“Hey, Jerry,” I said, waving at the bookstore owner as I entered.
“Hey, Chris,” he returned with a grin.
“I get any sales today?” I asked. The answer was usually ‘no,’ but every once in a while we had a good day.
“Well,” he responded, “Not yet, but there’s a pretty young thing flipping through it at the moment. Maybe this one will bite.” Jerry was older and to him ‘pretty young thing’ was among the highest compliments he could give.
I shrugged. “Maybe, but at least it was fun to write. And I really do appreciate your carrying it for me.”
I started writing erotic stories a couple of years ago and posted them online to see how people responded. As it turned out, a lot of people liked them so I decided to self-publish a compilation. Jerry, the owner of this hole-in-the-wall bookstore called Books and Botany, agreed to sell it in his store.
Jerry’s was the coziest bookstore I had ever been in, combining a large collection of old and rare books with a vast array of plants covering the shelves and walls. Vines crawled up the wooden beams spaced throughout the space and water from the small fountain in the center of the large room mimicked the sound of a babbling brook.
But like most other bookstores, Jerry’s place had fallen on hard times. He was struggling because he had lost so much of his business to online retailers. Since I liked the place so much I told Jerry he could keep any profits the sale of my book made. He tried to refuse but I wouldn’t let him. Finally, he consented and, even though I didn’t bring up much money for him, he was very grateful.
I’ve visited often, not just to see how my book was selling but also because it was a great place to write sex stories. Something about the sound of water, the greenery of the plants, and the rustic feel of the store made me feel adventurous. The erotic part came naturally.
I walked to the back of the bookstore where my usual spot was, an overstuffed chair nestled in a rarely visited corner of the store. It was a cozy spot, hard to see until you were right on top of it. My backpack was slung over my shoulder and I was ready for an afternoon of writing.
But as I rounded the corner I found my seat already occupied. And she was reading my book.
I first noticed her yellow-painted toenails in simple flip-flops, wiggling (I hoped) in naughty enjoyment of my stories. Her calves and thighs were slim and shapely. Tasteful tattoos traced her legs, disappearing under the hem of her white, sunflower-patterned sundress.
I knew I had stared too long when she lowered the book and fixed her eyes on mine. They were gentle and happy, a lovely hazel color. They were framed by long eyelashes and accented by high cheekbones. She had a piercing through her nose and upper lip. Her lips were full and glistened moistly. Her long, dark brown hair was accented with purple and hung free around her shoulders.
Caught off guard by such a sexy surprise, I fumbled for an excuse for my lurking.
“Sorry to bother you,” I said rolling with the first idea that popped into my mind. “I wanted to ask, What do you think of that book?”
“Oh, it’s no problem. I like it,” she said, with an affirming nod. “The sex is hot, the characters aren’t unrealistic, and the plot’s not terrible. Why? Were you thinking about picking up some smut?”
“Well, not exactly,” I said, now slightly embarrassed. “I actually wrote that. The store owner was nice enough to carry it for me, even though it’s admittedly…amateurish.”
“So, you’re Chris Steele?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
I chuckled. “That’s not my real last name, but yes.”
She giggled.
“I know, I said,” defending myself. “I picked it as a joke, and then it stuck.”
“No, it’s not that,” she said. “I was just picturing someone…different. Older, maybe.”
I was in my early thirties, not young by any means, but I smiled at the backhanded compliment.
“Ah. You’re probably thinking I should have something better to do with my free time than write about dripping pussies and engorged cocks.”
That made her laugh. “Not at all,” she reassured me. Sex is a beautiful thing, so why not explore it with words?”
I relaxed. We were on the same page. “I couldn’t agree more. So you have my name. Can I get yours?”
She stood up. A quick peek told me she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her hard nipples pressed against the front of her sundress to confirm. She reached out her hand. “I’m Ivy.”
I took her hand in mine. Her long fingers were soft. My hyperactive imagination got the better of me and I tried to convince myself that those fingers had just been massaging her clit while she was reading my book. I knew there was no chance that that had actually happened, but it was fun to fantasize.
With that image in mind, I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ivy.” She blushed and smiled wide.
“Oh, aren’t you a gentleman.”
“Only sometimes.”
“Not to be critical,” she said, “but do you mind if I make a suggestion for some of your stories?”
“Please do,” I replied, letting her hand go.
“I like the backstory that you give before throwing your characters straight into wild sex. But sometimes it would be nice to read less about the context and more about the fucking.”
I thought about it. “Can you give me an example?”
“Yeah, like right here.” She stepped over to stand next to me with the book open in front of us. Her bare, toned, tattoo-covered arm brushed mine. I felt my cock twitch.
“He just spends too long teasing her. Too much foreplay for me. I know a lot of girls like all that, but I like them to get into it pretty quick.” She lowered the book and looked up at me. She didn’t move away.
I decided to push the envelope. “Is that how you like it?”
“Me?” she blushed. “I like to get to the good stuff pretty quick.” She thought for a moment, studying my expression. Then she asked rhetorically, “But you know what I really like?” She leaned in and whispered softly into my ear, Getting fucked from behind by a man who knows what he wants.”
If I was hearing her right, this was an opportunity not to be missed. “Come with me, Ivy,” I said as I took her by the hand. She dropped the book on the chair and followed behind.
There was a room in the back of the bookstore where Jerry stored old furniture and decor items. That seemed like the perfect place to find out if Ivy really meant what she said.
I opened the door into the dimly lit room and guided her in. I closed and locked the door behind us. When I turned to look at her, her eyes were wide with anticipation. She was fiddling nervously with the hem of her sundress, but I could detect by the slight upturn of the corners of her mouth that I was on the right track.
I stepped toward her until our faces were separated by mere inches. I tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and rested my fingertips on the side of her face. Her eyes sparkled and she took a deep breath.
“Tell me to stop,” I whispered gruffly.
She blinked once. Twice. Then her eyes narrowed. “No,” she whispered.
I grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her into a deep long kiss. It wasn’t gentle. It wasn’t tender. It was hungry, primal, unrestrained. She returned my affection with the same vigor and neediness. She tasted like honeydew.
As our tongues swirled in each other’s mouths I ran both hands down her ass and hiked up the hem of her sundress. My hands found her ass cheeks, massaging them between my fingers. She thrust her hips forward to rub her mound against the bulge in my pants.
I took what she had said before seriously. In the center of the room was a collection of short unused bookshelves. As our genitalia rubbed against each other, I pushed her back toward the shelves.
I pulled out of our kiss and whispered, “Today, you get everything you want, Baby.” Then I spun her around, grabbed onto her waist with one hand, and pushed into the center of her back with the other. She bent at the hips, not requiring much encouragement on my part. She braced her hands on the top of the shelf.
I reached under her sundress to rip her thong down to her ankles. Then lifting her sundress, I took a moment to admire the curve of her hips and ass cheeks, as well as her pretty brown hole. I unzipped my pants. My rigid cock sprung out, ready for her.
I placed the tip of my cock against the hole of her pussy. She was plenty wet for me. I sink into her and she consumed me without hesitation, a light moan escaping her lips as I filled her: “Fuuuuck.”
She had made it clear she wanted it fast and hard, so that’s what I gave her. I kept one hand on her hip and grabbed a handful of her purple-brown hair with the other. I withdrew to the tip and then plunged back into her. My first thrust almost knocked her over.
I repeated this, gradually pulling harder on her hair until her head was pulled back and her moans were raspy. She was trying to be quiet, not knowing how thin these walls were, but as the wet sounds of my cock gliding through her slippery pussy filled the room she couldn’t help herself.
“Fuck yeah, Baby,” she moaned. “Fuck me harder. Your cock feels sooooo good…”
I leaned forward to squeeze her tits through her dress. I sucked on her earlobe and breathed into her ear, “You have the sweetest pussy. You’re so wet for me. I want you to cum around my cock.”
“Keep going, baby,” she gasped. “I’ll cum for you.”
I picked up the pace, holding onto her tits, tweaking her nipples through her dress, and sucking on her neck.
Her knees started to bend. Deciding to switch things up, I pulled out. I picked her up and carried her in my arms to an old couch that sat in the corner of the room. I set her down and she rolled over onto her hands and knees, but not before ripping off her sundress entirely. Her bare chest and caramel nipples heaved as she panted.
As she settled onto the couch I ripped off my clothes, joining her in complete nakedness. I positioned myself behind her on the couch and stared at her pussy lips, wet and full, inviting me back between them. From her place on her hands and knees, she glanced over her shoulder and demanded, “What are you waiting for?!”
I plunged back into her, pounding and pulling on her hair and teasing her back with my free hand. With each thrust, the cream from her pussy smeared against my pelvis. My fingers explored her sweaty skin as I sent ripples through the flesh of her ass.
I was getting close, but I wanted her to cum first. Still pulling her hair, I pulled out again. I replaced my cock with two middle fingers and applied light pressure to her asshole with my thumb. Then I fingerfucked her at a furious pace. Immediately, her yellow-painted toes curled.
“Uhhhhhh fuuuuuck,” Ivy moaned, her body trembling.
The tell-tale spray of her climax hit my fingertips and her pussy tightened around them. I kept going, prolonging her orgasm as long as I could. Finally, she settled down. She didn’t seem happy.
“You dick,” she groaned as she spun around and shoved me onto my back. In a flash she was straddling my hips, taking my slimy cock in her hand and pressing the head between her pink pussy lips. “I’m gonna fucking finish you,” she promised that she sent down onto my shaft, taking me all the way to the hilt in one smooth motion.
Now it was my turn to try (and fail) to hold back the moans. Her hips became a blur as she desperately worked to milk my cock.
“Come for me, Baby,” she demanded. Her hair whipped around her face and her sweat dripped across my face. Her tits were in a state of perpetual bounce and her nails dug into my chest, leaving scratches that wouldn’t fade for days after.
I tried to distract myself by reading the tattoos that wrapped underneath her tits, but it was no use. I grabbed onto her tits and looked her straight in her wide eyes.
“Cumming for you, Baby,” I whispered, and with a jerk of my hips, my seed spilled freely into her, pulsing uncontrollably.
“Oh, yessss,” she exhaled as her belly filled with my warmth. The motion of her hips slowed as she coaxed my balls, emptying them. My cum mingled with hers and oozed onto my pelvis.
We didn’t move as we settled into the afterglow. I ran my fingers along her shapely thighs and we grinned at each other stupidly as my cock shrunk inside of her. I could feel her heartbeat still pulsing wildly, but her eyes were relaxed and contented.
Ivy bent forward, resting her chest against mine, and whispered into my ear, “I expect to read about this in your next book.”