Bobby’s car in the driveway.

After another large dinner and catching up with Bobby and his friend Michael, Bo and I helped his mother with the dishes while Bobby and Michael and his father watched whichever college football game was on at the time.

Mrs. Anderson thanked us profusely for our help. After ensuring that we weren’t planning on leaving the house, she let us take a couple beers upstairs with permission to get a couple more later.

“So long as you don’t overdo it,” she said. “I don’t want either of you getting sick. But I know the rest of us are going to have a few drinks. There’s no reason you two shouldn’t be able to join in.”

Then it was our turn to thank her profusely.

We quickly stripped to nothing but cock rings and my ball ring before settling down to watch a horror movie on Bo’s TV while we drank our beer. We each let a hand rest on our boyfriend’s thigh as we sat cross-legged on the floor.

It was then I noticed the mere feeling of Bo’s hand on my thigh no longer caused my cock to begin to grow. Close observation showed the same was true for Bo.

I decided that meant we were maturing in our relationship. We were moving beyond the stage where everything was sexual or led to sex. Maybe we really were in love.

We didn’t have school the next day, so it was just assumed I would be spending the night. As usual, I had a bag with a change of clothes and other necessities for an overnight stay.

After a while, Bo slipped on a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt to go downstairs for more beer.

He left the door open and Michael happened to walk by, seeing me naked on the floor.

“Hey, Bud. How’re you doing?” he asked, stopping in the doorway.

“I’m good, Michael. It’s good to see you again,” I said as I began to get up from the floor.

“Whoa! What’s that chrome you’re wearing?” His eyes were glued to my groin.

“Oh, I’ve been trying out a ball ring for about a month now,” I said, looking down at myself.

It was impossible to miss. My leather cock ring forced my shaft and balls out in front of my thighs a bit. And the heavy chrome ring gleamed in the light as it weighed my loose balls down.

“Good God! You just keep finding ways of being hot, Bro!” he said, still staring. “That’s amazing!”

“Thanks. I like it a lot,” I said, feeling myself blush a little. “I wish I could figure out how to wear it all the time.”

“How’re you and Bo doing, Man?” he asked. “Are you figuring things out? You still working on getting to – uh – y’know, the whole nine yards – or maybe nine inches in your case?”

“What –? Oh! You mean –?” I looked down at his skinny-jean covered groin. “Yeah, we’re going at it wide open.”

“Really?” He seemed shocked.

“Yeah, we’ve been – y’know, doing each other for over a month now,” I admitted. “It’s great! We both love it!”

“Really? You haven’t had any problems or – anything?”

“No. Moving to anal has been the best experience,” I told him. “It’s done as much for us as when we started oral. We love everything about it. We just wish we could do it more often.”

“That’s fantastic!”

“I just want to thank you for all your advice and help getting us started,” I said. “I don’t know how we would have done it without you.”

I found myself moving in for a hug. I usually wasn’t a hugger. But the situation seemed to warrant it, even if I was naked.

“Well, that’s touching. You didn’t have to say that,” Michael replied as we hugged a little more tightly than I expected. “Now I’m just going to go back downstairs and cry while Bobby and his dad watch the game.”

A couple hours later, after we’d had a couple beers and a long, sensual shower together, Bo and I were leaning back on his bed watching TV and lightly, absently caressing each other. While we both were slowly growing more and more erect, Bo hadn’t made any suggestions about what activities or positions he preferred for the evening.

By eleven, we started hearing muffled talking and moaning through the wall from Bobby’s room. We were used to hearing Bobby with the wide variety of girlfriends he’d entertained in his room in high school. We’d only heard him a few times with Michael since he’d gone off to college.

“Let’s wait until they’re done and give them a show of our own,” Bo said.

“How do you want it, Bo-Bo?” I asked as I kissed over his shoulder. He was stroking my cock with much more intention than before.

“What’s next on my list? What haven’t we done yet?”

“I haven’t done you against the wall like you did me in the shower a couple weeks ago,” I suggested. “I’ve always thought that was sexy – and it sure felt hot when you did it.”

“Oh, yeah! And we can do it right up against this wall,” Bo said. “They’ll be able to hear everything! I love it!”

Within a few seconds, Bo was on his knees pulling and squeezing my balls and sucking my cock with as much enthusiasm as he’d ever shown. It might as well have been his first time.

As he worked on me, I found his syringes and lube and got one ready for him to use as soon as we both were ready.

Bo took his position with his cheek and forearms against his bedroom wall.

Instinctively, without thinking, I smacked his bare ass hard enough to leave a red mark.

He jumped and squealed a little too loudly.

“Calm down!” I commanded. “Push your ass out here and spread your legs, Bo-Bo. Take it like a man!”

In the next second, I pressed my cock deep inside his tight hole.

“Oh! God! Daddy!” Bo breathed. “It feels so good! It’s just so –.”

I smacked his ass again.

“Spank me again, Daddy,” he begged.

I popped him one more time just to watch his brown cheeks jiggle in response.

“Mmm,” he moaned and squirmed a little. “I think I like being spanked, Daddy.”

I leaned down and kissed his shoulders down as far as I could go without pulling my cock out.

I stood up and pulled back slowly until I felt the familiar resistance of his inner sphincter against my swollen cock head.

“Mmh.” Bo moaned and reached down to grab my ringed balls with one hand.

I slowly pushed back into him and he arched his back to push his ass out to meet me.

My eyes were glued to his round olive ass. I’d become more and more fascinated with Bo’s dark, bubble butt. And, watching my cock move in and out of it was one of the sexiest things I’d ever seen.

Before I could move again, Bo increased his own hip thrusts, pushing and pulling against me while I remained still.

He made my cock glide deep inside him before wiggling and grinding his hips to force me to move around in his anal cavity. I know my dick was barely moving, but the sensation was overwhelming. It was something like when he twisted his hand around my shaft as he jacked me off.

“Oh! God! Bo!” I gasped as the intensity in my cock grew.

My entire body tensed. I could feel my thighs quivering and my ass hole contracting.

I buried my cock as deeply into my boyfriend’s body as I could in one intense, violent thrust.

I grunted loudly when the first wad of thick cum exploded from my swollen head.

Bo jumped and gasped at the sensation.

I pulled back and pumped back in to milk more and more of my cum into his body.

“Bo! Bo!” I gasped with each breath.

I watched every thrust and jumped every time my cock shot a load into my lover.

A minute or so later, I was spent, my chest heaving, and my entire body dripping with sweat.

I dropped down on to Bo’s back, my hot breath raking across his skin.

Bo also was breathing heavily and reached down to squeeze my hanging balls.

“Oh! Baby!” I gasped as I jumped.

To counter his tight squeeze I pulled back with a quick plop, pulling my cock and head out of his tight hole violently.

He gasped and jumped.

“That wasn’t necessary, Daddy!” he protested.

“You didn’t have to grab my balls like that either.”

After a hot shower, we cuddled up together in Bo’s bed at first with him facing away from me.

I kissed his back and shoulder while I caressed his dick.

“Mmh-hmm,” he purred his agreement, lifting his leg to give me better access to his smooth cock and balls.

I could feel his pulse as he moaned his approval.

In a minute, he began swelling in my hand and squirming a little. His movements caused his round butt to push against my own naked dick and suddenly I felt myself begin to grow.

I slid down a little and positioned my cock between his legs so it would slide and push against his taint when I started rocking my hips into him.

In a few minutes, both of us were rock hard again and throbbing for release.

Bo rolled over to face me and we kissed while we massaged each other to slow, sensual orgasms. We’d gone at it so hard earlier, we had only thin pulses of semen left.

I licked my hand clean of my boyfriend’s thin cum. As I did so, I watched him lick me off his own hand.

We pulled each other close and allowed our seed to spread between our bodies as we kissed ourselves drowsy.

In the morning we woke almost at the same time.

“Let’s go take a shower,” Bo said. “I want to do to your ass what you did to mine last night.”

As we bathed, of course, we caressed and stroked and groped each other to raging hard-ons.

Bo turned me around forcefully and pushed my shoulders into the wall as hot water ran down my back.

He then replayed our session from the night before. It also mirrored my first time in the showers at work.

We both came almost simultaneously as Bo pumped his fat cock into my ready ass.

It wasn’t until we were drying off that we realized Bo had fucked me without any lube or preparation.

“I feel fine, Baby,” I whispered into his shoulder. “Maybe we don’t need lube as much as we think we do.”

Not long after we returned to Bo’s room, Bobby’s door finally opened.

“I didn’t realize we were in some kind of competition last night,” Bobby said as he stood in Bo’s door. He was as naked as we were. “But, we concede defeat. You two made the wall shake last night. I’ll be surprised if Mom and Dad don’t say something.”

“Were we that loud?” Bo asked, shocked.

“You were pretty loud,” Michael said, appearing behind Bobby. He was naked as well.

“But Mom and Dad will probably think it was us, anyway,” Bobby said. “So, don’t worry about it.”

Michael gave me a fist bump with a knowing smile.

Published 3 months ago

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