Amy and I met in college, which was a time in my life that almost became my worst nightmare. It was saved by my freshman roommate, Alex.
My freshman year, I lived in a dorm, as most do. I had been dreading it, since I really had no idea what living with a bunch of wild, unsupervised young men would be like, given my, um, physical non-conformities, so to speak. As a teenager, I’d been teased relentlessly. I wasn’t looking forward to more of the same.
On move-in day, I got a lot of stares (leers), a lot of puzzled looks, a lot of “Hey, you know this is a guy’s floor, right?” Honestly, I didn’t blame them for that. You will know by now, dear reader, that my small stature and slight figure makes lots of people think I’m a girl at first glance. A-cup breasts didn’t help either. Or my plump, juicy ass and thighs and narrow waist. Oh, and ever since I’d first shaved my body for swimming in high school, I’ve been completely smooth below the eyebrows. I got addicted to the slippery, sexy feeling of my denuded body gliding through the water, and I try to experience it as often as I can. Nearly every day, in fact. I was never a good swimmer on account of my puny arms and shoulders, but I sure do enjoy it.
And despite the humiliation it’s caused me, I love — love, love love — my body. Some people might have hidden it under baggy clothes, but not me. It helps that I’m a total slut for attention. It doesn’t matter what your gender or sexual orientation is. I want your eyes on me. And it’s not hard to achieve when you try to squeeze this girly body into men’s clothing. The results are often quite salacious.
On this particular day, I was wearing a tight, plain white t-shirt, some old cutoff jeans, and old sneakers. My shirt did nothing to hide my erect nipples, which I didn’t mind. The cutoffs were more challenging. Either I could pull them up high and the bottom of my ass cheeks would be hanging out, or I could let them ride low and several inches of my ass crack would be visible whenever I bent over or sat down. I opted to pull them up, since it would show more of my bare ass flesh all the time, not just when sitting down or bending over. More skin equals more attention. No insta-ho has ever looked like more of a big booty snack than I did that day.
I guess word about my idiosyncrasies got around pretty quick, because within a few hours the looks changed from lustful to puzzled, amused, or outright hostile. And people stopped talking to me, which was fine with me. Better to be ignored than mistreated.
I was unpacking my stuff when in walked six-and-a-half feet of gleaming muscle in a tank top and shorts. His hair was brown, his eyes crystal blue. I was struck dumb for a second. I’m not gay, but I do fancy myself someone who can appreciate beauty wherever I come across it. This man was beautiful. Too bad I’m not gay, I thought.
He looked at me, frowned, and looked at his phone.
“Am I in the right…” He turned around to look at the door. “Yeah, 305. Is this Macalaster?”
“Uh… umm… yeah, I uh…”
He paused for a minute, then he shrugged. “Okay! So I guess you’re Bobbie.”
“In the flesh!” I cocked my knee and put my arms out.
He extended his hand to me. I reached out to shake it, and he pulled me into a tight bear hug.
“I’m Alex. If we’re gonna be roomies, you’re getting the real thing,” he said very close to my ear. He smelled great. Sweat, pheromones, just a hint of cologne.
He finished bringing his stuff in and was looking around the room. He walked over to the window.
“Great view,” he said. A bunch of girls were playing volleyball in the quad below. I rolled my eyes. This could be a long year.
“Look, I know I’m probably not what you expected…”
He was still ogling the girls below. He responded somewhat absently.
“Oh yeah, not what I expected at all. Shocked beyond belief.” I was getting nervous, but he said it so casually I didn’t quite know how to take it. He turned around and looked me up and down.
“I really thought you’d be wearing a green shirt,” he said.
I looked down at my white t-shirt. We both started laughing uncontrollably. As my breasts jiggled under my shirt, my hypersensitive nipples rubbed against the cotton fabric and hardened, causing my cheeks to flush and making me gasp and moan between chuckles.
“Hahaha… Oh! Mmm…”
This didn’t go unnoticed by Alex. I caught him getting an eyeful before he looked away. Of course, he was the perfect gentleman and didn’t say anything.
We decided to go to the dining hall for a bite to eat, and I took the opportunity to tease Alex a little bit. I got a bowl of cherries and started eating them slowly while he plowed through his meatloaf and mashed potatoes.
We had the usual get-to-know-you talk, and all the while I licked and sucked the cherries, moaning in satisfaction as I ate them. The table was blocking my view, so I couldn’t see all of my handiwork, but he did get flushed and shifted uncomfortably in his chair several times.
At the same time, he told me about his background. He went to an elite East Coast prep school, where he was captain of the crew. He planned on joining the college team when winter conditioning started. I told him I’d been a swimmer.
“Really? You don’t look like it. Most swimmers have broad shoulders.”
It made me blush to hear him talk about my body like that. I shrugged.
“I wasn’t very good, mind you. The only places I seem to put on muscle mass are my abs, legs, and ass.”
“Abs, huh?” he said. “Can I see?”
I smiled. I took a bite of a cherry, and some of the juice squirted onto my shirt.
“Oh!” I said, my mouth open in feigned shock. I let it hang open as I locked eyes with him and whispered, “I’m such a ditz.”
I took a napkin and dipped it in a glass of water. I looked down and tried to wipe the cherry juice off. It worked somewhat, but, predictably, it made my white shirt wet and transparent right over my right nipple, which was clearly visible now, staring lewdly at anyone who cared to cop a glance. I looked back at Alex, whispering still.
“Well now, look what I’ve done.”
He choked on a green bean, spit it out and started coughing. I smiled. He suddenly got up and turned around.
“I gotta use the can!” he said over his shoulder. “I’ll meet you outside.”
I put our trays on the conveyor belt that went to the dishwasher and went outside and sat on a bench, staring at my phone absently until he came back. It was hot, so I rolled up my t-shirt, exposing my midriff. It seemed like it took forever, but he eventually came out.
He smiled when he saw me. I stood up and clasped my hands behind my back. I stretched them out behind me, arching my back and giving him an eyeful of my naked torso.
“You all right, there, slugger?” I said, reaching up and punching him in the shoulder. He was well over a foot taller than my 5’3”. “You sure were in there a long time.”
He smiled sheepishly.
“I, uh, well, it took me a minute to get things started; let’s just say that.”
“Mmm hmm,” I said with a grin. “Ya know, if you shake it more than twice, you’re playing with it.”
“Well, maybe I was playing with it!”
“Haha! Mmm… ohhh…”
I turned my head away from him, biting my lower lip and picturing him stroking what I could only surmise was a massive dong. I shook my head and returned to the conversation.
We walked back to the dorm, talking about nothing in particular. As soon as we got back, he took a shower and changed into some clean clothes. I thought I’d sneak a peek when he was changing, but he took his clothes with him to the bathroom down the hall. After that, he left for a crew off-season meeting and I decided to take a shower myself.
The halls of the dorm were alive with people talking, joking, riding skateboards, listening to music. It was a pretty hectic scene, with lots of guys and gals milling around, nobody wearing too much clothing since it was still basically summer.
I closed the door to our dorm room and stripped off my now-sweaty clothes. There was a full-length mirror on the door, and I stretched my arms towards the ceiling, looking at myself in the mirror. I smiled. This attention slut loves attention from no one more than myself.
I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my torso, covering up my chest and just barely reaching low enough to cover my tiny little cock, which never gets bigger than three inches hard and is practically invisible otherwise. The creases at the bottom of my ass cheeks were visible, but I figured that was better than hanging brain. And let’s be honest, the thought of giving someone a cheap thrill has never deterred me.
I walked to the bathroom, catching a few eyes but mostly being ignored, which was mildly disappointing. It’s not like I wanted to be harassed, but a few involuntary stares never hurt. Well, maybe I wanted to be harassed a little.
I stepped into the shower and turned the water on. The cold water took my breath away and gave me gooseflesh. I’ve always loved that tingly rush from the shock of cold water hitting my titties in particular. As the water warmed up, I soaped my body, rubbing my nipples and my now-hard little cocklet. I could feel the water cascading down my back into my ass crack. I reached back and started rubbing the soap into it, eventually getting to my puckered little rosebud. Using the soap as lube, I worked one finger in, then two, then started probing for my prostate. Eventually, I found it and started rubbing, I closed my eyes. Climax was never far away when I did it this way. I moaned loudly.
“Oh yeah, that’s it, moan for us, Bobbie!”
My eyes shot open. I pulled back the curtain enough to see two young punks running out of the bathroom with my towel. I panicked. I didn’t bring any clothes with me. That towel was my only covering for getting back to my room. My cheeks flushed. I didn’t know what to do, and my horny brain wasn’t thinking too clearly, so I decided to run for it. I covered my boobs with one hand and my still hard but very dainty dicklet with the other, and ran down the hall.
The laughs pealed forth as everyone watched my jiggly ass bound down the hall. I was so embarrassed. It didn’t take long to get to my room, but my shame was at maximum capacity when I did. My body was on fire. I ran through the door, slammed it, then ran over to my bed. Lying on my side facing the wall, I licked the two middle fingers of my right hand and shoved them unceremoniously in my ass. I didn’t even bother getting out my lube. It only took a few seconds before I was writhing and moaning like a whore as my dainty prick erupted. I’d never come so hard.
As the arousal left me, the shame remained. Without even bothering to clean myself, I pulled my sheet over my body and lay on my side sobbing. And of course, just my luck, it was about this time that Alex returned.
He came in the door humming a song.
“Hey, Bobbie! Oh shit, I didn’t know you were asleep.” He was whispering now. “The lights were on, so I assumed…”
“It’s okay, I’m awake,” I said, sniffling.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” I was still facing the wall, my back to him. I suddenly realized I couldn’t tell how much of my naked back and rear was exposed.
“Okay, no pressure.” He threw his keys down and sat at his desk. I rolled over to face him, holding my sheet bunched up under my chin. I watched him play a video game on his computer for a while.
“People suck,” I said.
“Yeah,” he said, not looking away from the screen. “But not everyone swallows.”
“Oh, shut up,” I said, with a slight smile. I paused for a good while. “I don’t know how I’m gonna make it in this dorm.”
When I said that, he stopped what was doing and turned around.
“What do you mean?” he said.
“Well… not everybody accepts me. They give me weird looks, and I hear the remarks under their breath, even when I can see that some part of them likes what they see.”
“Mmm. Yeah, um… well? Yeah…”
“Ohmygod you’re so thoughtful and profound.” We both laughed. “I was taking a shower earlier, and two assholes came in and stole my towel. I had to walk back here naked.”
He stood up.
“What?? Who?”
“I… I don’t know. I didn’t get a good look.”
His nostrils flared and he clenched his fists.
“I’ll be back,” he said, and left the room in a huff.
I sighed. Well at least I have a knight in shining armor, I thought. I threw the sheet off my body and ran my hands up and down my stomach and chest. My cum had now dried on it, and I didn’t want to go back to the shower — I didn’t have a towel anyway — so I found a water bottle and used it to wet my t-shirt from earlier. I stood in front of the mirror and watched myself as I started gently wiping off my nipples with the wet t-shirt, cleaning off my dried cum.
My nipples hardened and I started breathing faster as I thought about Alex. Just a second ago, when I told him what happened to me, he sprang to life so quickly, his muscular frame erect and ready to penetrate enemy defenses. My cheeks flushed, and my tiny boi clit got hard immediately, more from rubbing my nipples than from thinking about the moody anaconda that lurked beneath my roommate’s shorts. It was pure coincidence, I’m sure, that as I brought my little cock to the edge, I imagined him reclined in his desk chair, naked and glistening with sweat, stroking his gorgeous member. I pictured him standing up as he approached the edge, walking over to my bed, every perfectly sculpted muscle tensing as he fired rope after rope of cum all over my bed.
I edged myself three or four times before stopping and taking a deep breath. I realized I was standing there, totally naked, facing the door of my dorm room (which I had neglected to lock), with a roommate who might come back at any second. I shook my head to wake myself up and decided to get dressed.
I chose a pair of black running shorts that had a liner that would secure my aching little member without making it obvious that it was hard, the only catch being that I had to pull them up so far that my fat ass would certainly swallow them. So not much modesty in the rear. But at least my clitty would be hidden. And for a top, I chose a half shirt because it was fun and sexy and I needed to feel fun and sexy. I got a lollipop from a bag of candy I got at orientation, started sucking on it, and flopped down on my bed on my stomach with my feet in the air to veg out with my phone.
Before long, I heard the door open and Alex walked in. I turned over on my side, resting one arm on my curvy hip. As he looked at me, I reached up and slowly took the lollipop out of my mouth, tensing my lips around it as I withdrew it with a pop.
“Well, if it isn’t Sir Galahad!” I said.
He chuckled. I got up and walked up to him and stood close enough to smell a new scent, something more primal. It made me a bit lightheaded. He had my towel draped over his shoulder.
“Is that mine?” I asked as I looked up at him and put the lollipop back in my mouth.
“Uh, yeah…”
When he reached up to grab it and hand it to me, I saw that his knuckles were torn up and bloody.
“Ohmygod, what happened to your hand?”
“I… uh… well, I don’t wanna get into it. Let’s just say that there was a little misunderstanding, but I straightened it out.”
I threw my arms around his torso and hugged him tightly. Gratitude coursed through me, making my nipples harder, my cheeks flushed, my clitty aching for relief.
“Thank you so much, Alex.”
I held him tight. He put his arms around me and rubbed my back, his hands moving lower. I could feel this monster cock that I had been dreaming about getting hard and pushing against me.
“Tsk, you’re such a man,” I clucked. “Here I am, thanking you for helping me through a traumatic event and all you can think about is how much you want my juicy ass.”
He moaned softly and started sliding his hands under the band of my shorts. I broke the hug and pushed him away. I locked eyes with him as I licked the lollipop. Then I raised my arms and stretched as high as I could, my half shirt exposing the bottom of my breasts and just a hint of nipple. I turned around and flopped on my bed on my side, facing him. He took a step towards the bed. I reached up with my foot and touched a wet spot on the front of his shorts. I pressed it into his throbbing cock. I could already tell it was bigger than I’d imagined.
“Looks like somebody’s thirsty,” I said.
I smiled and rolled over on my other side, away from him. I looked over my shoulder at him for a pregnant moment, then looked back. I could hear him undressing.
He got into bed behind me, reached his massive arm around my stomach and pulled me into him. I shivered. My ass pressed into his rock-hard cock. I reached back and squeezed it.
“Jesus Christ, do you have a permit for that thing?” I said in a breathless whisper.
I closed my eyes and moaned as he started grinding into me.
Suddenly, I spun around and pushed him onto his back. I pushed his knees open and knelt between them. His engorged nine-inch cock lay on his stomach, red-purple and twitching. I slowly reached my arms up to my shirt and lifted it off my body, revealing my perky tits and red, puffy, fully erect nipples. I reached forward to my desk, which was right next to my bed, for a hair tie, grazing my nipples along his cock and naked chest as I did so. As I leaned back, he reached for my right tit and I swatted his hand away. I took the hair tie and, lifting my arms and arching my back, I pulled my long hair into a ponytail.
Then I leaned forward and kissed him, my tongue dancing around his.
“I’m not gay,” he said.
“Me neither,” I said. “But you deserve this.”
I kissed his neck and chest, working my way down to his nipples, biting and sucking them, before dragging my tongue across his rock-hard abs. When I got to his cock, I kissed it where it lay and picked it up.
It was hot and heavy, full of blood and sex. I sucked on the head before working more and more of it down my throat. I could hear him groan as I bobbed up and down on his magnificent member.
I was on a mission to suck every drop of hot cum from his balls, but before I could, he grabbed my arm and pulled me up to him. He grabbed my head and kissed me forcefully before getting up and laying me down on the bed.
“And this is what you deserve, you horny little slut,” he said.
He was kneeling over me, his angry serpent pointing straight out, pulsating and purple. My face flushed and I instinctively crossed my arms over my boobs. He gently pulled them away, then started taking off my shorts. I held my breath as my little clitty made its entrance.
“Aww,” he said. “It’s so dainty!”
“Shutup!” I said and covered my face with my hands. My cocked pulsed and throbbed in aroused shame.
“Hold on one second,” he said.
He got up and went over to his desk. I looked over and saw him rummaging through a drawer until he found a tape measure and a bottle of lube. I covered my face again. He came back and I could feel him pressing the tape measure to my cock.
“Two-point-five inches,” he said. “I guess I won’t be the one screaming tonight.”
The shame was unbearable. I moaned and convulsed. He pulled my hands away from my face. My whole body was on fire. I bit my lower lip as he poured lube all over his cock and started stroking it. I shivered violently.
“Are you ready?” he said.
I looked up, still biting my lower lip, and nodded my head slowly, my brow knit with anticipation. He spread my legs and pushed my knees up to my chest. He positioned his cock at the entrance of my winking boi pussy and started pushing. I grunted as he pushed past my anus and plowed his tool into my ass. I moaned loudly and quickly covered my face with my pillow to cover up the sound. He ripped the pillow away from me.
“I want to hear you in full volume,” he said.
He started pumping into me, faster and faster, sweat dripping from all over him and drenching me. Our hot, sweaty bodies rubbed together and practically melted into each other. I wrapped my legs around him and locked them together. I never wanted his cock to leave my ass. He pounded away, grunting like a rabid bear, biting at my neck and shoulders, his massive frame landing on me and shoving the breath out of me with every thrust. I moaned into his ear as I kissed and licked and sucked on his earlobe, my fingernails digging into his back.
“Oh, please fuck me, fuck me so hard,” I whimpered. “Wreck my boi pussy, daddy!”
Suddenly he stopped and pulled his cock out of me.
“Nooo…” I whined. “Put it back…”
He flipped me over on my stomach and pulled me up on all fours. He grabbed my ponytail with one hand and held his cock in the other. He shoved it in, to the hilt, in one stroke.
“FUUCK!!” I screamed. If they didn’t before, now everyone on campus knew someone was getting railed in our room.
He fucked me like a demon, grunting and slapping my ass, occasionally bending forward to bite my shoulders, which would send electric shivers all over my body.
“Don’t stop, baby, fuck me forever, I wanna die with your beautiful cock inside me!!”
This sex demon had possessed my soul and I wanted nothing more than for his molten hot cock to destroy my wanton ass for good. He pummeled me, over and over again, my ass jiggly as his taut hips rammed it, his big, meaty balls slapping my tiny ones. I shivered and convulsed as I slammed my ass back to meet his thrusts, wiggling it and clenching my asshole like a vise around him.
After an ecstatic eternity of this, he pulled his cock out, and I fully expected enough boiling cum to drown a village to explode all over my ass and back. Instead, he got off the bed, pulling me with him by the upper arm like a piece of meat, and he sat down on his chair. I straddled him and impaled myself on his rigid pole. This beautiful red hot poker made of flesh split my girly buns wide open and made me scream like a banshee Shivers coursed up and down every inch of my body.
“Fuck that’s so hot,” he said, looking past me.
I looked over my shoulder and could see us in the full-length mirror. My plump and unspeakably lewd bottom was bouncing on his monster cock, my face slack with wanton joy. I turned back and looked at him.
“Do you like that, baby? Does that make you wanna cum? Are you gonna cum in my slutty ass?”
“Ohhh hnggg godd…”
“Oh yeah, baby, give me that hot cum, fill me up, give me what I deserve!”
Suddenly his whole body tensed up, and a fire hose of cum erupted inside of me. I came again, somehow, and grabbed his neck, hugging it to me as wave after wave of the most intense pleasure I’d ever felt crashed into me. He buried his face in my tits and grunted and grabbed my ass. I wilted on top of him like a wet flower.
My breath was ragged. I was panting like a heat-exhausted bitch, my tongue lolling out and my eyes half closed, half glazed over. I held on to his neck for dear life, lazily whimpering and sucking his ear lobe.
After we caught our breath, he stood up and carried me with him as he walked a few steps and collapsed us both on his bed. We fell asleep kissing and holding each other’s sticky bodies, his deflating cock still inside my wrecked boi pussy.
It was a few days before classes would start, and I stayed on my back nearly the whole time. I had what every girl wanted. A handsome, thoughtful stud who was a perfect gentleman in every other respect and an absolute psychopath in bed. Too bad I wasn’t a girl! Or gay.
When we’d take a break and go out for food, people seemed to have found a reason to be friendlier. I still got lewd stares (which was by design, after all), but the guys and gals from the dorm started talking to me like any other regular person.
Eventually, we got busy with school work, and Alex and I soon became like ships passing in the night, not seeing much of each other. It got to where I was mostly expressing my gratitude alone with a dildo up my ass as I moaned Alex’s name into my pillow.
That all changed when Alex approached me about being a coxswain and introduced me to the rest of the crew.