Blondie’s Beach Adventure

"A vacation that turns into so much more"

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“Is it weird I’m nervous to meet her?” I ask as I slip my hand into my boyfriend’s warm grip. “I mean, I know I’ve known her for years online, so why should I be so nervous?”

We had been saving for months to finally take a proper vacation, one that wasn’t only for the weekend. Once we had enough, we decided to head up north to visit some of our friends. This plan would also allow me to finally meet Alex who, up until then, I’d only known online.

Alex and I had clicked right away in the chat rooms, teasing and giggling for hours on end and sharing stories about our lives. This online fun even became intimate on several occasions and because of this, I couldn’t wait to actually meet her in person.

“No, I don’t think it’s weird. It’s different when you meet someone in person, isn’t it?” Sam, my boyfriend, answers. He strokes his thumb over my hand as he drives with the other. “She’s probably going to be even more nervous than you as she has to meet the both of us. That can’t be easy, ya know?”

“You’re right. I didn’t really think of it like that. It’s just that I’ve been looking forward to this for so long. She and I get on so well, you know? I just hope she is the same as she is online. So many people put on fronts in those chat rooms. I know how nervous she is about meeting people in person. I hope this isn’t going to be too awkward for her.”

Having met other people from online, I knew it didn’t always work. Some people lie about one thing or another. A few even create entirely false personalities. Somehow, these people think they can just bluff their way through it in person. I really hate people like that and I can’t stand those lies. To me, that’s just unforgivable. Somehow, I know Alex won’t be like that, I just know it.

A bad breakup had Alex feeling down lately. I have my fingers crossed that meeting us will help ease her pain and forget about the guy who broke her heart. She deserves so much better than him anyway. I told her from the start he was a loser. Of course, he spun her a web of pretty lies that made it look as though he was sincere.

“She’ll be fine. She loves you and you love her.” Sam gives me a reassuring hand squeeze. “We will all have a great time! You’ll see, Blonde.”

I giggle at him, relaxing a little. I love it when he calls me Blondie. He’s the only one who can get away with it. I know I need to stop worrying so much and just trust that things will go smoothly.


When we pass the state line, I start to get excited. We’re about three hours away from the first leg of our vacation. We decided before we left that we’d go to the furthest part first and work our way back down. That meant meeting Alex first, which was just fine by me. I couldn’t wait to finally see her!

After a cold and brutal winter, the summer is proving to be the complete reverse. It’s hotter than Hades now, but that’s okay. It’s my favorite kind of weather. I love being outside. When I’m not working, it’s where you can always find me. I like to play basketball or go jogging or swimming, anything that gets me outside where the sun can beat down on me. I love working up a sweat!

I see a rest stop and point it out to Sam. “Hey, let’s pull over there and have lunch. I’m so stiff from sitting and I need to stretch my legs.”

“Anything for you, Blondie,” Sam squeezes my hand again as we turn into the small rest area. I love to travel, but he knows I can get grouchy if I’m confined to the car for too long.

We park at the end of the lot under a stand of trees. The rest area is surprisingly empty and I see only one other car in the lot. On the grassy lawn, there is a dad chasing his little girl. She is having a ball with her father, giggling and squealing, “You can’t catch me, daddy!”

Like most children her age, she is carefree and happy. Her father seems to truly enjoy running around with her. Her mother is at the table, breastfeeding a baby swathed in blue. They look like the perfect family. Mommy, daddy, sister and brother. All they need is a dog. It makes me smile.

“Sam and I stopped for lunch. We’re about two hours away,” I text Alex, letting her know what is going on.

Moments later, the phone chirps in response. “No rush.” she writes. “I’ll see you both when you get here.”

Once Sam lugs out the cooler from the backseat, I take out the food I made the morning before our trip. It isn’t anything too fancy. We knew we were going to have dinner with Alex later on so we didn’t need much. I made my favorite, peanut butter sandwiches. Mine with fluff, Sam’s with jelly. I also packed a bag of sunchips, Sam’s and my favorite, with a root-beer for him and sprite for me. You can’t have a proper lunch without something sweet for dessert, so I packed brownies. They’re peanut butter brownies. Anyone who knows me knows I have an addiction to peanut butter.

Midway throughout our meal, we watch the young couple pack up their items, pile into the car and head off. It isn’t often I think of having kids, as I still find myself far too young for them, but it does make me wonder how Sam and I would be as parents. Even though Sam and I have only been dating six months, I know he is my forever man. Still, I’m not ready to share him with babies.

“Whatcha thinking about, Blondie?” Sam asks suddenly. “You seem lost in thought,” he says, just as he takes a rather large bite of his sandwich, nearly finishing it.

“Just about us and having kids, all that forever stuff. You know, normal things,” I tell him nonchalantly. He nearly chokes on his food and I can’t help but laugh. “No! I don’t mean now. I don’t want you to bend me over and fill me with your babies. I just mean, one day, in the future. Far, far from now.” I’m laughing as I say this, completely enjoying his expression of fear and relief on his face.

He takes a several sips of his root-beer, trying to push down his bite of food. I can see him physically relax, now that I’ve explained. “Are you trying to kill me, Blondie?” he manages to ask, once he gets his food down his throat.

“No, but taking big bites of food like that might, especially peanut butter, you dork!” I toss a chip at him and he growls playfully at me. “Whatcha gonna do Sammy boy?” I tease him, calling him the one name he said he hates being called. His siblings used to pick on him and used that name. Being me, I had to do the same. He knows I say it out of love.

“I’ll bend you over my knee, right here and teach you a lesson!”

“See, the thing about that is you’ll have to catch me first, Sammy boy!” I drop my bag of chips and take off.

I’m grateful I slipped off my flip-flops when we sat down to eat or I might have tripped in them. I run off into the wooded area, trying to keep on the grass. The rocks are sharp and I’m kind of a baby when it comes to pain. Sam is right behind me, being able to move faster with shoes on. I cry out like some kind of victim, giggling all the while.

He reaches me, grabbing me in his arms. “Now, you were saying?” he says between breaths.

I’m giggling so hard, I can barely answer him. “I said nothing, Sammy boy,” I drag out his name, teasing him further.

“That’s it! I warned you.” He attempts to pull my shorts down.

I yank them back up, giggling more. I’m feeling lightheaded from all the laughing. “You wouldn’t dare! We’re in public!” I glare at him playfully.

“I would and I am. You’ve teased me enough.” He yanks them down, along with my panties. My pale ass is exposed and he runs his hand over it. “Such a sweet little ass, Blondie. I’m going to make you mine.” His hand connects with my ass, slapping hard. He does it again, and then he switches cheeks and delivers two more to match the other side. The stinging in my ass burns deep, shooting between my legs and I can feel my pussy moisten from the erotic touch.

He stands me up and has me face him. Then he cups my ass just as he kisses me. Deeply, his tongue wrestles into my mouth, sucking on my tongue. I let out a faint moan, kissing him back. I stand up on my tip toes, wanting the kiss to last. It’s all too short before he let’s go and has me spin back around.

“Grab your ankles,” he commands. I do as I’m told, bending over and grabbing my ankles. My ass high up in the air for him. He slaps it hard again. Swatting my cheeks one at a time, again and again to the point I lose count. Each smack is stimulating, raging my hormones higher, until I’m quivering. “That’s for calling me that name. Have you learned your lesson?” he asks.

“I’m sorry, baby. I won’t say it again,” I say breathlessly, moaning for more attention. He knows I will say it again. This is not my first spanking for using that name. He loves when I do it, just as much as I do.

His fingers skim across my skin and spread my cheeks wide. He leans down and licks along my crack, down into my pussy. I feel my knees lock and lean back into him. He slowly uses his tongue, exploring my folds. He begins to tongue fuck me. It feels thick, moving as deeply as he can inside me. When he slides out, he licks up towards my clit, adding the right amount of pressure to it. I want to cum so hard for him.

When he is happy with how wet I am, he stands back up. I hear him slip his shorts down and he stands behind me. I can see his legs with his shorts around his ankles. He takes one of my hips and a handful of my hair in his hands. Once his cock is at my entrance, he thrusts into me hard. I lean back against him, forcing him to go deeper.

Neither of us cares if we’re heard or even seen. I moan out loudly. He fucks me deeply, giving me no relief and taking all he can. I bounce against him, moving like a rocking horse on his cock. It’s not long before we both need to cum. I can feel my pussy tighten around him, his cock swelling thicker inside me. Releasing my hip, he slaps my ass one final time, causing me to come. I come so hard, I see double. My head feels light and I nearly lose my balance. Sam holds onto me, pushing hard into my dripping wet snatch and fills me with his hot liquid.

He helps me stand once we’re done and I slide my shorts and panties off. He looks at me, wondering what I’m doing. I take my panties, cleaning myself from our mess and then I do him. Once we’re clean, I hook them to a tree branch. I slip my shorts back on and giggle at him.

You’re going to free-ball it, Blondie?” he jokes, pulling his shorts back up onto his hips.

“I ain’t got no balls to go free, but, yeah, something like that. A little present to the next nasty couple who come along and want to get their freak on.

I walk back to our table, putting away the leftover food and throwing the trash away. We get back into the car once everything is cleaned up. A whole hour has passed during our little adventure. We will be getting to our stop later than we thought, but it was worth it.

It’s four in the afternoon and we know we’re going to get clogged up in the evening commute. It’s a Friday and everyone is going to be in a rush to get home and start their weekend. We’re not in a horrible rush this evening though. We’re just having dinner with Alex before going to our hotel.


Pulling onto the exit that Alex said was hers, I send her a text.

“We’re about ten minutes away. Just got off the highway. Meet you at the restaurant.”

“Leaving the house now.” she sends quickly.

The directions Alex gave us before leaving were perfect. Sam didn’t get lost once and we found the diner easily enough. When we pull into the parking lot, I can see Alex standing by the entrance, waiting for us. She looks so nervous, but it makes her look so adorable. Any nerves I had suddenly vanish. Taking Sam’s hand, we head towards her.

She recognizes me right away and gives me a shy, timid smile. Her eyes dart between Sam and I. It’s a little strange to see someone who I’ve always known to be so open and happy be as shy and quiet as a little kitten. At least that is what she reminds me of as I look at her. I almost want pick her up and hold her. I do the next best thing and hug her tightly. She is almost five inches taller than me, though everyone seems to be. Everyone has always given me shit for being so short.

“Don’t be nervous, Cricket girl,” I whisper, hugging her still. I can feel her relax as I reassure her.

I’ve called her Cricket ever since she told me how much she loves the sound they make. She immediately loved the name and I kept on using it. It’s caught and now a lot of her friends only know her as that.

She lets out a sigh as I let go, but I’m quickly replaced by Sam. He hugs her tightly like I did and rubs her back. She seems to breathe easier with the kind gesture. This helps me feel more at ease. I know it’s hard for her to meet new people, even ones she’s known online a long time.

When we go into the diner, we’re greeted by a woman who looks like she’s in her late thirties. She smiles and seats us at a table in the back. It’s quiet and gives us privacy to chat about anything we want.

“You have to try their breakfast. It’s the best,” Alex says as we begin to look through the menu.

We all order as she suggests. Sam goes with an omelet and french toast, me with peanut butter pancakes and Alex orders stuffed waffles. Everything sounds so good. It was almost too hard to choose just one thing. We all splurged and got milkshakes to go with our breakfast.

The conversation is light and easy at first. Alex asks us about the drive up and how work has been lately. We start talking about Lush, the site we met on. This leads us to talking about her breakup with her boyfriend. She looks sad as she talks about it. She doesn’t cry, which is a good step forward.

After dinner, we hang out, sipping on coffee so we don’t get kicked out. We talk about our plans for the whole of our vacation and what we want to do. We plan to go to the beach with Alex tomorrow, spending the entire day with her. By the time we say goodnight, Alex seems pretty laid back and happy to spend time with us.

Once we’ve checked into the hotel, I suggest Sam and I take a bath together.

The tub is huge and can fit us both easily, plus two others, if we had two others for some reason! Sam washes my hair, caressing my back with his delicate fingers. It’s completely relaxing. The stress of the long drive up washes away as he works the knots from my back. I do the same once he is done with me.

The sheets are not the best, but still inviting as we snuggle into bed. “She seems nice. Though really shy. I know you said she would be, but I didn’t really believe it.”

Sam replies causally. “It went well, I think. Everyone made it out alive and with smiles,” he teases.

“It went surprisingly well. I can’t wait until tomorrow,” I yawn.


The following morning we pack for the beach, heading out early. We meet Alex at the same diner we had dinner at the night before and have breakfast. She is just as shy as she was last night, having to redo all the progress we made yesterday, not that Sam or I minded. We all order something different than we did before. By the time breakfast is over, Alex is fairly comfortable, so we head off to the beach.

Alex has on a flowing white dress. It’s thin enough for me to see the darkness of her bikini under it. Her breasts are shapely and much bigger than mine. They look like a lot of fun! Her long, dark brown hair falls freely down her back and her bright green eyes are filled with emotions. It’s almost hard not to stare into them. I feel like I can read her soul through her eyes. Her toes are painted a soft pink, matching her sandals.

I decided to go a little more casual, wearing a beach shirt. It hangs loosely off my shoulders, not hiding much at all. With shorts that show off the perfect amount of my butt cheeks and of course my faithful flip-flops. I tend to wear them all summer long. I even remembered to pack the sunglasses Sam bought me months ago.

Sam is in his usual attire. He has on his Metallica shirt with dark blue shorts with his brown hair hidden under his hat. His shades match mine, which is the reason he bought them for us.

Alex directs Sam to the beach. It’s only a short thirty minute drive from the diner. It’s only nine in the morning and Alex says the beach will be pretty empty. She prefers a quieter setting with as little people around as possible. It’s a quarter to ten by the time we get there and lug our stuff onto the sand. There is only a few people here, mostly older people catching some sun. I kind of try not to look at them. It just seems gross to me.

We set up our blankets as far away as possible, wanting our privacy. We all strip our clothes off and I can’t help but notice Alex’s figure. Her body is like an hourglass, but a little thicker. She’s not skinny, though she’s not fat. It suits her well. She’s stunning! I even notice Sam takes a moment to appreciate her good looks. He tosses me a smile when he notices I saw him peeking.

Sam and I have always been open minded about our relationship. We’re not the typical couple who gets jealous when we look at other people. We just point them out, so we can share in the beauty of said person together. Both of us being bisexual tends to help with that. He’s the first man I’ve dated who is bisexual and I love it.

Sam is the first one to suggest we all dive into the water. Alex is a bit hesitant, knowing it’s going to be fairly cold this early in the day.

“Come on, Cricket! Don’t be a chicken,” Sam calls out. He’s already in the water. He dives in without a second thought. “Just get wet head to toe and you’ll be fine. I promise.” He grins at her.

I’m waist deep, but lunge in, soaking myself. Coming up for air, I laugh out loud as the coldness takes over my entire body. I swim towards Sam, who is a few feet further into the water. I give him a sweet kiss, hugging him close. By then, I’m pretty used to the water and it’s doesn’t feel so cool on my skin. “He’s right! Come join us, Cricket-girl,” I encourage.

I can see her shyness begin to creep back in, but I splash her. “Get your ass moving, babe. We’ve not got all day.” That’s not true of course, we all know it, but she knows what I mean.

She pouts at me for splashing her, but then she giggles and dives in to join us. Swimming in swift strokes as she moves toward us, she splashes me back for getting her wet. We begin a splashing fight and she and I lose hopelessly to Sam. His size and strength lets him splash bigger than both of us can together. He teases us, telling us it’s a man thing.

Two hours later, we make our way back up onto the beach. We notice a few other people setting up, but still nowhere near us. Our legs feel heavy, making it hard to walk through sand. We make it somehow, before plopping down onto the blanket. We snack on crackers with peanut butter and bottled water.

Alex tells us more about her breakup and what happened in the end. I can still hear the pain in her voice, as if it just happened last night. She’s been dealing with it for a month though. She’s doing her best not to cry, saying it’s for the best that they broke up. She wants them to stay friends but deep down she has a feeling they probably won’t. There were too many lies on his end.

They met online, on the same site we met. They hit it off and started chatting. Before they knew it, they were dating. It was kind of a shock to everyone who knew them, but they got along so well no one really questioned it. The first few months were extremely happy and their relationship became quite popular on the site. The breakup was hugely gossiped about when it did end though. Thankfully, online gossip comes and goes fairly quickly.

She goes on to talk about another friend of ours, one she’s recently getting closer to. It’s not someone she plans on dating or anything, but he has been there for her through the breakup. He spends hours with her, trying to keep her mind off it. Sam only knows the people we talk about through me, so second hand information makes it a little hard for him to have anything to say about it. He’s just happy she has friends to help her through it.

By this point, we’re all sunbathing. Me in the middle, with Sam on my left and Alex on my right. I’m on my stomach, tanning my back. My sunglasses are on, but I still have my eyes closed. Sam and Alex are on their backs, needing to keep their eyes closed to keep out the glare.

Alex sighs softly, “It’s been so long since I’ve been touched. I can’t even remember the last time I was kissed. Years! Can you believe that? No one should go so long without a kiss.” She grumbles, mostly talking to herself, but I listen to her.

I look over at Sam, who to opens his eyes to look at me. He smiles, giving me a slight wink. I know he’s giving me the a-okay to go and kiss her. I’ve talked to him a lot about how sexy I find Alex and if I ever got the chance, I’d love to have my way with her. We’ve often talked about what I’d do to her, which always leads to a lot of fun sex.

I get up, crawling on all fours, nearing Alex, I lean over her and kiss her softly at first. Before she has a chance to pull away with confusion, I push my tongue past her lips and taste her. Our tongues move together, as if they’ve done it hundreds of times before. There is no hesitation from her and she lets out the most sensual purr I’ve ever heard. Her hand reaches up, running through my long blonde hair. I reach down, cupping her breast and squeeze it lightly.

Alex doesn’t stop me when I pull at the strings of her bikini top. Her breasts fall freely, her pink nipples hard as I run my palm over them. No one can really see us from this far away, unless they are really looking or happen to walk toward us. It’s a chance I am willing to take and since Alex isn’t stopping me, I think she thinks the same.

I look over at Sam, who’s grinning, I can see his cock is tenting in his swim shorts. He nods at me to keep going, so I do. I move down, sucking one of her nipples into my mouth, my teeth grazing over the sensitive nub of flesh. Alex groans out, her body responding quickly. It’s as if a liquid fire is injected into her, running it’s course through every part of her.

My hand lazily plays with her stomach, my fingers circling around her navel. Even under the hot sun and the attention she is getting from me, she shivers, causing her to get tiny little bumps along her body. I trace my fingers over them until I reach her bikini bottoms. I snap them against her and she jolts a little, as if she has been shocked with electricity.

A soft sigh comes from her lips, almost like a soft hum. She is completely relaxed and I want to make her happy. Moving between her legs, my mouth is still on her breasts, switching between them. Alex watches me and her green eyes burn brighter as I start to turn her on more. Sam continues to watch us, moving a little closer to get a better look at us.

I remove my own top, letting my breasts spring free. My darker pink nipples are tight and hard.

“You’ve got beautiful breasts,” Alex whispers, almost too quiet to be heard.

“Sam thinks so too,” I reply, giving them a squeeze.

“I do think so. Sexy and fun to play with,” he says, agreeing with us both.

“Come here, Sam. Let’s give Cricket something to suck on.” I motion him over and he moves towards us without being asked twice.

He pulls his trunks down. His cock is hard, with a tiny pearl of pre-cum lingering on his slit. Alex licks her lips, looking up at him before she reaches out with her tongue and flicks it along his slit. Sam shakes, gasping at the softness of her moist tongue. He cups the back of her head, moving a little closer to her. She opens her mouth, moving down onto his shaft like a seductive little minx, Sam groans as she sucks him.

I lift her hips and remove her bottoms. She wasn’t lying. She is beautifully shaven. It’s smooth, almost like silk, even her folds feel like silk. Wet silk, but still, so sexy. I part her knees and lie flat on the blanket until I’m a mere inch from her pussy. Her scent is delicious. I can smell her body soap and her excitement, making it’s own splendid aroma.

It’s been a couple of years since I’ve been with a girl, but it’s like riding a bike. It comes naturally. I kiss her inner thighs at first, brushing my cheeks against them until I am at her mound. I drop little kisses along her pussy and over her lips before I part them, I widen her with my thumbs, exposing her clit to me. Grazing my tongue along her, she moans out loudly. I glance up, watching her suck on Sam’s cock. He looks down at me, then at her, before closing his eyes and enjoying it all. With my free hand, I reach under me, playing with my own clit as I please Alex.

I fooled around with the idea of things possibly happening with Alex, but honestly, I thought they’d always stay fantasies. Now here I am, on a public beach, eating her pussy as she sucks my boyfriend’s cock. I want to dine on her pussy, as if it were my last meal. I want her to come hard for me. I suck hard on her clit and push two fingers into her tightness. Opening them up, I wiggle them until I find her g-spot. When I do find it, her hips lift up, riding against my fingers and face.

Sam starts to thrust into her mouth, gripping her hair to hold her in place. My tongue slides over her clit, suckling on it just enough to edge her closer to orgasm. The more I fuck her pussy with my mouth, the more she sucks Sam’s cock with hers. She has him ball deep, his shaking from the pleasure. She’s defiantly a cock sucker. Any man would be lucky to have her.

She moans through each suck, every so often pulling him out of her mouth to beg me not to stop. Her legs are shaking, trembling with an erotic high. Her legs spread wider, so I can get into her deeper to suck on her clit even harder. I know she’s ready and close to coming. Sam fucks her throat hard and fast now. She gags on him before letting out a defending moan around his cock. She begins to come! My fingers are moving quickly in and out of her and my tongue flicks against her clit.

Hearing her cries and moans of desires do me in. I start to come, without stopping my movements on her pussy. Sam’s body tightens, releasing his own load into her mouth. He growls out, which only adds more excitement for me as I come. My moaning is muffled deep in Alex’s pussy, which makes her grind into my face. Alex swallows all that Sam gives her, before he pulls himself out of her mouth so she can breath. Gasping for air, I move to do the same. My body tingles from head to toe from my own orgasm as I listen to them both having theirs.

Alex blushes such a deep shade of red. I can’t help but laugh. I move up and kiss her lips. She hides her face in her hands when I move.

“No point in hiding now. You’re naked on a public beach, silly girl.”

Her blush deepens more as she scrabbles to slip her bikini back on. We all do the same, not wanting to get caught. We got lucky that no one saw us or at least we think no one saw us. No one stopped us, that’s for sure!

The rest of the day we play in the water and even play Frisbee few other people. It is a tiring, wonderful day. By the time we drop Alex off, she is completely comfortable with us. I see the side of her I’ve known online for so long. The person I’ve viewed as my best friend for more than a year.

Alex invites us to her place where we spend the night having a few drinks and hanging out on the porch. We take lots of photos so we have our memories in print. I promise her I’ll send her copies of them all. It’s the best way to start a vacation, though I don’t want this leg of it to end. I know next time, I’ll have to stay longer. Better yet, maybe I should just take my Cricket girl home with me.

Written for LushStories only, Author rights belong to Jinxy and Poppet
This story is written by Jinxy and Poppet. It’s loosely based on true events and took both of us to write it. Poppet took the time to edit and do the grammar and I thank her highly for the help. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have been able to tell such a wonderful story. She put in just as much hard work into this as I have, and hope that you will like it. Thank you, Cricket Girl. Also, Sam, thank you for allowing us to add you into our little story. Love you, babe.

Published 10 years ago

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