Today was Caspar day, a beloved state holiday where people come from all over the country, to celebrate the courageous actions of a black slave and his ragtag group of freedom fighters during the civil war. There had even been a big movie made about Caspar and the slaves who were incremental in taking the state from the confederate army.
Still half awake, Thomas made his way out to the kitchen, where his mother Beatrice stood in her morning robe, making breakfast.
“Hey hon.” Beatrice smiled over at her sleepy son.
“Morning.” Thomas walked over to the kitchen table.
“I’m making blueberry pancakes,” Beatrice said as she put one on a plate on the table.
“Thanks, I…” As Thomas looked up at his mother, he remembered that he had hung up Joana’s bra to dry in the washing room. He had hoped to get it before his mother found it.
“Ehm, I just have to use the bathroom.” Thomas made an excuse and hurried over to the washing room.
When he found the bra where he had left it, Thomas exhaled. He gently ran his fingers through it, to make sure that it was dry before he took it down. Then on his way back to his room, with the bra behind his back, Thomas tried to sneak past his mother in the kitchen.
“Morning son.” Thomas almost jumped when his father came down the stairs.
“Oh, morning dad.” Thomas tried to look as inconspicuous as possible.
Though Harvey was much too busy looking over and smiling at his wife, to notice what Thomas was holding behind his back.
“Morning beautiful.” Harvey smiled at his lovely wife as he walked out to her.
“Morning.” Beatrice smiled as her husband put his arms around her and gave her a small kiss.
“Last night was incredible,” Harvey whispered to his wife as Thomas then snuck back into his room.
“Mmm, I love it when you ask if you can go down on me after a black man has come inside of me.” Beatrice smiled sexily back at her husband.
“And I love doing it.” Harvey smiled.
“Maybe later we could put on that video you like, and I could…” Harvey imagined himself going down on his wife again.
“Maybe.” Beatrice smiled as she thought about the adult video where a smart and sexy librarian is taken by two huge black guys right in the library. Something Beatrice had actually experienced some years ago when she started working as a librarian.
Thomas then came back out into the kitchen and sat down to have a pancake.
“Thomas, when was it that you were going to work at the fair.” Beatrice looked over at her son, as Harvey walked over and sat down at the table as well.
“Between two and four.” All of the clubs at Thomas’s school had to help out at the Caspar fair celebration. The chess club had been picked to handle a water based game at the fair.
“Would you like for your father and me to swing by.” Beatrice looked over at her son with a hint of a smile on her face.
“Ehm… well.” Thomas didn’t really want his parents to come by, but he was too polite to say so.
“I’m just kidding.” Beatrice giggled as she put down a couple more pancakes on the table.
“Dad, maybe I could borrow your car?” Thomas asked his father. After he had talked to his sister yesterday, Thomas had planned to possibly ask Joana to go to the fair with him. He hoped to be able to drive her, instead of taking the bus.
“Ehm.” Harvey looked at his son who hardly never asked to use the car, as Beatrice gently gave him a nudge.
“Oh, yeah, that’s fine.” Harvey looked up at his wife and then back at Thomas.
“Thanks, dad.” Thomas felt excited about having a car, but still a bit nervous about the thought of actually asking Joana out.
An hour later Thomas had taken a shower and gotten dressed. Thinking of Joana, he had spent a lot more time in front of the bathroom mirror, shaving the couple of facial hairs that he had gotten and combing his hair just the right way. He had even borrowed some of his father’s cologne.
“Hon.” Beatrice came out to her son just as he was about to leave.
“Here, some spending money.” Beatrice handed her son a hundred dollar bill, as she smiled at him.
“Oh wow, thanks, mom.” Thomas looked a bit surprised as he took the bill depicting Isaiah Jefferson, the first black president.
“You look very handsome.” Beatrice leaned in and gave her son a small hug as she whispered.
“I know she’s going to say yes.” Beatrice leaned back.
Thomas got such a surprised look on his face. Somehow his mom knew that he was going to ask Joana out.
“Ehm.” Thomas felt a bit embarrassed and didn’t know what to say.
Beatrice could tell that Thomas was a bit nervous, so she decided not to say anything else. She just gave her son a comforting smile.
As he left the house, Thomas looked back at his mom who gave him a small wave from the doorway. He still felt a bit awkward about her knowing as he waved back.
Over at the Simmons’s household, Karen Simmons worked out in front of the television to her favorite exercise show, Mack and the housewives. Twice a week the handsome black personal trainer would help a new group of six housewives with their workouts.
Karen’s nipples poked out of her snug pink top as she watched the bare-chested and muscular Mack. Each time the camera zoomed in on the huge bulge in Mack’s tight shorts, both the housewives and Karen sighed.
“Well done ladies.” Mack clapped his hands once as he looked out at the women.
“Next, we’ll continue with some squats. First, slightly arch your backs forward whilst bending your knees, then lower your butts and hold for a second.” Mack showed them as the women started doing their squats.
Karen followed Mack’s instructions as well. In her tight yoga pants, that hugged her big butt and thighs she slowly squatted up and down whilst she watched Mack walk over to one of the housewives.
“That’s it, Linda.” Mack got up close to the tight bodied twenty-three-year-old brunette. His big bulge was right up in her face as she bent her knees.
The show then cut to a clip of Linda arriving at Mack’s studio with her husband Tom.
“My husband was sweet enough to take the day off so he could drive me.” Linda looked lovingly over at her husband, as the show then cut back to Mack.
“Now I want you to hold it right there Linda,” Mack told Linda as she kept her butt close to the floor, and her face right next to the bulge in his shorts.
Mack then reached down into his shorts and pulled out his huge black cock, which was met by several moans from a few of the housewives. Mack then held his shaft up to his ripped abdomen and arched his huge black balls out against Linda’s lips.
Linda didn’t hesitate for one second. She stuck her tongue out and started licking his balls. She then took his right ball into her mouth and passionately sucked it.
The show then put up a picture in picture shot of Linda’s husband Tom sitting out in the waiting room, reading a magazine, oblivious to what was happening. Then suddenly Tom looked forward and his eyes widened as they showed him a live feed from within the studio, where his wife sucked on Mack’s big black balls.
As Tom eagerly stared at the live feed, the show cut away from the picture in picture, and only showed Mack and Linda.
Mack then slowly took a step back from Linda. The audience could clearly see the disappointment on Linda’s face. They then showed the housewives staring at Mack as he stepped out of his shorts. He now stood completely naked in front of the gasping women, his huge black cock hanging down between his legs.
“Now before we move onto the next exercise, we are going to work on our breathing technique. So first ladies, I want you to sit down on your knees.” Mack walked around as the housewives eagerly got down on their knees. Their eyes glued to his big jutting cock.
“Good, now I want you to slowly breath in and then breath out.” Mack stopped in front of one of the women.
“That’s good Ana Sofia, just open your mouth a bit more when you breathe.” Mack grabbed his lengthy cock and eased it in between the luscious lips of the thirty-four-year-old latina.
The latina woman passionately started sucking Mack’s thick cock as the other housewives enviously looked on.
“God they’re so lucky.” Karen gently ran her fingers over the thin cloth of the yoga pants that had sunk into her pussy and formed a camel toe. Then suddenly the doorbell rang.
As Karen muted the television and walked to open the door, she looked out and saw Thomas standing there.
“Hi Thomas.” Karen smiled at the scrawny boy with glasses. She had always found him so nice and polite, especially towards her daughter, whom she knew he had a big crush on.
“H… hey Mrs. Simmons.” Thomas gulped as he saw Joana’s mother standing there in her tight workout clothes. Her nipples looked like they were about to burst out through the cloth of her top.
“Ehm, is Joana home?” Thomas tried not to look at Karen’s bust.
“She’s just up in her room, I’ll let her know that you’re here Thomas.” Karen smiled.
Thomas gulped when he saw Mrs. Simmons turn around and walk down the small hallway. Her. yoga pants clung to her big butt like a second skin. Thomas awkwardly looked to the side as he didn’t want to be rude by staring her butt like that.
“Joana, Thomas is here to see you.” Karen looked up the stairs to where her daughter’s room was.
“I’ll be right down.” Thomas heard Joana call down to her mom from upstairs.
“She’ll be right down.” Karen came back over to Thomas.
“Okay.” Thomas smiled politely.
“So, do you have any plans for Caspar day today?” Karen then asked Thomas.
“Oh yes, I’m tending to a stand at the fair with the chess club,” Thomas told Mrs. Simmons.
“How nice.” Karen didn’t find it at all surprising that Thomas was part of the chess club.
Across the street from the Simmons house, a car pulled into the driveway.
“Oh Mindy and Paul are already back.” Karen looked over at her neighbors whom she and her husband Bill often socialized with.
“They drove down yesterday to pick up their daughter Emily from college for the weekend. Mindy told me that she was rather excited about meeting her daughter’s new black boyfriend, Reggie. Apparently, he’s on the college baseball team,” Karen told Thomas as they looked over at the Danvers car.
Over by the car, Emily stepped out from the back seat. The young and perky blonde was topless. She smiled back at someone in the car, as her mother Mindy stepped out on the other side. Like her daughter, Mindy was also topless, her natural breasts bounced as she got out of the car. Mindy who had been a cheerleader back in her youth was still in good shape at forty-four.
Over on Emily’s side, a pair of black legs appeared from the backseat, followed by a lengthy and thick cock, as her tall black boyfriend Reggie got out. Emily smiled up at him as he pulled his underwear up over his thick and wobbly black cock. After he then pulled his pants up, he leaned down and gave Emily a big sloppy kiss.
Paul Danvers got out from the driver seat just in time to see his wife walk over to his daughter and Reggie. Where he saw Reggie french kiss her.
Across the street, Karen and Thomas watched as Paul walked around the back of the car and got his daughter’s and her boyfriend’s luggage. They then saw Paul look over at his topless wife and daughter, who walked on each side of Reggie, whilst he had his hands on their soft and firm butts.
“I guess Mindy did meet her daughter’s boyfriend.” Karen smiled.
“Hi, Thomas.” Thomas’s jaw dropped when he turned around and saw how beautiful Joana looked.
Joana wore a blue summer dress, that really accentuated her curvy figure. The dress showed a nice cleavage that almost overflowed with Joana’s soft breasts. Thomas just couldn’t help himself from looking at her.
“Thomas?” Joana smiled when she saw that the ever so polite Thomas was unable to keep his eyes off of her.
“Oh… Ehm… I… Ehm.” Thomas fumbled with his words when he noticed Joana and her mother giggling. Thomas then realized that he had been staring Joana.
“Well, I’ll leave you two kids alone,” Karen told her daughter and Thomas. As she left she looked back and giggled at Thomas.
“Ehm, Joana, I.” Thomas felt like apologizing.
“It’s okay Thomas, I don’t mind if you look at me.” Joana smiled over at the nerdy Thomas who lit up.
“Oh.” Thomas suddenly felt a bit more confident about asking out Joana.
“Ehm, I have your…” Thomas then reached under his shirt and pulled out Joana’s bra.
“Did you like touching it?” Joana looked over at Thomas.
“Ehm, yes.” Thomas felt a bit embarrassed as Joana smiled.
“I’m glad.” Joana walked over and hid her bra behind a pillow on one of the sofa chairs in the next room.
“When will you head down to the fair?” Joana asked Thomas as she came back.
“I was thinking about going down there now,” Thomas said as he then decided to go for it.
“And I was… wondering if… maybe you, would like to go with me?” Thomas adjusted his glasses and looked nervously over at Joana.
“Sure, I’d like that.” Joana smiled.
“Really?” Thomas felt so excited.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I.” Joana smiled as she looked over and saw the time.
“Though we should probably get going then if we’re going to catch the next bus,” Joana told Thomas who was over the moon happy.
“I… actually thought that I could drive us.” Thomas looked over at Joana who looked a bit confused.
“I’ve borrowed my dad’s car.” Thomas told her.
“Oh, cool.” Joana knew that Thomas had passed his driver’s exam last year, but she hadn’t actually seen him driving.
As Thomas then walked Joana over to his house to pick up the car, he kept glancing over at her. He so wanted to tell her how he felt, and now after he had managed to ask her to go to the fair with him, he felt like he had the confidence to do it.
“Joana?” Thomas stopped walking and took a deep breath.
“Yes?” Joana looked over at him.
“I… ehm… I like you.” Thomas felt his heart beating faster.
“I like you too Thomas.” Joana looked Thomas who adjusted his glasses again.
“No, I mean… I… I really like you.” Thomas looked over at Joana as she smiled.
“Thomas.” Joana then took his hand as Thomas looked a bit surprised.
“I really like you too,” Joana said as Thomas could feel his heart skip a beat.
“You… you do?” Thomas had never felt so happy in his life.
“Uh huh.” Joana nodded and smiled.
“Does… that mean that you maybe want to… go out with me?” Thomas asked hoping more than anything.
“Yes.” Joana smiled.
“Wow.” Thomas couldn’t hide how happy he was.
“Umphf.” Thomas looked up and saw Joana giggling, which made him smile a bit as he thought of Clumsy Martin.
“Here.” Joana smiled as she held out her hand.
“I… meant to do that.” Thomas said jokingly.
“I know.” Joana humored him smiling.
The two of them then walked down the street to Thomas’s house, where his dad’s car was parked in the driveway. Thomas, of course, went over and opened the door for Joana.
“Thank you.” Joana smiled and got in.
Thomas then hurried over to the other side. As he got in, he looked over at the beautiful and curvy Joana as the sunlight hit her.
“You’re… you’re so beautiful.” Thomas had waited for so long to tell Joana how he felt.
Joana looked at him as she slowly leaned over. Thomas gulped and nervously leaned into Joana. Suddenly Thomas felt Joana’s soft lips against his own, as she kissed him.
Wow… Thomas opened his eyes and saw Joana smiling at him.
“Shall we get going?”
“Oh… yes.” Thomas smiled to himself as he started the car. He had just kissed Joana.
Half an hour later Thomas and Joana pulled into one of the few remaining parking spots near the fair. They had been lucky to find that one spot as there were people constantly driving around looking for somewhere to park.
“Oh Thomas, we just have to go and see Caspar’s Triumph.” Joana looked over at the huge billboard depicting Caspar in a heroic pose, his huge black cock hanging out as two southern women looked up at him lustfully, whilst baring their naked bosoms.
“Sure.” Thomas said happily as Joana smiled back at him.
Amongst hundreds of other people, Thomas and Joana then headed towards the entrance to the fair. As they walked, Thomas kept glancing down at her hand, he wanted to hold it, but he was still a bit too shy to make such a move. Something Joana noticed as she slowly reached over and took Thomas’s hand.
As they passed another billboard for Caspar’s Triumph, Joana looked over at Thomas.
“Maybe for our first date, we could go and see the movie?” Only in his dreams had Thomas thought that he would hear Joana ask him where they should go on a date.
“Sure, I think it’s playing in most theaters during the weekend.” The fifteen-year-old blockbuster about Caspar was still very popular around the country, especially during this weekend.
“I just love the romantic scene in the middle, where the plantation owner’s wife bares herself to Caspar, and he takes her to bed.” Joana smiled as she thought of the scene.
Over by the crowded entrance, there was a stand where they sold the annual Caspar pin.
“Buy me one?” Joana looked over at Thomas who happily nodded.
“One please,” Thomas told the vendor, who then handed him the five dollar pin.
“Would you mind?” Joana arched her chest out towards Thomas.
“Ehm, sure.” Thomas gulped as he looked down at Joana’s huge bust whilst slowly reaching over with the pin.
Thomas had to gently pinch the cloth of her dress with one hand, as he put the pin on her. When he did, his fingers brushed up against Joana’s breast. Thomas couldn’t believe how soft her skin was.
Joana smiled to herself as she saw how nervous Thomas got when he brushed up against her breast.
“T… there.” Thomas pinned the Caspar pin to her chest.
“Thank you.” Joana leaned over and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.
Wondering where to go first, Thomas and Joana looked out at the fairgrounds. The place was huge, almost the size of ten football fields.
“Let’s go down here first.” Joana took Thomas’s hand.
The two of them walked down towards the eastern part of the fair, smiling as they looked at all the different attractions. There were carnival games, rides, performances and all kinds of vendors.
As they walked, they came across a very popular attraction at the annual fair. A Caspar impersonator. Thomas had read an article in his father’s copy of Cuck Magazine, where they wrote that during the weekend of the celebration, facebook would be flooded with pictures of half naked women posing with Caspar impersonators.
Next to the black man, who was dressed in an old white 18th-century shirt, and a pair of old torn western like work pants, there stood a long line of people waiting to have their photo taken with him.
As Thomas looked over, the woman who was first in line unbuttoned her blouse revealing a white lace bra underneath. She then undid her bra, baring her natural breasts, and handed her husband the blouse and her bra. With a smile, the woman then lustfully walked over to the black man, where she turned around and leaned up against him.
She then took a quick glance over at the plack where there were suggestions for poses, to make sure that she would get the pose right. She had decided on the “Southern lady” pose.
After she raised her arms, locking her fingers behind the back of his neck, she looked up at the black man with such desire, as he then reached around and cupped her soft breasts.
The woman’s husband then eagerly took photos with his camera phone. Behind him, the women in line all sighed. They couldn’t wait for their turn.
“Joana, would you like to have your picture taken with him.” Thomas thoughtfully looked over at Joana.
“Oh, I would love to.” Joana looked over at the handsome Caspar impersonator, but then she noticed the long line.
“But the line is so long.” Joana felt a bit disappointed.
“Oh, yeah, it is pretty long.” Thomas looked back, there were more than twenty people standing in line.
“But there are probably more Caspar impersonators. I can keep my eyes open.” Thomas looked over at Joana who then smiled up at him.
“You’re so considerate.” Joana looked at her sweet boyfriend as he gave her a small nervous smile.
“No way.” Joana looked to the side of Thomas.
“What?” Thomas saw Joana looking at something as he turned around.
“That’s… I think that’s Erin Dunn.” Joana looked over at the brunette woman wearing a cap.
“Who?” Thomas didn’t really know the name.
“How can you not know who Erin Dunn is? She almost won Big Black Brother last year.” Joana looked over at Thomas.
The show where eight women and eight black men spent almost three months together in a house was one of Joana’s favorite shows. Last year Erin Dunn had been a fan favorite. The episode when Erin was in bed with Dewayne and her husband Austin came for a surprise visit was voted the number #1 moment of the season.
“Oh.” Thomas had never really watched that many reality shows on television.
“Do you… think she would mind if I went over there and said hi?” Joana asked Thomas as she was a bit nervous about meeting someone whom she looked up to and had watched on television for almost three months.
“I don’t think so,” Thomas told her, hoping that Erin wasn’t one of those uptight celebrities.
“Come with me?” Joana looked over at Thomas in such a sweet way.
“Of course.” Thomas smiled as Joana then took his hand.
The woman in the cap had a slender build. Her long brunette hair was tied in a knot and hung down her back. She wore a pair of snug light gray pants that clung to her tight butt, and a matching tube top that showed off her busty chest.
When Joana and Thomas came up to her, she was looking over a few bracelets that a vendor sold.
“Ms. Dunn?” Joana asked carefully as the woman in the cap turned around.
“Wow, it is you.” Joana gushed with excitement as she saw that it indeed was Erin Dunn.
“Hi.” Like her perfect smile, Erin was absolutely stunning. Her long beautiful golden brown hair was tied behind her head, where it flowed down on her back. It was also clear just from looking at Erin that she worked out, as her body was tight. Her snug light gray pants clung to her firm butt, and her matching tube top made little effort to hide her busty chest.
The twenty-five-year-old former office assistant turned model, had been on quite a few magazine covers after her success on Big Black Brother. She had been on the cover of King Black magazine, where she posed in lingerie next to famous black actor Richard Singleton, who had just been voted hottest actor of the year.
“I can’t believe I’m actually talking to Erin Dunn.” Joana felt so excited.
“Well, you are.” Erin smiled.
“Do you mind if, maybe my boyfriend took a photo of us?” Joana asked Erin.
Wow… she just called me her boyfriend… Thomas felt so big and warm inside.
“No, I don’t mind,” Erin told Joana.
As Joana moved over to Erin, Thomas took out his phone and took a picture of them together.
“Thank you so much.” Joana smiled at Erin.
“You’re welcome…” Erin paused as she didn’t know their names.
“Oh, I’m Joana, and this is my boyfriend Thomas.” Again Thomas felt so proud when Joana called him her boyfriend.
“Nice to meet you, Joana.” Erin shook Joana’s hand.
“And you as well Thomas.” Erin looked over at the cute and nerdy looking young man. He reminded her of her husband Austin back in college when they had just started dating.
“Hun.” A guy in glasses came up behind Erin waving a bit.
Joana recognized Erin’s husband Austin from his brief time on Big Black Brother, when he had visited Erin.
“I signed up for the contest.” Austin held a ticket with the number #14 in his hand.
Austin who was a year older than Erin wore a white shirt and a pair of beige pants shorts. With his scruffy brown hair and glasses, he had a somewhat cute look going for him.
“Cool honey.” Erin smiled at her husband who looked over curiously at the young couple who he had seen his wife talking with.
“Honey, this is Joana and her boyfriend Thomas.” Erin introduced the young couple to her husband.
“Oh hi, I’m Austin, Erin’s husband.” Austin shook Joana’s and Thomas’s hands.
“Joana here is a big fan of Big Black Brother,” Erin told her husband.
“Oh, nice. I’m quite the fan of the show myself, even before Erin got picked to be a part of it.” Austin looked over at Joana.
“Yeah, Austin’s the one who really encourage me to sign up for it,” Erin told Joana and Thomas as she looked over at her husband and smiled.
Joana took Thomas’s hand when she saw the tender look in Austin’s eyes when he looked at Erin. It was the same sweet look she had gotten from Thomas when he looked at her.
“I hope you don’t mind me saying so.” Joana looked over at Austin.
“But the way you held Erin’s hand, and the way you looked at her when she was in bed with Dewayne, it was so romantic,” Joana told Austin.
“Oh.” Austin blushed a little.
“I had missed her so much when I was invited to come and visit see her at the house.” Austin looked over at Erin who smiled back at him.
“And I had missed my sweet husband as well.” Erin leaned over and gave Austin a small kiss on his cheek.
“I’m not sure if they ever showed it, but Austin cooked Dewayne and me a real nice dinner while he was at the house. He’s quite the chef.” Erin complemented her husband.
“Well, I wouldn’t call myself a chef, but I like cooking for my wife and her black boyfriends.” Austin blushed a little.
“Oh, we should probably get…” Austin motioned his wife when he realized the time.
“Oh the contest.” Erin nodded.
“Well it was really nice meeting you Joana.” Erin leaned over and gave Joana a hug.
“And… wait, why don’t you two come with. Thomas, you can sign up for the contest as well,” Erin said.
“What do you say, Thomas?” Joana was excited over the prospect of spending more time with Erin.
“Ehm, what kind of contest is it?” Thomas asked.
“Cuck Magazine is hosting a contest over on the smaller stage. The winner and runner-up wins a trip for two to the Black Rooster resort. I think that there was also a chance for the winners to get featured in the magazine as well,” Erin told Thomas.
“Oh, sure, I could be up for that.” Thomas usually read his father’s copy of Cuck Magazine, though he knew that once he started college, he would have to start subscribing so he would get his own issue.
“We should probably hurry then, the contest starts at one, so they’re probably closing the sign ups pretty soon.” Austin said as they all started walking through the buzzing crowds.
As they walked passed the stands, they came up to a more open area where hundreds of people had gathered in front of a stage, where some music was playing.
“You sign up over here.” Austin pointed towards a desk over by the side.
Erin and Joana waited as Austin showed Thomas over to the desk. Though there didn’t seem to be anyone at the desk as they got there.
“Oh, maybe they’ve already closed,” Austin said as he and Thomas then heard some rambling over by the plywood wall that separated the stage area from the stands.
One of the plywood boards had been pried open. From the other side, a blonde woman wearing a skimpy bikini came out giggling. Her left tit hung out from her top as she looked back and smiled at the black man who walked out behind her. The man’s hefty black cock dangled out from his pants, which he then pulled back into his pants.
“Mm, I really needed that.” The woman in her early twenties leaned over and gave the black man a kiss.
Both Austin and Thomas felt their penises push against the inside of their underwear as they watched the two of them.
“Oh sorry.” the woman noticed Austin and Thomas standing by her desk. She pulled her bikini top over her breast as the black man gave her bottom a slap.
“Oh.” She looked back at him with such desire and watched him leave for the stage.
“Did you want to sign up?” She then came over to the desk.
“I did.” Thomas glanced down at her bikini top. Her top appeared to be several sizes too small as her soft breasts hung out on all sides.
“I’ve already signed up.” Austin held up his number #14 ticket.
“Oh okay.” The blonde sat down at her desk and picked up a sign-up paper and a pencil.
“What’s your name?” She looked up at Thomas.
“Thomas Hansen.” Thomas tried not to look at her chest.
“How old are you Thomas?” The woman smiled to herself as she saw Thomas looking down at her breasts.
“Ehm seventeen, almost eighteen,” Thomas told her.
“Oh, you’re a senior in high school. Mm, I remember those days.” She smiled again as she wrote down Thomas’s age.
“Well, you’re probably not married then, do you have a girlfriend?” The woman looked back up at Thomas.
“Yes, she’s over there, Joana.” Thomas proudly looked over at Joana.
My girlfriend… Thomas felt so exhilarated to call Joana, his girlfriend.
“Okay, that’s all I need Thomas, here’s your number.” The woman gave Thomas a ticket with the number #17.
“You should probably hurry, though, the contest is about to start, just go behind there.” The woman showed Thomas and Austin an area to the side of the stage.
“Okay, thanks,” Thomas and Austin told her.
Before heading over to the stage area, they hurried over to Erin and Joana and told them that they were heading over to the stage.
“Good luck.” Joana leaned over and gave Thomas a small kiss on the cheek, as did Erin with Austin.
To be continued…