“Well I don’t really like talking about it, but I had one submissive, Karen, who fit me like a glove. I mean we thought the same thoughts and she could just about finish my sentences.
“We were like peanut butter and jelly. And we were happy being each others. In fact, I had entertained thoughts of making our relationship permanent. Until that one day…
“She was on her way to see me for another great weekend. She had called me before she left telling me how excited she was to see me again. We had missed the last meeting because she got called in to work, so this was to be our makeup weekend.
“But she never made it. A young driver–a boy barely old enough to pee standing up–smashed into her car on the driver’s side. He was texting while driving, the officer said. He also said that Karen died on impact, which was some kind of comfort for me–at least she didn’t suffer much.
“I did, though. I blamed myself–if she hadn’t been coming to see me that day, she might still be able to. As I said, I very nearly hung up my crop right then.
“But I knew that wouldn’t be what Karen wanted. So after visiting her grave and having a long talk with her, I got the feeling she wanted me to continue.
“It took some time, but I got back into D/s slowly. And now I have a new and very promising prospect in jewel. It’s a little early to tell for sure, but I’m getting good feelings about her,” I said patting her on the thigh.
“Oh my god, that’s must have been terrible! I didn’t know… Oh, I’m so sorry, Master!” jewel said.
“That does sound awful. I’m sorry too,” Tina said.
After a couple of moments of awkward silence, Tina spoke up again. “Well, Jonathan you’ve convinced me that you are not a monster.
“I still don’t fully understand your D/s life, but I’m okay with Eve being with you. Maybe we can talk more about this another time and you can explain it more. But for now, I have to be going.”
“I welcome any discussion with you, Tina. And don’t worry about coming to get jewel–or Eve. I will take her home. I’ve already told her I don’t want her in a taxi and why.
“So I will drive her back home. She will be spending the night tonight but I’ll bring her home tomorrow evening. I’m sure she will want to tell you all about her time here!” I said.
“That’s fine. You two have fun!” Tina said, as I walked her to the door.
I watched as she walked to her car and got inside. When she started to pull away, I shut the door and turned to look at the lovely creature left to keep me company this weekend.
“Is Tina gone, Master?” jewel asked.
“Yes, she just pulled away,” I said walking back towards her.
“Good! I love the girl to death and she is a huge help to me, but she’s a bit overprotective! I mean I can… OH!”
I had moved around behind jewel as she spoke and suddenly threw one arm around her waist and I wrapped the other hand around her neck, holding her firmly but not choking her, just letting her feel my dominance. My sudden move caught her off guard, however, and she gasped in surprise.
“Are you ready to get to work, fucktoy?” I growled low and menacingly in her ear.
“Yes Master,” she moaned, her knees suddenly weakening.
“You know you look quite lovely today. I like the way Tina did your makeup. Seems almost a shame to mess it up like I’m going to!”
Her squeaky little whimper let me know my words were getting to her!
“That’s right, slut… by the time I am done with you, your face is going to look like Picasso had Parkinson’s Disease!” I said.
Another squeak.
“Have been thinking about me this past week… wondering what I have planned for you?”
“Oh God yes, Master! It’s ALL I’ve been thinking about! I missed you so much, Master! And your morning texts and phone call last Wednesday were lovely, but they made me want you all the more!” she said.
“Well, I have missed you too, my pretty. But we have two days in which to make up for lost time. So why don’t you get started by getting out of that pretty little dress.”
“Yes, Master.”
I let go of her and moved around to sit on the sofa and watch jewel get undressed.
I could tell by the way her nipples were trying to poke holes in her white blouse that she wasn’t wearing a bra and as she unbuttoned the front my suspicions were confirmed.
She pulled the shirttails of her blouse out of the short red skirt she was wearing and opened her shirt for me to gaze upon her twin beauties.
“Hello, girls. We are going to have so much fun this weekend!” I said.
She smiled and shook her tits like they were answering me. Yes, I had some wonderful ideas in mind for her amazing tits!
Then she turned her attention (and mine) to her short and tight red skirt. As she reached behind and undid the clasp she began wriggling out of the stretchy skirt.
It reached almost to her knees before there was enough room for it to fall to the ground around her ankles. As she stepped out of it, I noticed her panties.
“jewel, I thought I told you that you weren’t to wear panties today,” I said.
“Yes, Master, and I’m sorry, but I felt so bad about last week when you asked for my panties and put them on your rearview mirror. A Master should have sexy lacy panties as his trophy, not regular cotton underpants.
“So I wore these intending to give these to you in trade for those plain old ones. I bought these especially for you, Master!” she explained.
“I see. Well, I appreciate the thoughtfulness of the gesture. I will overlook it this time, but after this no panties, understand? You should be easily accessible to me at all times, and panties are just one more obstacle for me to get around.”
“Yes, Master. I won’t wear panties anymore unless you give me permission. Thank you for understanding. I only want to please you and make you proud of me,” she said, relieved that I wasn’t angry with her.
“Now since you say you bought these especially for me as a trophy, I think you should give it your own personal touch, don’t you?” I asked.
“My personal touch, Master?”
“Yes. I want you to masturbate and get those panties soaking wet for me. Here is a chair… sit here and finger that little pussy till you have those panties soaked through. Don’t cum, just play with yourself until I tell you to stop.”
“Yes, Master.”
She sat down in the chair I had pulled over and spread her legs wide. I sat down on the sofa and prepared for the show. jewel slipped her hand under her panties and began fingering herself.
“No, start by rubbing your pussy through the panties… from the outside so I can see it,” I instructed. She nodded her head and then started over rubbing her pussy through the lacy material.
“Oh, Master… I’ve never done this in front of a guy before… it feels so… naughty and dirty!”
That gave me a deliciously wicked idea! I got up from my chair, walking around behind her. I placed my hands on her shoulders and got down to whisper in her ear.
“You like being a naughty girl playing with that dirty pussy for me?” I said in a low soft voice.
“Oh God, Master!” she moaned.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. You are just a filthy dirty girl. A naughty little fuckslut aren’t you? Showing your dirty pussy to anyone who will look. What a naughty little slut you are!”
“That’s right. I am Master and you are my dirty little slut, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, Master…”
“Now tell me slut whose pussy are you playing with?”
“Yours, Master. It’s your pussy.”
“That right. And whose tits are these?” I said, sliding my hands down her body to cup her tits from below.
“Your tits Master…,” she moaned.
“That’s right. And whose ass are you sitting on?”
“Your ass Master,” she said.
Her words were starting to get less and less clear and distinct. She was losing her lucidity.
“That’s right slut. You are mine–every part of you is my property. I own your mind, heart, and body. All your holes are for my pleasure and I will take any or all of them as I see fit. You are property now and will make yourself of use to me any way in which I may desire.”
“Please Master… please use your dirty slut! Oh, please, let me pleasure you, Master! I want to… I need to. Please!” she pleaded.
“Well let’s see if you are wet enough yet,” I said.
I plunged my hand down under her panties and into her hole in one swift sudden motion.
“Oh my God! Oh MASTER!” she cried out.
She stiffened up and her hands gripped the sides of her chair as she tossed her head back. My fingers churned inside her for a moment before coming back out.
“You call this wet? Hell, my fingers aren’t even damp! I think you need some of that motivation I spoke of last time you were here! Don’t move…” I said.
I went over to the end table next to the sofa. It had a small drawer in it and I opened the drawer to get my “motivator”.
“Now do you feel this? It feels like a funny microphone doesn’t it. Well, it’s not but it will make your voice louder.
“This is a Hitachi Magic Wand, the cordless rechargeable version. And it is a staple on those porn movies you like to listen to.
“Unfortunately, you’ve never seen this toy in action, but you will experience it first-hand now. I will warn you, this little devil is noisy but I’m sure you will be even more so!”
I clicked the Wand on and jewel jumped startled at the noise. I set the device to a medium speed and then I rubbed it across her tit and nipple.
“Oh, Master! Oh, that feels so wonderful! Oh, my nipple is already hard!” she said.
“Indeed it is. Your tits seem to like this toy!”
I moved the Wand over and let the other nipple have a turn. It, like its, twin hardened up almost instantly. jewel moaned… she was starting to understand the power of this little “microphone”!
Then I began a long slow meandering journey south toward the spot where this vibrator would really show its worth!
As I started down her belly, jewel started moaning and squirming in her seat. With every inch closer I got to her pussy, her squirming and moaning got louder. She could sense something very big was coming!
“Something wicked this way comes, my pretty!” I said, teasing her as the Wand approached her mound.
“Master I… I’m not…SHIT! OH FUCK, MASTER! OH MY GOD!”
The Wand had touched her clit and moved to just under it, the evil vibrations working her clit as well as her pussy lips.
She stiffened like she was being electrocuted and her legs snapped shut around the toy. But I moved around between her knees, holding her legs wide open as I began rubbing up and down the length of her pussy slit with my motivator.
jewel lost any mind she had left, writhing and squirming on the seat, trapped between the chair back and my body and unable to move to either side without falling off the chair. With me holding her legs wide open, she had no defense and had to endure the Wands torture… if she could.
“Master! Oh God, Master please! I… I can’t… oh God, please Master!” she begged me.
I could smell her pussy now plainly. She was squirming around like she was sitting on a hot plate and her scent filled the air. The wet spot in her panties now covered most of the front panel and halfway down between her legs.
I was fairly confident I could wring a little more out of her before I quit with the Wand. So I pulled the Wand away just long enough to shove it down the front of her panties!
“Oh fuck, Master! Oh, I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum, Master!” she cried.
I slapped the tit nearest me and then grabbed her nipple pinch hard enough to get her attention.
“Don’t you dare cum slut! If you cum without permission there’ll be hell to pay!” I said, twisting her nipple to emphasize my point.
She held back her need to cum and I worked to bring her closer to her edge. Between working her pussy with the Wand and regulating it with her nipple I was able to confuse her and soak her panties even more.
When I felt she’d had enough I let go of her nipple and pulled the Wand away clicking it off and laying it on the end table. Then I went behind my panting sweat-drenched slut and gently began massaging her tits letting her calm down as I talked soothingly to her.
“That’s my good girl. See, I knew you had more in you, even if you didn’t think so. My job is to know how far to push you, and you are a lot stronger than you may think. Now those panties are a real trophy, completely soaked with my girl’s sweet juices!”
She smiled up at me and laid her head on my arm as I continued massaging and playing with her tits and nipples. She was panting and covered in sweat, but she looked beautiful.
When her breathing had slowed to a point she could make conversation she looked up at me. I say “looked” because she would have been looking up at me if she could see. But her face was raised to mine.
“Master please, please fuck me. I have waited patiently. You didn’t get to cum last week and I felt bad about that. Please, Master, take me and claim me completely. I want to feel you inside me. Let your slut pleasure you properly.”
I didn’t say anything. There was nothing that needed saying. I simply picked up my slut and carried her back to my bedroom shutting the door with my foot as we entered and carried her to the bed.
I set her down on the edge of the bed and knelt down to remove her sodden panties. Putting them over the bedpost at the headboard, I took off my shirt as jewel waited to see what I would do next. When she heard the soft tinkle of my belt buckle, she knew what I was doing.
“Master please, may I do that for you?” she asked, putting her hand on mine.
I pulled my hands away giving her permission. She scooted forward a bit and went right to work unbuckling and unfastening my pants and pulling them down to my ankles.
Then she took hold of my boxers and they slid down my legs as well. My cock sprang out to greet her and once I had stepped out of my pants and shorts I took her hand and guided it to my cock.
“Oh, Master! Oh my goodness! You are a lot bigger than I imagined… I mean bigger than the guys I have had. Not that there have been a lot, of course, but there have been a few. And none as big as this!” she said admiring my hard cock.
“And exactly how many is ‘a few’, jewel?” I asked.
“Four, Master. You are the fifth… or will be in a minute!”
“I see. And how long has it been since number four?” I asked.
jewel hung her head. “Almost two years Master. I thought we had something special. I mean I really thought he might be the one. But he found someone else. Someone with working eyes,” she said sadly.
I reached down to lift her chin back up. “jewel, I am sorry that you had to find out that this guy was such a shallow jerk, but what he failed to realize is just how special a person he is turning away.
“But his loss is my gain. And I can tell you right now that I am not nearly as foolish as he was. Your eyesight is not the measurement of your worth, my treasure. Your heart is. And I can see already you have more heart than he could handle with our without your eyes.
“What you need is a man who understands and appreciates your worth. A man who is glad and honored to have you, not someone who wants you until something better comes along. Because from where I stand now, there isn’t a something better.
“When you first came to me, I’ll admit I was a bit hesitant. I have been doing this for a long time and have seen all kinds in this life. But now, after getting to know you better and seeing your heart, that hesitation has gone.
“I am very glad you showed up on my door and very glad I had the good sense to give you a chance to prove yourself. Because you have and you continue to do so. I am going to see to it you become a good and proper submissive. MY good and proper submissive.”
Tears rolled down both cheeks as she listened to my words. “Master,” she croaked, her voice wavering as she fought back the tears yet to come,
“Please Master, take me and use me. That’s all I want. To be of use. To be of worth.”
She moved back onto the bed lying on her back with her head on the pillow. I climbed onto the bed and moved up her body until I was completely over her and we were face to face.
“Okay jewel, I am going to fuck you now and when you cum, you will know you belong to me. But once we are finished, I never want you to doubt your ‘worth’ again. If I didn’t feel you had worth, you would not be in this bed under me.
“You would not be in this house. If I didn’t feel you had worth, I would have turned you away the moment I answered the door that first day. So you do have worth to me. And since I am your Master, that is all you need to know. You are worth it to me.”
And as if to stress my point, I slid into her in one long slow slick motion. Her pussy was more than lubed enough and I had no difficulty at all sliding down her pussy sheath.
“Oh God, Master!” she cried out as I sunk deep into her warm depths.
Her pussy felt amazing–it was tight as a vise, but receptive and welcoming to my hard as steel cock. Her pussy walls allowed me in easily, but then gripped me as if not wanting me to leave again. Not that I would have, her soft, warm, wet pussy was like heaven and I could have stayed there inside her forever.
Apparently, jewel had the same idea, because as I finally reached my full depth in her she put her arms around my neck pulling me down on top of her, and her legs wrapped around my waist to hold me there. She clung to me so tight like she was drowning and I was there to save her.
I began to piston in and out of her as best I could with her clinging to me like that, and jewel buried her face in the crook of my neck moaning and crying out her immense joy.
“Oh, Master! Yes… oh, you feel so wonderful inside me! Your cock is stretching me, opening me so wide. Yes, Yesss!”
I had wanted to pinch and play with her tits as I fucked her to add to her experience. But with her holding me so close and so tight, I was unable to get to her amazing mounds. So with nothing else to do, I just held her close and tight in return–something she was more than happy with.
“Yes, my Master! Oh please take your pleasure out in me. Use your slut for your pleasure and fuck me please. Ohhh, you feel sooo good, Master… ohh, God…”
She was writhing and squirming under me so much it was a little hard to hang onto her. She wasn’t trying to escape or get out from under me, rather she was relishing in the feeling of having my weight on her.
Because this was our first time together I didn’t go all out and fuck her too hard. Just a good steady pace with my full length. I wanted to give her a good fucking but not knowing much about her limits I had to hold something back… for now.
But it was enough that she came twice during that first round. The first time she came she clawed at my back and screamed out into the room. But I kept pumping into her even through that first orgasm and when it was over I quickly brought her hypersensitized pussy back for another.
Her second orgasm was even bigger. As she approached it, I got up on my knees and pulled her hard onto my cock. She arched her back and threw her head back. I saw her hands grip the bedsheets and her whole body froze in place quivering with the force of this second orgasm.
Then it was my turn to cum. I rolled us over so she was on top facing me and riding me cowgirl style. She immediately began bouncing up and down on my cock and my hands now had access to her tits.
I grabbed the two meaty globes and my thumbs rolled back and forth over the rock-hard nipples. jewel put her hands over mine holding my hands in place as she threw her head from side to side creating a whirlwind of hair around her head.