Bootcamp Secrets

"The secrets we live with at bootcamp"

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Each summer, young men from the ages of sixteen to twenty-one were sent to Camp Eagle Rock when there was simply no place else to send them. It was a bootcamp that specialized in turning troubled youths into responsible men. Most often, the boys who were sent to this particular boot camp were thugs and drug addicts. Others were miscreants who skipped too much school. Some unfortunate few were sent simply because their parents wanted to make them manlier. The camp took them all.

Summer after summer, coming to bootcamp was no boy’s dream. The days repeated, rinse and repeat. The mornings started far too early and the days dragged on, all the while the senior leaders would yell at them. They thrived on making the cadets feel weaker and smaller than them, as if they were simply roadkill.

The days started with a five mile run around the camp’s lake, wearing all the gear they owned. Then followed breakfast, dry grits, one piece of jellied toast and room temperature milk. The rest of the morning was spent with trust lessons. In the afternoon, when the heat was at its worst, they were drilled for hours under the sun’s blistering glare. It didn’t matter if it was raining cats and dogs, or if the heat was so scorching it could melt the skin off their bodies.

If a cadet complained about anything, the food, weather, or even about one another, the senior leaders would make them all suffer. If even one boy spoke up, the entire group would be punished. That usually meant sleeping outside with nothing to protect them from the elements or with the comfort of a pillow and blanket.

It was only in the evenings, if the day went well, did they find any small amount of peace. It was a small window of about two hours that they could call their own. It was a chance for them to write home, to read the book their mothers’ insisted they pack, but never thought they’d read. They all ended up being grateful to have it, but they’d never admit that to their mothers.

They also had the chance to play cards or checkers with their cabin-mates. The leaders loved their power trips and didn’t allow the cadets to talk to each other throughout the day. The captain was hardly ever around, so they had no choice but to obey their senior cadet leaders.

Those two hours were the only chance they had to get to know each other. Living in this place, the one they called hell, it was all they had. That is where they made their real friends. It gave them a chance to size each other up, to see who was willing to sneak off into the darkness. As no one dared talk about it, it wasn’t easy finding someone with whom they could find release with.

No one spoke about it out loud, it was too taboo, and all of them were afraid of being shunned. It also would mean admitting they were possibly gay. Somehow, it always seemed to work out. No one wanted the senior leaders to find out, because they’d never let them live it down. Though, the cadets knew at one time or another they also did the same thing, and were possibly still doing it.

They knew the senior boys brought girls in when they could, but it didn’t happen often. The cadets were jealous, of course, but it was still rumored they enjoyed one another too. They may rank higher, but they were still stuck here, just like the cadets.


Even though almost all the cadets knew the game, they still made sure to be as quiet as possible about it. Trying not to be noticed, Eli and Anthony spoke only in whispers, and used a flashlight to light the small room.

Eli rose from his knees and wiped his mouth as Anthony leaned over the counter, catching his breath. With his mouth clean, Eli began to stroke his cock, feeling it swell tighter as the load he’d been building for days began to churn in his balls. He often masturbated when he had no one to take care of him of course, but in the long run, it only seemed to make things worse.

Luck was on his side when he met Anthony. They had exchanged glances that night at dinner. Another cadet said something, Eli couldn’t even remember who, but his eyes fell on Anthony’s and he just knew. After dinner, Eli scribbled a note and hid it in Anthony’s bedding, telling him to meet him in the utility closet at half past ten.

Since the day starts so early at the camp, bedtime is at nine. A lot of the guys hardly make it up that late, after the grueling day. At first, Eli wasn’t sure if he was going to come, he was a few minutes late and he thought he misread him. When he did show, Eli took no time waiting to drop to his knees in front of him.

Anthony was already hard by the time Eli removed his cock from his boxers. He was a good size, nothing overly impressive, but it could do the job. Eli sucked him into his mouth and teased his asshole all at the same time, causing Anthony not to last very long at all.

Eli stepped up to Anthony and stroked his cock over his new friend’s asshole. The natural lube of his precum helped him push in gently, but Anthony kept tightening up, pushing him back out.

“C’mon, you just need to relax man. I’m almost in,” Eli gritted through his teeth. He was nearly there and all he wanted to do is slam into the other boy hard. He knew he’d never do that, but damn, he wanted to.

His cock was thick and hard, and he’d been waiting over two weeks to find a release. In previous summers, Eli had no problem finding someone to find a release with, but with a rash of new boys, this summer was like starting all over again.

“I’m seriously tryin’, mate, I am. I ain’t done this since last summer. Just be easy,” Anthony said.

He had finally caught his breath and now lay over the counter to allow Eli to enter him. His cock, which Eli just drained, tingled at the idea of having his ass filled. He could feel it stirring back to life, and he relaxed himself to the pleasure he knew would come.

Eli knew he had to be gentle, so with a little more eased pressure, he began to push into him. The sweet sensation of sinking into Anthony’s ass grabbed him tightly. Anthony moaned, more in pain at first, but the sounds of pleasure quickly followed. That great pleasure they both felt became even greater.

“Don’t stop,” he said, pushing back onto Eli, who started moving in and out of him.

The last thing Eli wanted to do was explode instantly. He didn’t want to rush his way to the final outcome. He knew that he did not have all night, the chances of being caught were too high, but he didn’t want to be a one-pump chump either. His strokes started to move a little faster, his primal need spiking higher. His balls slapped against Anthony, who was jerking his own dick.

The squeezing of Anthony’s ring caused Eli to growl deeply. He knew he had to hold back from moaning too loudly.

Anthony was clenching around his cock so tightly that he thought he must have been doing it on purpose. It felt incredible. He looked out through the small window, noticing the moon was full and allowed himself to lose his mind and just be free.

His balls began to stir, tighter they grew, until he found what he had been searching for all along. Huffing, and letting out another groan, he began to fill his bunkmate’s ass with his seed. Anthony jerked faster, coming moments after Eli did.


Before either of them had a chance to catch their breath or pull up their boxers, Stone walked in on them. His eyes, which were normally squinted, due to always being high, were wide and almost horrified.

“Dudes, what the fuck are you doin’… Aw man, nah, I didn’t need to see this shit. Da fuck, man?” Stone cursed the boys out as he shut the door. “Fuckin’ came in here to get lit and you all in here doing some shit I ain’t had the pleasure of doing since I saw my girl.”

Anthony began to freak out first. Being the youngest of the three, and fairly new to Camp Eagle Rock, he didn’t want a target on his back.

“Oh man, don’t say anything, Stone. Please, I can’t have people talkin’,” he pleaded with Stone. “Our lives will only get worse here if you do. It’s just… well we needed to get off. Ya gotta understand that, right?”

Stone slumped onto the stool on the other side of the small room and dug into his pocket. He gave them a half smile as he eyed his prize. Stone had been coming to Eagle Rock since he was sixteen and knew every nook and cranny to stash his pot. He never kept it on him, so he was never caught with it.

Everyone, even the leaders and captain knew he smoked, but they could never catch him in the act. The other cadets could rat him out, if they really wanted to, but the leaders already made everyone so miserable, why would they want to help them?

People called him Stone, but that wasn’t his actual name. He was Jefferson Jackson. He hated his name, so back home people called him JJ. The senior leaders won’t allow anyone to use initials as a name, but somehow they let him get away with Stone. No one could figure that one out, but Stone was grateful.

Stone lit his joint and inhaled deeply, holding it for a long moment, before releasing the smoke. It curled around him, before slipping out of the utility closet’s small window. He offered the other two a hit and both accepted.

“A’ight, I won’t go tellin’ no one. Under one condition. One of ya all need to blow me. Getting a nut and getting lit, talk about a good night. Who’s it gonna be?” he asked, before taking another long hit from his joint.

Eli and Anthony glanced at each other, not so much for not wanting to do it, but thankful Stone wouldn’t rat them out. Eli had known Stone awhile and never thought of him as a bad guy. He was more of a loner, who didn’t bother anyone. As long as he had his dope, he did his required tasks and waited out the summer.

“I’ll do it,” Eli said, as he finished zipping his fly up. “It won’t be the first dick in my mouth tonight.”

Eli dropped to his knees, but reached up and took another hit from Stone’s joint before wasting no time in getting Stone’s dick out. His cock matched his name perfectly. He was already hard as stone and it throbbed in Eli’s hand. He could feel him pulse between his fingers as he began to stroke him. A drop of precum formed at the tip, dribbling down as he stroked him. It would be Eli’s first black cock, and that really excited him.

No one would guess that Eli was bisexual. No guy here admitted to that, but Eli felt the same sexual desires he felt for a woman, as he did with a man. He loved the taste of cock in his mouth. He much preferred fucking a man, rather than having them fuck him, but it was all equally satisfying.

Back at home, he didn’t have trouble finding partners of either gender to have sex with. He had been with more than a dozen men and women, though he’d never dated a guy. When he was sixteen, he lost his virginity and quickly became a man-slut. Sex to him was the best kind of high you could find on this earth and he always wanted his fix. If the offer arose, he took the chance.

Unable to resist, Eli wrapped his mouth around Stone’s cock and started sucking him. His tongue felt the smooth, almost silky feeling of his shaft run deep into the back of his throat. Stone let out a moan as he took another hit off his joint, before handing it to Anthony. Every few minutes, Eli would stop and take a hit too. He was high as fuck and was having a blast sucking cock.

He didn’t hold back, he wasn’t gentle. Men like a good throat fucking and like it to be almost painful while it’s happening. He sucked hard and fast, forcing himself down onto Stone’s cock, his nose pressed right up against his flesh. Once coming up, the spit and drool would cover Stone’s cock so he could jerk him before going back down again.

Eli never saw a girl suck his cock the way he did. Even when he pushed them to be rough and deep, it just wasn’t the same. It wasn’t bad, a lot of girls give great head, but he found men had a better skill at it.

The room, for the most part was quiet, except for the slobbering sound of Eli moving up and down on Stone, and the occasional cough after a hit. When he knew he was close, he backed off a little, so Stone wouldn’t explode yet. He knew that he couldn’t do this for long, in fear of pissing Stone off, but he was enjoying his new toy far too much to let it end yet. It was only when they thought they heard something did he change pace and stop fucking around.

He knew Stone was close. Sucking him with a feverish need, he felt Stone’s cock tense and his balls pull up. His breathing became shaky and he thrust forward into Eli’s mouth. Eli brought his mouth just around the swollen head of his partner’s cock and jerked his shaft as he felt the powerful blow of Stone’s orgasm pump into his mouth.

Eli took it all, gobbling it down and sinking his mouth around his cock once more. He did this again and again, before pulling his mouth away. Both Stone and Anthony stared at him, before he felt the tiny dribbling of cum slide down his chin. He wiped it away and laughed.

They finished the joint together in silence, because that is what they do. They don’t talk about it. Talking about it makes it real, and nothing is real at Camp Eagle Rock. Once they were done, they each made their way to their own beds and were left alone with their thoughts. Boys were never alone when at camp, because it is what it is, and those thoughts that haunt you all summer long.

Camp Eagle Rock is a place for punishment for boys who are just too much trouble. It is where parents, guardians and officers of the law send young boys, in hopes to turn them into responsible, respectable men of society.

Published 9 years ago

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