Blindfolds and Bullseyes

"Aim True Because She Can't See You~!"

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“Is this a blindfold? Cooper, what the hell do you have a blindfold for in your bedroom? This ain’t some roadhouse,  to play darts in, now is it?”

Cooper returned to the small bedroom carrying two bottled beers. “Well, it can be a roadhouse if you want it to be.  I’m sure I can find a dart somewhere.”  he flirted back and waggled his eyebrows.  

She shook her head at his cheesy charm.  “And what would the target board be then? We spent a hefty sum of money on this beach house, I won’t have you poking holes, willy-nilly, in these walls!”  she accepted the proffered beer bottle from him.

“Well funny thing about divorce,  Nell,  is that this is no longer your beach house, in case you forgot.  You got the main house, the car,  primary custody of Malachi, Sanjay, and Pilar and I was allowed full ownership of this quaint little beach view condo really, it’s not a house.  And the ever-loyal, Romeo, who  I can hear currently drinking from the toilet.”   Cooper replied as he took a swig from his own beer bottle.

Nell pursed her lips.  “Well,  you still ain’t answered my question, smart ass.”

“The dart board of course would be your ass,  dearie.  I mean  it would have me hard-pressed to miss a target so abundant and beautiful.”

“You saying I got a fat ass?”

“I mean it in a complimentary way.”

“It’s up to me whether it’s a compliment or not.”

“I know,” Cooper said, and he crossed the room to sit and relax on the bed, kicking off his shoes.   “Y’know… Frank isn’t due back for at least an hour or two,  he’s out with Henry,  before they both return for the poker game we got going tonight. You … uh… wanna try out that blindfold?”

“We are divorced, Cooper.”

“Yeah,  and since when has that stopped us from fucking,  Nell?  Admit it, we have had better sex since we divorced than we ever did when we were married. That’s why you came over here in the first place isn’t it?”

“Noo!  Malachi left his ball over here, I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I would stop by and pick it up.”

Cooper smirked.  “Madelyn already called me to tell me she’d bought him a new one, two days ago.  He doesn’t even know the difference.  You wanted a  proactive nanny, and she’s  out parenting us both.”

Nell frowned.  And took a swig of her beer.  She looked at the blindfold she was still holding.  She had to admit it was … intriguing.  Moving over to set the partially drunk beer on the nightstand,  she tried on the blindfold.  “So… you .. uh, would find that dart of yours and try to find the bullseye, is that the idea?”

“Mmhmm,  exactly.  The attire would have to change though.”

Nell smirked.  And immediately took her top off.  The tan lines around her seasoned, forty-plus breasts were striking.  She was tanned and freckled everywhere but the triangles around her nipples and areolae were pale and bright.  Her frizzy red curly hair with streaks of gray and white made her nipples just as bright red and her skin very pale.

“Still got my target covered, Nell… how can I aim through all that fabric…” Cooper said. And Nell heard the sound of him setting his own beer bottle down and getting off the bed to walk toward her and then she felt his hand on her hip, as she fumbled to get her jean shorts down and off.  His warm wet mouth on her neck, the scrape of his stubble that she remembered was starting to look seasoned in that salt and pepper way too.  He was over fifty and had a well-maintained fit body, tanned … everywhere, with no tan lines whatsoever.  And the hair on his chest was all waxed away.  

His calloused fingers felt perfect on the soft of her breasts as her jean shorts fell to the ground,  more tan lines around her ass, and a perfect pale triangle around her trimmed pubic area.  Curly red hair in a perfect triangle, everywhere else below her hips was hairless.

“Mm, that’s it.  That’s my target, riiiight here”  He groaned as he slipped a finger between her ample ass cheeks. Nell spread her legs apart and bent over. Her hands reached blindly for the bed and pillows before she rested her head on the pillow, ass  – or target presented to Cooper, her ex-husband of six years, “Aim true with that dart, Coop, you know how angry the bull gets if you don’t aim true.”

Cooper chuckled as he slipped out of his shorts and shirt himself.  He reached for the lube on the nightstand and pressed a daub on the head of his cock and stroked it around his foreskin with a moan before rubbing a daub more along her crack.

 “Oh  I am very aware,  so … hnngh,  very, very, very aware…” he said as he slid his cock in slowly. His words were punctuated with his heavy breath and steady thrusts into Nell’s ass. Her hands gripped the sheets on the bed as she suddenly wished she had got more completely on the bed.  His hands on her hips, as he pounded into her, was making her body feel every ricochet of his thrusts reverberating down her spine and her thighs,  making her sciatica very confused,  and the coarse sheets on the bed from his negligence of using fabric softener was agitating her nipples in a confusing way also.  He noticed her discomfort and stopped.  

“Nell?  Am I off the mark?” he asked, his voice only slightly winded.  

“Y-Yeah can we –”  she motioned with her hand vaguely and he pulled out and let her stretch and move to a more comfortable position,  on her back, pillows propped up behind her,  she had lifted the blindfold slightly to move things and get situated before she put the blindfold back.  Cooper smiled and got on the bed between her legs, lifting her a bit to return to her asshole.  And he watched as she fondled her pussy once he started thrusting again.  “Better?”

“Oh yeah…” she groaned in that tone that made Cooper feel secure in his skill again.  Soon he had her wailing her pleasure and the bed was knocking on the back wall, as he focused on fucking the sense out of her,  throwing as many ‘darts’ at her target, intent to make the target scream his name before he was done.

The door creaked open and  Nell gasped.  Cooper glanced up.  “It’s just Romeo, darling,  the door became unlatched when he ran past the door.”

The sound of the basset hound’s barking reassured Nell that Cooper was telling the truth.  She quite liked having the blindfold on as he fucked her.   She didn’t want to lift it and kill the flow of her fantasy that she was getting fucked by her favorite celebrity heartthrob that Cooper vaguely looked like if she squinted and was standing at a distance.  She knew she shouldn’t be fucking her ex-husband, but she really needed to get fucked and it was hard as hell to date as a divorced woman over forty with three kids still in school. And he was right, they did have a better sex life since the divorce than they ever did when they were married. 

“Ohhh, Nell….” he groaned and thrust faster.  The speed and heavy increase of his fucking, thrust all words and other thoughts out of her mind, her fingers working that clit faster and faster and faster,  as he fucked her faster and groaned thru grit teeth in the way he always did when he was close.  That sound sent her in every time.  And she was three thrusts away from completely losing it,  by the gods, did she need this!

Frank came home to the sound of that bed knob banging and their climatic hollering, shaking his head as he put the keys on the rack. He walked past Cooper’s bedroom – the door wide open now,  and stared as Nell’s head was dangling off the edge of the bed, which had the sheets all messy and wrinkled –  the mattress as exposed and naked as the humans fucking atop it.  The blindfold was twisted but still covered Nell’s eyes.

Cooper looked up to catch his roommate and best friend walking by and stop and stare.  His pale green eyes looked over  Cooper’s tanned body with a gay man’s approval and appreciation.  Nell made a sound of discomfort, “IF we’re not gonna go another round get your dart out of my bullseye.” she whined.

Frank tilted his head in amusement and shook his head in an ‘I don’t even want to know’ type of way and walked on to his bedroom. He’d tell Cooper that Henry was not able to make the poker game this week once Nell had left.  But he had to admit he was a bit jealous of her, he’d give anything to be Cooper’s “bullseye” for just one night.

Published 2 years ago

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