Continued from Part 1…
He ran through the halls until he found a bathroom on the other side of the school, shut the door, and leaned his weight against it.
The Genie’s sparkling pink cloud floated around him before gently coalescing into her human form. Her bubbly demeanor was gone, replaced with a soft, remorseful expression. “I’m sorry for displeasing you, Master,” she said with a formality George found disturbing.
George had never been quick to anger, and feeling it now was deeply unsettling. He worked to slow his breathing in an effort to calm down before he said something he’d regret. He strode past her to a sink, turned on the water, and splashed some on his face.
“What are you doing, Master?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “People on TV do it. It’s supposed to calm you down.”
“Is it working?”
He turned the water off and sighed. “No.”
The Genie asked, “Were you worried about impregnating her? If so, I actively prevent any fertilization without your express permission. So there won’t be any illegitimate heirs to your legacy.”
George’s eyes went wide with surprise. He looked up and caught her gaze through the mirror. “What?” he said in shock.
She lowered her gaze submissively and said, “No oopsies for you. You’ll only get a woman pregnant if you wish to.”
But her reassurance only compounded his issues. “Fuck,” he muttered to himself as he realized he hadn’t thought about birth control once since this morning’s insanity began.
His companion looked even more confused than before. “I-I don’t have to do that. I can ensure every orgasm results in pregnancy if you…”
But George stopped her. “No, no, no, Genie, please just… It’s not that…not you. Not really.”
“Then what? Was she not to your liking?”
“How do I explain?” he asked himself. After searching his thoughts, he couldn’t think of anything better than just coming out and saying it. With a heavy heart, he said, “We forced ourselves on her.”
“What? Master, no! That was all just dirty talk, I promise! She was really into the taboo. She just got carried away.”
“But she wouldn’t have done that if I hadn’t wished for it. We put those thoughts in her head. Did she have the ability to say no?”
“Well… no. But so what? She’s not traumatized or anything. I made sure she had a good time. I even pulled the scenario from her fantasies. And you gave her some great orgasms.” She looked off into the distance, a dreamy smile across her face. “She’s riding high right now, I assure you. She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s about to become the first member of your harem.”
George turned around and threw her a fierce glare. “Would you stop with the harem bullshit for two seconds and think about this!?” His outburst snapped her out of her whimsy. “Forget how fucking sad it is that the only way I can get laid is by rearranging the fucking universe! We just used the Power Cosmic to brainwash a woman into having sex with me! We took away her ability to consent, her free will!”
Disgusted, he put both hands on the sink and sulked. He felt like a monster. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t yell,” he said quietly.
“But… Master, I don’t understand,” she stammered. “Using my abilities to fulfill your desires is my purpose. And you did desire her. Didn’t you?”
He shook his head in frustration. “Yes, of course I did. But…not like that.”
She gazed at him through the mirror. “Then tell me, what do you want, Master? I promise I’ll do anything to make it right.”
Seeing her beautiful face, concerned but calm, diffused some of his explosive emotions and allowed him to ponder his situation. And right away, he felt stupid for blaming her. She was only doing what she was meant to do. He took a deep breath and said, “For years, I’ve been surviving, one day at a time. Fantasizing about Ms. McCoole was a nice escape, but it was just that. A fantasy. But the reality is that I like her. Like…as a person, not just a fantasy. She’s decent, she’s brilliant, she deserves my respect. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like a… a tool… a toy.” The topic was exhausting, and he rubbed his eyes. “Nobody does.”
“Oh… you’re worried about the morality,” she stated.
“Aren’t you? I mean, just think about it. We have the power to do whatever we want, so long as it involves sex. Right?”
“Basically, yeah,” came her casual reply.
“If we wanted to, we could have sex with everyone in this school, right now, all at once. And no one could stop us?”
She shrugged and said, “Pretty much.” George sighed, exasperated, and Genie responded, “But you don’t have to. You’re in control. You can be whatever kind of Master you want to be.”
“But what about you? You’re acting like none of this matters, like it’s all fun and games. Like you’re happy to just be a toy I can play with. If I wanted to be a raging sex maniac who uses people like rags and tosses them away when I’m done, would you be okay with that?” But George didn’t wait for her reply, believing he already knew the answer. “Never mind.”
The Genie withdrew her hand from his shoulder and paced around the bathroom a few times, thinking intently about something. Finally, she said, “I’d gladly fulfill those wishes if you made them, regardless of my thoughts on the matter.”
“Exactly,” he huffed.
“Master, I’m… not like you. I’m not human,” she said solemnly. “I don’t get to make those kinds of choices. I am your servant, bound for all time, and I exist only to serve you. Your will is my will. Your morals are my morals.” But despite her speech, there was a human-like disappointment behind her words. “However, I wouldn’t be okay with it, no.”
Turning back to her, he asked, “Why not?”
“Because I know you. We’re bound… connected. I know everything about you; I am the way I am because you are who you are. And I know that for you to become… that, it means that you’ve become a completely different person. And I don’t want that. I like you this way.”
George lowered his gaze in embarrassment and said, “You’re only saying that because you have to. Besides, I don’t even like me.”
She sighed. “You’ve been through a lot. And being cursed hasn’t helped. But, Master, please don’t confuse my obedience for my feelings.” She nudged his chin up so she could look into his eyes. “I’m compelled to serve you, but I don’t have to like it.”
Part of him wanted to push her away, adamant in his self-hatred. But the sincerity in her deep blue eyes felt too real. “You really mean that?” he asked.
She stroked his cheek and said, “I can’t lie to you.”
“That one of your rules?”
She nodded. “Master, I’m sorry for pushing you so hard, and I promise to put the harem aside for now. All I want is to serve you to the best of my abilities. It’s just that my abilities are rather narrow in scope.” She smirked and gave him a playful shrug. “I have a one-track mind, it would seem.”
“Well, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to be served,” he said. The Genie brightened, and George scrambled to clarify. “Not that… I mean…”
She giggled. “So what do you mean then? Tell me how best to serve you. How can I slake your lust without granting you wishes?” She bounced on her heels, purposefully making her breasts jiggle enticingly.
George had to turn away from her so as not to derail his train of thought. “I don’t want to just…fuck every hot chick we come across. I want to be wanted. I want to be worthy. For a woman like Ms. McCoole, I want to be the best thing that’s ever happened to her, and not because you’re making her believe it. It has to be real, or it’s nothing.”
She bounced and squealed excitedly, “You want to seduce her! Master, why didn’t you say so? That’s, like, my thing! Well, one of my things, anyway. It’s not nearly as efficient as a wish, but whatever.”
Seduction. He’d never thought about it that way, but she was right. They were finally starting to communicate. “Okay,” he thought. “Well, you have rules that you have to follow, right? No zombies, no time travel, etc?”
She laughed. “That’s right.”
“Well, I have rules that I need to follow too. And the first one is that I’m never going to make a wish that takes away another person’s free will.”
“Hmm,” she thought, “Okay, so, for example, no wishing for someone to have sex with you?”
“Or fall in love with me, or fall in love with someone else. Basically, I don’t want to make people do things they wouldn’t do on their own. And no matter what, if someone still wants to turn me down, then we have to let that lie.”
“Alright, I think I understand,” she said with a wry smirk. “Luckily, that still leaves a lot of ground to cover. I can do lots of things as long as it gets you closer to someone’s heart.”
“I’ll consider it. But, Genie, that has to be the… the prime directive. If I start butting up against that, will you let me know?”
She gave him an exaggerated thumbs up and said, “I’ll do my best, Master. What’s rule number two?”
“I, uh…I don’t know yet, but we’ll think of something.”
Genie jumped up to sit on the counter and swung her legs playfully back and forth. “Poor Ms. McCoole, she’s going to have to love being your fuckdoll all on her own.”
George was starting to feel better but deflated when the memory of their carnal pairing came rushing back. “Christ, I can’t believe that really happened. I should go talk to her.”
“Hmm, now may not be the best time,” she warned.
“What? Why not?”
“As I said, she’s riding so high right now she might float away. Let’s give her some time to process. And besides, I took care of everything. I mended her clothes, cleaned her up, and fixed that mug you knocked off her desk. If you want, I can erase all knowledge of the encounter.”
He threw his hands up and waved her off. “No, no, that’s against the prime directive!”
She covered her mouth as if she had belched, “Oops! Sorry!”
George chuckled. Her disarming charm was already making him feel better. “It’s fine. Could you let me know when it is a good time?”
She nodded happily and chirped, “I can do that.”
“Okay…” he breathed.
“Okay,” she repeated. She reached out for him, and George allowed himself to be pulled into her embrace. “Do you feel any better?” she asked.
He scratched his head out of nervous embarrassment. “Yeah, sorry. I didn’t mean to get all self-righteous on you. I just can’t help but worry about her. You’re sure she’s okay?”
“I’m positive. And, just so you know, I barely had to do anything. Everything she said or did was all her. All I did was quiet that little voice concerned with what’s appropriate between a needy teacher and her hunky student.”
George was slightly distracted by her breasts bulging out of her dress as they smooshed against his chest. “You, uh… you don’t say.” Then, he shook out the intrusive thoughts telling him to do inappropriate things and said, “Still. Let’s just be more careful in the future. Please?”
She hugged him tight and whispered, “As you wish, Master.”
They gazed into each other’s eyes, both seemingly satisfied. Eventually, she said, “Ya know, seeing you rail Ms. McCoole like that was really fucking hot.”
He chuckled bashfully and said, “Yeah, it was pretty wild, wasn’t it.”
She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer. “So… when’s it gonna be my turn, huh, Master?”
“Not here,” he said softly.
“Aww, why not?” she whined.
“I, uh… I’d like that to be special. I don’t want it in my high school’s grungy…” he stopped.
They could hear several men’s voices locked in a heated conversation, and they were coming closer. George was about to pull away, but before they burst through the door, the Genie pulled him in by his collar and smothered him with a passionate kiss. He didn’t have time to protest as two senior students wearing varsity jackets hustled in and shut the door behind them. “Dude, I’m serious! This shit is fucked up!” one of them hollered.
The other voice shushed him and responded in hushed tones. “I know, I know, just shut the fuck up already! You heard what Coach said. You get caught running your mouth, and it’s gonna be all our asses.”
In his mind, George heard his companion’s luscious voice. “Keep kissing me, Master, just like that. I won’t let them see us as long as you keep kissing me with those lips. I love these lips!”
Indeed, the guys didn’t seem to notice them, even when Genie let out a needy moan. George gave in despite his potential audience and let his hands roam over her curvy body.
The first one took heed and lowered his voice. “Sorry, man. This shit is just… You know I wanna win just as badly as everyone does, but… a virgin sacrifice? Do we know who?”
“Nah, man, it’s probably a metaphor. I’m sure they didn’t actually need a maiden or whatever. It’s just another haze.”
George’s attention was stolen from his sexy companion, and he watched them through the mirror. Though he never stopped kissing her.
“Dude, it did not sound like a metaphor. Why would he bullshit us about a crime?”
“I get it,” the other groaned, exasperated, “this isn’t what I had in mind when Coach talked about legacy and tradition. But it doesn’t matter now. The deed’s already done. We’re in this shit, bro.”
“So what do we do? We can’t go to the police. Chief Sanders always covers for him. The two came up together.”
“Look, bro, I know it’s sus, but none of this will matter in five years when we’re top draft picks, picking out mansions and banging models. So we keep our heads down, do what Coach says, and ride the wave to the Superbowl. Okay?”
“Alright… okay…”
“Anyway. I gotta pee, one sec.” He entered the closest stall, walking right by George and Genie, and the two heard him unzip.
The other paced around as he did his business, clearly stressed out. He mumbled, “I could use a turn with Lacy right now. Waiting till after practice blows.”
“Quit whining, dude,” said the other guy from inside the stall. “You’re lucky she even gives you the time of day. ‘Sides, Connor’s gonna hog her most of the time anyway.”
“Yeah, but those tits are fucking epic.”
The Genie smiled through their kiss and guided George’s hands over her generous mounds. George didn’t have first-hand experience with Lacy’s enhanced assets, but the Genie had her beat in every category. The idea that the hottest girl in school, Lacy Summers, the mean-girl sexpot the entire school lusted for, couldn’t compare with the beauty in his arms was devilishly thrilling.
The toilet flushed, and the other boy approached the sink beside where George and Genie were fooling around. He washed his hands and even reached around them, subconsciously avoiding them, to grab a towel.
On their way out, he asked, “What’s for lunch? Chili?”
His friend responded, “Is that what you call it? That shit is dog food, bro.”
The bell rang a short time later, and George could hear the commotion in the hallways. Still, he enjoyed kissing the Genie so much that he found it difficult to think of anything else. Eventually, that nagging voice inside him, demanding that he worry about life, won out. And it was very insistent that he not fail calculus.
“Mmph… Genie, I need to, hmm… get going,” he managed between kisses.
The Genie merely whimpered and kissed him harder.
George managed to break off their kiss and said, “I want this, but I have calculus next, and I really need to focus on that one. I’ve been struggling with it.”
She pouted. “Aww, okay, I guess,” she huffed.
“Sorry, I’m not trying to make you sad. But I gotta catch up.”
She smiled, “Well, I wouldn’t be so sad if you weren’t such a good kisser. You’re a natural.”
He shrugged. “I never thought I’d like it so much.”
The Genie took her place inside his head, and the pair made their way to George’s calculus class. He didn’t like doing it, but he had to ask her to let him concentrate. While science fascinated him, math had never been his strong suit, and calculus was no exception. The Genie excused herself with an exaggerated bow, claiming she had important Genie business to attend to, and stayed silent for the class duration. However, George could feel her presence nearby, like a good friend sitting on the couch beside him.