“Bonding” – Chapter 16:- “The Happy Couple”

"The penultimate chapter of book 2 - "Bonding""

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It was close to four pm once the photo shoot was over, and Brenda said in a flurry, “My dears, it’s time for Champagne, and to relax and have a good time… You must all stay the night.” It was clear that Brenda was enjoying herself; she was in her element, entertaining.

It made me wonder where this was all going, but I didn’t care as I was enjoying myself too and above all, the five of us were all bonding as a group of new friends.

I looked at both Sarah and Clare because if we were going to stay the night, we needed to confirm with our families. But, even before they told me, the girl’s faces were saying that they wanted to stay, and, more importantly, they reminded me that it would be the first night that we could all sleep together in one bed. I grinned.

We all made the calls to confirm that we would not be home that night. With that done, and still naked, we relocated to the yellow guest bedroom. This was the room both girls wanted, despite my request for the blue bedroom. Both my girls had told to me, if I slept there, it would be on my own and they would then happily relocate to the pink bedroom, the only colour I had vetoed!

It was our typical banter, and it illustrated just how much the girls had bonded as friends in the few weeks since they first spoke to one another. When not with me, they were now often on the phone with each other and as Clare reminded me in the week, girls talk, and that was not all. I had just realised, the girls also seemed to have the ability to outvote me, two to one!

While we were agreeing on which bedroom, Brenda ordered pizza and opened a large bottle of champagne. It would be the first time that the three of us had ever drunk it, and the thought made us all grin. It was such a grown-up drink, a drink you have when you made it in the world and that was something that Brenda had clearly done.

We re-joined Brenda and Paula in the kitchen area where there was pizza to eat and champagne to drink. In the kitchen area, apart from Brenda, we all sat completely naked on some towels which had been provided for us and we eat the pizza. It was good and like the champagne; it went down well, especially as it was the first thing we had eaten since breakfast.

Brenda suggested that once the food was all eaten, we should all move to the hot tub and get to know one another a little better. I did assume she meant figuratively rather than physically, but the way she said it, I was just not that sure.

A little later, Brenda explained to us, well really just me, as the others were more interested in talking between themselves, about how she will develop the photos in her lab. It was just off her private studio and, if I was interested, she had a machine that would automatically develop any of my thirty-five-millimetre films for me.

I grinned, the other girls suddenly quiet, having heard Brenda’s kind offer.

“Thank you, Brenda,” I said, while still grinning. “Yes, I am certainly interested in using that service, especially as it was risky using a local shop.”

I was thinking with my cock, and now looking forward to taking many more naked photos of both my girlfriends; hopefully, even some of them posing together. It was a thought that showed right across my face, my cock leading my mind to those erotic poses; but the girls had already tuned in to me.

Sarah and Clare looked at me, smiles on their faces. I still grinned.

“What makes you think we going to agree to let you take naughty photos of us?” Clare stated, with Sarah’s then offering her full support.

I still grinned. I knew they would, especially Sarah, but then Clare wickedly added, with her own cheeky grin, “We have Brenda to pose for now; she is a professional… so we don’t need you!”

My grin seemed to disappear, and both Paula and Brenda laughed. I was right; it was always going to be two against one, but the truth was, I loved it!

As the girls tuned out and returned to their previous conversation. Brenda cheered me up by promising to let me see all the photos she took of my girls and tomorrow, I would get a full private studio tour.

That news brought a new smile to my face, and all I could say was, “Thank you.” Brenda had made my day.




We opened another bottle of champagne and transferred to plastic glasses before moving to the twelve-man hot tub in the wet room. Brenda removed her jeans and piece. Her very hairy pussy briefly came into view, before disappearing under the hot, bubbling water.

As Paula stepped in, I noticed once again a flash of gold between her legs. She had two gold rings, one on either side of her bare pussy slit, and I wondered if that was something Clare might have to get done. I could only hope that she didn’t!

Clare and Sarah sat with me, one on either side. Brenda and Paula sat at ninety degrees to our right. From our position, we could watch the sun slowly sink into the western sky as we drank champagne and slowly got a little merry.

We were all happy and relaxed, after a hard day’s modelling.

Brenda told us her story, some of which I already knew through Clare, but it was all new to Sarah. She explained how she got into the business and even name-dropped a few of the well-known celebrities that she had worked with.

Brenda stated, “In a way, I have always been lucky, as my late father comes from a wealthy Scottish whisky-distilling family. He actually had a peerage title, but he loved my mother and they ended up moving down here, to the south of England where I was born, their only child.”

Brenda paused. Her words had been unusually soft.

“Sadly, both my parents passed before their time and I ended up inheriting money, land, businesses and property. It was more than enough to fast-track me into the world of photography, fashion and the high life. It is a life I feel I was born to live.”

As Brenda was telling us her story, about Hugo, her parents and her future plans I could not help but think Brenda’s story had been touched with sadness, but the one spark was when she mentioned her previous girlfriends, her collection, of which Paula was her first.

To some, I may have been an oaf, but I wondered if Brenda regretted not having children. Past her hard lesbian mask, I realised there was a warm, caring, motherly woman. It made me ponder how much of what we saw of Brenda’s outward persona was part of the show.

Paula’s story was slightly different to what I would have suspected. It was a surprise to me to find out that she was born in France, though as soon as she said it, every time Paula spoke, her accent started to sound very French.

Paula told us that she had English parents who had emigrated to the south of France before she was born there and, like Brenda, she did not have any brothers or sisters. Paula had met Brenda at the age of nineteen, whilst Brenda was on a photo shoot in her hometown.

Paula continued, with a wisp of her French accent now apparent. “For me, it was love at first sight. I followed Brenda to England, and we lived together for three years in the city. Brenda’s old place is where I still live now as she gave it to me – so generous.”

Paula looked at Brenda and then kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you…” escaped Paula’s lips. It was evident, even to me, that Paula still had feelings for Brenda.

Turning to Paula, Brenda softly remarked, “It was the least I could do.”

“I still love Brenda,” Paula whispered as she continued with her story. “She knows it and I always will, though I know Brenda’s eyes are always on younger girls. It is something that I have come to accept over the years, but as you know, we are still occasional lovers.”

Paula kissed Brenda on her cheek, which brought a smile from both the lesbian ladies.

“Life with Brenda has been good for me. I have worked with her ever since we first got together, seventeen years ago and we have never argued, even when we split up. In some ways, we are like an old married couple, but of course, we are not. As we are neither old nor permanently together, as we both have other love interests.”

Brenda and Paula were now cuddling up together to the right of us. When Paula stopped talking, they kissed one another. This time, it was a passionate kiss, which included tongues. It was now very clear to the three of us that there was still love there between the two of them.

Watching the two ladies kiss one another made me want to do the same.

I had my arms around both Clare and Sarah, keeping them both close to me, and I turned to Clare and kissed her. Just like what Paula and Brenda were doing, and then I turned to Sarah and did the same. At that moment, I needed them both as the sexuality power in the hot tub was still in favour of the alpha male.

Brenda broke out the cigars and cigarettes for us to smoke if we wanted to, but only Brenda smoked the cigars. Paula, Clare and Sarah had a cigarette while I completely abstained and concentrated on drinking the champagne. We all told our stories, with me going last. I explained that I wanted to buy a large house and wanted Clare and Sarah to live with me and, eventually, for both of them to have my children… “Many children,” I then added with a smile.

Some of what I had just said was new to both Clare and Sarah, but when I mentioned children, they both cuddled me harder and this time, they both gave me a long kiss in front of Brenda and Paula. It was at that moment, I knew both my girls wanted my children.

As for my career, I hoped that the company I worked for would do well and grow in size. That I would eventually own the majority of it, but it was not certain, it was just a possibility, or maybe a distant dream.

I looked at Brenda and Paula, and I then added, “It is not an impossible dream. One day it could happen.”

We turned the bubbles back on and the internal hot tub lights. The sun slowly disappeared in the west and amongst the chatter; our eyes watched it slowly disappear below the horizon in a kaleidoscope of oranges and pinks. It was relaxing, and we bonded as a new group of friends.

Of course, I knew it would only be a matter of time before Brenda started talking about more photo shoots and, above all, Clare. After all, Sarah and I knew that they were both hot for one another.

As we sat there and I thought about this, I smiled, but inside my stomach churned away. This was new to me; it felt as if I was giving my new girlfriend away. I may have been happy for Clare and Brenda, but I knew that any relationship came with risks, genuine risks. Despite her denials, I could lose Clare – a Clare that I had only just found.    

Brenda looked at Clare and moved close to her. I knew the big moment was getting closer.

“My dear, you were fabulous today.” Clare smiled. “You both were, and I like for you both to model for me soon.” Brenda glanced towards Sarah who beamed back. It was very obvious that she wanted to model for Brenda.

“I would like that,” Sarah said through her smile.  

Brenda then looked back at Clare. “I would like that too,” Clare said. “Once I got into it; I enjoyed the modelling too, especially when I was with Sarah.” Those last words made both Brenda and Sarah smile.

However, both Sarah and I knew what was coming. Brenda was going to ask the question. It was the question which Sarah and I had been waiting for. I still felt a little unsure, but I had promised Clare and I knew I would support her, whatever her decision.

“I need to ask you, Clare,” Brenda said in a soft, slightly wavering voice. It gave me the feeling she was a little nervous, which was the polar opposite of how she was in the photo studio; a place where she was totally in control.

“Do you want to be my official girlfriend?”

Clare warmly smiled at Brenda’s question.

“If you do, you will need to follow my rules, Brenda’s rules, as we have previously discussed.”

Brenda had sort of just casually dropped the big question into the ongoing conversation we were all having. We sat there, all looking at Clare.

Clare looked at me. She was gauging what I thought, and I said to her, “It is your choice, but whatever you choose to do, to me, you will still be my girlfriend and we will still see each other every week. Both Sarah and I will be there for you. We promise to be your safety net, and we will support you if, or when, you ever need us.”

Clare had never been able to explore her bisexual side, and it was only now with me and happily Sarah offering her support that she felt comfortable coming out as gay to her parents. Though, we all knew the truth was she was bisexual, as she liked to have sex with both men and women.

I continued talking to Clare, “Brenda discussed this with us earlier today and she made it clear that her girlfriend’s position is only a temporary one. You will be coming back to me as my full-time girlfriend in the future and join Sarah and me in our full-time relationship of three.”  

Clare smiled at me.

The smile made me believe that I had just said what Clare wanted to hear. I hoped so. I knew she was eager to be Brenda’s girlfriend, but only if she could keep me as her boyfriend and Sarah as her friend, or possibly a girlfriend. That would be my dream.

As I had already told Clare, the two of us, Sarah and I, come as a pair. I had promised Sarah with all my heart that I would never leave her as she had given so much. If Sarah and I ever broke up, it would have to be Sarah leaving me. It will never be the other way around.

“Yes, I like that,” Clare happily said to Brenda. They both smiled and then Clare softly added.

“Though, tonight I want to sleep with both David and Sarah, as it will be the first time that the three of us will all be sleeping together. Brenda, is that okay?”

Brenda nodded as she smiled and Clare went over to her and they both kissed, Brenda’s tongue working Clare’s mouth. It was the same type of kiss that Brenda had recently given Paula, and when they broke apart, Clare looked at Paula. They both smiled at each other and it was with no hesitation, Clare leaned across and kissed Paula, too. It was a kiss of acknowledgement to Paula and when they broke, the three lesbians in the hot tub grinned at one another.

Sarah and I sat there watching Clare, keeping quiet, and I just hoped that Brenda’s and Clare’s relationship remained only sexual; I wasn’t sure I could cope with it becoming a relationship that included matters of the heart.  

With Clare now cuddling up with Brenda, I felt that the sexuality power within the hot tub had shifted away from the alpha male and it now lay firmly with the two lesbian women and Brenda’s new bisexual girlfriend, Clare.

“More champagne,” Brenda announced, and with that, our plastic glasses were replenished.

We then all toasted the new couple…

“Brenda and Clare.”

Authors Note:- All characters engaged in sexual acts are 18+  ©2023 wxt55uk. This story may not be reproduced in any manner, without the express permission of the author.

Published 2 years ago

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