“Can we please try the next butt plug today?” Bo begged as I drove home from school the Tuesday after Labor Day.
We’d spent the previous three days trying our new butt plug trainer sets. Of course, we started with the smallest of three progressively larger plugs. But we both found that smallest one too easy.
We liked the feeling of having something inside. But it seemed too easy. We didn’t feel like we were being stretched.
The first time we inserted them, we definitely could feel the difference between the toys and our fingers. We just thought there would be more of a difference.
“Do you really think we’re ready for a bigger size?” I asked. “It’s only been three days.”
“Don’t you?” Bo replied. “As good as the first plug feels, I feel a little let down. I want more. I was expecting more. I need more, Daddy, to get ready for your long cock! Please, let’s move up today!”
“I don’t know.”
“We need to really stretch ourselves,” Bo continued. “These little plugs aren’t making me feel like I’m getting ready for you.”
“I guess you’re right,” I admitted. “The little plug feels good. But, I thought there’d be more to it, too. Maybe we should try the next size. If they’re too big or hurt too much, at least we’ll know.”
A couple enemas and a conjugal shower later, we were lubing up and lying on his bed with our legs raised so we could see each other’s ass holes.
“Do you want to watch each other or do each other?” I asked.
“I wish we could do each other,” Bo said. “But we probably should do ourselves in case we need to stop or slow down or something.”
“Good point.”
“But I definitely want to watch.”
I immediately positioned my butt plug and started pushing it against my lubed hole.
“Oh! Don’t waste any time, Daddy,” Bo said, his eyes glued to my hand and hole.
I caught myself and gasped as the wider thickness of the plug began stretching my sphincter. There was a definite difference between this one and the smaller plug.
I heard a tiny sound escape my throat as the widest part split my hole.
Then there was another jump and gasp once the full body of the plug popped through and I felt a final release when I closed around the stem.
“Well?” Bo was wide-eyed. “That didn’t seem too bad.”
“No,” I breathed. “It’s nice. I like this one. It feels good – real good.”
I watched Bo as he slowly inserted his own plug with almost the exact response I’d had.
“Oh, Daddy,” he moaned with his eyes closed. “This is nice. I might not want to take this one out.”
“You didn’t want to take the last one out,” I reminded him.
The first couple days with the medium plug, we only lasted an hour or so, taking them out just before I left to go home or to work. By Friday, when we had planned to go out, we left them in while we went to a football game, pizza, and the gym.
Riding around in the Jeep was a new experience.
“I never knew speed bumps and potholes could feel so good,” Bo said.
I took a couple dirt roads to the gym for some extra bumps.
While making out and playing in the locker room shower at work, I reached down and began pushing and pulling on Bo’s plug.
“Mmh! Daddy!” Bo squealed into my chest. “That feels so good!”
He pushed up and kissed me as his hands grabbed and squeezed my wet ass cheeks.
I pushed him down to lay on the floor, never stopping my work with his plastic lover. I licked and swallowed his fat cock as my hand fucked him with his butt plug.
Bo tensed, arched his back and shot his load into my throat in just a few seconds.
I crawled up over his wet body and we kissed off and on as we caught our breath.
I finally rolled over and lay beside him on the shower floor.
“Your turn,” Bo muttered as he moved down to plant his face in my groin.
He repeated everything I did to him, from playing with my inserted butt plug to swallowing my cock and eventually my cum.
It was the most intense orgasm I’d ever felt. Electricity ran from my head to my ass hole through my balls and out the shaft of my pulsing dick.
When we got home, we didn’t want to take the plugs out. But we didn’t think sleeping with them in was a good idea.
By the time we removed them and cleaned up, we’d had them in for nearly nine hours, the longest we’d ever gone.
“How soon can we move up?” Bo asked the following Monday after school as we inserted them again.
“We might need to work with these for a couple weeks before we move up to the biggest ones,” I said. “These feel really good. But there’s still a pretty intense stretch going in. And, haven’t you noticed a difference sometimes when you go to the bathroom?”
“Yeah, once in a while,” Bo sounded deflated. “But, didn’t you say there might be some side effects? I mean, maybe we should slow down a little. I don’t know if every day is really safe.”
“I’ll text Michael tomorrow and ask him,” I said. “He said he didn’t mind me asking questions.”
“OK. But, I do like the size of this medium plug,” Bo admitted. “It’s close to the thickness of your beautiful cock. I want to make sure I can handle you. I can’t wait to get you inside me, Daddy!”
“That’s also why I need to take more time,” I said. “You’re so thick, it’s going to take a while for me to get stretched out enough for your fat meat.”
“Oh, Daddy,” he said, stroking my growing cock. “I love it when you compliment me. But, you don’t have to worry about getting me in. I don’t have to fuck you at all. I just want you to fuck me. I want to be your Bottom, Daddy. That’s all I want.”
“Bo-Bo, you know I want to try everything you try,” I said. “If you lick, I lick. If you suck, I suck. If you swallow, I swallow.”
“Uh – I think you swallowed first, Daddy.”
“Doesn’t matter. If you get my dick in your ass, I get your dick in my ass,” I continued. “No matter who’s the top or bottom, we share the experience. Even if you’re the one getting it most of the time, I want to get some once in a while.”
“You’re the best Daddy ever!” Bo grabbed me in a tight, naked hug and kissed over my shoulder up to my neck and mouth. We both were rock hard and breathless by the time he pulled back.
“Now I can’t wait until we’re both ready,” he breathed into my chest. “I can’t wait to find out how it feels to fuck my Daddy’s hot, round ass.”
For once, Bo followed my plan and we spent two full weeks playing with and getting used to the medium-sized training plugs. We inserted them as soon as we got home from school every other day and left them in until we went to bed for the night.
All our make-out sessions and blowjobs were so much more intense as we played with these larger plugs while jacking or sucking each other.
“Check my ass, Daddy,” Bo whispered in my ear as we stripped in the locker room for Gym class the next Monday.
“I’ve had the small butt plug in all day,” he explained. “Make sure it isn’t visible to anyone.”
“What the Hell, Bo?!” I kept my voice low, but glanced around. “What if it is visible? You can’t pull it out here!”
“Just check.”
“How?! How am I supposed to inspect your naked ass right here in front of God and everybody?”
“Just watch me as I walk over to get us some towels,” he said, starting off across the room.
I could tell he was trying to keep his cheeks together. But I couldn’t see any foreign objects sticking out.
“It looks like you’re safe,” I said when he returned. “How does it feel leaving it in all morning?”
“It’s wonderful,” Bo purred as he pulled his gym shorts up. “I’ve been half-hard all day. I can’t wait to get you home.”
“I can see you’re half-hard now,” I said. “I hope no one else notices.”
A little while later, he admitted the half-mile run we had to do at the beginning of the class was difficult.
“The plug might have been a mistake for Gym,” he whispered as we headed back into the gym.
In the Jeep after school, he told me he had to remove it in the bathroom a little while after Gym. He washed it thoroughly in one of our school’s private bathrooms and dropped it in a pocket of his book bag.
When we got home, we both inserted our mid-range plugs and sucked each other dry.
The next day, I joined Bo, wearing my own small butt plug all morning. I removed it just before Gym.
He was right. It was an amazing feeling and my jeans were tight all morning from my aroused cock.
I put the plug back in before I went to work and took the chance of leaving it in all evening at work and then working out with it inside at the end of the night. I agreed with Bo; I hated taking it out.
We both spent the rest of the week with our small plugs in for half of the day. Running in Gym class just wasn’t working. Walking around was fine – and even fun. But no running.
And, of course, we always switched them out to our medium-sized plugs in the afternoon at Bo’s house.
“It’s time to move up,” Bo declared as I pushed his middle plug slowly into his lubed ass that Saturday night before we dressed for a date.
We were going to spend a couple hours at the mall and grab something to eat before heading to the gym for a hot, cum-filled shower.
Bo’s nearly hard cock was a thick tube shape on his left leg clearly visible through his jeans.
A glance in the mirror showed my own stiff cock was more than apparent, as well.
Our butt plugs were constant reminders of our lust for each other and our ultimate goal of consummating our relationship. We were horny all the time and couldn’t wait to fuck each other’s ass.
Neither of us had any qualms about occasionally holding hands as we wandered around the mall with most of the other teens in our city. We saw quite a few of our classmates and never flinched if they seemed to notice us.
Later that night, as we rinsed and caressed each other clean in the locker room shower, I found myself agreeing that it was time to move forward.
“Let’s try the largest size plugs tomorrow,” I suggested. “It’s been a full two weeks with the medium ones. We can at least try the bigger ones.”
“Finally!” Bo gushed as he kissed his way up my wet chest and neck to find my waiting mouth.
“Oh! God! That’s so big!” Bo exclaimed. He stopped as the widest part of his butt plug spread his sphincter wide.
We’d spent twenty minutes cleaning and prepping for our first trial of the largest of the three training butt plugs we had.
“God! Bo-Bo!” I suddenly relaxed as the thickest part of mine finally slipped past my sphincter and filled my anal cavity so much more than I expected.
None of our plugs looked all that large. I had measured the largest and wasn’t really impressed. It was only five inches long and less than a half-inch thick. The length was pretty good training for me. But Bo’s fat cock was much thicker. I realized I would need something larger to really train for my boyfriend’s cock.
“You’ve got to push it all the way in,” I instructed him. My own dick was even bigger than this toy. But, this was another necessary step in the evolution of our physical relationship. “It’s hard to get it in. But it’s so worth it! This is – amazing! This is the best one yet!”
Bo grabbed my arm violently, painfully as the largest part of the bulb pushed through his tight hole.
“Daddy! God! You’re right!” Bo’s entire body went limp. “This is fantastic! I wish this was you!”
After we caught our breath facing each other on his bed, Bo noticed I was almost fully hard and dripping pre-cum.
“Lay back, Daddy!” he said, pushing against my chest. “Let me take care of you.”
I moaned a little when my insides shifted around the large plug as I leaned back on Bo’s bed.
They might look small – and even be small by normal standards. But, they felt huge inside our inexperienced bodies.
Bo caught his breath when he changed positions to place his face over my shiny cock.
After getting used to the other two sizes over the last few weeks, we expected more intense sensations once we moved up to the largest plug. But, that first time, that first feeling of being full as we shifted our butts on the bed, or stood up or sat down the first time, was so intense, it was almost more than we could take.
After the first few times with the largest plug, Bo switched to wearing the medium plug during the day and insisted on wearing the large one almost every day after school if he didn’t have to work.
I tried the medium plug at school a few times, as well. But it was kind of a sensory overload. My cock was straining against my jeans the entire time I had the plug inside and every movement made me twitch and jump.
I had noticed Bo had been just as jumpy and sensitive. But he liked it too much to give it up.
Eventually I began playing with Bo’s large plug while I licked and sucked his fat cock. I slowly pulled it back as if to remove it and then pushed it in again. I never really pulled it far enough out to make his sphincter begin to spread open. But it was enough to create pressure on it.
He jumped, gasped, and sometimes screamed with pleasure as I did so even when I wasn’t playing with his cock.
Of course, Bo followed my lead and did the same thing to me, making me jump and gasp. The first time he almost pulled the plug out and pushed it back in, I was so overcome I began jacking my cock in his face so furiously I came in seconds, spraying cum all over him.
I waited until we were alone in the gym showers one Friday night to try really fucking him with his large plug.
He lay on his back on the wet floor. I spread his legs as wide they’d go and pumped a full syringe of lube inside him.
He jumped slightly and gasped.
I pulled the syringe out with one hand and immediately pushed the plug in with the other.
“Oh! Daddy!” he cried out.
I dropped my head down onto his groin, swallowing his fat cock in an instant.
Just as his head hit the back of my throat, I began a slow fuck of his slick hole with the plastic plug.
Within just a few strokes, his entire body tensed. His back arched. I could feel the throbbing in his cock as I sucked and swallowed against his shaft and head.
As soon as I felt his sphincter constrict around the plug, I held it in place and bobbed my head as fast as I could on his thick tube.
In another second, Bo grabbed my head with both hands and held me down tight against his groin. He wrapped his legs around my torso and locked my entire body to his. His abs tightened and forced his hips up against my face.
His cum shot directly down my throat as I continued my swallowing motion.
He cried out loudly with every contraction and pump of semen into my head. It seemed his convulsions were uncontrollable. His hips and abs were the only things moving. Everything else was locked, his legs, his fingers. He seemed possessed.
It took what felt like several minutes for him to stop convulsing and a couple more before his fingers and legs slowly released me.
His cock was limp and wrinkled in my mouth. We both were barely breathing.
I finally crawled up over his wet, spent body and rolled over to lie beside him.
“That – was – amazing, – Daddy,” he panted, barely audible. “I can’t breathe. I can’t feel my legs.”
I rolled over on to my side so I could slide my hand down his chest to his cock and balls.
He didn’t move. I thought his cock might still have its normal after-action sensitivity.
“Mmh, Daddy,” he moaned as I cupped his balls. “I’m going to need a while to rest up for you.”
“That’s OK, Bo-Bo,” I said. “We can wait until we get back to the house if you need to.”
I got up, pulled my plug out and cleaned up. Bo remained on the floor as I washed up.
When I was done, I helped him up and dried off while he showered.
“That was the best – ever,” Bo declared on the way home. “You’re just amazing!”
“I didn’t have to do much,” I argued.
“Now I want a lifelike dildo,” he said. “Do they make dildos shaped like you?”
“Actually…” I started. “I have one more gift from Michael for you at home.”
I refused to answer any questions on the short drive to his house.
“I knew we’d eventually want to try something more real than the butt plugs,” I admitted once we were undressing again in Bo’s room. “I’ve been holding on to these for just this occasion.”
I opened my bag and pulled out the two lifelike silicone dildos Bobby’s friend Michael bought for us when he bought our butt plug trainers. I chose them both. One was as close to the thickness of Bo’s cock as I could find. The other mimicked mine as closely as possible.
I handed Bo one and showed him how the silicone facsimile of his cock was almost exactly his girth and shape.
“God, I wish I was that long,” he said, caressing the full eight-inch length. “But, am I really this thick? The head definitely looks bigger than mine.”
“It is a tiny bit larger than you,” I said. “But, it’s very close. I’ve confirmed that.”
“How? Have you already fucked this thing?” His eyes were huge.
“No. I used it to practice oral and train my mouth and throat to handle you.”
“So, this is how you got so good all of a sudden? I love you for how much work you put into pleasing me.”
“This one is yours,” I said, presenting the silicone dildo that was close to the size and shape of my dick. “It’s pretty average, really. I couldn’t find anything that had a head just like mine. I don’t have much of a flare.”
“Nothing about you is average, Daddy,” Bo said, taking the toy from my hand. “You’re so hot and hung and handsome and loving and amazing! You’re beautiful cock doesn’t need a flare.”
He inspected the silicone cock closely, gripping it tightly then loosely along the entire length. He rolled his palm over the head and slid his encircled fingers up and down over the flare of the head.
“It isn’t exactly like you,” he admitted. “But it’s very close. The size and length are almost perfect.”
“You know that’s longer than me,” I argued.
“Only – what, a quarter of an inch?” Bo challenged me. “You’re a solid six-and-three-quarters. I know that for a fact. I measured you myself. And this couldn’t be more than seven inches.”
He got a ruler out of his desk and found that his silicone copy of me was exactly seven inches long. Then he held the two dildos together to show that the thick eight-inch stand-in for him was exactly an inch longer than my facsimile.
“See. This is almost a perfect copy of you,” he said.
“How could you tell that from looking at it and holding it?”
“I’ve studied every millimeter of you for the last four years,” Bo said, incredulous. “I know every inch of my boyfriend. You’re my first and only. There isn’t any part of you I haven’t memorized. If I was an artist like you, I could draw you from memory.”
“I love you, Bo,” I said without thinking. That was possibly the most loving thing I’d ever heard.
“I wonder if I could reshape the head and take off a little,” he continued as if he hadn’t heard me.
“Maybe. That’s something we could look up online.”
“But why did you get such a long one to be my fake cock? Is this wishful thinking? Do you wish I was this long?”
“No. Michael said they don’t make a lot of dildos in your exact ratio,” I explained. “To quote Michael, ‘If you want the fat, you have to take the long.’ Besides, it was good for training my mouth and throat to take your full thickness and length by going a little deeper than you ever could.”
“Are you sure you don’t wish I was bigger?”
“I wish you’d shut up,” I answered. “I gave up girls for your short, fat cock. What else do you want?”
“I love you, too, Daddy.”
A few minutes later, we’d settled down on Bo’s bed naked in each other’s arms.
“Y’know, I never took care of you at the gym,” Bo finally realized. “Give me this hot cock.”
“You don’t have to,” I said. “This is nice just like this. Let’s just enjoy being together.”
“No. Absolutely not,” he said. “We’re always even. Suck for suck. Cum for cum. I won’t rest until you’ve cum tonight.”
“Then do whatever you want to do,” I said quietly.
“Where’s that dildo?” he asked. “I want to try that thing out. Let’s see how you like having fake me in your ass.”
Bo quickly found my silicone version of his cock, a tube of lube and a syringe.
“You cleaned up before we went out didn’t you?” he asked.
“And after I pulled out the plug,” I said.
The next thing I knew he was pushing my legs up and shoving a syringe full of lube up my ass.
A few seconds later, the thick dildo was pressing against my ass. The pressure and stretch on my sphincter was almost painful, but surprisingly pleasant at the same time.
My entire abdomen clenched as the rim of the dildos head spread my tight hole. It was considerably larger than the bulb of our largest training plug. Once it went in, though, the pleasure spread through my entire body. The intense swollen, filling sensation was an amazing new experience that I’d never imagined.
There was so much more to the life-like dildo than there had ever been to the smooth plastic butt plugs.
The thick shaft refused to let my muscles close back down the way they had with the tiny stem of the butt plugs. And I could feel the bumps of the thick veins of the silicone cock as Bo slowly pushed it inside.
After just a few strokes in and out, I could feel my cock growing. The sensation, the pressure was enormous. I grabbed his hand and made him push the dildo in deeper, harder, faster. My dick grew harder and harder with every thrust.
Bo’s eyes were glued to my asshole and the phallus impaling it.
“Mmm,” I moaned as my breathing grew heavier. “Come down here. Jack off on me. Or, let me suck you. Something!”
I took control over the toy in my ass as Bo immediately bent down over me and sent his tongue into my mouth. One of his hands, meanwhile, began stroking my stiff, aching cock.
I grabbed at his fat meat with my free hand as I continued to pump my ass hole with silicone.
In just a few seconds, Bo lifted up.
“Oh! Daddy!” he screamed as we both jacked each other furiously to explosive orgasms.
We both sprayed cum over my sweating torso. I could feel Bo’s contractions through his thick meat as he humped my hand with his hips.
A spray of semen showered over me with every thrust of his hips painting my chest and even my face with his thin white milk. My own thick cum made it as far north as my neck. My abs and ass were contracting violently. I was clenching the dildo so hard I had to hold it tightly to keep it from being pushed out by my orgasmic ass.
When we finally released each other, Bo was the first to lift his fingers to lick my cum off.
I ran my hand up my stomach and chest to gather as much of our mixed seed as possible before pushing three fingers into my mouth.
Bo smiled his dreamy, post-nut smile as he pushed himself up off the bed.
I held the dildo inside with one hand as I got up and waddled to the bathroom to clean up.
After we traded places so Bo could rinse off, I dropped to his bed exhausted and spent.
The next thing I knew, we were waking up in each other’s arms the following morning, naked and hard.