Boys and Girls and Boys, Part II

"Rachel and Roger find a Steady Playmate"

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This story is acontinuation of Boys, and Girls, and Boys Part 1

“So…what happened?”

Roger looked at me, then looked down at his lunch tray. “Jack’s moving out of the dorm. Moving into his fraternity house.”

“He freaked out, didn’t he?” I asked, sitting across from him.

“He said it was too much for him. He liked what happened, but he couldn’t risk anyone finding out. Also, he didn’t really want to have an ongoing relationship with a couple. Said it was too perverted, even for him.”

We both laughed softly.

“It’s understandable, really,” I said, taking a bite of my carrot stick. “He’s the sports jock, famous for his female conquests. If you guys weren’t roommates, it might not have been a problem, but with that constant temptation just a few feet away…”

“You’re right,” Roger sighed. “It’d be too weird if we had an ongoing sexual relationship. For you and me too, I mean. I want you to be with me every time I have sex. How would you be able to trust me, knowing my roommate is someone I’ve been intimate with? You’d never know if we were screwing around behind your back or not. And, quite frankly, I wouldn’t want that kind of temptation either. Trust between us is more important to me than living out my fantasies.”

“You’re over-reacting again, you know,” I grinned. “We can still live out this fantasy, just not with Jack.”

“Do you have someone else in mind?” he asked.

“No, not yet, but I’ll keep my eye out. You can too. Just let me know if you find someone. I’ll be the one to do the approaching. There’s nothing wrong with homosexuality or bi-sexuality, but you know as well as I do that if you go around propositioning men, it’s going to get ugly. If I do it, saying I have this kink – which quite frankly, I believe I do – the guys will just say no thanks and think I’m a kinky chick.”

“You’d do that for me?” he asked, smiling.

“Isn’t it obvious that I enjoyed myself? I’ll do it for both of us.”

“Jesus, I have hit the jackpot.”

“And don’t you forget it.”

* * * * * * * * *

Several months passed and we both kept our eyes out for likely prospects. There were a few, but when I would approach them, all they wanted was straight sex. No one was interested in bi activities, or they just wouldn’t admit it.

There were just five weeks left before the spring semester was over. Roger and I had decided that maybe we should widen our search and begin visiting some swing clubs or putting an ad online. We decided to wait until the semester was over so we could focus on our studies.

It was a warm afternoon when I saw him. Roger and I were studying outside, sitting beneath a tree in the open area between the music and science buildings.

I looked up from my American history book, feeling a warm breeze. I breathed in the fresh, clean air and smiled widely. I loved winter, but there was nothing like a fresh spring breeze after a long, cold season. When I opened my eyes, he was sitting down on a bench beneath a tree across the way. He crossed his leg over his knee and propped his laptop on his leg. He opened it up and began typing away.

He was tall, about 6 inches taller than me, about the same height as Roger. He had dark hair, wore glasses (that kept sliding down his nose as he typed furiously) and had a look of intensity that could rival Roger’s.

I nudged Roger and he looked up. I nodded toward the young man slightly and his eyes followed my direction. He looked at him for a few moments then looked back at me. “Do you even know him?” he asked.

“Never saw him before in my life,” I admitted. “But isn’t there something about him?”

He looked back at him then said, “Yeah, there is.”

“Stay here. I’ll go find out who he is.”

“Don’t get your hopes up,” he warned.

“No, but it won’t hurt to say hello.”

I set my books aside and stood, dusting the seat of my jeans. I crossed the grassy area towards this intriguing young man, but almost stopped when he glanced up at me. I could tell by his glance that he was not interested in talking to me. Still, I kept walking.

“Hi,” I said, stopping in front of him. “I was wondering if you had an extra pencil I could borrow. I’m studying for my test and I – “

“I don’t carry pencils. Or pens,” he added hastily. “Physical writing is dead. I just enter everything on my computer.”

“Oh, well, thanks anyway,” I said, but didn’t walk away. I found myself at a loss for words, but unwilling to give up.

“Is there something else?” he snapped.

“My, but aren’t you friendly?” I said, smiling at him, finding myself feeling a bit giddy. He was trying so hard to make me go away that I just couldn’t give in to him.

“I didn’t come here to make friends. I came here to study, which I thought was what you were trying to do. Over there with your boyfriend.”

“Yes, but I thought we could at least exchange names or something. You know, simple social niceties and all.”

“Simple wastes of time, is more like it, but if it’ll get you to leave me alone more quickly, my name is Barry. Barry Hollander.”

“I’m Rachel Williams and my boyfriend over there is Roger Waterfield.”

“Okay Rachel, I know your name now. Can I get back to studying? Oh, I’m sorry, do I have to say ‘please’ first?”

I couldn’t help smiling. “You’re trying way too hard, Barry.”

He stared at me for a moment then blurted, “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I think I like you, no matter how much of an asshole you’re pretending to be. What are you doing this Friday night?”

“What? Are you serious? I really do want to study.”

“Great, fine, I’m not asking you to join us for dinner right now, I’m asking you to join us for dinner this Friday night. We’re fun people. I think you’d like us.”

“I wouldn’t count on that Rachel,” he glowered. “Now, please, just-“

“Fine, that’s settled. Where do you live? We’ll pick you up.”

He gaped at me then began to blush. He looked down at his keyboard and said, barely above a murmur, “I live in the campus apartments. Building three, apartment A.’

“Great. We’ll pick you up on Friday at 8:00. No place fancy, so dress casual.”

“You are the weirdest woman I’ve ever met,” he said fiercely, looking up at me again.

I grinned at him and said, “You haven’t seen anything, yet.”

* * * * * * * * *

That Friday night I walked up to Barry’s apartment alone while Roger waited in the car. He was convinced that Barry wouldn’t go with us and had only told me where he lived to get me to leave him alone or maybe he had given a fake address. After a few days time, I admitted that my confidence about this was waning, but I was determined to at least play this out and see where it ended.

Barry opened the door when I knocked and I felt my eyes widen. He had dressed up a bit, wearing a nice shirt and tie with a faded pair of jeans. His face was still wearing that intense scowl, but I didn’t let it intimidate me.

“Hi. Can I assume that you’re still joining us?”

He stared at me a moment, then said, “What is this all about, anyway?”

“Okay, I’ll be honest with you, Barry. I don’t normally say this so soon, but I can see that there’s not point in trying to woo you slowly.”

“Woo me?”

“I’m attracted to you.”

“Don’t you – have a boyfriend?”

“No, I have a fiancé.”

His eyes widened for a moment, then he said, “Then why in the hell are you asking me out, with your boyfriend coming along with us?”

I stepped inside his apartment and shut the door behind me. He backed away from me and I could tell that he was a bit frightened. I was feeling a huge power trip and my confidence was bubbling over. I had no idea why I felt this way around this man that I barely knew, but I already felt I had him wrapped around my finger.

“Can you keep a secret, Barry?”

“I’m new here, Rachel. Just transferred at the beginning of the semester. You may have noticed that I’m not all that sociable.”

“That doesn’t answer my question. Just because you don’t know anyone doesn’t mean you aren’t a gossip.”

“Yes, I can keep a secret,” he answered, his eyes flashing.

“I’m not the only one attracted to you.”

We stood there staring at each other for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly widened and his mouth fell open. I had to smile at the reaction, but I was suddenly very nervous. If this backfired, I might have just made Roger’s life on this campus a living hell.

“Your fiancé is gay?” he whispered.

“No, he’s bi-sexual,” I said.

“And you don’t care?”

I smiled once again. “Care? Barry, I love the fact that my lover is open to all things sexually.”

“I’ve never even thought about-“

“Most straight men don’t, but I do know that a lot of men, when they do think about it, find a curiosity deep inside. Most ignore it, scared to death of it, but some don’t ignore it and eventually embrace it.”

He sighed deeply, obviously frustrated, and said, “I was going to say that I’ve never thought about doing anything sexually with a woman.”

“Oh,” I said, suddenly caught unawares. I felt stupid and annoyed with myself for assuming Barry was straight. I rarely assumed anything about anyone’s sexuality, but I hadn’t even considered that Barry could be gay.

“Well then,” I said, rubbing my hands together. “This just got a bit more interesting.”

“Disappointed?” he asked, smiling cynically.

I looked at him for a moment then said, “No, not at all. Would you still like to join us for dinner?”

“You’re not expecting anything out of me other than dinner tonight, are you?”

“No, of course not. We don’t expect anything of you at all. At the least, we can have a nice meal together and get to know each other. Who knows, maybe you’ll be civil and we can all be friends”

He scowled at me for a moment, but it was soon replaced with a reluctant smile. “Okay, fine. Let’s go.”

Roger looked stunned when Barry followed me down the stairs, but he was composed by the time we were in the car. Barry sat in the back and we rode to the restaurant in silence after I introduced the two men to each other.

I could feel the tension emanating from both of them and I looked out the window, unable to stop smiling. There was no guarantee that anything was going to happen with Barry, but the fact that he was in the car knowing fully what we had in mind meant that we were closer than ever before.

I just hoped he wasn’t as much of an ass as he had pretended to be earlier in the week.

Things were quiet at the restaurant at first. I did most of the talking and Roger tried to be friendly, but he was visibly nervous which always made him reluctant to talk. Barry was silent for a good while, but finally started talking when the main course arrived, finding that he did have quite a lot in common with us. We enjoyed many similar pastimes, such as music, literature and even movies.

By the time dessert arrived, we were all laughing together and talking animatedly as if we had known each other for years.

After the bill had been paid, we all sat drinking a last cup of coffee before leaving.

“I’d like to apologize for earlier this week,” Barry said, suddenly serious again. “I transferred here from Calvin University an hour north of here. It’s not a Christian university, but most of the people who attend the place are heavily involved in religion. I refused to ‘renounce’ my homosexuality and I was pretty much railroaded out. There were some other gays and lesbians there, but they wouldn’t come out and they wouldn’t speak out against the things that were happening there.”

“That’s terrible,” I said softly.

“When I moved here, I didn’t want to go into the closet, but I didn’t want a repeat of what happened before. I decided to just focus on my studies and to not bother trying to get to know anyone. It just didn’t seem worth it.”

“Not all of us are close-minded assholes,” Roger said, scowling slightly.

“From what Rachel has told me, neither of you are close-minded about anything.”

I glanced at Roger, nervously. I hadn’t had a chance to warn him about what I had told Barry in his apartment. He looked a little worried, but less than I expected.

“Being close-minded just causes you to miss out some things and experiences that could be fun and exciting,” Roger said slowly. “I’m not into self-denial.”

“I’ll drink to that,” Barry said, draining the last of his coffee. Roger and I both followed suit.

After dinner, we took Barry home. He hesitated when leaving the car then said, “Would you two like to come over for dinner next Saturday? I’m actually a pretty good cook.”

“We’d love to,” Roger said quickly, then blushed a bit. Barry pretended like he didn’t notice and said, “Great. 7:00. Don’t be late, or the rolls will be cold.”

He left the car hastily and went up his stairs just as fast. We waited to make sure he got into his apartment safely then Roger put the car into reverse and left for the main campus.

“So, I take it you liked him,” I said, taking Roger’s hand.

“Yeah, I did. Even if nothing happens sexually, I’d like to spend time with him. He’s fun, once he stops doing the jerk act.”

“I’m a little disappointed, myself,” I said wistfully, looking out the window.

“Why?” Roger asked.

“He’s gay. Never been with a woman. That’s good for you, but I find him very attractive and if anything were to happen, it might be me who ends up just watching.”

“Perhaps we can convince him to open up his mind to the possibility of straight sex.”

“Maybe,” I said, “but if not, that’s fine too. You’re more than enough to satisfy me. And there’s always Jack.”

“You little bitch,” he laughed, slapping my leg.

* * * * * * * * *

“You must be joking. A professor had the audacity to suggest that the Earth is flat?”

“Yep, Mr. Connors. Thinks the ‘round’ theory is all a hoax. All the pictures of the Earth taken from the moon are fakes, that the curve in the horizon is an optical illusion. It’s amazing how stupid intelligent people can be.”

“Oh, believe me, I know that from first hand experience.”

I watched Roger and Barry talking as I sipped the last of my wine. A month had passed since our first dinner with Barry and we had seen him almost every day on campus and we spent every weekend with him. We had become fast friends, but so far, a sexual relationship had never occurred or even been brought up.

Both Roger and I found it a bit frustrating, as we were both attracted to him, but it wasn’t enough to make us want to stop being his friend. We were working on getting past the attraction and enjoying his company on a strictly platonic level.

There was only one more week of the spring semester. Roger and I had put a deposit on an apartment in town and were planning to move in together as soon as school was over. Our wedding date had been set for the following summer. Barry was also staying in town, but in the campus apartments. He was taking summer courses in order to catch up with some classes he had had to drop when he left his last school.

“Rachel, are you with us?”

“Hmm?” I said, looking up. I had been daydreaming and completely missed what they were saying to me.

“I was asking if you guys wanted to stay and watch a movie or play a game or something. I know it’s late, but I’m wide awake.”

“Me too,” Roger agreed.

“Sure, I’m not sleepy either,” I said, then quite suddenly yawned, which caused them both to laugh.

“I’ll make a pot of coffee,” Barry said, standing. “If you fall asleep, I’m sure Roger and I can entertain ourselves.”

I looked at Roger at this comment and he winked at me, but was obviously dismissing any connotation it could have meant past a friendly late night.

A movie was set up and I sat on the couch next to Roger while Barry sat in the easy chair next to the couch. I drifted off about an hour after the film started, snuggling close to Roger.

Sometime later, I awoke, hearing whispers, but didn’t open my eyes or indicate that I was awake.

“Wouldn’t it be selfish? Rachel would feel left out.”

“Not if she could stay in the same room. She knows you don’t go both ways and doesn’t expect anything from you towards her.”

“But you say she is attracted to me.”

“Yes, she is, but she’s not going to ask you to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

“I know that and that’s not what concerns me.

I love Rachel and wouldn’t want her to feel left out in any way.”

“Have you ever considered doing anything with a woman? Is there no attraction whatsoever?”

“I’ve never thought of it before I met Rachel.”

“But you have thought of it now.”

“Yes,” Barry said. I fought hard not to smile. “I’m not the type to find women repulsive – I’m not one of those. But for me, if there’s no dick, I find it hard to have any interest.”

“I could wear a strap on.” Both men jumped, startled, as I lifted my head. “But really, Barry, watching would be plenty enough for me. Roger is more than enough to satisfy me.”

“You’re absolutely certain of that,” Barry said, still whispering.

“Yes, I am. Although, in case you’re interested at all, I give great head.” He blushed and I couldn’t help but smile. “Would you care for a demonstration?”

He sat back so quickly that I snorted laughter and covered my mouth with my hand.

“I didn’t mean you, silly. I meant Roger. Unless you wanted to feel my lips wrapped around your cock.”

He was still blushing and I could see from the rise and fall of his chest that he was breathing quite hard. I could feel myself blushing as well, very aroused and finally very awake.

“I-I’ll just watch, thanks.”

I looked at Roger who was looking pleasantly stunned and kissed him gently, lingering at his lips. I moved off the couch and knelt before him as he began unbuttoning his jeans.

Barry leaned forward so that he could see over the arm of the couch, his eyes wide. I didn’t look at him, knowing he wasn’t completely comfortable with what was happening, and concentrated on Roger.

Roger slid his jeans down his hips along with his shorts as I reached in and grasped his cock. It wasn’t stiff, but it wasn’t limp either. I leaned forward and ran my tongue under the head, teasing gently. He moaned deeply.

I moved my mouth over his cock and sucked him in, feeling him harden inside my mouth – a sensation that I loved but rarely felt. By the time I normally had Roger between my lips, he was hard as iron and ready for me. I moaned feeling my mouth become full.

Roger reached down and gathered my long hair, pulling it to the side. I assumed he did so to give Barry a better view. I heard Barry make an appreciative sound.

I proceeded to give Roger one of the best blowjobs I had ever administered, trying my best to impress our friend. I desperately wanted to feel Barry’s cock in my mouth and if this performance didn’t convince him, nothing would.

It took a good twenty minutes before Roger was crying out, thrusting down my throat, filling it with his cum as I swallowed hungrily. I pulled away as Roger lay limp, gasping, still moaning softly.

I looked at Barry to find him stroking his own erection. He had pushed his pants down to his thighs. I found the desire to touch them nearly irresistible.

“Do you want your cock sucked, Barry?” I whispered.

“God, yes,” he whispered back.

“Can I do it?”

He hesitated, then even softer, whispered, “Yes.”

I crawled the few feet toward him and placed myself between his legs. I pushed his hand away from his throbbing erection and placed my own hand on his hard shaft.

I slowly snaked my tongue around his cock head and slid my lips over him, gently caressing him. I heard his breathing go raspy and felt both of his hands grasp my head, his fingers sinking into my hair.

I moved down his length, which was a couple inches shorter than Roger, licking and sucking gently, trying hard not to go too fast. I was so aroused I felt like gobbling down his meat, bobbing until I choked myself on him, but that wasn’t what I had demonstrated and I wanted him to get what he expected.

I moaned softly when he began thrusting into my mouth, holding my head firmly. Maybe he wanted to be gobbled.

I slid my hands to his hips and began bobbing in time to his thrusts, feeling his cock hit the back of my throat. He moaned loudly and began moving faster.

I was bobbing on his dick, sucking and licking as hard and as fast as I could as he fucked my mouth, moaning and cursing. He came with a yell, shoving me down on his dick. I swallowed him eagerly, moaning, which caused him to yell again at the vibration.

When he finally released my head, I pulled back, letting him slide out of my mouth slowly. I planted one soft kiss on his head, then sat back to look at him. He was breathing hard, a small smile dancing across his lips.

I looked over at Roger who was also smiling, stroking a new erection. I waited, eager to see what was going to happen next.

Barry opened his eyes and looked at me, then at Roger. He glanced down at Roger’s hard cock, then back at me again. “Would you mind if I did some sucking next?” he asked, looking back and forth at us.

I smiled widely and stood. “I’ll leave you to it. I’m going to pull out a bottle of wine, get some blankets. I think Roger and I will be staying over tonight.”

“Yes, I think so too.”

I went into the kitchen and pulled out the glasses and wine bottle. I glanced into the front room often, looking at Barry sucking my intended’s cock. I noticed that Roger was a bit more forceful with Barry, holding his head and moving it where he wanted.

After getting some blankets and spreading them on the floor, I leaned against the wall and watched my men a bit more.

We knew from what Barry told us that he was far from a virgin, but hadn’t been overly promiscuous either. From his head-giving skills, it was hard to tell that he wasn’t a professional. I knew I gave good head, but I noticed that Roger’s reactions to cock sucking administered by men were more dramatic, more vocal.

Barry worked Roger over with his mouth and hands for a good while. I was breathing hard and could feel my pussy getting hotter every second. This was only the second time I had witnessed this but it turned me on even more than the first time I had watched my future husband getting his dick sucked by a man.

I undid my jeans and pushed my hand inside and into my panties. Roger looked at me as I did and smiled wickedly. I moaned, pressing my fingers against my clit, knowing I’d be coming in seconds.

Barry was moving faster on Roger’s cock and I could tell that Roger was very close. I moaned aloud when Barry moved all the way down Roger’s cock, deep-throating him – something that was rather difficult with Roger’s dick.

Roger came and I came seconds later, the orgasm hitting me hard. The pleasure spread from my pussy and down my legs, causing them to go weak. I slid down the wall, whimpering slightly.

Barry, who had pulled off of Roger’s cock, looked over at me. He nodded at me then looked at Roger. “Think you could teach me how to fuck her?”

“I certainly could. You game?”

“Yeah, I think I am.”

“Good, because after two extremely good cock-suckings, I’m gonna be spent for at least forty minutes.”

* * * * * * * * *

“That’s it, now just slide inside her. No, not – yeah, there. That’s it.”

I grasped Barry’s ass, and pulled him deep inside me. His eyes were closed, his mouth open. He was nice and hard inside me but he stopped. He opened his eyes and looked down at me.

“It feels so…different. Soft, unbelievingly pliant.”

“But good?” I whispered.

“Yeah. Very good.”

“Then fuck her,” Roger ordered.

“Yes sir,” he said with a small, still nervous, smile.

I lifted my knees as he began thrusting. I wrapped my legs around him and let my head hang back, enjoying the sensation of a new cock inside me – a cock I had been wanting for weeks.

Despite his inexperience, he didn’t disappoint. It wasn’t long before we were both breathing hard, our hips ramming together, cries filling the room. Roger was next to us, his hand on Barry’s ass, his lips on my neck and shoulders. I could feel his hard cock brushing against us and wondered where that cock would be in the next five minutes.

I screamed, my orgasm wracking my body. Barry gave a strangled cry and thrust into me even harder a few times before collapsing, gasping for air.

He rolled off of me, lying on his back as we both caught our breath. I moaned, feeling Roger’s lips on my nipples. He moved to mount me, but I pushed him away.

“I need to fuck something,” he moaned, trying again.

“If she’s tired, you can fuck me,” Barry offered, still breathless.

Roger looked at him, then at me, suddenly very quiet. “I’ve never done that. To a man, I mean.”

“I’ve never fucked a woman before, either,” Barry said, grinning. “But I’m here to tell you, I’m looking forward to the next time.”

“Go on,” I urged Roger.

I moved aside and Roger moved closer to Barry. I could see him shaking a bit, very scared about this. It was one thing for him to suck on and be sucked by men, but fucking one up the ass, this was a big moment for him.

I helped him lube Barry, who was propped up on some pillows, and then roll a condom over his pounding cock. I then moved away and lay on my side, watching.

Roger grasped the sides of Barry’s ass and placed his dick between his cheeks. Barry moaned and pushed backwards, eager for a good fucking. Roger grasped his own cock and placed it at Barry’s entrance. He pushed forward.

Barry simply moaned as Roger pushed further inside, slowly. Roger’s eyes were closed, his breathing erratic, but he did not stop.

“That’s it,” I whispered. “Fuck him, Roger.”

“Oh God,” Roger moaned then began pumping his first male ass.

It was a beautiful thing to watch as the two men I adored lay beside me, mating. They were going slow, enjoying each other. “Sit up,” Roger whispered and Barry quickly complied, rising to his knees. Roger wrapped his arms around him and grasped his cock with both hands, stroking him slowly.

“Oh yes,” Barry moaned. “Yes, yes.”

I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to join them. I moved closer, and knelt before Barry. He looked down at me as my mouth covered his cock head. Roger felt me and moved his left hand to my head and his right hand down to cup Barry’s balls.

Barry’s cries became constant as Roger fucked him and I sucked him. I lie still, letting my lover’s thrusts push Barry’s cock in and out of my mouth.

When Barry came, I moaned, drinking his cum eagerly. I heard Roger rasp, “Rachel, move. Now.”

I pulled away quickly and he pushed Barry back down. Roger grasped his hips and began pumping him much faster than he had been. Barry’s cries began again until Roger yelled, coming hard, thrusting his impressive dick into Barry to the hilt. He stayed there for a bit, shuddering and crying out softly then fell back, sliding out of Barry’s ass.

He lay beside me, breathing hard, and I cuddled close to him, kissing him gently. Barry watched us, smiling, unable to move either.

I moved over Roger so that I was between my two lovely men. Barry moved closer and pressed against my back while Roger pressed against my front.

All three of us were spent, but we lay there for a while, cuddling and fondling each other. I moved my head between them, kissing them both slowly and deeply. I was so hot, but didn’t want either of them to move. Being sandwiched between them was a feeling I would never forget.

It wasn’t too long before I felt Barry’s cock stiffening. His hands were becoming more aggressive on my breasts and he began thrusting against my ass. Roger noticed this and reached behind himself for a fresh condom.

Barry pulled back slightly, allowing Roger to slide the condom down his shaft then he moved back against me. I wrapped my leg about Roger, but it was Barry’s cock that slid inside me.

I clung to Roger as Barry fucked me from behind, kissing him. Roger’s hand was between my legs, his fingers on my clit, but often straying down to feel Barry’s cock sliding in and out of me.

Barry’s hand was on my hip, grasping me tightly as he thrust into me from behind. His breath was ragged and I could tell that fucking a woman was becoming more alluring to him each second.

“I’m getting hard,” Roger rasped.

Barry immediately pulled out of me and I cried out “No!” in protest, but Roger was immediately filling Barry’s place. I clung to him again as he began fucking me instead and Barry pulled away.

“Come back,” I pleaded.

“I am, just hold on.”

I gasped, feeling the cold lubricant being poured on my cheeks. Barry’s hands slid between them and I moaned feeling his fingers against my anus. He pressed his lips to my ear then whispered, “I think you’re about to have a very fulfilling experience.”

“Oh god yes!” I cried.

“But not like this,” Roger said and yet again, my nice cock was pulled out of me.

“Dammit!” I cried. “I’m supposed to be being filled, not emptied!”

“Is she always this impatient,” Barry asked, lying on his back, lubing his erection, which had a new condom applied to it.

“When it comes to sex, often,” Roger said, sitting up and pulling me with him.

I saw what was expected of me and I immediately straddled Barry’s body, facing away from him. He grasped my hips and placed his cock head against my anus. I closed my eyes and began to slide down his cock slowly, forcing myself to relax. I could feel each ridge of his cock as it slid inside me and I moaned softly.

“God your ass feel so good,” Barry moaned. “Now, lie down.”

I lie back and Roger immediately moved between my legs. He was on his knees so that he could reach me and I groaned deeply as he began pushing into me. I felt my eyes roll back in my head as both cavities were filled and I found that it was hard to breath for a moment.

“Are you happy now?” Roger rasped, lying on top of me.

“I will be perfectly content when you start fucking me.”

And with that, he did.

I moaned from the first thrust until the end, unable to contain my pleasure. With each thrust, I was impaled on Barry’s cock. Barry’s hands were between my legs, trying to find my clit. When he found it, I held his hand there. His other hand moved further down to feel Roger’s cock pushing into and out of me over and over again.

Roger moved slowly at first, knowing I had never done this before and not knowing how I was going to handle it. When I draped my legs over his shoulders and demanded that he fuck me like a piston, he obeyed eagerly.

Barry’s moans were as loud as mine as his cock impaled me with each of Roger’s thrusts. His hand was frigging me furiously. My first orgasm was accentuated by a loud “Yes!” from deep in my throat.

Barry’s hands left me then, and moved to grasp my hips, hard. He began thrusting upwards into me, which caused me to scream and I heard him laughing and moaning all at the same time.

Roger’s breathing was harsh as he fucked me – fucked us – and I knew he was going to have to come soon. His excitement was written all over his flush face. But he kept going…and going.

I was screaming from my third orgasm when Barry’s thrusting became harsh and erratic. He yelled, coming so hard that I thought he was going to buck us both off of him, but his grip on my hips prevented this. Roger kept thrusting, causing Barry to cry out from the extreme sensitivity of his cock.

But finally, Roger came with a loud cry and he stopped rocking us.

We lay still for a while, trying to catch our breath. I could feel both men wilting inside me. Roger pulled away first, and collapsed onto the floor. I sat up, slightly numb, and pulled myself off of Barry’s cock. He moaned deeply as I did so. I fell forward onto my stomach, still breathing heavily.

I drifted off to sleep in that position, smiling. I was oh so sore, but never had I felt so fulfilled.

* * * * * * * * *

I awoke the next morning to find that someone had placed me onto the sofa and covered me with a nice, thick comforter. I sighed in contentment and pulled it tight around me, ready to drift off to sleep once again.

I opened my eyes hearing the soft sigh. It took me a second to focus but I saw Barry and Roger, still on the floor. Roger was between Barry’s legs, giving him a slow, leisurely blowjob. Barry had his arms folded behind his head and was smiling widely, obviously enjoying himself.

I glanced up at the clock on the wall and saw that it was only 5:00 in the morning. I looked back down at the men and wondered which of the two had awoken first. I considered joining them, but didn’t. The moment looked intimate in ways more than sexual and I didn’t wish to intrude.

I closed my eyes and listened to the sighs, the almost inaudible moans and the gentle sucking. Barry let out a soft ‘uh!’ when he came and I heard him trying to stifle his rasps, but I never opened my eyes.

I was drifting off to sleep again when I felt my comforter being lifted. I opened my eyes to find Roger joining me under the blanket. He lay on top of me and I wrapped my arms about him. He kissed me and pushed my legs apart. I broke our kiss and gasped when he pushed his erection inside of me.

“I love you,” he rasped.

“I love you too.”

We made love quietly. I looked to my left to see that Barry was under a second comforter on the floor, dozing. His eyes opened when I cried out softly. He just smiled and fell back to sleep.

Published 12 years ago

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