Boss Deceives Employee Into Being A Cuckold To His Voluptuous Wife

"Boss finally gets a chance to breed his employee's voluptuous wife."

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My name is Phil, and my wife, Denise, and I have lived in the Atlanta area since graduating from college. We’re fifty years old now, with two kids grown and out on their own, and I’m the marketing vice president for a large corporation. My alpha male traits helped me get ahead, and I’ve always been aggressive and go after what I want, especially with girls in high school and college, fueled by my high libido.

I’m athletic, played football, basketball, and baseball in high school, and stay fit with regular workouts at our company-sponsored fitness facility. I’m six feet and one inch tall, weigh one hundred and eighty-five pounds, and a lot of people say I look a lot like the actor, Chris Pine. Denise is pretty and looks a lot like the actress, Liv Tyler.

Many of our personal friends are also my work associates, and we socialize a lot with them, both at company parties and events, as well as privately. We’re the closest with one of my direct reports, Dan, my marketing research director, and his wife, Lisa, who are both forty-one years old. They have also lived in the Atlanta area since graduating from college. Their daughter recently left home for college, and Lisa had gone back to work as an accountant when their daughter started middle school.

Dan and Lisa are an attractive couple, with him being in good shape at six feet tall and weighing about one hundred and seventy-five pounds. I’ve always been attracted to Lisa, as most men are, and my desire to fuck her grew over the years. She’s five feet and three inches tall, weighs one hundred and thirty-eight pounds, and has huge, melon-sized, 34DD breasts. She looks a lot like the singer/actress, Jessica Simpson, during one of her slightly voluptuous periods, and has blonde hair and brown eyes.

Socializing with Dan and Lisa

We periodically go out drinking and dancing at clubs with Dan and Lisa, and often switch dancing partners. Dan is always careful to keep his interactions with Denise platonic, out of deference to me as his boss and trying to respect the boss/employee boundaries. He holds Denise closely when they dance but doesn’t let his hands roam. But after eighteen years into our working relationship and friendship, when Lisa and Dan were forty and Denise and I were forty-nine, I began to get intimate with Lisa on the dance floor.

I began to guide us to distant, darker corners of the dance floor when dancing with Lisa, but we were still visible sometimes, despite the attempted coverup. I’ve kissed her many times; long, passionate, tongue-probing kisses; as well as rubbing her ass and the sides of her breasts. I sense that Dan has the mixed emotions of jealousy, arousal, humiliation, and submissiveness when he sees me hitting on his wife, and it gives me pleasure in my alpha role to know that the power I have over Dan as his boss is intimidating enough that he lets me get away with kissing and feeling up his wife.

Lisa lets me get away with it too, and I can still remember the circumstances leading to the first time I kissed her. Up to that point in my life, I enjoyed frequent sex with Denise, usually six times a week, but she had recently become less receptive to me in the bedroom. I didn’t know the reason, although Denise said that she might be having perimenopausal symptoms and had lost the desire to have sex.

The first time I became intimate with Lisa I hadn’t had sex with Denise for a month, and I was extremely horny. Lisa was wearing a short, black, backless cocktail dress with no bra and a plunging neckline, and I had been watching her melon-sized tits shaking and swaying all evening, as well as feeling them pressed against my lower chest.

I remembered a conversation I had with Dan in the past year when we were drinking. I was complimenting him on how hot Lisa is. In his drunkenness, he admitted that it was arousing to him when other men lusted after her. I reasoned that his voyeur tendencies and my leverage as his boss would keep Dan from protesting.

So, I held Lisa tighter, and looked down at her, saying, “The well has run dry at home, and you look delicious tonight, Lisa. You wouldn’t mind giving Dan’s old boss a little kiss, would you?”

Lisa’s face turned red and she looked stunned at first. I could tell that she was quickly evaluating her options and the potential ramifications. I knew that we were attracted to each other as good friends, and I didn’t think it would take much to push her over the edge.

She answered in a way that I knew I had a chance, saying, “My goodness, Phil, you’re making me blush. You’re very handsome tonight too, as always, but what would Denise and Dan think?”

I replied, “I don’t think Denise will mind if good friends share an innocent kiss, and Dan told me when we were drunk a while back that he gets aroused when men lust after you. Let’s give him something to get excited about.”

Lisa didn’t respond immediately, and I leaned down and pressed my lips to her thick, soft lips while holding her head in my hand. It was just a normal kiss at first, but when I pressed my tongue between her lips, they parted, and she kissed me back with her tongue. We were quickly in a passionate, wet, tongue-probing kiss, and were standing in one place, swaying to the music, as I began to rub the top of her ass with my other hand.

I had no way of knowing about her love life at home with Dan, but we were kissing as if both of us were starved for the intimacy and passion that we were sharing. We were embracing and kissing that way for what seemed like almost ten minutes, going from one song to the next, as I pressed my hardening cock against her belly.

We finally broke the kiss, and Lisa was almost breathless as she smiled, looked up at me, and said, “Oh my, Phil, I had no idea that you’re such a good kisser. I think it might have gone a bit beyond a friendly, innocent kiss. Denise and I have shared girl-talk about a lot of things in our lives, but she never told me that. I think I might need to sit for a few minutes to catch my breath.”

I didn’t want to let the moment pass without telling her how I felt, and I said, “I have to be honest and tell you that I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first time we met. I loved having you in my arms and sharing that amazing kiss with you. I hope this is the first of many.”

Lisa laughed and led me back towards our table, saying, “I’d like that too, but first, we’d better see what kind of reaction we get from our spouses.”

Denise and Dan acted as if nothing had happened when we got back to the table, and I couldn’t tell if they didn’t see us, or if they just decided not to say anything. If Dan was holding back because I’m his boss, then that’s fine with me, and made me want to exploit my position over him even more. It turned me on knowing that he might have seen us but felt powerless to intervene.

I found out when we got home that Denise and Dan were watching us the whole time Lisa and I were kissing, and I asked her what she and Dan thought about it. Denise answered, “It didn’t really bother me that much, since I haven’t been that attentive to you in bed lately, and Dan was much more accepting of it than I thought he might be. He almost looked excited as you and Lisa continued that long and wet kiss.”

Then I interrupted, saying, “Wow, that’s amazing that he didn’t get upset. What else did you two talk about?”

Denise replied, “I apologized for you and told him that you’re always horny and you’ve been infatuated with Lisa since we met them. I told him that you didn’t mean any harm, and that Lisa didn’t seem to mind. Dan wasn’t upset by it anyway, and I even teased him by suggesting that he might even like seeing you two together that way.”

I said, “Damn, honey, you were really putting ideas in his head. What else did he say?”

She replied, “He keyed in on my comment about you always being horny and wondered just how far you intended to take things with his wife. I let him know that I didn’t know your intentions, since that was the first time I had seen you act that way with another woman. He was concerned about the fact that you’re his boss, and it would be difficult for him to object if anything further happened. He even admitted that in your superior position you’re intimidating to him. But just what are your intentions with Lisa anyway?”

I cautiously answered, “Uh, well, honey, you know how horny I always am, and you haven’t been very receptive to me lately. Given the opportunity, and with your blessing, I’d suck those big tits and fuck her. How would you feel about that? I mean, they are friends, and it’s not like I’d be sneaking out and trying to fuck some stranger.”

Denise smiled and replied, “I never thought I’d get to this point in my life, but if it means that you’ll leave me alone about sex for a while, then I say you should try to fuck her. It would serve Dan right for always letting Lisa run around with those big hooters of hers sticking out and shaking. I think they’re probably so afraid of you and the power you have over their livelihood that, even if it takes a while, you should be able to fuck her. Look how easy it was to kiss her, and Dan didn’t seem to mind. He might even be the kind of guy who finds out he likes to watch.”

I remembered something Lisa had told me earlier, and asked, “Lisa told me that you two shared some girl-talk about our personal lives. How much did you discuss?”

She replied, “Yes, Lisa sometimes comes over to share a little wine with me when you and Dan are out drinking. We talk about everything and even compare your cock sizes. You’ve got Dan beat badly in that department, and Lisa was impressed, but Dan does have his benefits. Lisa said that he loves to eat her out both before and after they fuck.”

Dan and Lisa’s Conversation About the Dance Floor Intimacy

The next time we went out together I asked Lisa if Dan made any comments about us kissing. She said, “When we got home after the first time he saw us kissing he wanted to talk about it. I got a little upset with him, asking, ‘Well, what the fuck do you want me to do?’”

Lisa continued, “Then I said to Dan, ‘Phil’s your boss, and I didn’t want to push him away and piss him off. I’ve always liked Phil a lot anyway, but the kissing and touching are innocent. I know that both you and Denise saw us together like that, but apparently neither of you think it’s such a big deal, or you’d have put a stop to it. And besides, it can’t hurt to be receptive to your boss, since he has control over a large part of our livelihood.’”

Lisa added, “Dan thought for a few seconds and kiddingly asked, with an undertone of seriousness, ‘What do you mean by receptive to him? Those kisses looked wet and passionate to me. Just where do you draw the line on being receptive to my boss?’”

Lisa then said, “I teased him a little, saying, ‘Oh my, sweetie, it’s so nice to see that you’re jealous of Phil being close to me like that. But tell me the truth; doesn’t it turn you on, maybe just a little, seeing me with your boss that way? One of my lady friends at work has told me how excited her husband gets when he sees her with other men, and especially her boss. And about being receptive, do you really think he’d try to do more with me?’”

Lisa concluded, “Dan gave me a mealy-mouth answer, saying, ‘Honestly, honey, I’ve got all kinds of feelings running through me when I see him kissing you that way. And I wouldn’t put it past Phil to try to do more. Denise told me how attracted he is to you and how horny he is all the time, so I don’t know what he might do. I don’t understand why that doesn’t upset Denise, unless she doesn’t want to rock the boat on her very plush lifestyle by pissing him off.’”

We continued going out together to clubs over the next year, and my relationship with Lisa got more intimate.

Increasing Intimacy Over the Next Year

With the freedom that Denise gave me to pursue Lisa, our fifteen or so dance nights over the next year became more and more intimate. Lisa and I were openly kissing in front of our spouses, and I even began to rub her tits and ass as we danced.

Towards the end of the next year, I was even able to guide us to corners of the dance floors, with my back to our table, reach down and lift the back of her dress, and finger-fuck her very wet pussy from behind. Lisa even pushed her hand between us and rubbed my rock-hard cock.

Our conversations were becoming steamier too, and I often asked her how Dan was reacting to our increased affection towards each other. She told me, “He sometimes tries to question me about the things we’re doing on the dance floor, and I usually just cut him off by saying, ‘If you want it to stop, then you have to have the balls to talk with Phil about it.’ It’s pretty clear to me that he doesn’t want to rock the boat with his job, even if that means that you’re kissing and fondling me.”

During the last couple months of that year, I began trying to prime the pump, by saying things like, “Damn, Lisa, it’s driving me crazy being so close to you on these dance nights, and not being able to, you know, able to consummate our special friendship. Are you with me on wanting this, and if so, how can we make it happen?”

Lisa usually answered, saying, “I’ve told you before that I want this too, but I’m not going to cheat on Dan. If we do this, it must be with his blessing and cooperation. You’re his boss and he’s intimidated by you, so you should be able to find a way to convince or maybe even coerce him.”

With Lisa’s encouragement, I made plans to convince Dan to let me fuck his beautiful wife.

Dan Learns About the Depth of My Lust for His Wife

Over the years, Dan and I evolved into a habit of going out to have a beer with lunch and going to bars after work periodically. Soon after I knew that Lisa was willing to fuck me, I began to sexualize my conversations with Dan by complaining about Denise’s waning interest in having sex. I emphasized that she’s fifty years old now, and perimenopausal, which I learned means she has begun the symptoms of menopause but is still having her periods. One of the symptoms is a lower sex drive.

One Monday evening after work, a week before the main events in this story began, Dan and I were at our favorite neighborhood bar, only a short drive from our neighborhoods. We were starting our fourth beers, and I was purposely slurring my words, as I said, “I’ve been climbing the walls, Dan. Denise has been taking hormone therapy pills to help with her beginning menopause symptoms, but she still has no interest in sex, or even giving me a blowjob. You’re a lucky man having Lisa to take care of you at night. She’s hotter than fuck, and I’d love to get some of that.”

Dan seemed to be happy that I’m attracted to Lisa and had seen us being cozy on the dance floor, but I could tell by his body language that he thought my drunken comment was a bit too crude. Even though we’re friends, I knew that he respects our superior/subordinate relationship, knowing that I have control over his livelihood, and he wanted to be careful how he responded.

He was drunk and trying not to come on too hard when he said, “Come on, Phil, that’s my wife you’re talking about. What would Denise think if she heard you say that?”

I laughed and replied, with even more suggestive comments, “Well, she probably wouldn’t like hearing me say that, but neither one of you have ever complained about me kissing and fondling Lisa’s fantastic tits and ass on the dance floor. She gives me wet, tongue-probing kisses too, so you can’t blame me for at least thinking about the possibilities of getting into your wife’s sweet pussy.”

Dan said, “It’s obvious that she likes you, Phil, at least as our good friend, and I was starting to wonder how far you’d try to take it. But I think you might be reading too much into a little harmless play between good friends. She might not even like your advances but is probably afraid to stop you since you’re my boss.”

We were almost finished with our fourth beers and starting on the fifth, when I replied, “Shit, that’s okay with me if she’s worried about you losing your job and lets me feel her up; fear is a good motivator. She’s done more than you know too. You couldn’t see at those times we were hidden from you and Denise when Lisa reached down between us to rub my big, rock-hard cock pressed against her belly, as I fingered her wet pussy from behind. I’ll bet that given an opportunity, and with your blessing to let me try, I could fuck her.”

Dan had told me previously that Lisa was wild in college before they met, but in their nineteen years of marriage, he never had any reason to suspect her of cheating on him, even given that he sees what she and I were doing on the dance floor. I could hardly believe that he was letting me talk so raunchy about his wife, and it was beginning to look like Dan was getting turned on by my conversation with him, using explicit language about what we did while dancing and what I was saying I wanted to do.

I knew from Denise that Dan’s circumcised cock is only five inches long on hard and of normal thickness. He had seen my soft meat at the gym and urinals at work many times. He knows that I have a big, thick, uncircumcised cock, over six inches long on soft, but he had never seen it hard at nine inches long. I wanted to get him interested in fantasizing about what it would be like to see my meat on hard and fucking his wife.

Dan apparently didn’t think there was a chance that Lisa would really fuck me, so I wasn’t surprised when he teased me a little, saying, “Okay, Phil, let’s say that I agreed to allow you the opportunity to fuck Lisa, and not interfere. What would I get out of it, either way, knowing that she’ll likely disagree?”

My ears perked up hearing that, and I answered, “Damn, buddy, if I had that opportunity, and could keep fucking Lisa as often as she’d let me after the first time, I can guarantee that you’ll get a promotion. This is confidential, but I recently learned that I’m being considered for the executive vice president’s position, since Fletcher is retiring soon, and that would give me authority over marketing and distribution Then I’d promote you to my job.”

I must admit that the offer of a potential promotion was a lie, as well as my further promise of a bonus, and he was surprised that I would offer something so lucrative, especially since there weren’t any rumors about Fletcher retiring. He said, “Whoa, Phil, that sounds amazing, but I can’t guarantee that Lisa will fuck you.”

I smiled and said, “I’m confident enough from the way she reacts to me when we’re dancing that I’ll be able to fuck her. If I’m wrong, then that’s my problem, and you’ll get the promotion anyway, assuming of course that I get promoted. If not, I’ll at least try to get you a big bonus.”

Dan seemed a little taken aback by my confidence and started to rethink his willingness to let me try to fuck his wife. He said, “You sure seem serious about this Phil, and I’m starting to wonder if Lisa would do it or if I could really allow that.”

I laughed and said, “Maybe you’d better let the beers wear off and think this through, Dan. Because I don’t plan on just fucking Lisa. I want to make love to her and explore every inch of her beautiful, voluptuous body. And she’ll want to suck and fuck me all the time after she gets a taste of my big cock in the flesh and feels it inside her tight pussy. From what I’ve heard about these kinds of arrangements, you’ll probably end up being involved in ways you can’t even comprehend right now, and it will definitely change your relationship with your wife.”

I had mentioned my big cock two times, and he was getting curious about how big it gets on hard. That’s when he gave me my first opening to get things started, by him saying, “I do need to sober up and think about this with a clear head. In the meantime, I think you know that I’m not a homo, but I can’t help wondering how big your cock is when hard. You’ve mentioned that it’s big twice now, and I’d like to know what Lisa would be getting herself into. Lisa told me that she and Denise have discussed our cocks too.”

I smiled and said, “Hell yeah, Dan, this is just the kind of thing I was talking about you being involved in and it must mean that you’re really considering surrendering Lisa to me to fuck. I’ve really got a case of the blue balls right now and need to get off, so let’s go out to my SUV, where we’ll have room in the back seat.”

He said, “Whoa, Phil, I’m not talking about getting you off. I just want to see your cock when hard.”

I said, “Yeah, but if you want it hard, you’re going to have to make it hard for me, and I might accidentally get off. And besides, you might learn that you like handling my meat and decide to do more. I think we’ve both had too much to drink at this point, and maybe we should go out and sit in my Yukon for a while to sober up before we try to drive home. We can talk more about this out there.”

Dan Takes The First Step to Becoming a Cuckold by Sucking My Cock and Balls

My Yukon has darkly tinted windows and was parked in a less-well-lit corner of the parking lot. Dan followed me out there, and I interpreted that as a positive sign, with at least a little commitment on his part to go farther. I knew that him being drunk would help me to convince him to suck my cock, and that would also give him an excuse to say that he was drunk and out of control, in case he was overly embarrassed after we sobered up.

We got settled on my spacious back seat and I tried to entice him, saying, “Lisa really enjoys rubbing my cock on the dance floor, but she’s never seen or felt my cock in the flesh. It’s uncircumcised, nine inches long on hard, heavy, and thick at over six inches in circumference. Just say the word and I’ll push down my pants and underwear to show it to you.”

It appeared the Dan was struggling with himself about taking that next big step, but he finally said, “Okay, Phil, after all we’ve talked about, I might as well see it.”

He watched closely as I unfastened my pants and pushed them and my underwear down to my ankles. The musky aroma of my hairy crotch permeated the SUV, and he stared at my thick, soft cock lying across my thigh, and my egg-sized, low hanging balls hanging down on the seat.

I waited for Dan to make the next move, and he said, “Damn, Phil, I’ve seen you in the showers at the gym before but didn’t imagine your cock would look so thick and meaty up close. I mean, shit, it’s longer and thicker on soft than my dick when it’s hard, and I’ve never seen a foreskin up close like this. Denise must really love riding that big thing.”

“Yes, she does, or at least she used to,” I said, “and I know that Lisa will love it too. Come on, Dan, stroke it for me so you can see what she’d be getting on hard. We’ve been friends for a long time, and it shouldn’t be that big a deal for you to get a feel of it.”

I was pleased when he leaned over and gripped my cock, which immediately began to harden. Within only a few seconds he was holding my thick nine-inch cock, that was already starting to ooze precum. He instinctively began to stroke it, and I could tell from the look on his face that he was mesmerized holding, stroking, and looking at my thick meat.

He stroked my cock for a few minutes and was really getting into it, when I said, “Come on Dan, you might as well suck it for me. I think that any man who lets me talk about his wife the way I’ve talked about fucking Lisa, and who wants to look at and touch my cock, would likely not mind giving it a taste. I’ve really got the blue balls, old buddy, and could use some help here.”

Dan looked a little red-faced as he replied, “I don’t know, Phil, I’m embarrassed now just stroking your cock, and afraid to guess what you might think of me if I suck it. It’s pretty nasty to take a man’s cock in my mouth, but I have to admit that the aroma of your sweaty crotch is intoxicating.”

I pushed him, saying, “You said that you’re afraid of what I’ll think of you, but nothing about being revulsed at the idea sucking my cock. That means that you must want to try it, and it’s just two old friends having a little fun.”

He responded, “But wouldn’t that make me gay for doing something like this, and if I did it, would you return the favor?

I laughed and answered in a way to push him and put him in his place, saying, “No, Dan, that would just make you bisexual, just like I would be for letting you suck me in the first place. And there’s no way I’d suck you, because I’m an alpha guy and not wired that way. You’ve already shown your submissiveness and willingness to please me by stroking my meat, so I think we’re wired differently, and I’m pretty sure you want to try sucking it.”

Then I got more assertive and said, “Your stroking has gotten me aroused and needing to cum, and I’m telling you as your boss to at least try it. If you know what’s good for you in keeping in good standing with your job, and having an opportunity for the promotion, then you need to open wide and suck my meat. If you don’t like it, then I won’t push you any more about it, and I won’t try to fuck your wife. Do it, Dan, suck my cock, and just think how much Lisa will enjoy it stretching her wet, married cunt.”

Dan started leaning farther down towards my cock, as he said, “Okay, Phil, it makes it a little easier with you ordering me to do it, and I definitely need to keep my job. Please don’t think badly of me for doing something so nasty, since you piss out of your cock. I’d appreciate it if you’d warn me and let me pull off before you cum.

It felt so good when his warm, sucking mouth opened to its fullest and engulfed my cock. He began sucking me as I held his head in place and began slowly thrusting in his mouth. I knew that he was enjoying it from the moans and mewing sounds he was making, along with the wet, squishy sounds of my cock moving in his mouth. I slowly changed positions on the seat, without letting my cock pull out of his mouth, until I was partially on top of him and fucking his face.

Dan gagged a little at first when I pushed my cock into his throat, but then he got used to the pressure and I was fucking his mouth like a cunt. I didn’t last long that first time and had no intention of letting him pull off my meat. Within a few minutes, I said, “Just relax and swallow. This shouldn’t be much different than when you eat out Lisa after you fuck her, except that I do shoot big loads. Keep sucking buddy, while I make you my cum-swallowing bitch. Just imagine all my cum filling your wife’s womb, just like I’m feeding it to you now.”

My cock began to throb and pulse, and I felt Dan swallowing my cock juices. He kept sucking to get the remnants of my load as my cock softened in his mouth, and I knew that he had taken his place being totally subservient to me.

I kept fucking his mouth with my soft cock for another few minutes, and then rolled off him, asking, “How’d you like that, Dan, being under me and taking my load? I thought you liked it, but I want to hear you say it.”

Dan’s face was red with embarrassment as he wiped his mouth, before replying, “I would have never believed that I would do something so disgusting or that I would enjoy it so much. I loved the taste and meatiness of your thick cock in my mouth, and it was amazing when your cock began to throb, and I tasted and felt your load shooting in. I know that I love pussy more than anything else sexually, but it was so enjoyable not only sucking your cock but knowing how much pleasure it gave you. And damn, Phil, your load was huge.”

I was pleased that Dan had accepted his role as my cock sucker and soon to be cuckold, and I wanted to do more to assert my dominance. So, I said, “I’m so happy that you liked it, Dan, and there’s a lot more you can do for me. For now, I want you to kneel on the floor and I’ll show you how much fun it is to suck my big balls.”

Dan moved into position with no argument, as I spread my legs for him. It came so natural to him as he sucked first one, and then the other of my testicles into his mouth, as I held his head in place, smothering him in my hairy scrotum.

He sucked my balls that way for almost fifteen minutes, while also stroking my cock, and I wrapped my legs around his back to give him the feeling of being held captive by me. I thought about trying to get him to rim my ass but didn’t want to push that hard the first time and spook him.

When I released my legs and Dan sat back on the seat, he was embarrassed again and said, “Damn, Phil, you must think I’m really a nasty fucker. But I loved the feeling of being held in place by you and kind of forced to suck your balls. They’re so big and heavy, and I loved the feeling and taste of them in my mouth. I feel so dirty right now, but also aroused and turned on at finding another outlet for my sexual impulses.”

I slapped him on the back and said, “I loved everything you did, and I want to shoot another load in a few minutes while we’re sobering up enough to drive. But right now, I want to talk about fucking your wife. Wouldn’t you like to watch while I plow her tight pussy with my big cock, and fill her womb with my cream and seed?”

Making Plans to Cuckold Dan

Dan looked concerned and answered, “Yes, I would like to see that and even participate, but Lisa isn’t on her birth control pills any longer. They were causing her to gain weight, and we’ve been using the rhythm method for the past year or so. If it happened, you’d need to wear a condom.”

I said, “No way, Dan. I’m going to fuck your wife bareback or not at all, and I love the idea that she could be fertile. It’s up to you two to make sure that the timing is right. Knowing that she’s unprotected will make it even better for me shooting my load into her womb. But how can we make this happen?”

Dan thought for a few seconds and answered, “I was planning on inviting you, Denise, and a few other couples from work over to watch the Falcons game on Sunday, and maybe you can find a way to entice her then. I’m not going to tell her anything about your plans or my approval of them, and certainly not about what I did for you tonight. It’ll just have to happen naturally, if it’s meant to be.”

I replied, “That sounds good to me, but I won’t be bringing Denise. She knows that I’m planning on fucking Lisa and approves of it, but she’ll be out of town visiting her parents on Sunday. I would like for you to invite Fletcher, though, and I know that he’ll want to come without his wife. That’ll be your chance to convince him to support your promotion and see if he wants a piece of Lisa’s sweet pussy too. But I’m ready to shoot another load now, my cock sucking friend, and I’m expecting that you’ll be willing to service me whenever I tell you I need relief.”

I sat sideways on the seat with my back against the door and spread my legs for Dan. He moved in and casually sucked my cock for the next ten minutes, while fondling my balls, and I fed him another big load of my cum. He kept sucking as my cock softened, and I was happy that he had turned into a ravenous cock sucker in only his first time with me.

Involving Fletcher was my way of sucking up to him since he’s my boss, and I told him the next day to expect to be contacted by Dan for an invitation to the football party. I let him know that I had made Dan my cock sucker, and I was planning on both of us fucking his wife. I also told him that I lied to Dan about his pending promotion, and we’d both be enjoying her pussy if everything went according to plan.

Dan let me know that he invited two of his managers and another one of my directors and their wives to the football party, in addition to Fletcher and me, and I knew that I’d need to find a way to approach Lisa at the point the others might be leaving. It was easy getting Dan to suck me off on the next three days after work, and he seemed to be enjoying sucking me more and more. The last time I got him to rim my ass, and I knew that I had him totally under my control.

Sometimes I had to forcefully pull away from him when he was sucking my cock and balls. I didn’t let him suck on Friday, though, since I was saving myself for Lisa on Sunday.

Football Party is a Success with a Surprise Ending

The Falcon’s party was a lot of fun on Sunday, and Lisa was the perfect hostess. She was wearing tight, black yoga pants and a tight, midriff Falcon’s t-shirt, that put ‘Hooters’ waitresses to shame. Her huge, braless breasts with jiggling and swaying as she served the snacks and drinks, and I saw that all the men were staring at her. Her three-inch-wide areolas and nipples the size of my top thumb joint were clearly on display in that t-shirt

Everyone was getting inebriated, and I sat next to Lisa as much as possible, sometimes with my arm around her and her resting her hand on my leg. Even though they tried to hide it, I could tell that the other couples were uncomfortable with how much attention I was showing Dan’s wife, how familiar we were with each other, and how receptive she was to me. They periodically glanced over at Dan, and had to be wondering how he could let me get away with being so intimate with his wife

I finally found my chance to get things started at the end of the fourth quarter. The Falcons were behind by one point with only three seconds until the end of the game, and they were at the forty-yard line, barely in field goal range. Lisa is a huge Falcon’s fan and I knew that their kicker had been having problems recently with field goals that long.

So, I made it a point to speak loudly so everyone could hear, “Lisa, I’ll bet that the kicker misses the field goal.”

She was also drunk, as said, “Oh yeah, I’ll bet that he makes it, and how much are you willing to lose?”

I laughed and said, “I’d be willing to bet two hundred dollars.”

Lisa replied, “Oh come on, Phil, you should know that I can’t afford to bet that much. Let’s be reasonable.”

All the other couples were listening closely and seemed shocked when I replied, “Okay, since you’re looking so hot today, how about I bet my two hundred dollars, and if you lose you have to sit on my lap and kiss me after the game’s over?”

She looked at Dan, who was sitting in the back of the room on a bar stool, away from the others, and asked, “What do you say, honey? Do you think I should take this bet with your boss?”

Everyone was looking at Dan as he smiled meekly and answered, “Hey, you’re a big girl, and it’s your decision. I think you’ll probably win anyway, and you can buy yourself something nice with Phil’s money.”

The other couples were rolling their eye in disbelief, when Lisa responded, “Okay, Phil, you’re on. I can buy a nice pair of leggings and a new blouse with that much money.”

Everyone was on pins and needles watching as the ball was snapped and sighed a collective ‘ooooh’ as the kicker missed the field goal. Then Lisa said, “Well, a bet’s a bet. Are you sure this is okay, Dan?”

He answered, “Hey, you got yourself into this, and I guess you’ll have to pay up.”

Lisa straddled my lap facing me, with her knees on either side of my hips on the couch, and she leaned in to kiss me. The others were probably expecting her to sit sideways on my lap and give me a quick, dry kiss. They were shocked when they saw and heard the slurping sounds, confirming that we were having a tongue-probing, French kiss.

I sensed their surprise, and broke the kiss for a few seconds to say, “Two hundred dollars is a lot of money, and Lisa going to earn every penny of it.”

Phil and Fletcher Fuck Lisa

We resumed the kiss, as I reached back to rub her ass and pull her tightly against my crotch, as I heard one of the couples who works for Dan say, “Well, uh, Dan, thanks for inviting us, and this was a great party. But, uh, we probably should be going now, and let Phil and Lisa have their privacy.”

All three couples left at around 4:00 pm, and I continued kissing Lisa, rubbing her ass with one hand and the side of her breast with the other. Then I pulled her t-shirt up and over her breasts, as Fletcher sat next to us. Lisa’s melon-sized breasts were swaying and jiggling as we continued kissing, and Fletcher started sucking her other breast. I also began humping her pussy with my hard cock still in my pants.

Lisa pulled back to see who was sucking her breast, and said, “Oh my, Fletcher, what are, why, oh shit, that feels so good.”

Then she looked over at Dan, and said, “This seems to be getting a little out of control, honey, but can I, oh shit, can I continue?”

Dan answered, “It looks like Phil wants more than a kiss for his money, and Fletcher seems to want in on it too. I can’t really tell my bosses no, so you might just have to pay your debt anyway they desire.”

I pulled her t-shirt all the way off and reached down to unzip my pants and free my cock. Then I resumed our passionate kiss, as I rubbed my cock lengthwise through the camel toe in her yoga pants formed by her thick-lipped pussy. She pushed down hard, rubbing her pussy against my hard cock, and I felt her wetness coming through her pants and the wetness of my precum on my cock as I continued to slide through her pussy.

We were all breathing hard with arousal, and I said, “Let’s take this to your bedroom so we’ll be more comfortable.”

Lisa looked back at Dan, puzzled, as he followed Lisa, Fletcher, and me upstairs to their bedroom, and she was undoubtedly wondering why he wasn’t objecting to her increasing intimacy with Fletcher and me. We all laid back on the bed, with Lisa between Fletcher and me and me on her right side, as Dan sat in the cushioned chair beside their bed. We each began suckling one of her heavy, full, voluptuous breasts, as I rubbed my fingers through her wet camel toe, before pushing her yoga pants down and off her legs.

Fletcher alternately sucked and fondled both of Lisa’s voluptuous breasts as I moved down to suck her thick-lipped pussy, covered in neatly trimmed blonde hair. I love the taste and wetness of her pussy and pressed my face in it and sucked her clit, as she writhed under my touch.

I looked up between her tits and saw that Lisa was watching Dan, looking for some sign that what she was doing with us was okay. He had taken off his pants and was rubbing his little dick, as he said, “After seeing you being intimate with Phil on the dance floor so many times, I’ve been fantasizing about seeing you together like this. And now, I can watch both of my bosses have their way with you. You look so hot, and I know that you’ll do your best to please them, for both of us.”

Fletcher rolled off to the side when I moved up to fuck Lisa, and I kissed her as my big cock sliced into her married pussy. Dan had moved to the end of the bed to watch, and I knew it had to be exciting for him to see my cock make wet, squishy sounds as I slowly impaled her with my bare meat. I hit her cervix with still two inches to go, and that’s when Lisa remembered something important.

She broke our kiss and said, “Oh fuck, Phil, I want you to fuck me so much, but I’m not on the pill any longer. I might be too close to my fertile time. Is there any chance that you brought condoms with you?”

I knew that pregnancy-risk fucking can be a big turn on for some people, and I hoped it would be for Lisa and Dan. So, I responded, “The only way I’ll fuck you is bareback, and I love that you’re unprotected. I can’t wait to shoot my cream and seed deep into your married womb, and I’d like nothing better than to give you my baby. You tasted really creamy today too, so you might be close to your fertile time.”

Lisa got excited at that and wrapped her legs around my ass, holding me firmly buried in her cunt. I started stroking her as Dan watched from between our legs, until Fletcher pulled Dan onto the bed next to us, and said, “Come on, Danny boy, and get my big cock hard for me. It takes me a little longer to get hard these days, and I want to be ready to breed your wife after Phil shoots his load and you clean her up for us. He told me that you’ve developed a taste for his cock, and I think you’ll love mine too.”

Dan pulled off Fletcher’s pants and underwear, and Lisa looked down at him in disbelief as her husband took that big soft cock in his mouth. Fletcher’s cock is thicker than mine, uncircumcised, gnarly with protruding veins all over the surface, and about four inches long on soft. Dan didn’t hesitate to take it in his mouth and begin sucking it. Dan was slurping and sucking on my boss’ thick meat, and in only a couple of minutes, he was hard, at what looked like seven inches long, and so thick that Dan had to struggle to get his lips around it.

I leaned down to suck her tits as I continued fucking Lisa, and after pounding her for a few minutes, her uterus shifted, and I was buried to the balls in her adulterous pussy. It felt so good having my cock enveloped in the pussy I had been dreaming about for so long. I knew that I wouldn’t last much longer, at least the first time.

Lisa was moaning and thrashing under me, as she had orgasm after orgasm on my big cock. I finally ejaculated, as I buried my cock to the balls in her pussy and felt my cum shooting repeatedly against her cervix. I said, “Oh fuck, Lisa, I’m inseminating and breeding your married pussy right now, and I want to give you my baby.”

She was overcome with passion, and screamed out, “Oh fuck yes, Phil, fill me full of cum and give me your baby.”

I finally rolled off to the side, and said, “Come clean up your wife, Dan, so Fletcher can take his turn in her sweet pussy.”

Dan moved over and began eating out Lisa, swallowing my big load and her juices, as Fletcher moved up on his knees next to her head and said, “Suck my meat to keep it hard for me, so I can ream out your unfaithful pussy with my thick cock.”

Lisa was sucking and slurping on Fletcher’s cock as Dan finished cleaning her pussy, and then he moved over to suck and clean my cock and balls, as Fletcher mounted his wife.

It looked surreal watching my older boss fucking Dan’s wife, and he was very horny, especially for his age. His thicker cock was stretching her pussy, and she was holding him in place with her legs just as she had done me.

Fletcher fucked her for almost ten minutes before he ejaculated, and he was moaning breathlessly as he said, “Oh fuck, here it comes you fucking slut. If Phil didn’t get you pregnant, then maybe I will with my big fucking load. Damn, lady, what a nice, tight, and wet piece of married pussy.”

After Fletcher finished shooting his load, Dan moved in to clean her up again, before sucking and cleaning Fletcher’s thick cock and big balls. Then we all laid back on the bed relaxing for a few minutes, as Lisa casually stroked both of our spent cocks.

Lisa also looked down at Dan, and asked, “Damn, honey, when did you become a cock sucker for Phil? I had no idea that you’d have a taste for cocks and cum like that, even though you do eat your own jizz from me. I don’t feel so bad about fucking your bosses, after finding out that you’re a cock sucker, and love being a cuckold.”

We had Dan go downstairs to bring us some snacks and more drinks from the party, as Fletcher and I lay next to Lisa, sucking her beautiful breasts, while we waited an hour before fucking her again.

I asked Lisa if she had ever had anal sex, and she said, “Oh no, not that, I don’t think I can take either one of your big cocks in my ass.”

“Don’t worry,” I said, “We’ll get Dan to get you lubricated and opened up a little, and then Fletcher and I will double penetrate you. Eating ass is something else I taught him, so let’s get started. Dan, you lie back on the bed, and Lisa can sit on your face. Then I want you to suck, lick, and probe her asshole with your tongue, to make it easier for my cock to slip into her.”

Lisa looked surprised and said, “Holy shit, Phil, how did you get Dan to suck your ass? I’ve asked him to do that for me several times over the years, but he always thought it was so nasty.”

I replied, “Well, your hubby was so turned on from sucking my cock, that when I told him to get under me, he did it with no argument. And once he got a taste of my, he ate me out like he hadn’t eaten in a week.”

Dan laid back on the bed, and the look on Lisa’s face was priceless as she settled down on his face. I heard Dan sucking and slurping on her asshole, and his dick was getting hard just from doing that to her. Then I laid on my back, with Lisa on top of me on her back, and Dan sucked and slobbered on my cock and her asshole to get us both lubricated.

Lisa then moved down on my cock, and I pressed lightly at first to give her the feeling of it going in. In the meantime, Dan was sucking Fletcher to get him hard again, and that was such a pleasant scene of debauchery. I got my cock head and the first couple of inches of my cock in her asshole. I gently thrust as she pressed down, and finally sunk to my balls.

She loved that feeling of fullness in her ass, and then Fletcher moved in on top of her, and pushed his thick cock into her pussy. We got into a rhythm, with me stroking in as he pulled out, and Lisa was having almost continuous orgasms on our cocks. We fucked her for over fifteen minutes that second time, and it was an amazing feeling when both of us buried our cocks to the balls, and I felt Fletcher’s cock throbbing in her pussy, as he felt mine in her ass.

We kept our cocks buried in her several more minutes, and I was a little surprised when Dan moved in between our legs and buried his face in Fletcher’s ass and began sucking his hole. Fletcher had been kissing Lisa, but pulled back to say, “Holy shit, Phil, Dan is one hungry and nasty son of a bitch. He’s chowing down on my shit hole like he hasn’t eaten in a week. You really found a couple of winners here with this slutty fucking couple.”

We got more refreshments after our second orgasms, and it was another hour before we were ready for more action. Dan sucked Fletcher’s cock and Lisa sucked mine when we were almost ready for another round, and that time I fucked Lisa doggy style, with Dan laying under her at an angle in a sixty-nine, while Fletcher was on his knees in front of her fucking her mouth.

Dan was sucking her clit and my balls as I slowly fucked her sweet cunt, and it was an amazing feeling when he sucked my balls as I was inseminating her possible fertile cunt, while Fletcher was feeding her mouth.

Fletcher left right after his third ejaculation, which was a lot for a man his age, but I stayed over that night since Denise wouldn’t be back home until Monday night. I took a hot, soapy shower with Lisa and then slept with her in their bed, as Dan slept in their guest room. I kissed and cuddled with Lisa for hours, casually sucking her tits and her sucking my cock from time to time, and we went to sleep with my spent cock soaking in her married pussy, until I got up early Monday morning and went home to shower and change for work.

The Next Day at Work

I didn’t run into Dan first thing in the morning at work, but I did see my other director there, the one that had been at Dan’s party. He’s a little older than Dan, and he and I had been out drinking before, with both of us trying to hit on women in a bar. So, he and I had a past that gave him the confidence to bring up something personal with me. I know that he lives not too far from Dan in the same neighborhood.

I was a little embarrassed at first when he said, “Damn, boss, that must have been some humdinger of a kiss yesterday afternoon with Lisa. I went out to the 7-11 at about 9:00 pm last night and saw that your car was still there.”

I think I recovered pretty well, saying, “Well, it wasn’t that long of a kiss, if it’s any of your business. I stayed to have a few more drinks, and finally decided that I needed to sleep it off in their guest room. But I honestly have to tell you that it was a long and wet kiss, and I sure got my money’s worth. She’s a real sweetheart and I even got a feel of the huge boobs of hers, in the flesh.”

He laughed and said, “I know about her knockers. I was watching those big tits jiggling and swaying all afternoon, when my wife wasn’t looking at me. I love that big, bulging camel toe of hers too, and I’d sure love to get me some of that.”

I was feeling devious and wanted to maybe cause another man to pursue her, and said, “If I got that far with her, and Dan didn’t even try to stop me, then maybe you could too. You’re younger than me and he’s your peer, so maybe you and your wife should try to socialize more with them so you can try to feel out the possibilities. But you just have to remember that I probably got away with more than I should have because I’m his boss and I think he’s afraid to piss me off.”

Then he said, “Well, you might as well go ahead and fuck her then. If she’s a big enough slut and Dan is so weak that they’d let you fuck her, just because you’re the boss, then it would be easy for other men to fuck her. Please let me know if you get some of that sweet ass.”

The Next Three Weeks and the Truth Comes Out

For the next two weeks, Fletcher and I went over to fuck Lisa an average of four times a week each, although not usually at the same time. The last time I fucked her during that time she was upset, and said, “I’m almost afraid to tell you, Phil, that I missed my period, and I think either you or Fletcher has knocked me up. Dan hasn’t fucked me for a month, so I know that he can’t be the father. What the fuck am I supposed to do now?”

I didn’t want to stress her out more than necessary, but I said, “I told you before that I hoped to give you my baby, and I’m sure that you and Dan will do a good job raising it. But why don’t you give it a few more days before you panic, because maybe you’re just late or something because of all the fucking you’ve been doing.”

Lisa let us continue to fuck her anyway, and at the end of the third week, Fletcher and I went over there together. Lisa was so relieved and told us that she got her period after all, and we both fucked her on the rag. Dan came home when we were finished with her, and Lisa and I heard Dan corner Fletcher in the kitchen after Lisa prepared us some snacks.

He said, “Fletcher, I need to ask you something. Dan told me that you were retiring, and that I’d be promoted to his position after he’s promoted to yours. That’s why I agreed so easily for you two to fuck my wife. But I haven’t heard anything about it. What’s the timing of your retirement?”

Lisa was fuming after hearing that, and I had to hold her back as Fletcher answered, “Sorry, Dan, but I’m not retiring for a few more years. Dan just told you that to get into ’s pants, and he wanted to suck up and share her sweet pussy with me. If she’s such a whore to fuck us, and you’re so weak that you let us fuck your wife on the promise of a promotion, then both of you are whores, as far as I’m concerned. We’ll let you keep your job for as long as she fucks us and you suck our cocks.”

Dan was crestfallen and just getting ready to give Fletcher some shit, when Lisa stepped around the corner and said, “Holy fucking shit, Dan, you sold my pussy for the promise of a fucking promotion? Well, fuck you and your almost promotion. You’re not getting any of my pussy anytime soon, and I intended to keep your bosses happy for as long as they want me.”

That was the beginning of years for Fletcher and me to keep fucking Lisa, and I even learned that she started fucking other men from our office, including that director that I talked to about it. There’s nothing sweeter than fucking another man’s wife, and I hope that I do knock her up someday.

Published 5 years ago

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