Body of Verse

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Morning dew upon my cheeks is just my hidden tears away from Theo.

Hoop dreams fading about me because Theo is not mine.

My body is nothing but an endless verse of love for Theo.

Why not me?

Can’t Theo see my body is aching for him?

The last knife into my heart and soul is Theo refusing my love.

I want to be his, Eve.

Passages I walk will lead me straight into his awaiting arms of love,


His arms are not there waiting for me.

His words are like winter fog upon my mind that leaves me cold and shivering to darkness sorrow.

I want to leave fear behind me, so I can love Theo completely.

I want bloom like a flower within his love.

In my silences, my mind is not willing to let Theo go because my heart and soul still belongs to you.

My body of verse is like old movies wishing you to caress and possess them as your forever. Theo.

Now I keep on repeating my thoughts and wicked dreams of you.

Liars and thieves are biting at my flesh to turn me away from you,


My body of verse is like a music harp only you can strum upon with such greatness.

The best thing I can do is…

Toss this body of sin into holy water and wash away all your captivated charm from my heart and soul.

I may have a face of grace, but deep down inside this body of verse does desire you to whisk her away upon a bed of sinful delight.

I just wish you could look into my eyes under the moonbeams of reality, as I speak my sonnet of love only for Theo.

I stand upon the docks of freedom waiting for you to claim me.

This body of verse is lingering limbo.

I am exile within the rain of sounding lostness because you are lost to me.

There is point within my body of verse a fire song begins to strum a tune of fading memories of what I once hoped would be for Theo and me.

I still believe there is love within your haunting call upon the winds of sorrow.

My lonely heart waits upon the other side of time for you to come around to see me.

My kiss is eternal upon the lost dreams within the haze horizon for Theo.

I buried my heart and sol with the river of silence tears of love for you.

The windmill turns and turns with your pain forever,


I can keep you safe within my loving arms, if you ever allow me to be there for you, Theo.

My secret place is longing for Theo to explore it.

Serenity of love is promoted from heaven, so my heart and soul is never going allow you to beneath the Devil moon without me wrapping golden wings of protection around you.

Always remember you with the morning light of reality.

My body of verse is never going to say good-bye to you.

I know you can careless about my feelings toward you,


God knows my feelings are true, so I will remain faithful to you; even if I must allow you fly away like bird soaring within the blue sky of freedom.

My body verse will always be here when Theo finally realize he is never going to be alone, as long as I am here to love him in the shadows of hidden desire forever.


©2009 Firestar

Published 16 years ago

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