Holding all the desires that you can imagine..
Losing all track of time and space..
You’re trapped in her avatar once again..
Unknown pleasures in a two inch square..
The mind can build endless dreams..
Your desires and fantasies all laid bare..
But nothing is ever as it seems..
Body aroused as you bring her near..
Your keyboard painting a vision..
On distant waves through the air..
You picture oiled bodies in collision..
Urges and needs expressed on screen..
To strangers far away..
Yet more sexual than it ever has been..
We seek our release every day..
Passion grows with every thought..
Seduction is all part of the game..
Taboo and forbidden is what we’re taught..
Yet without it just not the same..
Arousal starts and ends it seems..
Each time “online” is cued..
You search in haste for an avatar of dreams..
And imagination is once again renewed..
Yet wonder inside on passions dwelled..
Each time your fantasy mounts..
How can you put yourself through such hell..
When you know it doesn’t really count..
We do it because we really know..
That not doing it is so much worse..
The words that cause our quivers to grow..
Are now a part of our nightly curse..
Our intimacies sought far and near..
In safety of remaining unknown..
We bare ourselves without any fear..
Seeking comfort and pleasure from home..
In a two inch space on a twenty inch screen..
We imagine a life all sexual and neat..
When comfort is sought and a body to be seen..
What better vision than… Black-Velvet on satin sheets….