Blanca and Dani had been married for nine years. They’d married young, had two children and were only in their early thirties. Both were tall, and both had tattoos on their arms. They lived in a town called Cambrils, which was a seaside resort about two hours from Barcelona. It was a town with a lovely climate, and they often spent weekends at the beach.
For the first years, they’d had a lot of sex. They were both young and attractive. Blanca had long black hair and her skin was a shade darker than Dani’s, having a distant trace of Moorish blood in her. Dani kept in shape, played sports and went to the gym. They’d pretty much done it all together; oral, mild spanking, even anal a couple of times. But they were having less and less sex, although they lived together without serious friction. Essentially, the romance and passion had died, and they were just friends living together.
One day, Blanca realized they had not made love for nearly five months and mentioned this to Dani.
“Five months? How did we not realise?!” he laughed.
They did it that night, but it was dull and perfunctory and didn’t fully satisfy anyone.
Blanca related this to a close confidant, a girlfriend called Clara.
“It’s natural. You’re bored of each other sexually.”
“So, what do we do?”
“Well, Max and I, we did try one thing…”
“What? Don’t be shy, Clara, you’re married. I know you have sex.”
“We gifted each other a fantasy. We agree to do something the other wants, as long as it’s safe and not physically painful beyond consent.”
“Wow… .ok.”
“It really worked. By opening ourselves up to our fantasies, we did new and exciting things. That put the spark back in!”
There was a long silence. Blanca sipped her coffee nervously.
“You want to ask what my fantasy was, don’t you?” Clara giggled.
Blanca nodded, blushing.
“We had a threesome. It was amazing! We met this guy on Tinder and… wow! It was great being… seen to by another man, and Max told me he found it hot watching me have sex. It was brilliant!”
”Wow!” Blanca was horny just thinking about it. She wanted to ask about Max’s fantasy that Clara had gifted him but did not.
That night, she told Dani about her conversation.
“I’m up for the fantasy idea if you are, Blanca. But we can both refuse what the other asks, ok?”
Blanca agreed.
They made lists and whittled each to a final three. Then, sitting up in bed together, they counted:
“One… Two… Three…” and exchanged lists.
Blanca read Dani’s list, her heart pounding:
“1. Sex on a deserted but public beach, in the evening light.
2. I enjoyed the trust between us when we tried spanking. I’d like to explore that area of sexuality with you.
3. Blanca, I love you with all my heart. This is a purely sexual fantasy, but I’d like to watch you have sex with another man. I only want to watch.”
Blanca inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. She’d worried he’d ask for something really disgusting, like being peed on or crapped on or something. Also, that a threesome had been on her list, and he hadn’t gone crazy when he read it.
But at once, she began to doubt if she could lie with another man. Surely if she had her husband’s permission? Surely if he was even encouraging her?
She’d grown up in the church, and the covenant of marriage was sacred to her. She hadn’t been a virgin on her wedding night, but Dani had only been her second boyfriend, and she’d never doubted that once she was married, that was it.
Of course, it would be a sin if she had an affair. She’d never consider it. But once? With no emotional bond and with her husband’s permission?
It took a while to find the right man. They joined some Christian dating sites and sent many fishing emails. They had plenty of responses but the majority of them gave off a creepy vibe, or a less creepy but more desperate one. At last, they decided to respond to a man named Jaime. He was tall, well dressed and had long hair. He said he’d recently separated from his wife and was looking to regain his confidence sexually.
They exchanged messages and agreed to meet him for a drink.
Jaime arrived on a motorbike, which Blanca hadn’t expected and found hot. They stood by the side of the road as Jaime dismounted and removed his helmet. He had long hair in a ponytail, and a muscular physique beneath his t-shirt once he’d taken his leather jacket off. The three of them sat at the bar and drank beers. There was awkwardness, of course, and they danced around the subject. They asked about his work… he was a cinematographer. He occasionally worked with animals, with stunts, with music bands. Jaime was cool and confident.
“You like him,” Dani said when Jaime had gone to the bathroom.
Blanca blushed. Dani went on to say:
“I think he’s cool. What do you think?”
“We… could ask him to dinner?”
Dani laughed.
They ate out, and Dani squeezed Blanca’s knee beneath the table. Then he whispered into his wife’s ear, “I’m going to leave you alone while I go to the bathroom. Reel him in!”
Blanca did not have to work hard. She touched his arm. She looked into his eyes. Then she whispered into his ear, “We’d like you to join us. Tonight.”
Jaime had to park his motorcycle near their place, so Dani and Blanca went home together in a cab. Dani saw in his wife’s face how nervous and excited she was, and it turned him on, and they kissed deeply and passionately, more so than they had in months or even years, as the taxi got nearer and nearer.
“I want you to do this. I want you to enjoy it, and I’ll enjoy watching, ok?” he said, between kisses.
She nodded.
When Jaime arrived, they already had the bedroom prepared. There was no electric lighting, but there were candles all around. The sheets were red and silken. The curtains were drawn. The pillows were white and puffed up, and there was a condom ready on one. There was a chair in the corner with a direct view of the bed. Jaime saw Dani sitting there and stopped.
“She’s all yours!” Dani said, and to lessen the tension he reached over and shook Jaime’s hand. Jaime nodded with a smile.
Dani watched as Blanca shyly leaned in to kiss Jaime. Jaime pressed his lips to hers, and, when Dani did not react, he grew in confidence, and they progressed to kissing with tongues. Blanca felt Jaime’s tongue explore her teeth and entwine with her tongue. It was a different taste from her husband’s, but she liked it. She was afraid that at any minute, Dani would tell them to stop or burst into a rage, but he did not, not even when Jaime began to caress her bottom through her jeans. She began to embrace his body, running her hands up his back and his chest, and then Jaime began to kiss her neck. She was responding; she felt her inner organs fire up, charged by the intimacy with the unfamiliar man but also the excitement of her husband’s presence and the forbidden nature of what they were doing. She was growing damp between her legs.
Jaime was fiercely attracted to Blanca. He thought her beautiful. She was tall and slender, and he was enjoying the smell of her clean hair and her perfume. Feeling her reach down to touch his backside, he began to grow hard. He lifted her t-shirt up and looked down at her navel, which was the shape of a crescent moon and cute. Looking up from her belly button, her eyes were inches from his, and they held eye contact then kissed again.
“Undress me,” she whispered to him.
Dani sat forward, watching intently as Jaime pulled Blanca’s t-shirt off. His wife reached back and unhooked her bra. Her breasts were lovely in the candlelight, the mole above her left nipple caught his attention as it always did. She was as round and firm as the day they’d first undressed each other. Dani was thinking, what will she do? What will he do? How will they pleasure each other? He was growing hard.
Blanca helped Jaime remove his t-shirt and immediately began to kiss his torso. She breathed in his scent and pressed her lips to his ribs, shoulders and belly. She reached with her hand and began to fondle his package through his trousers.
Jaime felt her grab his privates and took that as a cue to undo his jeans. He was reluctant to push Blanca briefly aside, as he was enjoying having his body kissed, but the jeans needed to come off or he might burst through them. He was so hard it was uncomfortable having them on.
Both Dani and Blanca looked straight at Jaime’s groin, and, as he pulled his boxers down to expose himself, both felt a frisson of excitement in the air. He was well endowed, at least six inches long and thick, very thick in fact. It was a large penis, circumcised and hard. Blanca was drawn to it at once. She briefly looked at her husband… their eyes met, and his were wide, and he nodded urgently to her, giving permission. His hands, she saw, were rubbing himself through his trousers.
Jaime reached up to tousle Blanca’s black hair as she skillfully blew him, and her hair fell around her head and tickled his tummy and his balls. There was movement from her husband; Jaime looked over, and saw he’d stood to undo his trousers and drop them, and Dani was now gently masturbating as Blanca blew Jaime. Dani’s eyes were riveted on his wife’s head as it bobbed up and down. Jaime closed his eyes and enjoyed the warmth, the moistness and the movement and the tickle with the tongue…
Blanca was very turned on by now. Her panties were soaked, and she wanted them off. She took a break from sucking Jaime and rolled over onto her back. From there, it was easy to slide her trousers and knickers down.
Jaime could hardly believe what was happening. Blanca was nude now, and her skin glowed in the candlelight and she lay on her side, smiling coyly at him. Her shoulders were well built, with a cute protrusion of the bone at the top. She had a mole on one breast, and another on her side. Between her legs, her hair was trimmed and it barely covered her vagina, which she was now rubbing sensuously with her fingers. She was the most beautiful woman he had seen naked.
Blanca picked up the condom, undid it, and, together, they slipped it onto Jaime’s dick. She rolled onto her back and opened her legs. He pressed his glans against her, and she felt it tickle pleasantly. After a few moments of him rubbing her gently, she reached down, grasped the penis, and eased it inside of her. It felt huge!
Dani was sat on the chair, watching Jaime pump in and out of Blanca. He was slowly massaging his own dick, jerking up and down. All his attention was on his wife’s face. He was watching for every reaction. And her reactions were growing more pronounced with every moment. Every thrust of Jaime’s cock inside her was magnifying her emotions. Dani saw her grasp at his buttock and then she began to breathe quicker and moan “Si… si… si…” softly, as if to herself.
Jaime varied his stroke skillfully, dipping in and out and ensuring that her clitoris was massaged, and he knew she was wet and getting close. Supporting himself with one hand, he fondled her breast with the other… he knew that any minute now, he would see her O-face. He gave five hard thrusts, and she came, and there was a squirt. Blanca smiled and her eyes crossed adorably as her orgasm shook her shoulders and body.
“Aaaahhh,” she moaned. Jaime ran his hand down her hip and thigh and smiled as she lay there, eyes closed, in her own world.
Blanca lost control of her body for a moment. The silk on her back, the pleasant pressure inside her, the warmth of human contact… the naughtiness… it took her to a totally new place.
She encouraged him to pull out for a moment. Jaime rolled onto his back.
“Can we…” Jaime began, but Dani jumped in.
“I’m not here. You guys do whatever you want.”
“Ok… I’ll ask Blanca then! Can we get into oral again? I love it.”
“Sure,” Blanca replied, looking down coyly.
“One request… can you face me, B.?” Dani asked.
Blanca nodded eagerly, and they arranged it so that Jaime was on his back and Blanca sat on his face, lowering her privates carefully down to just an inch above his mouth. Then she took Jaime’s cock again and, opening her throat to accommodate his large shaft, began to suck slowly and deeply.
Dani looked at his wife, and every few seconds, she’d pause to breathe and look up at him. He saw her beautiful eyes, her lovely nose and her succulent mouth, and her smile, and he realized then how much he loved her. He saw her suck Jaime’s dick and Dani wanted her, he wanted to stand and seize her and ravish her then and there as he had not wanted to in years. He was getting close himself now.
Jaime tried to concentrate on Blanca’s pussy, but she was being so proficient with her tongue, so tender with his penis that he could feel that he was getting bigger, swelling and his juices were getting ready to go. There was pre-cum there already, and he closed his eyes to ward off his orgasm…
Blanca was finding the act of fellating Jaime whilst making eye contact with her husband hot as hell, and the fact that Jaime was tickling her from behind made it so much better…
“Faster!” Jaime suddenly gasped, and Blanca went for it. She sucked him hard and fast, and her husband jerked at his own cock, watching his wife intently and then she grabbed Jaime’s cock and jerked it…
He orgasmed powerfully an inch from her mouth and his cum sprayed across Blanca’s face. Jaime cried with pleasure and a moment later Dani jerked himself extra hard and he came too, his cum shooting up and out and onto the floor.
They all breathed heavily for a moment, then Jaime said, “That was awesome. Dude, your wife gives the best head!”
“I know!” Dani grinned, and he led Blanca (who was rather embarrassed, being covered in cum) to the bathroom to help her clean up her face of Jaime’s jizz.
“That was so hot!” he whispered in her ear, as he dabbed at her with a tissue.
Blanca said nothing but smiled.
They all wrapped in towels and had coffee in the kitchen, and after half an hour Dani suggested a second try. Blanca and Jaime didn’t need asking twice.
Blanca lay on her front and Jaime rubbed oil on her back, and Dani knelt by the side of the bed and kissed Blanca softly. They snogged as Dani’s hands roamed across her spine, side and buttocks and she warmed as her body responded to the kisses and caresses.
Her husband stood, she rolled onto her back. Jaime went down on her. He nibbled gently at her vaginal lips. He teased the area on and around her clitoris. He ran his tongue up and down her.
Blanca took Dani’s cock into her hands and proceeded to give him a handjob. She tried a few times to suck it, but found the angle awkward for her neck, starting as she was from below him. Besides, Jaime’s tongue was doing great work and…
Dani looked down on his naked wife, watching her succumb to pleasure, watching her body writhe and her legs tremble. He looked at her gorgeous flat tummy with that cute, hooked navel of hers. He leant down to fondle her breasts encouragingly, and he watched her pussy as Jaime went deeper and more firmly into her with every stroke. Blanca began to gasp and then she was not writhing but twitching as if unable to control herself and then she gave three loud cries of “Si! Si! Si!” and lifted her legs in her ecstasy.
Another condom was swiftly applied to Jaime’s cock, and Blana took to her knees. Jaime entered her from behind, doggy style. This time she was able to give Dani’s cock it’s due attention, and she began to suck him hard, just as she knew he liked it.
Dani stood and he felt Blanca’s mouth warm and tickle his penis, but he was looking at the bare skin of her back, the ridge of her spine and the curvature of her bottom, which was raised high and swaying left to right slightly as Jaime pumped in and out. Dani looked at Jaime’s upper torso, his bare chest with a mat of black hair and his flat stomach and… it must have been that Jaime was fucking his wife, at least he told himself it was, but he found the sight of Dani naked and aroused hot too. Glancing down, he saw Blanca sucking his penis, pausing for breath and closing her eyes periodically, a tell-tale sign that she was… somewhat distracted from the blowjob at hand.
Indeed, she was. Blanca felt Jaime’s cock increase very slightly in speed and she dived in for another long suck but had to withdraw to gasp as pleasure surged through her… she grabbed Dani’s balls and licked them, but she suddenly could no longer keep upright, she was feeling so overwhelmed with her gathering orgasm and she buried her face in the bedding, biting the sheets.
Dani grinned, looking squarely at Jaime’s naked body opposite him and his wife’s bare ass as it bounced up and down. Jaime had closed his eyes now and was really going for it, pounding Blanca. Who would come first, Dani wondered?
Blanca felt guilty for abandoning her husband’s dick, but she couldn’t help it, she’d risk losing control and biting him, she was coming again….
They came together with a simultaneous yell that filled the air. Dani laughed at the sight, but he was also harder and more turned on than he’d been in years. Thirty seconds after Jaime had orgasmed inside Blanca, Dani said, “Pull out, man. I want some time with my wife.”
Jaime did pull out, and as he pulled off the condom (which was so full of white semen that it felt heavy), he turned to watch Dani take over…
Blanca felt her husband’s penis enter her. It was rock-hard and she had no thought but to please him, to thank him for such an experience and to remind him that she would always be his no matter what.
He began to pump in and out. Jaime sat on the chair where Dani had been, and he saw how hot it was to watch two other people have sex. He would remember this night as long as he lived.
Dani decided that doggy wasn’t what he was in the mood for. He pulled out, and Blanca was glad, for, with the semi-telepathy of the long-married, they both wanted more intimacy without saying so. She rolled onto her back, and they re-commenced in the missionary position. Dani pumped her, periodically leaning down to kiss her mouth and neck.
Dani had thought about feeling Jaime’s sperm on his cock, forgetting that their guest had worn protection, but even so, his wife was so wet that he loved feeling her warmth and the juices that slathered over his bare penis, and it was all the hotter for remembering watching Jaime and Blanca do the deed.
Five minutes later, Dani came inside his wife and kissed her fervently, urgently.
Afterwards, they lay on the bed and Jaime went to wash up. Blanca went to pee, and when she came out, she found Jaime getting dressed to leave.
“Thank you, guys. That was a real experience,” said Jaime.
“For us too,” Dani added.
They all shook hands at the door, and Jaime sped off into the night. Blanca and Dani curled up together on the sofa, too excited to sleep but done with sex for the night.
It was the first night that Dani and Blanca had let someone else into their marital bed, and it had been the hottest experience either could remember. There was no guilt, no shame and no regret. They went to bed that night sexually satisfied, more in love than ever, and with memories that would reignite the spark for months to come.