“Mackenzie and Katie, I have some college-related news that has the potential to change your lives forever. Come to my office after cheer practice this evening. I’ll be working late.” I caught the girls between third and fourth period.
The girls showed up a little before five. Both were somewhat disheveled with the frizzy hair that comes from dried sweat. They each sported tank-tops and sweatpants with their backpacks on and cheer bags in hand. I smiled and breathed in to savor the moment. I had to be patient but it was difficult. I had been anticipating this interaction for over a week. “Hard practice?” I inquired with the right amount of interest to sound genuine.
“Yeah, coach Gosnell always pushes practices harder after competitions are over. I don’t know why. We were just talking about bailing. Neither of us plan to cheer at the collegiate level. It’s like, what’s the point, you know?”
“I understand, Kenzie. I recommend seeing it through. It’s good for your health, you love your team and you will be proud of yourselves to complete it until the end. I know it’s hard work, but you will not regret staying the course.” I gave a genuine smile. I really do care about these girls and love my job. You wouldn’t believe me if you knew my real thoughts and intentions, but I have resigned to being a walking contradiction. A hypocrite.
They smiled back but side-stepped the topic. “You said you have news about college…?” Katie clapped her hands with excitement and stepped on her tiptoes as if she were about to complete a back handspring.
“Of course, sit down.” I motioned to the chairs at my desk and turned my monitor screen so they could see. “You guys remember Brittany from last year, of course…?”
“Of course,” Mackenzie exclaimed incredulously. “Poor thing fell off the rails or something just before graduating. She was going to go to State and study design but last I heard she is working with her mom doing clerical work.”
“That sounds about right. Did either of you ever hear what happened?” Katie and Kenzie shook their heads. I toggled over to surveillance footage of Brittany cheating on the SAT exam. “I’ll show you.” As the video played, I narrated. Britt was so bright and had so much potential but her initial SAT scores came back way under mark for getting into State. She really is just not a good test taker. You can see her outsmarting the proctors right… here.” I pointed to the moment where she switched her calculators out. “But every year, we have cheaters, and that is why we double-up on securing the test with cameras.”
I could see Kenzie’s countenance change, though Katie remained more stoic. “Britt had a chance to make things right but she blew it. She lost her shot at State, and other colleges would not take her at that point. And, you were right, Kenzie. She is working with her mom at her maid business. Cleaning and clerical work. She is lucky to be doing so well in a town like this, honestly.”
“Now, ‘Mr. V, why are you showing us this?’ you might be asking yourself. Can you ladies think of why I might be violating all kinds of privacy rights to show you this footage?” I egged them on.
The glossy sheen of tears swelling up in Mackenzie’s eyes moved me to compassion. She knew what I had on them. I looked over at Katie. Shrewd as a fox, she is. “You said Britt had a chance to make things right. What happened?”
“That’s right, Katie. You are sharp as a whip and are going to do so well with your future. I see potential in you even greater than Britt. She had book smarts, but you can think on your feet. I can see you becoming a lawyer, judge or some top executive. You asked a simple question, and I will give you a direct answer. You see, I am the only one that has access to this footage. I gave her a chance to work for me and I would delete the evidence in exchange. She was torn with conflict. In her inaction, I made the decision to send the tapes in to the College Board and they took disciplinary action.”
“Work… for you…?” Katie mirrored.
I smiled again. This girl did not miss a beat. I was clearly out-matched by this eighteen-year-old girl in a ponytail. But, I held all the cards. “Yes, Kaitie. Two weeks is all I asked. Two weeks and she could proceed with her life as normal. And now, I’m going to give the two of you the same option. I have footage of the two of you cheating. In a single keystroke, I can send the evidence on to the power-that-be. We will see where the chips land, but I would expect that the two of you would suffer similar fates if I hit send.”
“I NEVER CHEATED!!!” Kenzie shouted through free-flowing tears. “I never…”
“Shut the fuck up, Kenzie. Playing the victim card here is not going to help.” Katie turned to me. “I want to see the footage.”
“You’re not in a position to make demands, Katie. However, I think it will be to your benefit to see what I could be sending. It is irrefutable. You both were so clever to circumvent the proctor’s watching eyes. None of the students even seemed to notice either. But it is clear on camera.” I could not hide the excitement in my voice.
“Here is my offer. You girls are mine until I send this. I want to hear nothing but ‘yes’ come out of your mouths and compliance with your actions or I pull the trigger. I am going to leave you alone for the most part until the end of school. You can enjoy prom and graduation as usual. Live your lives, be yourselves, have fun. But, after graduation, we are going to take a trip, the three of us. I’m going to be honest. It will not be fun for you at times. I actually intend to degrade, humiliate and use you in every way imaginable. You will both be my slaves. What I can promise you is that no harm will come to you, and at the end of two weeks, this footage goes away.”
I looked back and forth between the two of them. “Oh, and this starts now. I will send the tape at the moment I feel I do not have your full cooperation. I will not tolerate any complaints, arguments or counter-proposals. What I say goes, or we proceed to ruin your lives permanently. And keep in mind that if either of you are not on board, you both will go down for this. The video shows both of you cheating. Now, since I have made myself clear, here is your first directive. I am going to show you this video as promised. I also want a token of cooperation to ensure you both are on board.”
“We will start out slow. Stand up.” Both of them stood at their seats.
“You may refer to me as ‘Mr. V’ for now, but when I give a directive, I want to hear ‘yes sir’ immediately as you start completing my orders. Do you understand?”
“Yes sir,” Kenzie said.
Katie was clearly trying to think of a way out of this but could come up with nothing “Yes sir,” She said, resigned.
“Interlock your fingers behind your heads.” They complied with the obligatory “yes sirs” and I finally allowed my very disciplined sexual appetite to take over. Their tank-tops both came up revealing a peek at the toned abs that you would expect from eighteen-year-old cheerleaders.
I proceeded with a number of orders designed to get them used to the idea of immediate compliance. Turn around. Bend over. Sit down. Kneel. Stand up. All while their hands were behind their heads. All while repeating “yes sir” after each command. It felt a lot like Simon Says but with a chauvinistic, male-dominant twist that I liked.
When I was satisfied, I pushed them further. “Turn towards each other and touch your elbows together.” They complied with “yes sir”. This forced them to stand face-to-face. They pushed their elbows forward to afford them as much space as possible. I allowed it for now. I had to stay disciplined.
“While you are like this, you will answer my questions honestly. You must speak only to me and continue using ‘sir’ but you must also maintain eye contact.”
“Katie, who’s idea was it to cheat?”
“Mine, sir.”
“And why did you do it?”
“To help, sir. Mackenzie just needed a few more points to gain admission to her dream school. She had only one more chance to take the SATs. She could not risk failure.”
“So you helped her so she could go to college… her dream college?”
“Yes… sir.” Katie almost forgot to address me correctly.
“Katie, who of you is prettier?” I asked.
This made Katie clearly uncomfortable. She kind of shifted her weight and hesitated.
“Remember, I need honesty at all times. That goes for the both of you. Honesty and obedience are the pillars of a good student and a good slave.”
Katie closed her eyes and squeaked out “I am. Sir.” I love watching my women squirm.
“You are what…?”
“I am prettier than Kenz.” She tried to use a familiar nickname to soften the insult to her best friend, but somehow it had the opposite effect.
“…I agree, Katie. You are prettier. What makes you prettier than her? Give me some details.”
Katie once again was delayed and quiet. Though I could not see their faces well because of the position I had them in, I could tell that Katie was apologizing with her expression. “I have better skin and nicer hair. You know.”
“So you are smarter and prettier than Mackenzie here, huh?” I did not give time to reply. “Let me hear you say that, Katie. Look Kenzie right in the eye and let her know that you are smarter and prettier.”
“Kenzie… I am smarter… than you. And I am prettier than you.”
“…it’s Kenzie’s fault you are here right now, isn’t it? Tell her.”
“…and it’s your fault that I am here.” Katie was crying and there was true anger in her voice. She believed the words.
“Mackenzie, since Katie is smarter and prettier than you, I would like to see her naked first. What would be more degrading to Katie, do you think? For her to take off her own clothes, or for you to take them off for her?”
Mackenzie thought for a moment. “Don’t try to play me and think what I want the answer to be. Katie just reminded you that you are not smart enough for that anyway. I want honesty. What would Katie enjoy least?”
Mackenzie answered. “I would rather not have to do it myself, so I think she would prefer if I did it for her.”
I nodded. “I think you’re right, Kenz. Katie, do you agree?”
Katie nodded.
“I need a verbal response with a ‘sir’, Katie.”
“Yes, sir. I would rather she undress me.”
“Why, Katie?”
“I don’t know. I guess it feels less personal, sir.”
“OK. Thank you for your honesty. Turn and face me again.”
“Yes, sir,” they both replied.
“Katie, you will take off each garment as I name it. Shirt.”
“But, sir,” Katie protested “Please…”
“OK,” I said, “you are opting out. Enjoy the rest of your lives stuck in this town.” I turned toward the computer with the full intent of sending the footage. I am ever aware that I could lose my job at the very least for doing this. They are both of legal age, but school boards don’t look kindly on guidance counselors who blackmail students into being their own personal sex slaves. It was a delicate chess match of wits and composure. I needed to be ready to bail at any moment.
“Wait…” Mackenzie spoke with desperation. “We have to do what he says. I can’t end up like the rest of this town with no future.”
“You are agreeing that you are mine. You have lost your right to protest. You have lost your right to dignity. I need immediate obedience or your one chance at a future goes bye-bye. What do you want, Katie?”
Looking to the floor and avoiding eye contact, Katie brought her hands to the bottom of her tank top and pulled it off. Her body is toned and tanned. She instinctively crossed her arms over her midsection.
“Katie. Are you agreeing to this now?”
“Yes, sir.”
“The shyness you are showing makes me think you are trying to hold on to some shred of dignity. As my property, I intend to see a lot more of you than just your midriff. Look me in the eye.” Katie squirmed and complied, her arms growing tighter over her belly as if she was trying to make it disappear.
“Better… now fold your shirt and place it on my desk in front of you.”
“Yes, sir.” She did as she was told then returned to covering up.
“Keep looking at me and interlace your fingers behind your head again. I want to see your marvelous body.”
“Yes, sir.” Katie reached her hands up making her shapely abs stretch taught. It was very sexy.
“What a sexy bitch you are, Katie. I want to hear that you are mine and that you have no dignity.”
“I am yours and I have no dignity,” Katie said softly.
“You are my what?”
“I am your… bitch, sir. I have no dignity.”
“You are not convincing me here, Katie. I think you feel you have rights and pride. Mackenzie, do you see those binder clips on the shelf behind you?”
“Yes, sir,” Mackenzie said as she turned and grabbed the bowl of large binder clips.
“Katie, Mackenzie is going pinch some binder clips on you. As my bitch who has no dignity, where would be worse place to put binder clips? Nipples, lips or ears?”
“My nipples would be worst, sir,” answered Katie.
“Even over your sports bra, Katie? Be honest.”
“Yes, sir. My nipples are very sensitive. I do not like them being pinched at all,” Katie answered honestly. “I would rather they be anywhere else, sir.”
“Very good, Katie. I need to know are not clinging to dignity right now. Such honesty is going to make things easier on you in the long run.” I turned to Mackenzie. “But for now, I want to watch you suffer. Kenzie, place binder clips on Katie’s nipples.”
“Yes, sir,” Kenzie said reluctantly. She took a binder clip and placed it on Katie’s right nipple. Katie gritted her teeth and breathed heavier. Kenzie repeated the process for Katie’s left nipple.
“Do you like that, Katie?”
“No, sir,” Katie said through tears and labored breathing.
“Good.” I smiled. Then a cruel idea went through my head. “Would you like those to be off your nipples, Katie?”
“Yes, sir, please.”
“I can see you’re in pain. It’s going to hurt more before it gets better. You may not take those off your nipples directly. You will pull them off as you remove your bra. But not yet. The bra comes off last. Pants, next, Katie.”
“Yes, sir,” Katie said in a high-pitched voice. This is the first thing she did with urgency. She started to take her pants down then realized that she had shoes on. She stumbled backward onto the chair pulled her pant leg and right shoe off in one motion, then did the same for her left. It was so uncoordinated and cute. She stood up, folded her pants and placed them on my desk then interlaced her fingers behind her head while looking me in the eye.
“Very good, Katie. I’ll help you out a little for this good behavior. I was going to draw this out a bit longer having you take everything off item by item but I will hurry things up for you. As soon as Mackenzie is naked before me and you have removed your panties, I will allow you to remove your bra and subsequent nipple clamps. You may begin.”
“Yes, sir,” they both said as they sprung into action. Katie removed her panties and placed them on my desk. Mackenzie shed her shirt and bra in one motion, pants and panties in another. They made quick work of folding organizing and placing them before me.
“May I take off my bra, sir?” Katie asked as she and Kenzie assumed their position again. She tried to sound relaxed but she was hurting and wanted the clamps removed immediately.
“That will hurt, won’t it, Katie?”
“Yes, sir,” Katie said with a mild look of betrayal on her face. She thought I was going to provide immediate relief.
“You would rather remove the clips first, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes, sir.”
“But you’re not going to get off that easy, Katie. I need to see you are committed to this. I want you to ask me for permission in a way that pleases me,” I taunted.
“Please, sir. Your bitch wishes to take off her bra and display her tits for your pleasure. May I do that please?”
“Yes, you may.”
I watched as she removed her bra grabbing under her tits and gently peeling up until one binder clip then the other loosed its painful grip on one nipple then the other.
I smiled. I watched as this beautiful girl with a tear-streaked face and angry-red nipples place her hands on her head look me in the eye and wait for her next instructions.
“Not a word of this to anyone, not even each other.” I waited for the obligatory ‘yes sirs’.
“You will greet me in the halls as normal.”
“You will live your lives as normal.”
“You will continue to be friends with each other.”
“You will shave all body hair every other day.”
I got ‘yes, sirs’ after each command. “Instructions, assignments will follow, but for now, get dressed, go home. You are both going to have bright futures.”
“OK, ladies. I am satisfied with our arrangement. I promised I would let you see the footage. Would you rather get dressed and go home, or stand here naked and watch?”
They looked at each other communicating with their eyes as teenage friends do. “Kenz and…