Bobbie’s New Toy

"Some things you probably shouldn't wear to work!"

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“I’m curious.”

Bobbie looked up from the sink. Behind her was Karen Majors, the supervisor for a different department than the one she worked in. “About?”

Karen smiled, “You were getting out of your car next to me this morning. I wasn’t looking on purpose, but I saw a shiny purple jewel where I wouldn’t have expected to see one.”

Bobbie’s face flushed as she tried to demure, but as she was told on several occasions, she should never ever play poker because she lacked a poker face.

“It’s okay, Bobbie, I said I was just curious.”

Bobbie found her voice, “Curious about what?”

“It took me a moment to realize what I was seeing and I would like to see it again.”


“I would very much like for you to bend over a bit, lift your skirt and would you please let me see it,” Karen said quite sincerely.

Bobbie was floored. She didn’t know what to think or do when Karen’s hand brushed her hip. “Um … Mrs. Majors …”

“No worries, I would just like to satisfy my … curiosity. No one else will know, just us.”

Bobbie thought about a bunch of stuff. She hadn’t realized she flashed Mrs. Majors this morning and also hadn’t realized just how short her skirt was. She was well in the middle of her monthly cycle and often went without panties, but today was something new for her. She was also afraid of how this might affect her job, “I mean Mrs. Majors is one of the bosses around here,” she thought for a long moment.

Karen stood there waiting patiently. She could see each thought as it flashed across Bobbie’s young face. After seeing that jeweled flash this morning, she couldn’t get it out of her head and running into Bobbie here in the Ladies was just serendipitous.

After a few moments of thought, Bobbie decided it couldn’t hurt, and she bent over the edge of the sink counter and lifted her skirt. She saw Mrs. Majors stoop down in the mirror and actually felt her breath on her skin as she inspected Bobbie’s newest toy, an anal plug with a purple heart-shaped jewel top.

While it was only a few seconds, it felt much longer and Bobbie went to pull her skirt back down, but Karen’s hand stopped her. “Not just yet! Your toy is very beautiful and looks so sexy. I’ve always been curious about one, but never tried it. How does it feel?”

“It feels really good, makes everything so sensitive.”

Karen reached out and touched it, pushing it from side to side a little and she heard Bobbie gasp in surprise, but there was something else in that little exhalation.

Bobbie closed her eyes and when she opened them she realized Mrs. Majors was gone. She felt silly standing there, leaning over the counter, her ass sticking out, her skirt flipped up over the small of her back showing off her butt plug, but she also felt more than silly, she also felt scared.

Scared someone could walk in right that minute and see her. But as silly and scared as she might be, there was one other feeling that overrode the others — she was excited — more excited than she had ever felt before.

She didn’t understand what or why, but something occurred deep within herself that would have been a surprise if she was thinking things through.

Without much conscious thought, Bobbie reached between her legs and touched herself gently. She felt wet and slick, but once she made contact it was like an electric shock ran through her.

She pressed harder and rubbed down her pussy, hitting the butt plug that sent an additional thrill through her body. She convulsed against the counter, but couldn’t stop. Her hand slowly sped up, each stroke made sure to hit the plug and then press her hand across her clit.

She then put her face down on the counter and started rubbing across her clit sideways. With her other hand, she grasped her plug and pulled it partially out and then let it pop back in. She cried out as she felt her body transcend itself, the orgasm built like never before, instead of a slow gentle climb, this was like a rocket firing.

A small orgasm crashed through her, a portent of what was coming, but she barely noticed. As she felt herself peak she ripped the anal plug out fast and a feeling swept her over as her hand blurred across her pussy. The world went white as she screamed through an orgasm like never before.

It was several minutes before she opened her eyes and she found herself lying on her side on the bathroom floor with one hand clenched between her thighs, and a pain in her shoulder from landing hard. She struggled to her feet and couldn’t believe how she looked in the mirror.

Her hair was matted as if she had just run a race, her top crumpled like she had slept in it, her skirt now had several horizontal pleats, and her legs were slick and shiny with more than just sweat. She looked like a wreck, but felt incredible! She started laughing and there might have been a slightly hysterical edge to that laughter, but she wasn’t even sure herself.

She spent more than a few minutes repairing the damage as best she could, then called her boss and said she wasn’t feeling well — the old tried-and-true ‘female problems’ made a ready excuse, one she had never used before so her male boss let her take the rest of the afternoon off. In fact, like most men, as soon as she used that phrase, he couldn’t give her the time fast enough.

As she snuck out of the building she realized she never did retrieve the plug and snickered a little at what the evening cleaning crew might make of it. For some reason, even that thought brought a tingle to her tender pussy.

Karen was the only one who saw Bobbie slip out toward the back of the building, away from the company offices. She went into the bathroom and was overwhelmed a little by the smell of pure sex! As she turned to leave she saw a small glint of jeweled purple off to one side and she smiled widely as she bent over to retrieve it.

Published 5 years ago

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