How far we had gone,
in ignorance of each other
a persistent tugging of the subconscious…
we had met long before our birth,
two kindred souls
stretched through the miles.
We may have had a division, a rift
a mere beaten path
required for us to follow
before our discovery
made in the solemnity of a soft encounter,
a fleeting glance across a crowded room
as electricity coursed through each heart.
Had we always felt we were on the edge
of this gentle merging?
A missing piece, a constant dull pain,
buried deep within ourselves.
I would have lived a lifetime, wondering…
All of the nights of reflection
the ceiling staring down at me
my heart pounding tumultuously
questioning if this was all there was.
That moment was when you reached,
grasping my hand
through the fragrant mist of dreams
promising to hold onto me always.
Our connection firmly rooted…
the seed planted in each heart,
to flourish and grow together.
We found each other,
as the trickling moonlight
melted over our skin;
your hands clasping mine
promising to never leave again.
This is when each body
was branded with a faint blueprint,
moonglow pervading every sensitive plane of flesh
forever marked with these intricate traces;
a deep descriptor of the love
that we never knew we lived without,
and from this moment forward
would never be required to relinquish.
You were mine,
and I was yours
as the heavens glistened for us;
names enscripted on each heart
blueprints constructed of starlight
tattooing our exposed flesh
forever marked with this intimacy.